Yii2 recursion of the tree menu? - php

Good night all! Help please in the recursion, where I made a mistake, I need to output the categories, as in the last example!
protected function buildTree($data, $rootID = 0)
$tree = [];
foreach ($data as $id => $node) {
if ($node->parent_id == $rootID) {
$node->childs = $this->buildTree($data, $node->id);
$tree[] = $node;
return $tree;
public function getTree()
$data = Category::find()->all();
return $this->buildTree($data);
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin()
foreach ($tree as $cat) {
echo '<br><div class="spoiler-title">' . $cat['title'] . '</div>';
function printNode($cat, $level = 1)
if (count($cat['childs']) > 0) {
foreach ($cat['childs'] as $child) {
for ($j = 1; $j < $level; $j++) {
echo '------- <b>';
echo '' . $child['title'] . '</b><br>';
//echo $form->field($model, $child['title'])->checkbox();
//I want to do a checkbox, get an error, do not understand $
//form and $ model
if (count($child['childs']) > 0) {
printNode($child, $level + 1);
$form = ActiveForm::end() ?>
That's how I get the tree, this is with your code
---- <b>subcategory</b
---- <b>subcategory</b
---- <b>subcategory</b
---- <b>subcategory</b
I need to make checkboxes in subcategories, but I get an error, in the code I wrote in the comments, your code works, but I can not change it my needs as a picture.

You should also add recursion in view when you print tree.
Try this in view:
$form = \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm::begin();
foreach ($tree as $cat) {
function printNode($cat, $level = 1) {
echo '<br><div class="spoiler-title">' . $cat['title'] . '</div>';
if (count($cat['childs']) > 0) {
foreach ($cat['childs'] as $child) {
echo \yii\helpers\Html::checkbox('someName[]') . ' ' . $child['title'] . '<br>';
if (count($child['childs']) > 0) {
printNode($child, $level + 1);


I'm trying to convert an array to XML but I am failing to get it 100% correct

I need to output the response from the database in XML. So far I have gotten it to output this:
The outermost tag needs to match the name of the action query, it'll either be <courses> or <students>.
Here is my code:
if (isset($_GET['format'])) {
$format = filter_var($_GET['format']);
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
$action = filter_var($_GET['action'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$tableName = "sk_$action";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";
if (isset($_GET['course'])) {
$course = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'course');
$query .= " WHERE courseID = :course";
function arrayToXml($arr, $i = 1, $flag = false)
$sp = "";
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
$sp .= " ";
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
echo "$sp<" . $key . ">";
if ($i == 1) echo "\n";
if (is_array($val)) {
if (!$flag) {
echo "\n";
arrayToXml($val, $i + 5);
echo "$sp</" . $key . ">\n";
} else {
echo "$val" . "</" . $key . ">\n";
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$statement->bindValue(':course', $course);
$response = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($format == 'json') {
echo json_encode($response);
if ($format == 'xml') {
arrayToXml($response, 1, true);
I'm pretty new to PHP and have never worked with XML. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
function arrayToXml($arr, $collectionTag, $singleTag) {
$collection = new SimpleXMLElement("<$collectionTag/>");
foreach ($arr as $row) {
$element = $root->addChild($singleTag);
foreach ($row as $tag => $value) {
$element->addChild($tag, $value);
return $collection;
$courses = arrayToXml($response, 'courses', 'course');
echo $courses->asXML();
Tested with PHP 7.1.23. Output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<course><courseID>cs601</courseID><courseName>Web Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs602</courseId><courseName>Server-Side Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs701</courseId><courseName>Rich Internet Application Development</courseName></course>
(I added newlines because by default it doesn't add any.)

Php How to auto increment character?

try {
$stmt2 = $db->query("SELECT cid, parent, name FROM category");
$row_count = $stmt2->rowCount();
if ($row_count) {
$rows = $stmt2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
$items = $rows;
$id = '';
echo "<select>";
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['parent'] == 0) {
echo "<option><a href='#'>".$item['name']."</a>";
$id = $item['cid'];
sub($items, $id);
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
function sub($items, $id){
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['parent'] == $id) {
$x = '-';
echo "<option>".$x."<a href='#'>".$item['name']."</a>";
sub($items, $item['cid']);
echo "</option>";
This is my dropdown menu code. I want this "-" character in each parent item and auto increment this character in each parent item.
Like this select menu:
I think you need to use str_repeat()
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['parent'] == 0) {
echo "<option><a href='#'>".$item['name']."</a>";
$id = $item['cid'];
sub($items, $id, 1);
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
function sub($items, $id, $counter){
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['parent'] == $id) {
echo "<option>".str_repeat("-",$counter)."<a href='#'>".$item['name']."</a>";
sub($items, $item['cid'],$counter+1);
echo "</option>";

Create 3 divs into one foreach

Ok i am using codeIgniter to get resuts from database
class Video extends CI_Model{
public function getVideo()
// $this->db->where('category',$category);
return $this->db->get();
I am tring to display results from database in this way
first 10 results
second 10 results
rest from query
Can some one help me with logic
foreach($results as r)
echo '<div>'.$r->video.'</div>';
Something like this?
$divisions = array(10,20);
echo "<div>";
}else if(in_array($i,$divisions){
echo "</div><div>";
}else if($i===count($results)-1){
echo "</div>";
echo "<div>".$results[$i]->video."</div>";
Here you go. Tested and working.
//let's make a fake results array, just to show it works.
$results = array();
$c = 0;
while ($c < 100) {
array_push($results, array('video' => 'a'));
//now for the actual answer.
$count = 0;
foreach ($results as $r) {
if ($count === 0) {
echo '<div>';
echo $r['video'] . ' ';
if ($count === 9 || $count === 19) {
echo '</div><div>';
echo '</div>';

How to add additional values in to array

I am trying to make nested categories in Laravel. I have created following models: Category.php, ItemsHelper.php (this one for displaying nested categories).
class ItemsHelper {
private $items;
public function __construct($items) {
$this->items = $items;
public function htmlList() {
return $this->htmlFromArray($this->itemArray());
private function itemArray() {
$result = [];
foreach($this->items as $item) {
if ($item->parent_id == 0) {
$result[$item->title] = $this->itemWithChildren($item);
return $result;
private function childrenOf($item) {
$result = [];
foreach($this->items as $i) {
if ($i->parent_id == $item->id) {
$result[] = $i;
return $result;
private function itemWithChildren($item) {
$result = [];
$children = $this->childrenOf($item);
foreach ($children as $child) {
$result[$child->title] = $this->itemWithChildren($child);
return $result;
private function htmlFromArray($array) {
$html = '';
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
$html .= "<ul>";
$html .= "<li>" . $k . "</li>";
if(count($v) > 0) {
$html .= $this->htmlFromArray($v);
$html .= "</ul>";
return $html;
Then i am printing nested list of data in my index.blade.php:
{{ $itemsHelper->htmlList() }}
However this prints only plain titles and i need to convert them in to a links to my category, e.g. htmlFromArray() method:
$html .= "<li>" . $k . "</li>";
method itemArray():
$result[$item->title] = $this->itemWithChildren($item);
How can i add to this array id of each item?
You should probably change methods itemArray, itemWithChildren and htmlFromArray this way:
private function itemArray()
$result = [];
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if ($item->parent_id == 0) {
$record['title'] = $item->title;
$record['id'] = $item->id;
$record['children'] = $this->itemWithChildren($item);
$result[] = $record;
return $result;
private function itemWithChildren($item)
$result = [];
$children = $this->childrenOf($item);
foreach ($children as $child) {
$record['title'] = $child->title;
$record['id'] = $child->id;
$record['children'] = $this->itemWithChildren($child);
$result[] = $record;
return $result;
private function htmlFromArray($array)
$html = '';
foreach ($array as $item) {
$html .= "<ul>";
'<li><a href="/category/' . $item['id'] . '">' . $item['title']
. "</a></li>";
if (count($item['children']) > 0) {
$html .= $this->htmlFromArray($item['children']);
$html .= "</ul>";
return $html;
Now you can store in your arrays id, title and list of element children so you can access iun htmlFromArray all those elements attributes.

Creating a menu consisting of multi-level structure, how to perform this more officiently? witout hard-coding limits?

I was asked to modify existing code to allow multi-level page structure. Each page can have one parent, and one page can have multiple children.
I will present following code. My question is is there a more efficient way of doing this? I am hard-coding the number of levels that are reachable.
Is there easier way to do this automatically without hard coding? Recursion perhaps?
function createMenu($parents) {
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
$parentName = $this->getPagefromID($parent);
$kids = $this->areThereKids($parent);
if ($kids == "yes") {
echo "<ul class=\"children\">\n";
$query = "SELECT * FROM pages";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$thisparent = $row['Parent'];
$name = $row['Name'];
$id2 = $row['ID'];
if ($thisparent == $parent) {
echo "<li>" . $name . "</li>\n";
if($this->areThereKids($id2) == "yes") {
$children = $this->getMyKids($id2);
foreach($children as $kid) {
$info = $this->getPersonInformation($kid);
$kidid = $info[0]["ID"];
echo "<li>" . $info[0]['Name'] . "</li>\n";
// more sub
if($this->areThereKids($kidid) == "yes") {
$children1 = $this->getMyKids($kidid);
foreach($children1 as $kid1) {
$info1 = $this->getPersonInformation($kid1);
$kidid1 = $info1[0]['ID'];
echo "<li>-" . $info1[0]['Name'] . "</li>\n";
if($this->areThereKids($kidid1) == "yes") {
$children2 = $this->getMyKids($kidid1);
foreach($children2 as $kid2) {
$info2 = $this->getPersonInformation($kid2);
$kidid2 = $info2[0]['ID'];
echo "<li>--" . $info2[0]['Name'] . "</li>\n";
// No need for 6 levels.
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</li>\n";
This would be more efficiently done with recursion.
Identify the steps of the code that are repeated and turn them into a subroutine. From your code, we have the following repeated unit:
if($this->areThereKids($id2) == "yes") {
$children = $this->getMyKids($id2);
foreach($children as $kid) {
$info = $this->getPersonInformation($kid);
$kidid = $info[0]["ID"];
echo "<li>" . $info[0]['Name'] . "</li>\n";
// more sub
if($this->areThereKids($kidid) == "yes") {
Turn that into a function (assuming you're working with an object):
function dealWithKids($par) {
if ($this->areThereKids($par) == 'yes') {
$children = $this->getMyKids($par);
foreach ($children as $kid) {
$info = $this->getPersonInformation($kid);
$kidid = $info[0]["ID"];
echo "<li>" . $info[0]['Name'] . "</li>\n";
// instead of repeating the same steps again,
// call the dealWithKids function here
...and then call that function instead of the repeated units of code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$thisparent = $row['Parent'];
$name = $row['Name'];
$id2 = $row['ID'];
if ($thisparent == $parent) {
echo "<li>" . $name . "</li>\n";
// instead of this:
// if($this->areThereKids($id2) == "yes") {
// do this:
