I am facing problem in MongoDB with PHP, I am using MongoDB InsertMany() function with the below code--
$document = array(array(
"title" => $_POST['title'],
"description" => $_POST['description'],
"likes" => $_POST['likes'],
"writenby" => $_POST['writtenby'],
"url" => $_POST['urllnk'],
), array("label1"=>"1","label2"=>"2"), array("label3"=>"3","label4"=>"4"));
I tried to insert data but the code is not working.
Trying to update inserted data. But it's not quite working. If the data in the $variable changed then updateOrCreate method is just creating a new row. But it's supposed to be update the existed column?
$placeItems = [
"website_id" => self::WEBSITE_ID,
"url" => $place,
"place_name" => $title,
"image" => $image,
"description" => "I am changing here",
I changed the description column. And use updateOrCreate, but it's not update the id of description in. Insert it as new. The way i am using updateOrCreate is wrong?
I tried a way as mentioned in the answer below and test it.
$description = "new data";
$placeItems = [
"website_id" => self::WEBSITE_ID,
"url" => $place,
"place_name" => $title,
"image" => $image,
"description" => "old data",
"website_id" => self::WEBSITE_ID,
"url" => $place,
"place_name" => $title,
"image" => $image,
"description" => $description,
], $placeItems);
But it still inserting as new column. not updating the ID of description in.
In your case you should specify parameters for updatedOrCreate.
The first parameter indicates the conditions for a match and second parameter specify which fields to update.
Place::updateOrCreate([ "website_id"=> self::WEBSITE_ID], [
"url" => $place,
"place_name" => $title,
"image" => $image,
"description" => $description]);
Read documentation here
The following code should work. I could have missed something, but right now I have it as 2 separate update statements and have decided to ask here why this line isn't working.
$this->db->settings->update(array('_id' => $mongoID),
'$set' => array('about' => $about),
'$set' => array('avatar' => $avatar)
Did I miss something when reading guides or is it only possible to do with separate update statements?
The third argument to MongoCollection::update is an array of options for the update operation.
array('_id' => $mongoID),
array('$set' => array('about' => $about, 'avatar' => $avatar))
I am using a PHP library (https://github.com/Insightly/insightly-php) with great success for the Insightly API. More information on the Insightly API can be found here: https://api.insight.ly/v2.2/Help
My goal is to have an organisation and a contact added to Insightly on a form submission and to then link the two together. I can add the organisation and the contact without any issues but I am having troubles linking the two afterwards. When I add in the code to link the two it is only adding the organisation and not the contact.
Please view my code below:
$organization = $i->addOrganization($newOrganization);
$getOrganizationID = $i->getOrganization($company);
$id = json_decode($getOrganizationID, true);
$newContact = (object)array(
"FIRST_NAME" => $first_name,
"LAST_NAME" => $last_name,
"CONTACTINFOS" => array(
"TYPE" => "EMAIL",
"LABEL" => "WORK",
"DETAIL" => $email,
"TYPE" => "PHONE",
"LABEL" => "WORK",
"DETAIL" => $phone,
"LINKS" => array(
$contact = $i->addContact($newContact);
I had a faulty link in the getOrganization() function and have since fixed it.
I just found a wired thing on my website after v4.4 update. In my blog pages I use 2 functions to fetch comments.
First I use
wp_list_comments( array( "callback" => "checkout_comment", "type" => "comment") );
To fetch the comments only. Then I run a count check if any trackbacks exists by using
$trackback_count = get_comments( array(
'status' => 'approve',
'post_id'=> get_the_ID(),
'type'=> 'pings',
'count' => true)
and if the do exists the I show the trackbacks/pingsbacks like this
wp_list_comments( array( "callback" => "checkout_comment", "type" => "pings", "reply_text" => null, "format" => "html5") );
Now, after v4.4 update the comments are showing fine but the trackbacks list are not showing.
Can anyone tell me why? What I might need to change to fix this?
Can anyone explain how to use the AWS PHP SDK to log the metric in the style like the above screen.
I use the following PHP code but the select menu is showing "ELB: AvaliabiltyZone", how to make it show "Aggregated by AvaliabiltyZone"? What is the logic used here?
$response = $cw->put_metric_data("ELB", array(
"MetricName" => "Latency",
"Dimensions" => array(
array("Name" => "AvaliabiltyZone" , "Value" => "us-east-1c")
"Timestamp" => "now",
"Value" => 1,
"Unit" => "None"
You misspelled "AvailabilityZone"
This maybe won't answer the question, but it might fix some things...
$cw = new AmazonCloudWatch();
$res1 = $CW->put_metric_data('Sys/RDS' ,
array(array('MetricName' => 'Uptime' ,
'Dimensions' => array(array('Name' => 'AvaliabiltyZone',
'Value' => 'us-east-1c')),
'Value' => $Uptime,
'Unit' => 'Seconds')));
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