I have the codes to search autocomplete from MySQL and the match query can be clicked and direct me to a new page. How can i have the result of the clicked queries to be displayed in the new page w/out using any URL from database because I need to avoid using lots of HTML files. Thank you.
<p id="searchresults">
// PHP5 Implementation - uses MySQLi.
// mysqli('localhost', 'yourUserbookTitle', 'yourPassword', 'yourDatabase');
$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'book');
if(!$db) {
// Show error if we cannot connect.
echo 'ERROR: Could not connect to the database.';
} else {
// Is there a posted query string?
if(isset($_POST['queryString'])) {
$queryString = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['queryString']);
// Is the string length greater than 0?
if(strlen($queryString) >0) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM bookinfo WHERE bookTitle LIKE '%" . $queryString . "%'");
if($query) {
// While there are results loop through them - fetching an Object.
// Store the category id
$bookTitle = 0;
while ($result = $query ->fetch_object()) {
if($result->bookTitle != $bookTitle) { // check if the category changed
echo '<span class="category">'.$result->bookTitle.'</span>';
$bookTitle = $result->bookTitle;
echo '<a href="'.$result->url.'">';
echo '<img src="search_images/'.$result->bookimage.'" alt="" />';
$bookTitle = $result->bookTitle;
if(strlen($bookTitle) > 35) {
$bookTitle = substr($bookTitle, 0, 35) . "...";
echo '<span class="searchheading">'.$bookTitle.'</span>';
$author = $result->author;
if(strlen($author) > 80) {
$author = substr($author, 0, 80) . "...";
echo '<span>'.$author.'</span></a>';
echo '<span class="seperator">Nothing interesting here? Try the sitemap.</span><br class="break" />';
} else {
echo 'ERROR: There was a problem with the query.';
} else {
// Dont do anything.
} // There is a queryString.
} else {
echo 'There should be no direct access to this script!';
I don't know if I get your problem right, but if you need to display a new page with the selected book data/review/comments, I would add :
echo '<span>'.$author.'</span></a>'; /* after this line */
echo '<span>Read more > click here</span>'; /* where $bookID id the ID column in your DB */
Then, on the new page, retrieve data from DB according to $bookID value and display it...
I am creating a result page using php to pull data from database.
I have been able to connect the database to my webspace and displayed the data.
Now , I would like to have the page not show all the data at once. I want to add an input field example "Origen= Los Angeles" "Destination = London" and then show the results based on that criteria.
This is my first time doing something like this so if this sounds like I should know this I'm sorry. I hope I can get some help.
// include connection settings
require_once "connect.php";
// display a list of flights
if(!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['name'])){
$query = "SELECT * FROM Flight_Information WHERE name LIKE ''".
} else {
$query = "SELECT ID, airlineName, departureAirport, departureDate, destinationAirport FROM Flight_Information";
} // END if
$result = $db->query($query);
if ($result) {
// ... display results in while loop
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<li>'.$row['airlineName'].' '.$row['departureAirport'].''.$row['departureDate'].''.$row['destinationAirport'].'</li>';
} // END while
} else {
// if there was an error with your query
// this will display it
echo "SQL Error: " . $db->error;
} // END if
if (!empty($_GET) && !empty($_GET['Flight_Information_ID'])) {
$Flight_Information_ID = $_GET['Flight_Information_ID'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM Flight_Information WHERE ID =" . $Flight_Information_ID;
// perform the query
if ($result = $db->query($query)) {
// check we have a result
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// loop through and print out the results
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
// output a title for each result
echo '<hr/><p>You have selected FriendShipper' .$Flight_Information_ID. ':</p> <ul>';
// loop through and output details for each item
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
echo '<li><em>'.$key.'</em> = <strong>'.$value.'</strong></li>';
// output a horizontal rule under the result
echo '</ul><hr/>';
// num_rows = 0, no results found
} else {
echo "<p>No Flights Found " .$Flight_Information_ID. "</p>";
// if there was an error with your query, this will display it
} else {
echo "SQL Error: " . $db->error;
I'm trying to create a "Like" button for some articles that I'm printing out from my database. But I'm stuck.
I get to the point where I have posted my vote from the jQuery and I get an empty VAR_DUMP.
And in my OOP class I'm not sure how to print out the votes when I got them to save in the database.
Here's my code
// IF theres is a id in adress field
//if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
$page = new CMS();
$gp = $page->getPage();
foreach ($gp as $sp) {
echo "<div class='pub'>";
echo "<h4 class='pub-headline'>" . $sp['title'] . "</h4>";
echo "<article class='pub_art'>" . $sp['content'] . "</article>";
echo "<p class='pub_created'>" . $sp['created'] . "</p>";
echo "<p class='pub_created_by'>". $sp['writer'] ."</p>";
echo "<button class='show'>Show</button>";
echo "<button class='noshow'>Hide</button>";
echo "<button class='btn-like'>Like</button>"; // Here is my button
echo "</div>";
/* --------------------Selecting article----------------------*/
// Calling for the method - likes
$(".btn-like").on("click", like);
function like(e) {
// Declaring variables
var id=$(id).val();
var likes=$(".btn-like").val();
console.log('Click Click..');
$.post('classCalling4.php', {
id: id,
likes: likes },
var_dump($_POST); // ***** This VAR_DUMP is getting back to me empty
if(isset($_POST['id'])) {
//echo "rätt...";
$id = $_POST['id'];
$likes = $_POST['likes'];
$id = intval($id);
$likes = intval($likes);
$ul = new updateLikes();
if($ul->updateLikes($_POST['id'], $_POST['likes'])) {
echo "Created";
else {
} echo "noooo";
And finally my OOP class, that is not complete because I'm stuck.
public function updateLikes($id, $likes) {
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE pages SET likes = likes+1, WHERE id = $id');
$stmt->bind_param("ii", $likes, $id);
if($stmt->execute()) {
echo "win";
} else {
echo "lost";
At least your OOP class have some errors:
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE pages SET likes = likes+1, WHERE id = $id');
$stmt->bind_param("ii", $likes, $id);
Should be:
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE pages SET likes = likes + :likes, WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->bind_param(":likes", $likes);
$stmt->bind_param(":id", $id);
or if the meaning is to increase likes only by one, then:
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE pages SET likes = likes + 1, WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->bind_param(":id", $id);
If var_dump doesn't return anything, then there might be error in the PHP code (causes error code 500 and depending on PHP settings PHP might return blank page)
I am going out of my mind as it is. I am trying to pass a variable from a page that shows all albums thumbnail image and name to a page that will display all the pictures in that gallery using that passed variable, but the variable is empty in the url on the target page. I have seen similar cases on the web and on this site and I've applied the suggestions but it's still the same. Here is the code that lists the thumbnail and passes the variable(id).
include ("config.php");
$conn = mysqli_connect(DB_DSN,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD,dbname);
$albums = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM albums");
if (mysqli_num_rows($albums) == 0) {
echo "You have no album to display. Please upload an album using the form above to get started. ";
echo "Albums created so far:<br><br>";
echo "<table rows = '4'><tr>";
while ($thumb = mysqli_fetch_array($albums)) {
echo '<td><a href ="view.php?id="'.$thumb['id'].'"/><img src = "'.$thumb['thumbnail'].'"/><br>'.$thumb['album_name'].'<br>'.$thumb['id'].'</a></td>';
echo "</tr></table>";
The code for getting the passed variable is as follows:
$conn = mysqli_connect(DB_DSN,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);
$db = mysqli_select_db($conn,dbname);
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$album_id = $_GET['id'];
$pic = "SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id ='$album_id'";
$picQuery = mysqli_query($conn,$pic);
if (!$picQuery) {
if (mysqli_num_rows($picQuery) == 0) {
echo "Sorry, no Pictures to display for this album";
echo "Pictures in the gallery:<br><br>";
while ($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($picQuery)) {
echo "<img src='".$result['photo_path']."'/>";
Please help as i have spent the last two days trying to get it right.
First, your's code is weak against sql injections:
$album_id = $_GET['id']; // here
$pic = "SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id ='$album_id'";
Use either $album_id = intval($_GET['id']) or prepared statements functionality.
Second, add debug lines to your code, like:
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$album_id = intval($_GET['id']);
var_dump($album_id); // should print actual passed id
$conn = mysqli_connect(DB_DSN,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD);
var_dump($conn _id); // should print conn resource value
$db = mysqli_select_db($conn, dbname);
var_dump($db); // should print 'true' if db select is ok
$pic = "SELECT * FROM photos WHERE album_id ='$album_id'";
$picQuery = mysqli_query($conn, $pic);
var_dump($picQuery); // should print query resource value
if (!$picQuery) {
if (mysqli_num_rows($picQuery) == 0) {
echo "Sorry, no Pictures to display for this album";
} else {
echo "Pictures in the gallery:<br><br>";
while (($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($picQuery)) !== false) {
var_dump($result ); // should print fetched assoc array
echo "<img src='".$result['photo_path']."'/>";
Notice $album_id = intval($_GET['id']) and while (($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($picQuery)) !== false) parts
Then follow link view.php?id=<existing-album-id> and observe debug result. On which step debug output differs from expected - there problem is.
I have setup an image table in my database to store my images as blob type. My problem is that i do not know how to display the images in the db from my web search page. Anytime i enter a searh query, it will display the keyword & the image name but it will not display the image itself. rather it displays long sql codes.
Here are my php codes for Imagesearch.php;
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #FFF;
//get data
$button = $_GET['submit'];
$search = $_GET['search'];
$x = "";
$construct = "";
if (!$button){
echo "You didint submit a keyword.";
if (strlen($search)<=2) {
echo "Search term too short.";
else {
echo "You searched for <b>$search</b><hr size='1'>";
//connect to database
//explode our search term
$search_exploded = explode(" ",$search);
foreach($search_exploded as $search_each) {
//constuct query
if ($x==1) {
$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
else {
$construct .= " OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
//echo out construct
$construct = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE $construct";
$run = mysql_query($construct) or die(mysql_error());
$foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run);
if ($foundnum==0) {
echo "No results found.";
else {
echo "$foundnum results found!<p>";
while ($runrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($run)) {
//get data
$name = $runrows['name'];
$image = $runrows['image'];
echo "
You should have used Google... Link
You need a separate php script that will return the image itself, and then you will need to call that from your PHP script.
The other PHP script needs to set the Content-type header to the proper mime type.
You should make another script, at another URL, that accepts an ID through a get parameter to output the image. Could then do something along the lines of:
// ..your MySQL stuff
function error() {
echo "There was an error";
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
$id = (int) $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE id = '$id'";
$query = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
if (mysql_num_rows() == 1) {
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
// Change this to the correct image type for your stored data
header("Content-type: image/gif");
echo $data['image'];
} else {
} else {
You'd then echo:
echo "<b>$name</b> <img src='theimagescript.php?id={$id}' alt='Image of $name' />";
Firstly, Thaks for taking a look at my question.
I have a function that works perfectly for me, and I want to call another function from within that function however I'm getting all kinds of issues.
Here are the functions then I'll explain what I'm needing and what I'm running into.
They are probably very messy, but I'm learning and thought I'd try get fancy then clean it up.
function GetStation($id){
$x_db_host1="localhost"; // Host name
$x_db_username1="xxxx"; // Mysql username
$x_db_password1="xxxx"; // Mysql password
$x_db_name1="xxxx"; // Database name
// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$x_db_host1", "$x_db_username1", "$x_db_password1");
// SQL Query Setup for Station Name
$sql="SELECT * FROM stations WHERE ID = $id LIMIT 1";
$retnm = $rows['CallSign'];
echo $retnm;
} // Closes Function
// List Delegates Function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
function ListDelegates(){
$x_db_host1="xxx"; // Host name
$x_db_username1="xxx"; // Mysql username
$x_db_password1="xxxx"; // Mysql password
$x_db_name1="xxxx"; // Database name
// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$x_db_host1", "$x_db_username1", "$x_db_password1");
$q = "SELECT * FROM delegates";
$result = mysql_query($q);
/* Error occurred, return given name by default */
$num_rows = mysql_numrows($result);
if(!$result || ($num_rows < 0)){
echo "Error displaying info";
if($num_rows == 0){
echo "There are no delegates to display";
/* Display table contents */
echo "<table id=\"one-column-emphasis\" summary=\"Delegates\"><thead>";
echo "<thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Station</th><th>Spec Req</th><th>BBQ</th><th>DIN</th><th>SAT</th><th>SUN</th></tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
$d_id = mysql_result($result,$i,"DID");
$d_name1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DFName");
$d_name2 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DLName");
$d_name = $d_name1 . " " . $d_name2;
$d_spec1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DSpecRe");
$StatNm = mysql_result($result,$i,"DStation");
$d_st_name = GetStation($StatNm);
if ($d_spec1=="0"){ $d_spec = "-"; }
else {$d_spec = "YES"; }
$d_bbq1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Dbbq"); // BBQ
if ($d_bbq1=="0"){ $d_bbq = "-"; }
else {$d_bbq = "NO"; }
$d_din1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Dconfdinner"); // Dinner
if ($d_din1=="0"){ $d_din = "-"; }
else {$d_din = "NO"; }
$d_sat1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DConfSat"); // Saturday
if ($d_sat1=="0"){ $d_sat = "-"; }
else {$d_sat = "NO"; }
$d_sun1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DConfSat"); // Sunday
if ($d_sun1=="0"){ $d_sun = "-"; }
else {$d_sun = "NO"; }
echo "<tr><td>$d_id</td><td><strong>$d_name</strong></td><td>$d_st_name</td><td>$d_spec</td><td>$d_bbq</td><td>$d_din</td><td>$d_sat</td><td>$d_sun</td></tr>";
echo "</tbody></table></br>";
So I output ListDelegates() in a page and it displays a nice table etc.
Within ListDelegates() i use the GetStation() function.
This is because the table ListDelegates() uses contains the station ID number not name so I want GetStation($id) to output the station name
The problem I'm having is it seems GetStation() is outputting all names in the first call of the function so the first row in the table and is not breaking it down into each row and just one at a time :S
Here's what I think (I'm probably wrong) ListDelegates() is not calling GetStation() for each row it's doing it once even though it's in the loop. ??
I have no idea if this should even work at all... I'm just learning researching then trying things.
Please help me so that I can output station name
At the end of GetStation, you need to change
echo $retnm;
return $retnm;
You are printing out the name from inside the function GetStation, when you are intending to store it in a variable. What ends up happening, is that the result of GetStation is effectively echo'ed on the screen outside of any table row. Content that is inside a table but not inside a table cell gets collected to the top of a table in a browser. If you want to see what I mean, just view source from your browser after loading the page.
You don't need to connect to the database in each and every function. Usually you do the database connection at the top of your code and use the handle (in PHP the handle is usually optional) throughout your code. I think your problem is because when you call the function each time it makes a new connection and loses the previous data in the query.
My dear first of all you should place your code of connection with local host and database globally. It should be defined only once. you are defining it in both function.
something like this, and as suggested, you should have connection to database established somewhere else
function ListDelegates(){
$x_db_host1="xxx"; // Host name
$x_db_username1="xxx"; // Mysql username
$x_db_password1="xxxx"; // Mysql password
$x_db_name1="xxxx"; // Database name
// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$x_db_host1", "$x_db_username1", "$x_db_password1");
$q = "SELECT * FROM delegates";
$result = mysql_query($q);
/* Error occurred, return given name by default */
$num_rows = mysql_numrows($result);
if(!$result || ($num_rows < 0)){
echo "Error displaying info";
if($num_rows == 0){
echo "There are no delegates to display";
/* Display table contents */
echo "<table id=\"one-column-emphasis\" summary=\"Delegates\"><thead>";
echo "<thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Station</th><th>Spec Req</th><th>BBQ</th><th>DIN</th><th>SAT</th><th>SUN</th></tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
$d_id = mysql_result($result,$i,"DID");
$d_name1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DFName");
$d_name2 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DLName");
$d_name = $d_name1 . " " . $d_name2;
$d_spec1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DSpecRe");
$StatNm = mysql_result($result,$i,"DStation");
$d_bbq1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Dbbq"); // BBQ
$d_din1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Dconfdinner"); // Dinner
$d_sat1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DConfSat"); // Saturday
$d_sun1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"DConfSat"); // Sunday
//$d_st_name = GetStation($StatNm);
$sql="SELECT * FROM stations WHERE ID = $StatNm LIMIT 1";
$d_st_name = $rows['CallSign'];
if ($d_spec1=="0"){ $d_spec = "-"; }
else {$d_spec = "YES"; }
if ($d_bbq1=="0"){ $d_bbq = "-"; }
else {$d_bbq = "NO"; }
if ($d_din1=="0"){ $d_din = "-"; }
else {$d_din = "NO"; }
if ($d_sat1=="0"){ $d_sat = "-"; }
else {$d_sat = "NO"; }
if ($d_sun1=="0"){ $d_sun = "-"; }
else {$d_sun = "NO"; }
echo "<tr><td>$d_id</td><td><strong>$d_name</strong></td><td>$d_st_name</td><td>$d_spec</td><td>$d_bbq</td><td>$d_din</td><td>$d_sat</td><td>$d_sun</td></tr>";
echo "</tbody></table></br>";