SQL PHP Query UPDATE does not work - php

Currently I am trying to update the values in a column with a unique value. I use the following Query:
SET #a = 1; UPDATE table_name SET column_name = #a:=#a+1;
This query works when using it in phpMyAdmin. But I want to use this query in a php-script. My script is below, but when this is executed the column is not updated. I do not receive an error, so I do not have an indication of what is going wrong.
$sql = "SET #a = 1 UPDATE table_name SET column_name = #a:=#a+1";
$result = $link->query($sql);
Does anyone have a clue on how to solve this?

It sounds like you are trying to add a unique id to your table.
Are you are aware of auto_increment? If you give this to column_name it will automatically number the rows in increasing sequential order in the same manner you are trying to achieve with your current query.


Addition from MySQL query

I am trying to add this:
if (question_counter==10){
$query3 = "SELECT answer_points WHERE participation_id=".$participation_id;
This is supposed to get all the answer_points where the participation_id = "something". This happens when I receive in my PHP function that question_counter has reached 10
I now want to perform an addition between all the results I receive in my query above so that I can find out a total score and store it as a variable.
How would I go about doing this efficiently?
I thought about writing queries for each answer where I get the participation_id and the question_counter to write the query, store each row result in a separate variable and add all those together. I think this is an overkill and dumb since I will have to write 10 queries to get each row's result.
Anyway this is my Table
You can use MySQL's SUM function.
SELECT SUM(columnName) AS totalScore FROM tableName WHERE id = 34;
Your query is not correct.
$query3 = "SELECT answer_points FROM table_name WHERE participation_id=".$participation_id;
from and table name
You have forgot from and table name in the query.
To get the sum of the column you need to use the SUM function of mysql.
Here is tutorial of SUM function in mysql.
You have to write query using SUM function
$query3 = "SELECT SUM(answer_points) AS answer_points
WHERE participation_id=".$participation_id;

update with max value of the column is not working in mysql

I have tried to set the max value for the particular column but that is not working for me. I do not know where i'm going wrong.
UPDATE `upload_video`
SET order_id ='select max(order_id)+1
FROM upload_video'
WHERE `video_id` = 22
This is my query i run the select max(order_id)+1 from upload_video query separately which is giving the result. But if i use this query in update query, the query is executing without error. But the order_id is not updating properly. please help me
Your query is almost correct in standard SQL, you only need to use brackets () instead of apostrophe ':
SET order_id = (SELECT MAX(...) ...)
but MySQL doesn't allow you to update a table while selecting from the same table, a workaround is to use a subquery that calculates the value that you need, and to join your subquery with the table you need to update:
upload_video JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(order_id),0)+1 max_id
FROM upload_video) s
Please see fiddle here.
You have a typo in the statement, you used UPADTE instead of UPDATE.
One problem is, don't quote the subquery. You have used single quotes, which means the expression select max(order_id)+1... was interpreted as a text literal (a varchar). But you clearly don't want that (I guess order_id is a number). What you want instead is to evaluate the subquery. However, if you try:
UPDATE `upload_video`
SET order_id =(select max(order_id)+1
FROM upload_video)
WHERE `video_id` = 22
then MySQL doesn't allow it (I didn't know about that). Other databases such as PostgreSQL allow it. So you might need two statements:
select #id = coalesce(max(order_id), 0) + 1 FROM upload_video;
UPDATE `upload_video` SET order_id = #id WHERE `video_id` = 22;
Please note this works in MySQL but not in other databases.
Try this:
UPDATE `upload_video`
SET order_id =(select COALESCE(max(U2.order_id),0)+1
FROM upload_video U2)
WHERE `video_id` = 22
Peraphs this query goes in error because MySql doesn't want to use the same table in UPDATE and in subquery.
If your case please write two queries.
The first get the maximum value, the second does update

ADODB Getting the column count

I was reading through our code base at my company and I saw something that seemed like it could be done better.
$dbRow = $dbh->Execute("SELECT * FROM database.table LIMIT 1");
$tableColumnCount = $dbRow->_numOfFields;
Is this the only way to get a column count using ADODB? It just seems silly to have to execute a query so you can ask the question.
WHERE table_name = 'your_table_name'
AND table_schema = 'your_database_name'
That said, you might want to run the FLUSH TABLES command prior to for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS to reflect existing tables and columns because the data is cached.
Whichever way, you'll have to end up hitting the database unless your program can magically know the schema of the table. If LIMIT 0 is legal in MySQL then this would be slightly more efficient - as I expect would replacing LIMIT 1 with WHERE 1 = 0.
MetaColumns or MetaColumnNames should give you this information

How to get ID of the last updated row in MySQL?

How do I get the ID of the last updated row in MySQL using PHP?
I've found an answer to this problem :)
SET #update_id := 0;
UPDATE some_table SET column_name = 'value', id = (SELECT #update_id := id)
WHERE some_other_column = 'blah' LIMIT 1;
SELECT #update_id;
EDIT by aefxx
This technique can be further expanded to retrieve the ID of every row affected by an update statement:
SET #uids := null;
UPDATE footable
SET foo = 'bar'
WHERE fooid > 5
AND ( SELECT #uids := CONCAT_WS(',', fooid, #uids) );
SELECT #uids;
This will return a string with all the IDs concatenated by a comma.
Hm, I am surprised that among the answers I do not see the easiest solution.
Suppose, item_id is an integer identity column in items table and you update rows with the following statement:
UPDATE items
SET qwe = 'qwe'
WHERE asd = 'asd';
Then, to know the latest affected row right after the statement, you should slightly update the statement into the following:
UPDATE items
SET qwe = 'qwe',
WHERE asd = 'asd';
If you need to update only really changed row, you would need to add a conditional update of the item_id through the LAST_INSERT_ID checking if the data is going to change in the row.
This is officially simple but remarkably counter-intuitive. If you're doing:
update users set status = 'processing' where status = 'pending'
limit 1
Change it to this:
update users set status = 'processing' where status = 'pending'
and last_insert_id(user_id)
limit 1
The addition of last_insert_id(user_id) in the where clause is telling MySQL to set its internal variable to the ID of the found row. When you pass a value to last_insert_id(expr) like this, it ends up returning that value, which in the case of IDs like here is always a positive integer and therefore always evaluates to true, never interfering with the where clause. This only works if some row was actually found, so remember to check affected rows. You can then get the ID in multiple ways.
MySQL last_insert_id()
You can generate sequences without calling LAST_INSERT_ID(), but the
utility of using the function this way is that the ID value is
maintained in the server as the last automatically generated value. It
is multi-user safe because multiple clients can issue the UPDATE
statement and get their own sequence value with the SELECT statement
(or mysql_insert_id()), without affecting or being affected by other
clients that generate their own sequence values.
MySQL mysql_insert_id()
Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the
previous INSERT or UPDATE statement. Use this function after you have
performed an INSERT statement into a table that contains an
AUTO_INCREMENT field, or have used INSERT or UPDATE to set a column
value with LAST_INSERT_ID(expr).
The reason for the differences between LAST_INSERT_ID() and
mysql_insert_id() is that LAST_INSERT_ID() is made easy to use in
scripts while mysql_insert_id() tries to provide more exact
information about what happens to the AUTO_INCREMENT column.
PHP mysqli_insert_id()
Performing an INSERT or UPDATE statement using the LAST_INSERT_ID()
function will also modify the value returned by the mysqli_insert_id()
Putting it all together:
$affected_rows = DB::getAffectedRows("
update users set status = 'processing'
where status = 'pending' and last_insert_id(user_id)
limit 1"
if ($affected_rows) {
$user_id = DB::getInsertId();
(FYI that DB class is here.)
This is the same method as Salman A's answer, but here's the code you actually need to do it.
First, edit your table so that it will automatically keep track of whenever a row is modified. Remove the last line if you only want to know when a row was initially inserted.
ADD lastmodified TIMESTAMP
Then, to find out the last updated row, you can use this code.
SELECT id FROM mytable ORDER BY lastmodified DESC LIMIT 1;
This code is all lifted from MySQL vs PostgreSQL: Adding a 'Last Modified Time' Column to a Table and MySQL Manual: Sorting Rows. I just assembled it.
Query :
$sqlQuery = "UPDATE
set_name = 'value'
where_name = 'name'
LIMIT 1;";
PHP function:
function updateAndGetId($sqlQuery)
mysql_query(str_replace("SET", "SET id = LAST_INSERT_ID(id),", $sqlQuery));
return mysql_insert_id();
It's work for me ;)
SET #uids := "";
UPDATE myf___ingtable
SET id = id
WHERE id < 5
AND ( SELECT #uids := CONCAT_WS(',', CAST(id AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8), #uids) );
SELECT #uids;
I had to CAST the id (dunno why)... or I cannot get the #uids content (it was a blob)
Btw many thanks for Pomyk answer!
Hey, I just needed such a trick - I solved it in a different way, maybe it'll work for you. Note this is not a scalable solution and will be very bad for large data sets.
Split your query into two parts -
first, select the ids of the rows you want to update and store them in a temporary table.
secondly, do the original update with the condition in the update statement changed to where id in temp_table.
And to ensure concurrency, you need to lock the table before this two steps and then release the lock at the end.
Again, this works for me, for a query which ends with limit 1, so I don't even use a temp table, but instead simply a variable to store the result of the first select.
I prefer this method since I know I will always update only one row, and the code is straightforward.
ID of the last updated row is the same ID that you use in the 'updateQuery' to found & update that row. So, just save(call) that ID on anyway you want.
last_insert_id() depends of the AUTO_INCREMENT, but the last updated ID not.
My solution is , first decide the "id" ( #uids ) with select command and after update this id with #uids .
SET #uids := (SELECT id FROM table WHERE some = 0 LIMIT 1);
UPDATE table SET col = 1 WHERE id = #uids;SELECT #uids;
it worked on my project.
Further more to the Above Accepted Answer
For those who were wondering about := & =
Significant difference between := and =, and that is that := works as a variable-assignment operator everywhere, while = only works that way in SET statements, and is a comparison operator everywhere else.
So SELECT #var = 1 + 1; will leave #var unchanged and return a boolean (1 or 0 depending on the current value of #var), while SELECT #var := 1 + 1; will change #var to 2, and return 2.
If you are only doing insertions, and want one from the same session, do as per peirix's answer. If you are doing modifications, you will need to modify your database schema to store which entry was most recently updated.
If you want the id from the last modification, which may have been from a different session (i.e. not the one that was just done by the PHP code running at present, but one done in response to a different request), you can add a TIMESTAMP column to your table called last_modified (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/datetime.html for information), and then when you update, set last_modified=CURRENT_TIME.
Having set this, you can then use a query like:
SELECT id FROM table ORDER BY last_modified DESC LIMIT 1;
to get the most recently modified row.
No need for so long Mysql code. In PHP, query should look something like this:
$updateQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE table_name SET row='value' WHERE id='$id'") or die ('Error');
$lastUpdatedId = mysql_insert_id();

Get current auto_increment value

I am doing mysql insert for my table using php.
Autoincrement column name is "link_id"
and "alias" colum is used to make SEO friendly url.
During my insert, I would like to attach link_id value at the end of my alias column.
So I need to know what is the being inserted link_id value.
I do not want to do another query.
mysql_insert_id() does not work, since its using previous query, and not current query.
You should use SHOW TABLE STATUS:
$query = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE tablename");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$next_id = $row["Auto_increment"];
It will give you the current status of auto_increment column.
In one query you can do it like this:
INSERT INTO table_schema.table_name(column_name)
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'table_schema'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'table_name'"))
It will give you the new auto_increment value in the column column_name.
Have you considered a trigger in MySQL? Something like:
CREATE TRIGGER `add_alias_id` AFTER INSERT ON `someTable`
`alias` = CONCAT(`alias`,NEW.`link_id`)
`link_id` = NEW.`link_id`;
EDIT: I was recently working for a company whose flagship software used to assume that max(id) + 1 = next id. The problem is concurrency; it's rare, but two people can get the same id, causing all sorts of chaos. Be extremely careful trying to predict the value.
I handle this type of scenario on the SELECT end.
For Example:
insert into tablename(aliasroot) values('index.php?link_id=');
This would give you for example
In my select I would do 'select concat(aliasroot,link_id) as alias from tablename'
you could use mysql_insert_id() ++, though that won't always be reliable.
what would be better would be to insert the query, then append the current id using CONCAT()
