PHP trim and keep only first and last part - php

I have variables as follow in PHP
I want to only keep the first and last part:
I tried to use trim but got stuck.
EDIT: Here is what I tried to far
$row = $pre_results[$i];
$name = $row -> name;
$text = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', '_', $name);
$text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text);
$text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text);
$text = trim($text, '_');
$text = preg_replace('~-+~', '_', $text);
$text = strtolower($text);
Any suggestions?

function firstlast($var,$seperator) {
$varr = explode($seperator, $var);
$first = current($varr);
$last = end($varr);
return $first.'_'.$last;
$old = 'marine_camp_se_bell';
$new = firstlast($old, $seperator);
echo $new;
If you put original strings in an array, you can run array_walk(); with this function

You can check this: and
$a = "steve_s_baue";

Do it with explode function, I made a basic example working
$name = "marine_camp_se_bell";
$var = explode("_",$name);
print_r (explode("_",$name));
//than print as array
echo "</br>";
echo $var[0];
echo "</br>";
echo $var[3];

$name = "john_dont_do_some_doe";
$array = explode("_", $name);
$last = count($array) - 1;
echo $array[0]."_". $array[$last]; //shows: john_doe
*not tested, but should do the job


How to echo explode array?

EDIT: More clear: I want to echo $data as an array.
I have this:
$lic = $_GET['lic'];
$locationtodb = '../../files/';
$licenses = $locationtodb.'filea.txt';
$SearchLicense = $lic;
$pattern = preg_quote($SearchLicense, '/');
$pattern = "/^.*$pattern.*\$/m";
preg_match_all($pattern, $licenses, $matches);
$wholeLine = implode("\n", $matches[0]);
$data = explode(":", $wholeLine);
I can use somethings like this to replace strings:
$CurrentLine = $lic.':'.'active'.':'.$data[2];
$NewLine = $lic.':'.'suspended'.':'.$data[2];
$new_contents = file_get_contents($licenses);
$new_contents = str_replace($CurrentLine,$NewLine,$new_contents);
And it does work !
But if I typed something like:
echo $data[2];
It give nothing ...
Solution discovered!
$licenses = $locationtodb.'filea.txt';
Must be:
$licenses = file_get_contents($locationtodb.'filea.txt');

replace all occurrences after nth occurrence php?

I have this string...
$text = "1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|"
How do I replace all the occurrences of | with " " after the 8th occurrence of | from the beginning of the string?
I need it look like this, 1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This is the line here
$find = "|";
$replace = " ";
I tried
$text = preg_replace(strrev("/$find/"),strrev($replace),strrev($text),8);
but its not working out so well. If you have an idea please help!
You can use:
$text = '1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|';
$repl = preg_replace('/^([^|]*\|){8}(*SKIP)(*F)|\|/', ' ', $text);
//=> 1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This is the line here
RegEx Demo
Approach is to match and ignore first 8 occurrences of | using ^([^|]*\|){8}(*SKIP)(*F) and the replace each | by space.
You can use explode()
$text = "1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|";
$arr = explode('|', $text);
$result = '';
foreach($arr as $k=>$v){
if($k == 0) $result .= $v;
else $result .= ($k > 7) ? ' '.$v : '|'.$v;
echo $result;
You could use the below regex also and replace the matched | with a single space.
$text = '1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|';
$repl = preg_replace('~(?:^(?:[^|]*\|){8}|(?<!^)\G)[^|\n]*\K\|~', ' ', $text);
$text = "1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|";
$texts = explode( "|", $text );
$new_text = '';
$total_words = count( $texts );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $total_words; $i++)
$new_text .= $texts[$i];
if ( $i <= 7 )
$new_text .= "|";
$new_text .= " ";
echo $new_text;
The way to do that is:
$text = "1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|";
$arr = explode('|', $text, 9);
$arr[8] = strtr($arr[8], array('|'=>' '));
$result = implode('|', $arr);
echo $result;
Example without regex:
$text = "1|2|1400|34|A|309|Frank|william|This|is|the|line|here|";
$array = str_replace( '|', ' ', explode( '|', $text, 9 ) );
$text = implode( '|', $array );
If subject is an array, then the search and replace is performed with
every entry of subject, and the return value is an array as well.
If limit is set and positive, the returned array will contain a
maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of

echo end of url without backslash

How to I echo animal without the backslash and in big caps like this:
$link = 'http://www.mywebsite/product-tag/animal/';
$parts = explode( '/', $link );
If you want auto searching, then you need to use preg_match.
$string = 'http://www.mywebsite/product-tag/animal/';
$urlparts = explode("/", $string);
$animal = ($string[strlen($string)-1] == '/'? $urlparts[count($urlparts)-2] : end($urlparts));
echo strtoupper($animal);
actually I just figured it out
$r = explode('/', $r);
$r = array_filter($r);
$r = array_merge($r, array());
$endofurl = $r[1];
echo $endofurl;

PHP - Convert a string with dashes while removing first word

$title = '228-example-of-the-title'
I need to convert the string to:
Example Of The Title
How would I do that?
A one-liner,
$title = '228-example-of-the-title';
ucwords(implode(' ', array_slice(explode('-', $title), 1)));
This splits the string on dashes (explode(token, input)),
minus the first element (array_slice(array, offset))
joins the resulting set back up with spaces (implode(glue, array)),
and finally capitalises each word (thanks salathe).
$title = '228-example-of-the-title'
$start_pos = strpos($title, '-');
$friendly_title = str_replace('-', ' ', substr($title, $start_pos + 1));
You can do this using the following code
$title = '228-example-of-the-title';
$parts = explode('-',$title);
$title = implode(' ',$parts);
functions used: explode implode and array_shift
$pieces = explode("-", $title);
$result = "";
for ($i = 1; $i < count(pieces); $i++) {
$result = $result . ucFirst($pieces[$i]);
$toArray = explode("-",$title);
$cleanArray = array_shift($toArray);
$finalString = implode(' ' , $cleanArray);
// echo ucwords($finalStirng);
Use explode() to split the "-" and put the string in an array
$title_array = explode("-",$title);
$new_string = "";
for($i=1; $i<count($title_array); $i++)
$new_string .= $title_array[$i]." ";
echo $new_string;

Replace empty spaces with ### from Text between " " in a string in PHP

I have a string like this one text more text "empty space".
How can I replace the space in "empty space" and only this space with ###?
$string = 'text more text "empty space"';
$search = 'empty space';
str_replace($search, 'empty###space', $string);
How about this, with no regular expressions:
$text = 'foo bar "baz quux"';
$parts = explode('"', $text);
$inQuote = false;
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
if ($inQuote) { $part = str_replace(' ', '###', $part); }
$inQuote = !$inQuote;
$parsed = implode('"', $parts);
echo $parsed;
$somevar = "empty space";
$pattern = "/\s/";
$replacement = "###";
$somevar2 = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $somevar);
echo $somevar2;
$string = "My String is great";
$replace = " ";
$replace_with = "###";
$new_string = str_replace($replace, $replace_with, $string);
This should do it for you.
Edited after you comments
Maybe it's not the best solution, but you can do it like this:
$string = 'text more text "empty space"';
preg_match('/(.*)(".*?")$/', $string, $matches);
$finaltext = $matches[1] . str_replace(' ', '###', $matches[2]);
