I have a JSON field called 'spec' and there are about 10 other items in this in JSON format. I need to only update the quantity.
Although when I try this method, it deletes everything else in it and just sets spec = quantity.
Heres what I have so far.
$pass_coupon_id = $this->pass_coupon_id();
$coupon_array = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM coupon WHERE coupon_id='$pass_coupon_id'")->result_array();
foreach ($coupon_array as $row) {
$spec = json_decode($row['spec'], true);
$quantity_new = $spec['quantity'] - 1;
$data2 = array(
'spec' => json_encode(array(
'quantity'=> $quantity_new
$this->db->where('coupon_id', $pass_coupon_id);
$this->db->update('coupon', $data2);
You need to overrite only this one field and update whole field in query.
$pass_coupon_id = $this->pass_coupon_id();
$coupon_array = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM coupon WHERE coupon_id='$pass_coupon_id'")->result_array();
// i don't know what you're using, but using foreach to extract single row isn't good solution. Look for sth like result_row() maybe.
$coupon = $coupon_array[0];
$spec = json_decode($coupon, true);
$new_quantity = $spec['quantity'] - 1;
$spec['quantity'] = $new_quantity;
$new_spec = json_encode($spec);
$this->db->where('coupon_id', $pass_coupon_id);
$this->db->update('coupon', $new_spec);
Depending on the database, the best solution would be using specific function to ommit updating whole structure - https://stackoverflow.com/a/34987329/2926214
I am new to json, my aim is to maintain the history of specific columns(which are posted through $_POST in php) on every update in mysql using php. I took one json array for the history column and placed it in a while loop, after that I appended the variable which i want to merge with the previous one with array_merge() function. I am getting the output but starting with 0. Let me know how to append the required fields in a proper json format and also how to retrieve the json data in a div tag. Thanks in advance.
PHP Code:
$query = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT `history` FROM projects WHERE `no` = '$id'");
$json_data = array();
while ($js = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
$json_data[] = $js['history'];
$j = $json_data;
$id = $_GET['id'];
$assign = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST['assign']);
$end_date = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST['end_date']);
$comments = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST['comments']);
$end_date = [
'assigned_to' => $assign,
'end_date' => $end_date,
'comments' => $comments
$json = array_merge($j,$end_date);
$js = json_encode($json);
$ins = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE `projects` SET `assigned_to`='$assign',`end_date`='$end_date',
`status`='$status',`comments`='$comments'`history`= '$js' WHERE
`episode_no` = '$id'");
JSON data in MYSQL :
First of all, the answer to your question: you are loading an array of strings in $j, so the array_merge function won't work as expected:
$j[0] = 'some JSON string from DB';
$json = array_merge($j, $end_date);
the array_merge finds that the second argument is a sparse array, so it merges the keys as strings:
$json = [
'0' => 'the previous string',
'assigned_to' => ...
For your idea to work you probably need to store the new history item by appending to the array:
$j[] = $end_date;
$js = json_encode($j);
This would solve your issue.
But there is a very major issue here that you need to solve first. It's a OMG-like WTF-like issue. You are getting $id from user input (query parameters) and sending it to the DB without any fear. Suppose that the user sends
https://your.server/some/path?id=';TRUNCATE TABLE projects --'
(propery url-encoded of course). Now you are sending this to the database:
SELECT `history` FROM projects WHERE `no` = '';TRUNCATE TABLE projects --''
Bye bye projects. A user can do whatever to your database, change passwords, reassign foreign keys, set himself as administrator.
Please for the sake of whatever you believe in, use a proper ORM and never pass user input to the DB!!!
im trying to pull out a menu in this json format :
check the output : http://www.alacarta.do/iphone/webservices/restaurants_menu2.php?r=415
The thing is that iterating of the Category plates, it duplicates the plates and then add the corresponding correct ones in each Category. all the time. check the output in the link. first category is TO SHARE. and the plates are ok, but the second category FRIES BAR, will throw again the plates from TO SHARE and then the correct plates in its category
$where = empty($_GET['r'])? NULL : 'id = '. intval($_GET['r']);
$restaurant = $cmp->empresas($where,"nombre ASC")->fetch();
$json = array();
$arraynombre = array();
while($orden = $cmp->platos_tipos_orden("id_empresa = {$restaurant->id}","orden ASC")->foreachrow()):
$tipo = $cmp->platos_tipos("id = {$orden->id_tipo}")->fetch();
while($menu = $cmp->platos_menu("id_tipo = {$orden->id_tipo} AND id_empresa = {$orden->id_empresa}")->foreachrow()):
$p = $cmp->platos_lista("id = {$menu->id_plato}")->fetch();
$pnombre = $p->nombre;
$pid = $p->id;
$pprecio = $p->precio;
$arraynombre1 = array('plato_id'=>$pid,'plato_nombre'=>$pnombre,'precio'=>$pprecio);
if (in_array($arraynombre1['plato_id'], $arraynombre['plato_id'])) continue;
$arraynombre[] = $arraynombre1;
$jsondata = array('tipo'=> utf8_decode($tipo->nombre),'platos' => $arraynombre);
$json[] = $jsondata;
echo json_encode( array("menu"=>$json));
Your issue is probably this line -
$arraynombre[] = $arraynombre1;
as you continually add to the array, not overwrite the previous loops values.
Try adding a key to it that is unique to each loop, ie. $orden->id_tipo -
$arraynombre[$orden->id_tipo][] = $arraynombre1;
Then you would also need to change
$jsondata = array('tipo'=> utf8_decode($tipo->nombre),'platos' => $arraynombre);
$jsondata = array('tipo'=> utf8_decode($tipo->nombre),'platos' => $arraynombre[$orden->id_tipo]);
note- it is hard to follow all your code logic, so [$orden->id_tipo] might need to be [$orden->id_empresa] or could be a similar counter var [$x] that you increase on each loop.
I am trying to get all the rows from a Google spreadsheet via a PHP/Zend script. This is the script I am using:
$service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient('xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxx', $service);
$spreadsheetService = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets($client);
// Get spreadsheet key
$spreadsheetsKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$worksheetId = 'xxx';
// Get cell feed
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellQuery();
$cellFeed = $spreadsheetService->getCellFeed($query);
// Build an array of entries:
$ssRows = array();
$ssRow = array();
$titleRow = array();
$tableRow = 1;
foreach($cellFeed as $cellEntry) {
$row = $cellEntry->cell->getRow();
$col = $cellEntry->cell->getColumn();
$val = $cellEntry->cell->getText();
// Add each row as a new array:
if ($row != $tableRow) {
array_push($ssRows, $ssRow);
$ssRow = array();
// Move to the next row / new array
$tableRow = $row;
// Build the array of titles:
if ($row == 1) {
$titleRow[$col] = $val;
// Build the array of results with the title as the key:
else {
$key = $titleRow[$col];
$ssRow[$key] = $val;
// Pass the results array:
return array_reverse($ssRows);
This builds me an array with MOST of the details from the spreadsheet, however it always misses off the last entry - can anyone see what I am doing wrong, or is there a better way to get all the data from the spreadsheet?
The form is a 3 part form, based on different answers. On filling out one part, I want to display a URL back to the form, with some details from the first form pre-filled to make the second part of the form faster to fill out. This is all fine, it is simply the missing last entry that is the major problem!
Your code works like this:
if (next_row) {
data[] = current_row
current_row = array();
if (first_row) {
title_row logic
} else {
add cell to current_row
So you only add the rows to your collector once you go to the next row. This will miss the last row because you'll miss that last transition.
The easy fix is to add array_push($ssRows, $ssRow); right after the foreach loop. You will need to add a check for 0 rows, this should be skipped then.
Perhaps a more proper fix is to iterate by row, then by cell, rather than just by cell.
i am using cakephp. and want to display all data in database in dropdown list. but it returns only last item. there is some problem in loop. my code is below.
foreach ($origions as $or);
$id = $or["origions"]["id"];
$orgn = $or["origions"]["origion"];
$options = array($id=>$orgn);
echo $this->Form->select('origions.origion', $options);
this display only last record in dropdown list. please help what to do that all data in table display over here.
Change it to,
$options = array();
foreach ($origions as $or){
$id = $or["origions"]["id"];
$orgn = $or["origions"]["origion"];
$options[$id] = $orgn;
echo $this->Form->select('origions.origion', $options);
For selected,
echo $this->Form->select('origions.origion', $options, array('value' => 'your_default_id'));
OTHER WAY (more optimized code)...
You can set Your data $this->set from the controller.
From controller You can combine / extract / merge / sort / etc... multidimensional arrays like:
$result = Set::combine($origions, '{n}.origions.id', '{n}.origions.origion');
Read more about Cakephp SET::array functions http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/set.html
I am facing problem to retrieve records in descending order with pagination limit from amazon dynamodb as in mysql.
Now I am using the following script, but it gives unordered list of records. I need the last inserted id is on top.
$limit = 10;
$total = 0;
$start_key = null;
$params = array('TableName' => 'event','AttributesToGet' =>array('id','interactiondate','repname','totalamount','fooding','nonfooding','pdfdocument','isMultiple','payment_mode','interaction_type','products','programTitle','venue','workstepId','foodingOther','interaction_type_other'), 'ScanFilter'=> array('manufacturername' => array("ComparisonOperator" => "EQ", "AttributeValueList" => array(array("S" => "$manufacturername")))),'Limit'=>$limit );
$itemsArray = array();
$itemsArray = array();
$finalItemsArray = array();
$finalCRMRecords = array();
$params['ExclusiveStartKey'] = $start_key->getArrayCopy();
$response = $this->Amazon->Dynamodb->scan($params);
if ($response->status == 200) {
$counter = (string) $response->body->Count;
$total += $counter;
foreach($response->body->Items as $itemsArray){
$finalItemsArray[] = $itemsArray;
$i =1;
foreach($response->body->Items as $items){
$finalItemsArray[] = $items;
if($i == $limit){
$start_key = $items->id->{AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_NUMBER}->to_array();
$finalCRMRecords['data'] = $finalItemsArray;
$finalCRMRecords['start_key'] = $start_key;
$start_key = $response->body->LastEvaluatedKey->to_array();
$finalCRMRecords['data'] = $finalItemsArray;
if ($response->body->LastEvaluatedKey) {
$start_key =$response->body->LastEvaluatedKey->to_array();
} else {
$start_key = null;
$finalCRMRecords['start_key'] = $start_key;
Sandeep Kumar Sinha
A Scan operation in DynamoDB can not change the sorting of the returned items. Also is Scan a pretty expensive operation as it always requires to read the whole table.
If you want to take advantage of DynamoDB, here's one advice:
Instead of looking for information, try to just find it.
In the sense of, use lookups instead of scan/query to get the information you need.
As an example, if you have a table that stores Events. Just store all events in that table, with their EventId as HashKey. Then you can have a second table EventLookups to store lookups to EventIds. In the EventLookups table you could put an Item like LookupId: LATEST-EVENT referencing some EventId: .... Every time you insert new events you can update the LATEST-EVENT entry to point to a newer Event. Or use a SET to store the latest 50 EventIds events in one Item.