Unable to get date/time from XML - Strange value in source - php

I'm just starting with php, but this is a thing I can't figure out.
I browsed the internet / stack / other forums, but for now I don't have any clue.
The date format is something I can't understand / recognize at all:
Here's the link to the XML: Link
When you check the 'datum' node, you'll see it.
As an example (compared to the output on this site)
Value: 1491734853
= Date: 09-04-2017
Value: 1491671357
= Date: 08-04-2017
Value: 1491463926
= Date: 06-04-2017
Anyone of you guys / guru's have an idea how to get this working? Is there a default (sort of) algoritm for this or something I don't know of?
Thank you very much for thinking with me :)

I think this should do the job, but I'm unable to get it to show..
This is the PHP code I have so far:
foreach ($xml->beoordelingen->beoordeling as $beoordelingenoverzicht) {
echo "<div class='containerbeoordeling'><div class='hoofd'>";
foreach($beoordelingenoverzicht->voornaam as $label => $voornaam) {
echo "<div class='naam'><span id='label'>Naam</span><span id='voornaam'>{$voornaam}</span>"; }
foreach($beoordelingenoverzicht->achternaam as $label => $achternaam) {
echo "<span id='achternaam'> {$achternaam}</span></div>";
foreach($beoordelingenoverzicht->datum as $label => $datum) {
$datumnew = date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$datum);
echo "<div class='datum'><span id='label'>{$label}</span><span id='datum'>{$datumnew}</span></div></div>";
foreach($beoordelingenoverzicht->beschrijving as $label => $beschrijving) {
echo "<div class='beschrijving'>{$beschrijving}</div>";
echo "</div>";
I wouldn't be surprised if I implemented it totally wrong :D

It suppose it's just a Unix timestamp, one of the most ubiquitous date formats in computer science. Many PHP date functions support it natively, e.g. date():
var_dump(date('r', 1491734853));
// string(31) "Sun, 09 Apr 2017 12:47:33 +0200"
The optional timestamp parameter is an integer Unix timestamp that
defaults to the current local time if a timestamp is not given. In
other words, it defaults to the value of time().


show data only if currentmonth and currentyear are larger than

Let say currentmonth is 06 and currentyear 2017
i have dropdown of year and month ..
if i select year 2017 and month of July which is larger then currentmonth
how do i show there is not data available yet
my current code..and its not working..i'm a newbie and not sure im doing this right or not...
if ($currentyear >= $mystartingyear && $currentmonth >= $mystartingmonth)
echo "Show Data";
echo "No Data yet";
i also tried it like this
if ($currentyear >= $mystartingyear && $currentmonth >= $mystartingmonth)
echo "Show Data";
echo "No Data yet";
it always display "show data"
Integers from 01 to 07 are ok just as long as you don't do 010 (with 3 integers) since that will be represented as 8. But as soon as you start hitting 08 and 09 for the months of August and September (which may be what's in your unknown dropdown), you will have problems.
So it's best you quote it.
Consult "Footnotes".
Original answer:
The leading zero in 01 for:
$mystartingmonth = 01;
is treated as an octal.
It needs to be quoted:
$mystartingmonth = '01';
Octals references:
If your current code is failing you, then something else is failing you.
You mention in your question that you're using this from a dropdown and that code wasn't included, nor how it's being passed.
Use PHP's error reporting, set to catch and display:
Verify your conditional statement's logic also; both conditions must be met.
There is missing semicolon after first echo i.e. code should be
echo "Show Data";
Then every thing should work fine,
The date(); function in php returns the date in string and when you compare a string with integer it is implicitly converted into equivalent integer variable,if you want for sure you can use intvar(); function which converts variable to equivalent integer.But in your case it is not necessary.For more about i recommend you to read php manual .

Trouble using PHP to parse an XML document with identical tags

Here is a snippet from yahoo Weather showing the identical tags
<yweather:forecast day="Mon" date="16 Jan 2012" low="-1" high="6" text="Clear" code="31"/>
<yweather:forecast day="Tue" date="17 Jan 2012" low="3" high="7" text="Mostly Sunny" code="34"/>
To access the day in the first tag I use the following function:
function get_forecast_day(SimpleXMLElement $xml) {
// Pull forecast day
$forecast['day'] = $xml->channel->item->children('yweather', TRUE)->forecast->attributes()->day;
echo $forecast['day'] . ", ";
return $day;
Any ideas how I can access the day in the second tag. Obviously searching for the value "Tue" is no good as these values will change daily.
Thanks in advance.
->forecast can be used as array, so go for second element with index 1:
$xml->channel->item->children('yweather', TRUE)->forecast[1]->attributes()->day

PHP Integers with leading zeros

Particularly, 08 and 09 have caused me some major trouble. Is this a PHP bug?
I have a calendar 'widget' on a couple of our client's sites, where we have a HTML hard-coded calendar (I know a PHP function can generate n number of months, but the boss man said 'no').
Within each day, there is a PHP function to check for events on that day, passing the current day of the month like so:
<td valign="top">01<?php printShowLink(01, $events) ?></td>
$events is an array of all events on that month, and the function checks if an event is on that day:
function printShowLink($dayOfMonth, $eventsArray) {
$show = array();
$printedEvent = array();
$daysWithEvents = array();
foreach($eventsArray as $event) {
if($dayOfMonth == $event['day'] && !in_array($event['id'], $printedEvent)){
if(in_array($event['day'], $daysWithEvents)) {
echo '<hr class="calendarLine" />';
} else {
echo '<br />';
$daysWithEvents[] = $event['day']; // string parsed from timestamp
if($event['linked'] != 1) {
echo '<div class="center cal_event '.$event['class'].'" id="center"><span title="'.$event['title'].'" style="color:#666666;">'.$event['shorttitle'].'</span></div>';
$printedEvent[] = $event['id'];
} else {
echo '<div class="center cal_event '.$event['class'].'" id="center">'.$event['shorttitle'].'</div>';
$printedEvent[] = $event['id'];
On the 8th and 9th, no events will show up. Passing a string of the day instead of a zero-padded integer causes the same problem.
The solution is as what is should have been in the first place, a non-padded integer. However, my question is, have you seen this odd behavior with 08 and/or 09?
I googled this and couldn't find anything out there.
Quote it. 0123 without quotes is octal in PHP. It's in the docs
$ php -r 'echo 01234, "\n01234\n";'
So you should change your code to
<td valign="top">01<?php printShowLink('01', $events) ?></td>
It's been a while since I've had to wade through so much PHP been doing mostly Javascript for 3 years. But 08 and 09 being a problem makes me think: they could be getting treated as octal (base 8), and the digits 8 and 9 do not exist in octal.

strtotime date validation passes on invalid date

I am in the middle of setting up a basic CMS that allows the client to add articles to their mobile app. The CMS is coded in PHP and will use JSON to deliver the content to the mobile app.
Now my problem is there is an option to publish the article at a certain date, so I want to validate the date to check it is valid.
So to test possibilites I made a small script. I am using strtotime() to check the date is valid, my script is:
$date[] = '2011-31-01';
$date[] = '2011-02-31';
foreach($date as $str) {
if(strtotime($str) == false) {
$result[] = '<p>[' . $str . '] Resulted in an <span style="color: red;">Error.</span></p>';
} else {
$result[] = '<p>[' . $str . '] Resulted in <span style="color: green;">Success.</span></p>';
foreach($result as $return) {
echo $return;
Now my problem is the date 2011-02-31 which is 31st February 2011 is returning as valid, when obviously it isn't. So my question is why does it do this? and is there a better method to check that the date is valid and exists?
Thanks in advance.
checkdate(); Validates a Gregorian date. Returns TRUE if the date given is valid; otherwise returns FALSE.
if(checkdate(2, 31, 2011)){
echo "Yeah";
} else {echo "nah";}
It returns false!
That's the way to go.
Unless you have one (or a small set) fixed format for your date string it will be hard to get an acceptable result. In case you know the format, you can either parse the string directly yourself (and test it afterwards with checkdate), or you use strptime to try parsing against known formats until you get a valid result.
If you don’t know the format, and you have to use strtotime, then you are required to accept that strtotime will try parsing the date string in the best possible way. This may lead to different dates than it was expected to be.

preg_match for mysql date format

im trying to validate a date to see if it matchs the mysql format
this is the code
$match = "/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-2][0-3]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/";
$s = $this->input->post("report_start"). " " . $this->input->post("report_start_time").":00";
$e = $this->input->post("report_end"). " " . $this->input->post("report_end_time").":59";
if($this->input->post("action") != "")
echo trim($s). " => " . preg_match($match, trim($s));
echo "<br>";
echo trim($e). " => " . preg_match($match, trim($e));
the date format goes into $s and $e are
$s = 2011-03-01 00:00:00
$e = 2011-03-01 23:59:59
and they both return false (0).
i tested the pattern on http://www.spaweditor.com/scripts/regex/index.php and it returns true (1)
however if i manual inter the date strings into preg_match like
preg_match($match, "2011-03-01 00:00:00")
it works.
i have no idea what im doing wrong
now that i think about it, i only need to validate the houre:min part of the datetime string.
im manually adding the seconds and the date is forced by a datepicker and users cant edit it
You're making your work harder that it needs to be. In php there are many date handling functions that mean you don't have to treat dates like strings. So, rather than test that your input dates are in the correct format, just insist on the correct format:
$adate= date_create('January 6, 1983 1:30pm'); //date format that you don't want
$mysqldate= $adate->format("Y-m-d h:i:s");//date format that you do want
There are also functions to check that a date is a real date, like checkdate.
ok heres wat i did.
since im forcing the date format and the ending seconds of the time part
i just validated the hour:mini part using "/^2[0-3]|[01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$";
and if that returns true i put everything together end reconstructed the final datetime string
$match = "/^2[0-3]|[01][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/";
$s_d = $this->input->post("report_start");
$s_t = $this->input->post("report_start_time");
$e_d = $this->input->post("report_end");
$e_t = $this->input->post("report_end_time");
if($this->input->post("action") != "")
( preg_match($match , trim($s_d." ".$s_t.":00")) )
&& ( preg_match($match , trim($e_d." ".$e_t.":59")) )
$r = $this->model_report->client_hours_logged(array($s,$e));
$data['report'] = $r;
Watch out:
[0-2][0-3] is not a good regex for hour values - it will match 01, 12, 23 and others, but it will fail 04 through 09 and 14 through 19.
Better use (2[0-3]|[01][0-9]) instead.
I use this to validate a 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format date string:
match = '/^[12][0-9]{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[01]) ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/';
You could use strtotime and date to parse and format the date properly.
Why not just simply force the date into the format you want:
$e = '2011-03-01 00:00:00';
$mysqlFormat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($e));
Also, there is a bit of an error in your regex [0-2][0-3]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9] will only match the hours of 00,01,02,03,10,11,12,13,20,21,22,23 so it will never match 4am, or 3pm among others. That aside I looked over your RegEx and I don't see any problems with it matching the test cases you've offered. I would check to make sure there is not extra whitespace on either side of date string with trim().
I concur with Tim : MySQL behaves in quirks mode and always tries to go easy on DATE and DATE_TIME column types. You can omit certain parts of your input and it still will try to compensate and achieve that goal successfully to some degree... That's why, most numbers your Reg-ex considers as invalid, MySQL will accept as valid.
