In PHPExcel i merger three cell and having foreach loop. Result next value not printed after merge - php

$periodOne=array(array('SNO','Appraisal','TOT','AVG','CLS TOT','CLS AVG','DIFF'));
$rowID = 7;
foreach($periodOne as $rowArray) {
$columnID = 'A';
foreach($rowArray as $columnValue) {

$periodOne=array(array('SNO','Appraisal','TOT','AVG','CLS TOT','CLS AVG','DIFF'));
$rowID = 7;
foreach($periodOne as $rowArray) {
$columnID = 'A';
foreach($rowArray as $columnValue) {
if($columnID.$rowID == 'C7')
$columnID = 'E';


How to insert coordinates of a table into an array in PHP

I am making the game battleships in PHP and I need to make it so that the computer randomly chooses 5 coordinates(x, y), and they have to be in a straight line (column or row). How do I make it so the coordinates are in a line and how do I connect the coordinates to the table cells?
Here's what I have so far:
$x=(mt_rand(0, 10));
$y=(mt_rand(0, 10));
for($q=0; $q<5; $q++){
$polje[$l]=array($x, $y);
echo "<table id='table'>\n";
while ($i<11){
echo "<tr>";
for($k=0; $k<11; $k++, $start++){
echo "<td>$i</td>";
else if($i==0){
echo "<td class='td2'>$ascii</td>";
echo "<td class='td1'> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
This is what the table looks like:
I like this kind of challenge.
Of course, there is a lot of ways, better ways to do this, with OOP, but you can get the point.
Read the comments through the code and if you have any doubts feel free to ask.
I did some treatment to avoid ships overlapping each other, and random deployment.
const BOARD_SIZE = 10; //10x10 board
const SUBMARINE = 1;
const DESTROYER = 2;
const BATTLESHIP = 3;
$ships_available = [];
//populate with some data based on game rule
array_push($ships_available, SUBMARINE);
array_push($ships_available, SUBMARINE);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, DESTROYER);
array_push($ships_available, BATTLESHIP);
array_push($ships_available, BATTLESHIP);
array_push($ships_available, AIRCRAFTCARRIER);
$board = [];
while(count($ships_available) > 0) {
deployShip($board, $ships_available);
$lastColumnLetter = chr(ord('A')+ BOARD_SIZE-1);
//print table
echo "<table border='1' align='center'>";
echo "<tr><td></td><td>".implode('</td><td>',range(1, BOARD_SIZE))."</td></tr>";
for($i = 'A'; $i <= $lastColumnLetter; $i++) {
echo "<tr><td>".$i."</td>";
for($j=0; $j < BOARD_SIZE; $j++) {
echo "<td align='center'>";
echo $board[$i][$j] ?: ' ';
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
function array_merge_custom($array1, $array2) {
foreach($array2 as $key => $value) {
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$array1[$key][$k] = $v;
return $array1;
function deployShip(&$board, &$ships_available) {
$randomShipKey = array_rand($ships_available);
$ship = $ships_available[$randomShipKey];
$beginCoordinates = getRandomCoordinates();
$coordinates = getShipCoordinates($board, $beginCoordinates, $ship);
if(!$coordinates) {
return false;
$board = array_merge_custom($board,$coordinates);
function getRowNumberByLetter($letter) {
return array_search($letter, range('A','Z'));
function getRowLetterByNumber($number) {
$letters = range('A','Z');
return $letters[$number];
function getRandomCoordinates() {
return ['row' => chr(mt_rand(ord('A'), (ord('A') + BOARD_SIZE-1))), 'col' => mt_rand(0,BOARD_SIZE -1)];
function getShipCoordinates($board, $beginCoordinates, $ship) {
if(isset($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
return false; //anchor position already taken
if($ship == 1) {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$beginCoordinates['col']] = 1;
return $return;
$shipArraySize = $ship -1;
$directions = ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down'];
$tries = 10;
while($tries > 0) {
$direction = $directions[array_rand($directions)];
$return = [];
switch($direction) {
case 'left':
if(($beginCoordinates['col'] - $shipArraySize) < 0) { //check if can go left
for($colBegin = ($beginCoordinates['col'] - $shipArraySize), $colEnd = $beginCoordinates['col']; $colBegin <= $colEnd; $colBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'right':
if(($beginCoordinates['col'] + $shipArraySize) > BOARD_SIZE -1) { //check if can go right
for($colBegin = $beginCoordinates['col'], $colEnd = ($beginCoordinates['col'] + $shipArraySize); $colBegin <= $colEnd; $colBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colEnd])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[$beginCoordinates['row']][$colBegin] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'up':
if((getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) - $shipArraySize) < 0) { //check if can go up
for($rowBegin = (getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) - $shipArraySize), $rowEnd = getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']); $rowBegin <= $rowEnd; $rowBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']] = $ship;
return $return;
case 'down':
if((getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) + $shipArraySize) > BOARD_SIZE -1) { //check if can go down
for($rowBegin = getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']), $rowEnd = (getRowNumberByLetter($beginCoordinates['row']) + $shipArraySize); $rowBegin <= $rowEnd; $rowBegin++) {
if(!empty($board[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']])) {
break 2;
} else {
$return[getRowLetterByNumber($rowBegin)][$beginCoordinates['col']] = $ship;
return $return;
return false;

Sort multidimensional array by another array and complete missing keys in the same order

I'm trying to export data from leads table to excel using PHP/Laravel, the leads table caמ be customized to show specific columns and the export columns should be same as the table columns. the problem is - if column not exists in a specific row the column not shown empty and the 'xls' file is exported really messy...
my code looks like this:
public function excelExport(Request $request, $client_id=null)
$client_id = is_null($client_id) ? \Auth::client()->id : $client_id;
$this->client_users = $this->clientsController->listClientUsers($client_id);
$columns = $this->account_settings->getColumnsDef($client_id);
$query = Lead::select(array_keys($columns))->where('client_id',strval($client_id))->where('deleted',0);
$query = $this->setQueryDates($request,$query,$client_id);
$query = $this->leadsFiltersController->setExportQuery($request,$query);
$arr = $query->get()->toArray();
Excel::create('leads' , function($excel) use ($arr,$columns){
$excel->sheet('Leads' , function($sheet) use ($arr,$columns){
$rows = [];
$count = 0;
foreach($arr as $lead){
$row = $this->setExportRowData($lead,$count,$columns);
$rows[] = $row;
private function setExportRowData($lead,$count,$columns,$order = true)
$row = [];
$order = null;
foreach($lead as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
switch (strtolower($k)) {
case "ga_details":
if (count($v) > 2) {
foreach ($v as $key => $ga_detail) {
if ($key != "realTime_data" && $key != "uacid") {
$row[$key] = $ga_detail;
case "status":
if (isset($v['name']) && count($v['name'])) {
$row['status'] = $v['name'];
} else {
$row['status'] = "no status";
case "owner":
if (isset($v['owner_id']) && count($v)) {
$row['owner'] = $this->getClientOwnerUserName($this->client_users, $v['owner_id']);
} else {
$row['owner'] = "no owner";
case "prediction":
if (isset($v['score']) && count($v)) {
$row['prediction'] = $v['score'];
} else {
$row['prediction'] = "no prediction";
case "the_lead":
foreach ($v as $key => $lead_detail) {
$row[$key] = $lead_detail;
case "quality":
if (isset($v['name'])) {
$row['quality'] = $v['name'];
} else {
$row['quality'] = "no quality";
case "feeds":
if (isset($v['feeds']) && count($v['feeds'])) {
$row['feeds'] = array_pop($v['feeds'])['message'];
default :
$row[$k] = $v;
} else {
if ($k != "_id") {
$row[$k] = $v;
return $order == true ? sortArrayByArrayValues($this->order,$row) : $row;
sortArrayByArrayValues function looks like this:
function sortArrayByArrayValues(Array $array, Array $orderArray)
$rtn = [];
foreach($array as $arr){
$rtn[$arr] = $orderArray[$arr];
$rtn[$arr] = '';
return $rtn;
I really have no clue how to solve it, appreciate any help!!! :)

change row colour in a loop based on value

I wish to change tr background colour based on value in a loop so if the value is X for next a few records then colour should be blue, if the value is changed to something else then colour should also be changed to yellow.
My code below is faulty which makes all the rows yellow after painting first one as blue.
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
if ($old_value == $value)
$colour = 'blue';
$colour = 'yellow';
$old_value = $value;
I need output like this:
You need to change the color according to the last color used, something like
$arr = array(1,1,1,4,4,7,3);
$old_value = 0;
$colour = 'blue';
echo '<table>';
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
if ($old_value == $value)
//colour stays the same
if($colour == 'blue')
$colour = 'yellow';
$colour = 'blue';
$old_value = $value;
echo '<tr style="background-color:' .$colour . '"><td>' . $value . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
Now every group of equal values will have the same colour, and the next group has the other colour.
Make sure you are using your cycle right:
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
if ($old_value == $value)
$colour = 'blue';
$colour = 'yellow';
$old_value = $value;
//now $color has the desired value
//so now you should echo your tr
//now $color contains just the last row
$arr = ['something', 'something else', 'another something'];
$old_value = "";
foreach ($arr as $key => $value){
if ($old_value == $value){
$colour = 'blue';
$colour = 'yellow';
$old_value = $value;
echo '<tr style="background-color:' .$colour . '"><td>' . $value . '</td></tr>';
you may do like
$old_value = "";
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
if ($old_value != $value)
$old_value = $value;
if($i % 2 == 1)
$colour = 'yellow';
} else {
$colour = 'blue';
foreach($resultex as $rowex)
if ($old_value != $rowex)
$old_value = $rowex;
if($i%2 == 1)
<tr style="background-color:#f3f3f3;color:#000;">
<tr style="background-color:#fff;color:#000;">

Variable variables created within a for loop

I'd like to change this:
if ($week_day == "1")
$day1_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "2")
$day2_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "3")
$day3_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "4")
$day4_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "5")
$day5_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "6")
$day6_hours = $value;
if ($week_day == "7")
$day7_hours = $value;
Into something more readable, like a for loop, or whatever other suggestions you all may have.
I tried to do:
for ($c=1; $c<8, $c++)
if ($week_day == $c)
$day".$c."_hours = $value;
But I know that is nowhere near correct, and I have no idea how to insert another variable within a variable.
Any help is appreciated!
Try this syntax.
${'day'.$c.'_hours'} = $value;
Try this
$hours[$week_day] = $value
Something like this
$week_day = 3;
$value = "hi";
${"day" . $week_day . "_hours"} = $value;
echo $day3_hours;
My interpretation.
$week = 7;
$day = array();
for($i=1; $i<=7; $i++){
$day[$i]['hours'] = $value;
You can declare the numbers of weeks you want and to pull the data you can do something like this:
echo $day[1]['hours']

Remove duplicate values on an array with a condition in PHP

I want to remove some duplicate values on an array, but there is a condition that the script has to ignore the array that contains a specific word.
Below code is adapted from PHP: in_array.
$array = array( 'STK0000100001',
'STK0000100001', //--> This should be remove
'STK0000100001-XXXX', //--> This should be ignored
'STK0000100001-XXXX' ); //--> This should be ignored
$ignore_values = array('-XXXX');
if(make_unique($array, $ignore_values) > 0) {
The function to make the array unique is:
function make_unique($array, $ignore) {
$i = 0;
while($values = each($array)) {
if(!in_array($values[1], $ignore)) {
$dupes = array_keys($array, $values[1]);
foreach($dupes as $rmv) {
return $i;
I have tried to use if(!in_array(str_split($values[1]), $ignore)) ... but it just the same.
The array should become like:
How to do that?
Try this one, just remove the print_r(); inside the function when using in production
if(make_unique($array, $ignore_values) > 0) {
function make_unique($array, $ignore) {
$array_hold = $array;
$ignore_val = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($array as $arr) {
foreach($ignore as $ign) {
if(strpos($arr, $ign)) {
array_push( $ignore_val, $arr);
$unique_one = (array_unique($array_hold));
$unique_one = array_merge($unique_one,$ignore_val);
return count($array) - count($unique_one);
This should work for >= PHP 5.3.
$res = array_reduce($array, function ($res, $val) use ($ignore_values) {
$can_ignore = false;
foreach ($ignore_values as $ignore_val) {
if (substr($val, 0 - strlen($ignore_val)) == $ignore_val) {
$can_ignore = true;
if ( $can_ignore || ! in_array($val, $res)) {
$res[] = $val;
return $res;
}, array()
$num_of_duplicates = 0;
$res = array();
foreach ($array as $val) {
$can_ignore = false;
foreach ($ignore_values as $ignore_val) {
if (substr($val, 0 - strlen($ignore_val)) == $ignore_val) {
$can_ignore = true;
if ( $can_ignore || ! in_array($val, $res)) {
$res[] = $val;
Edit: Added duplicate count to the second snippet.
