Message sending Telegram bot (PHP) - php

I know it's somehow weird to ask something like this, but I'm trying to program a telegram bot with PHP.
The bot is in a channel (e.g. Channel A) and I'm going to send messages in that channel, so the bot will copy X number of messages to another channel (Channel B), Every Y minutes.
X = 5
Y = 60
Channel A = ID .....
Channel B = ID .....
So it will COPY 5 messages from A to B every hour...
Can anybody write me a template please? I think I can configure the VPS and webhook stuff (SSL and etc).

If you need send message per minutes, and get message from Telegram callback, you need read about queue (zmq, redis, gearman or etc).
Create daemons. These are your bots. They can read messages from queue and send callbacks.
Write Controller to get callback from telegram. It can take message and push to queue.
Install Ev or Event extension on PHP. (You can use reactphp, it simple solution to create timer)
Bot1 create timer, and listen messages. If we have more 5 messages, timer can push message in queue for Bot2.
You can use reactphp/zmq, nrk/predis-async to helpful your task
P.S. It is most simple solution. But you can use pthreads (instead create daemon process) or use simple socket to send message in bot.

If you want to use webhook things you can do this.
write a sample code like this:
$texts_from_other_channel = [];
array_push($texts_from_other_channel , $update_array['message']['text']);
$t_size = sizeof($texts_from_other_channel)
for($i=0 ; $i < $t_size ; $i++){
$post_prs = ['chat_id' => $channel_id , 'text' => $texts_from_other_channel[$i]];
send_reply($sendmessag_url , $post_prs);
other things like send_reply() function or $update_array are up to you and I left to yourself.


Google pub/sub subscription data doesn't match with the app

I'm trying to listen for subscription changes (new and existing) of my Google Play app on the server. Here's the code I'm using. This uses the google/cloud-pubsub composer package:
$projectId = 'app-name';
$keyFile = file_get_contents(storage_path('app/app-name.json'));
$pubsub = new PubSubClient([
'projectId' => $projectId,
'keyFile' => json_decode($keyFile, true)
$httpPostRequestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$requestData = json_decode($httpPostRequestBody, true);
$message = $pubsub->consume($requestData);
The code above works but the problem is that the data I get doesn't match the one I'm getting in the app side. This is a sample data:
If you base64_decode() the data, you'll get something like this:
version: "1.0",
packageName: "",
eventTimeMillis: "1607997631636",
subscriptionNotification: {
version: "1.0",
notificationType: 4,
purchaseToken: "kmloa....",
subscriptionId: "app_subs1"
This is where I'm expecting the purchaseToken to be the same as the one I'm getting from the client side.
Here's the code in the client-side. I'm using Expo in-app purchases to implement subscriptions:
setPurchaseListener(async ({ responseCode, results, errorCode }) => {
if (responseCode === IAPResponseCode.OK) {
const { orderId, purchaseToken, acknowledged } = results[0];
if (!acknowledged) {
await"/subscribe", {
order_id: orderId,
order_token: purchaseToken,
data: JSON.stringify(results[0]),
finishTransactionAsync(results[0], true);
"You're now subscribed! You can now use the full functionality of the app."
I'm expecting the purchaseToken I'm extracting from results[0] to be the same as the one the Google server is returning when it pushes the notification to the endpoint. But it doesn't.
I think my main problem is that I'm assumming all the data I need will be coming from Google Pay, so I'm just relying on the data published by Google when a user subscribes in the app.
This isn't actually the one that publishes the message:
It just updates the database with the purchase token. I can just use this to subscribe the user but there's no guarantee that the request is legitimate. Someone can just construct the necessary credentials based on an existing user and they can pretty much subscribe without paying anything. Plus this method can't be used to keep the user subscribed. So the data really has to come from Google.
Based on the answer below, I now realized that you're supposed to trigger the publish from your own server? and then you listen for that? So when I call this from the client:
await"/subscribe", {
I actually need to publish the message containing the purchase token like so:
$pubsub = new PubSubClient([
'projectId' => $projectId,
$topic = $pubsub->topic($topicName);
$message = [
'purchaseToken' => request('purchaseToken')
$topic->publish(['data' => $message]);
Is that what you're saying? But the only problem with this approach is how to validate if the purchase token is legitimate, and how to renew the subscription in the server? I have a field that needs to be updated each month so the user stays "subscribed" in the eyes of the server.
Maybe, I'm just overcomplicating things by using pub/sub. If there's actually an API which I could pull out data from regularly (using cron) which allows me to keep the user subscription data updated then that will also be acceptable as an answer.
First of all - I have a really bad experience with php and pubsub because of the php PubSubClient. If your script is only waiting for push and checking the messages then remove the pubsub package and handle it with few lines of code.
$message = file_get_contents('php://input');
$message = json_decode($message, true);
if (is_array($message)) {
$message = (isset($message['message']) && isset($message['message']['data'])) ? base64_decode($message['message']['data']) : false;
if (is_string($message)) {
$message = json_decode($message, true);
if (is_array($message)) {
$type = (isset($message['type'])) ? $message['type'] : null;
$data = (isset($message['data'])) ? $message['data'] : [];
I'm not sure how everything works on your side but if this part publishes the message:
await"/subscribe", {
order_id: orderId,
order_token: purchaseToken,
data: JSON.stringify(results[0]),
It looks like it's a proxy method to publish your messages. Because payload sent with it is not like a PubSub described schema and in the final message it doesn't look like IAPQueryResponse
If I was in your situation I will check few things to debug the problem:
How I publish/read a message to/from PubSub (topic, subscription and message payload)
I will write the publish mechanism as it is described in Google PubSub publish documentation
I will check my project, topic and subscription
If everything is set-up correctly then I will compare all other message data
If the problem persist then I will try to publish to PubSub minimal amount of data - just purchaseToken at the start to check what breaks the messages
For easier debug:
Create pull subscription
When you publish a message check pull subscription messages with "View messages"
For me the problem is not directly in PubSub but in your implementation of publish/receiving of messages.
UPDATE 21-12-2020:
Customer create/renew subscription
Publish to pubsub with authentication
PubSub transfers the message to analysis application via "push" to make your analysis.
If you need information like:
New subscribers count
Renews count
Active subscriptions count
You can create your own analysis application but if you need something more complicated then you have to pick a tool to met your needs.
You can get the messages from pubsub also with "pull" but there are few cases I've met:
Last time I've used pull pubsub returns random amount of messages - if my limit is 50 and I have more than 50 messages in the queue I'm expecting to get 50 messages but sometimes pubsub gives me less messages.
PubSub returned messages in random order - now there is an option to use ordering key but it's something new.
To implement "pull" you have to run crons or something with "push" you receive the message as soon as possible.
With "pull" you have to depend on library/package (or whatever in any language it's called) but on "push" you can handle the message with just few lines of code as my php exapmle.

Symfony3 - Background task launched by controller and send email when finished

I have some functions taking a lot of time and I want them to be executed in the background and to send an email when it's finished.
These functions generate a PDF as Response and if possible, I want this PDF to be attached to email.
This is the standalone function that takes a lot of time :
$passages = $em->getRepository(PasserColle::class)->calculClassementAction($id, $group);
This function is included in my Controller in a function imprimerAction($id, $request) that returns :
return new Response($html2pdf->Output('Classement.pdf'), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf'));
I tried to use the Process Component but I can't make it work since I don't understand what to type in the parenthesis :
$process = new Process('ls -lsa');
And how to get the output I want.
You can use RabbitMQ to do this and this bundle for Symfony.
The concept is simple. You'll have Producers who will send messages (with the format you want) and Consumers who will consume these messages. Messages are published in an exchange and will be routed into queue where Consumers are waiting for new messages.
In your example, you can produce a message which tell to Consumers to do a pdf generation and to send email. Publish a message in format JSON for example with, in your case, $id and $group and Consumers will do what they have to do.
Follow this link that explain how you can do this.
Otherwise, if you want to use Process Component, you can simple create a Command Console and then do this : $process = new Process('php bin/console yourcommand') and $process->run()
I just hope it helps.
Best Regards.

Push notification overrides previous notifications

I'm using codeigniter-gcm library on top of codeigniter to send messages to Google Cloud Messaging service. It sends the message and the message is received at the mobile device, but if I send multiple messages, only the latest message appears on the device (as if it is overriding the previous messages).
I'm seeing that I might need to create a unique notification ID, but I'm not seeing how it's done anywhere on the codeigniter-gcm documentation or Google's documentation for downstream messages.
Any idea how this should be done?
Here's my code in the codeigniter controller. It is worth mentioning that Google's response contains a different message_id for each time I send a push...
public function index() {
$this->gcm->setMessage("Test message sent on " . date("d.m.Y H:i:s"));
'title' => 'my title',
'some_key' => 'some_val'
if ($this->gcm->send())
echo 'Success for all messages';
echo 'Some messages have errors';
After three exhausting days I found the solution. I'm posting it here in hope of saving someone else's time...
I had to add a parameter to the data object inside the greater JSON object, named "notId" with a unique integer value (which I chose to use a random integer from a wide range). Now why Google didn't include this in their docs? Beats me...
Here's how my JSON looks now, when it creates separate notifications instead of overriding:
"data": {
"title":"test title",
"message":"Test message from 30.09.2015 12:57:44",
I'm now thinking that the notId parameter is not really determined by Google, but by a plugin I use on the mobile app side.
To extend further on my environment, my mobile app is developed using Phonegap, so to get push notification I use phonegap-plugin-push which I now see in its docs that parameter name.
I'm kinda' lost now as far as explaining the situation - but happy it is no longer a problem for me :-)
You need to pass a unique ID to each notification. Once you have clicked on the notification you use that ID to remove it.
mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
But I'm sure you shouldn't have so much of notifications for user at once. You should show a single notification that consolidates info about group of events like for example Gmail client does. Use Notification.Builder for that purpose.
NotificationCompat.Builder b = new NotificationCompat.Builder(c);
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(c.getResources(), R.drawable.list_avatar))
.setContentTitle(pushCount > 1 ? c.getString(R.string.stat_messages_title) + pushCount : title)
.setContentText(pushCount > 1 ? push.ProfileID : mess)
.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(c, 0, it, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))
.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(c, 0, new Intent(ACTION_CLEAR_NOTIFICATION), PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT))
.setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS | Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE)

Implementing chat between webpage and android

This is my situation. I have a chat-room website. People are publicly chatting together and everyone see who is writing what. All the chats are stored in database (mysql)
Now I want to implement this chatting on Android. So when user sends a text from his phone it should be sent to the chat-room website and vice versa, meaning the Android user should see all texts which are being sent from the chat webpage.
As a result:
1: Android user should see all the texts which people send via the webpage,
2: Android user should be able to send a text to this chat-room webpage (so other users which are using the webpage to chat should see his text).
The big question is, what is the best way to achieve this?
Could this process happen in real time like XMPP?
Is GCM the only way (although it is not real time)?
If i use web services to send the messages to the web, how can i set a listener for the incoming messages?
I don't know if i am clear. Any help is appreciated. Just give the head of the string i will go to the end...
Edit: a server side question: Is there anyway to make the server do something when a specific table in MYSQL is changed (for example when a new row is added)?
The first thing that leapt into my mind was that this fits fairly well into the Pub/Sub paradigm. Clients publish chat messages to specific channels (rooms,) and also subscribe to the channels; the server subscribes to a channel and stores the data in a MySQL database.
You might try using an external real-time network like PubNub. PubNub is free for up to 1m messages (see the pricing page.) They have an Android SDK and PHP SDK (I assume you're using PHP on your server due to your use of the PHP tag.)
In your case, in your Android client, you'd subscribe to a channel:
Pubnub pubnub = new Pubnub("demo", "demo");
try {
pubnub.subscribe("my_channel", new Callback() {
//See full example for all Callback methods
public void successCallback(String channel, Object message) {
System.out.println("SUBSCRIBE : " + channel + " : "
+ message.getClass() + " : " + message.toString());
} catch (PubnubException e) {
(Full example here.) Then, when you want to publish a message:
Callback callback = new Callback() {
public void successCallback(String channel, Object response) {
public void errorCallback(String channel, PubnubError error) {
pubnub.publish("my_channel", "This is an important chat message!" , callback);
Neat! But what about your server, how does it receive these messages?
$pubnub = new Pubnub(
"demo", ## PUBLISH_KEY
"demo", ## SUBSCRIBE_KEY
false ## SSL_ON?
'channel' => 'my_channel', ## REQUIRED Channel to Listen
'callback' => function($message) { ## REQUIRED Callback With Response
## Time to log this to MySQL!
return true; ## Keep listening (return false to stop)
I hope this helps your project. Let me know how it goes.
Here's link to CODETUTS
and to a SAMPLE
For make a chat in realtime compatible with android using db like mysql you have various way. the first who come up to me is to do some api but is not the most good way cause you will have to do many request to your server. So i advice you to use technology like nodeJs and socketIO (just google will find tons of example), take a look to the link i've found for you. Have a nice day. Antonio
You need websockets on the web to do this in real time, in android you need to send push notifications.
Maybe you want to check "Google Cloud Messaging for Android".

XMPPHP as live support chat

My idea is to integrate a live support chat on a website. The users text is send with xmpphp to my jabber client with the jabberbot sender id and if I answer, the jabber bot, takes my answer and transfers the text to the user.
There is only one problem. How do I separate different users or different chats? I don't want all users to see the answer, but the user who asks. Is there a kind of unique chat id or another possibility, that I might just missed?
User => Website => Chatbot => me
I want to answer and send it back to the user, but how can I find out the correct user from my answer?
Last time I have to solve this problem I used this architecture:
Entlarge image
The Webserver provides an JavaScript / jQuery or flash chat.
After chat is started, the client ask the server all 1 Second for new Messages.
Alternative for 1 Sec Polling
If that is to slow for you, have a look at websockets.
But Websockets could no provided by php. There for you need to change php + apchache agaist node.js or java.
Plain HTTP PHP Methode
In PHP you will connect to the PsyBnc with is polling the messages from the supporter for you.
The PsyBnc is an IRC bot.
The reason why don't directly connect to XMPP or BitlBee is that those protocols don't like the flapping connect, disconnect from PHP. Because you can not keep the session alive, you need something that is made for often and short connects. This is the PsyBnc.
I would use something like this:
$message = $_GET['message'];
$client_name = $_GET['client_name'];
if (empty($_SESSION['chat_id'])) {
$_SESSION['chat_id'] = md5(time(). mt_rand(0, 999999));
if (empty($_SESSION['supporter'])) {
// how do you select the supporter?
// only choose a free?
// We send first message to all supporter and the first who grapped got the chat (where only 3 gues)
$irc_host = "";
$irc_port = 6667; // Port of PsyBnc
$irc_password = "password_from_psy_bnc";
$irc_user = "username_from_psy_bnc";
class message_reader
private $messages = array();
public function receive_messages(&$irc, &$data)
// result is send to #smartirc-test (we don't want to spam #test)
$this->messages[] = array(
'from' => $data->nick,
'message' => $data->message,
public function get_messages() {
return $this->messages;
$bot = &new message_reader();
$irc = &new Net_SmartIRC();
$irc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY|SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, '^' . $_SESSION['chat_id'], $bot, 'receive_messages');
$irc->connect($irc_host, $irc_port);
$irc->login($_SESSION['chat_id'], $client_name, 0, $irc_user, $irc_password);
// Send new Message to supporter
if (!empty($message)) {
$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $_SESSION['supporter'], $message);
echo json_encode(array('messages' => $bot->get_messages()));
Connect the support instant messanger to PHP
We have allready an IRC connection to the PsyBnc, now we need to send messages from IRC to ICQ, XMPP, GOOGLE TALK, MSN, YAHOO, AOI...
Here for is a nice solution named BitlBee.
BitlBee offers an IRC Server with can transfer message from and to nearly all instant messager protocols. By aliasing those accounts. For example you need for your system only 1 Server account at google talk, icq ... and at all your supporter to the buddylist of those accounts. Now BitleBee will provide your boddylist as an irc chat.
Your requirements are rather confusing. As Joshua said, you don't need a Jabber bot for this. All you need is a Jabber server - which you should already have. What you do is, you create a volatile user account sessionid#** whenever the chat feature is used and then you can just reply to any incoming message like normal while your website client can fetch the messages meant for it whenever.
Alternatively you could create one user account - - and use XMPP resource identifiers for the routing part. XMPP allows for something like*sessionid* and you should be able to tell your XMPP library to only query a specific resource. Most XMPP client software will also reply to a specific resource by default and open a new conversation when applicable. This method is less "clean" than the first, but it would work somewhat better if you can't arbitrarily create user accounts for some reason.
I don't know what XMPP server you are using, but you could also try the Fastpath plugin and webchat for Openfire. Which is meant to provide a support team service over XMPP.
That being said, your question itself seems to imply nothing more than the standard chat feature of XMPP, which is between two users. It just means that the support person has a unique chat with each user asking a question. No other user will see that conversation.
