Extending classes and using traits for main class - php

I'm building an api with php and I am not that familiar with extending classes or using traits. Currently I'm using traits to better structure my main API class.
See below for the current way of working. I was wondering if I could create a class inside the API class. One which is for example responsible for the webhook methods. This needs to have access to all methods on both router and api for the current instance.
When people access the api on /v1/{method}/{verb}/{args}
if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_ORIGIN', $_SERVER)) {
try {
$API = new API($_REQUEST['request'], $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']);
echo $API->processAPI();
catch (Exception $e) {
echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]);
Router class
abstract class router {
Methods which seek out
* method
* verb
* args
And do authentication
My main API class
class API extends router {
// some generic methods specifically for this class
// Other methods but in different files (for readability and oversight)
use otherMethod1;
use otherMethod2;
// ...

You can inject webhook class object to your API class. Small example, as requested.
class Webhook { // some methods }
class API extends router {
private $webhook;
public function __construct(Webhook $webhook)
$this->webhook = $webhook;
// some generic methods specifically for this class
public function useWebhook()
$result = $this->webhook->someWebhookMethod();
// ...
// Other methods but in different files (for readability and oversight)
use otherMethod1;
use otherMethod2;
// ...
When you can create your objects like this
$webhook = new Webhook();
$api = new API($webhook);
Are you looking for this?
You can read more about this approach called "dependency injection" right here: http://php-di.org/doc/understanding-di.html


Yii2 Dependency Injection Container - interface registration not resolving dependent object instance

In the Yii2 Guide it describes various methods of Registering Dependencies with the Dependency Injection Container. See here: https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/concept-di-container#registering-dependencies
// register an interface
// When a class depends on the interface, the corresponding class
// will be instantiated as the dependent object
$container->set('yii\mail\MailInterface', 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer');
So I have tested this and it doesn't appear to function as described because the registered mapping of an interface to class does not resolve in the created object. See my test code examples below...
Custom Test Class Requiring Dependency Interface:
namespace api\components\Test;
class DependencyTest
public function __construct(\api\components\Test\DependencyInterface $dependency, $config = [])
echo '<pre>';
echo '$dependency->getSummary() ' . print_r($dependency->getSummary(), true);
echo '</pre>';
Custom Dependency Interface:
namespace api\components\Test;
interface DependencyInterface
public function getSummary();
Custom Dependency Class:
namespace api\components\Test;
class DependencyClass implements DependencyInterface
public function getSummary() {
return [
'currentClassMethod' => __METHOD__,
In Controller:
$container = new \yii\di\Container;
$container->set('\api\components\Test\DependencyInterface', '\api\components\Test\DependencyClass');
try {
$dependencyTest = $container->get('\api\components\Test\DependencyTest');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '$e->getMessage() ' . print_r($e->getMessage(), true);
echo '</pre>';
Running this in the controller, I see the following response:
$e->getMessage() Can not instantiate api\components\Test\DependencyInterface.
Why does DI container not resolve the registered interface to the mapped class (DependencyClass) and inject an instance of this into the constructor of DependencyTest? From the generated exception, it would seem that it is ignoring this and trying to instantiate the interface itself.
Is the guide simply misleading here? Do I have to additionally do this?
$dependencyTest = $container->get(
// constructor params
Now it does work, but it seems to destroy the whole objective of using this DI container in the first place instead of simply instantiating in a regular php way!

How is it possible to test services with Laravel using PhpUnit?

I would like to test some of my services, but I can not find any example on Laravel's website:
They show how to test simple classes, entities, controllers, but I have no idea how to test services. How is it possible to instantiate a service with complex dependencies?
Example service:
namespace App\Services;
// Dependencies
use App\Services\FooService;
use App\Services\BarService;
class DemoService {
private $foo_srv;
private $bar_srv;
function __construct(
FooService $foo_srv,
BarService $bar_srv
) {
$this->foo_srv = $foo_srv;
$this->bar_srv = $bar_srv;
// I would like to test these two functions
public function demoFunctionOne() {
// ...
public function demoFunctionTwo() {
// ...
The quickest thought that might come to the mind is to create a copy of those Service classes, but that could grow so big. This is why there's MockObject in PhpUnit.
To achieve this mock and use it as a replacement to the service class you may need to resolve it in Laravel service container.
Here is how it will look:
class DemoServiceTest extends TestCase
// Dependencies
use App\Services\FooService;
use App\Services\BarService;
use App\Services\DemoService;
public function testDemoFunctionOne()
$foo_srv = $this->getMockBuilder(FooService::class)
//->setMethods(['...']) // array of methods to set initially or they return null
->disableOriginalConstructor() //disable __construct
* Set methods and value to return
// $foo_srv->expects($this->any())
// ->method('myMethod') //method needed by DemoService?
// ->will($this->returnValue('some value')); // return value expected
$bar_srv = $this->getMockBuilder(BarService::class)
// ->setMethods(['...']) // array of methods to set initially or they return null
* Set methods and value to return
// $bar_srv->expects($this->any())
// ->method('myMethod') //method needed by DemoService?
// ->will($this->returnValue('some value')); // return value expected
$demo_service = new DemoService($foo_srv, $bar_srv);
$result = $demo_service->demoFunctionOne(); //run demo function
$this->assertNotEmpty($result); //an assertion
We are creating new mock for both FooService and BarService classes, and then passing it when instantiating DemoService.
As you can see without uncommenting the commented chunk of code, then we set a return value, otherwise when setMethods is not used, all methods are default to return null.
Let's say you want to resolve these classes in Laravel Service Container for example then you can after creating the mocks, call:
$this->app->instance(FooService::class, $foo_srv);
$this->app->instance(BarService::class, $bar_srv);
Laravel resolves both classes, feeding the mock classes to any caller of the classes So that you just call your class this way:
$demoService = $this->app->make(DemoService::class);
There are lots of things to watch out for when mocking classes for tests, see sources: https://matthiasnoback.nl/2014/07/test-doubles/, https://phpunit.de/manual/6.5/en/test-doubles.html
I have an example using the service you gave below. The basic idea is that for dependencies you just assume that they'll work as expected and create mocks for them.
Mocks are special classes that pretend to be a different class, but don't really do anything unless you tell them to. For example, say we have a class called UserCreationService that takes a few arguments required to create a new user. This class depends on some things like a Mailer class to send a registration mail, and a UserRepository class to save the user to the database. It also does a lot of validation of the user, and we'd like to check lots and lots of edge cases for all the different possible arguments to create a user.
In this example do we really want to check that the user was saved to the database? Do we want to check for sure that the mail was really sent? We could do that, but it would take a very long time to run all our test cases. Instead we just assume that the classes our UserCreationService depends on will just do their job and we create mock classes for the dependencies. We would create mocks for the Mailer and UserRepository and just tell the test that we expect some methods to be called (like sendRegistrationMail for the Mailer) and concentrate on the logic contained in our class.
// This is the class we want to test
class UserCreationService {
// The dependencies
private $userRepository;
private $mailer;
public function __construct($userRepository, $mailer)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
$this->mailer = $mailer;
public function create($name, $email, $location, $age)
$user = new User();
// do some complex validation here. This is what we want to test
// then call our external services
// This is a sample test for the above class using mocking
class UserCreationServiceTest extends TestCase
public function testValidUserWillBeSaved() {
// The framework allows using argument tokens.
// This just means an instance of *any* user class is expected
$anyUserToken = Argument::type(User::class);
// The prophesize method creates our mock for us
// We then define its behavior
$mailer = $this->prophesize(Mailer::class);
// Let our test know we expect this method to be called
// And that we expect an instance of a user class to be passed to it
$userRepo = $this->prophesize(UserRepository::class);
// Create our service with the mocked dependencies
$service = new UserCreationService(
$userRepo->reveal(), $mailer->reveal()
// Try calling our method as part of the test
$result = $service->create('Tom', 'tom#test.com', 'Ireland', 24);
// Do some check to see that the result we got is what we expected
$this->assertEquals('Tom', $result->getName());
This is something similar, but specific to the example you gave above:
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class DemoServiceTest extends TestCase
public function testDemoFunctionOne()
// These are the variables that will be passed around the service
$sampleId = 1;
$myModel = new MyModelClass();
// Set up a mock FooService instance
$fooMock = $this->prophesize(FooService::class);
// Tell the test that we expect "findFoo" to be called and what to return
// Set up a mock BarService instance
$barMock = $this->prophesize(BarService::class);
// Tell the test we expect "save" to be called and what argument to expect
// Create an instance of the service you want to test with the mocks
$demoService = new DemoService($fooMock->reveal(), $barMock->reveal());
// Call your method, get a result
$result = $demoService->demoFunctionOne($sampleId);
// Check that the result is what you want
$this->assertEquals($myModel, $result);
I'd have a look at Laravel specific stuff here and prophecy here
i am not sure about the context you have there, but I will try to have an answer for you based on an example.
Imagine that you want to test a payment gateway from a payment provider.
My approach is to make 2 payment gateways extend something like this interface:
namespace App\Payment;
interface PaymentGateway
public function charge($amount, $token);
public function getTestToken();
then i will create the real payment gateway that is used in the controllers or where ever you need it and for the tests the 'fake' payment and this is an exact copy of the real one but with dummy data. This you can use on the tests because it is faster and it is a 1to1 copy of the real. I think if the service it self works or not via the internet it is outside of the testing scope, at least for now. So you will end up with something like this:
namespace App\Payment;
class FakePaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway
private $tokens;
const TEST_CARD_NUMBER = '1234123412341234';
public function __construct()
$this->tokens = collect();
public function getTestToken()
return 'fake-tok_'.str_random(15);
and the real one:
namespace App\Payment;
class PaypalPaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway
public function __construct(PayPal $PaypalClient)
public function charge($amount, $token)
so i think in your case, when you have complex dependencies, you have to fake all of that, depending on the case, into the fake service.
the tests will look like this for the fake service:
<?php namespace Tests\Unit\Payment;
use App\Payment\FakePaymentGateway;
use Tests\TestCase;
class FakePaymentGatewayTest extends TestCase
use PaymentGatewayContractTests;
protected function getPaymentGateway()
return new FakePaymentGateway;
for the real one like this:
<?php namespace Tests\Unit\Payment;
use App\Payment\PaypalPaymentGateway;
use Tests\TestCase;
* #group integration
* ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --exclude-group integration
class PaypalPaymentGatewayTest extends TestCase
use PaymentGatewayContractTests;
protected function getPaymentGateway()
return new PaypalPaymentGateway(....);
for the real one you should ignore it in the phpunit when running to make the tests faster and not depending of the internet connection and so on. It is also nice to have in the tests suite, when changes from the service occur.
You will end up having a better understanding of the dependencies and maybe you will also do some refactoring. Anyway i guess it is a lot to work but when the real implemanation will change you can see that also from the tests and change it faster.
I hope my answer will help you in your service tests :).
Maybe you can use Mockery to mock the Dependencies.
We are doing this for our cases and it does the work, yet. :)
Especially the partial Mock is doing fine here.

PHP DI pattern for function driven application

I have some classes that require dependencies injected into their constructors. This allows me to inject mocks (e.g. from prophecy) for testing.
I'm interested in using a container to help configure and access these objects, and I've looked at Pimple for this (I also looked at PHP-DI although I couldn't get that to resolve stuff on a quick attempt).
All good so far. BUT, the problem I have is that the application (Drupal 7) is built around thousands of functions which do not belong to an object that can have dependencies injected into.
So I need these functions to be able to access the services from the container. Further more, for testing purposes, I need to replace the services with mocks and new mocks.
So the pattern is like:
* Some controller class that uses an injected mailing service.
class Supporter
protected $mailer;
public function __construct(MailingServiceInterface $mailer) {
$this->mailer = $mailer;
public function signUpForMalings($supporter_id) {
$email = $this->getSupporterEmail($supporter_id);
Then peppered in various functions I'd use:
* A form submit handler called by the platform app,
* with a signature I can't touch.
function my_form_submit($values) {
global $container;
if ($values['subscribe']) {
$supporter = $container->get('supporter');
Elsewhere I may need to access the mailer directly...
* example function requires mailer service.
function is_signed_up($email) {
global $container;
return $container->get('mailer')->isSignedUp($email);
And elsewhere a function that calls those functions...
* example function that uses both the above functions
function sign_em_up($email, $supporter_id) {
if (!is_signed_up($email)) {
return TRUE;
Let's acknowledge that these functions are a mess - that's a deliberate representation of the problem. But let's say I want to test the sign_em_up function:
public testSignUpNewPerson() {
$mock_mailer = createAMockMailer()
->whenFunctionCalled('isSignedUp', 'wilma#example.com');
// Somehow install the mock malier in the container.
$result = sign_em_up('wilma#example.com', 123);
// ... imagine other tests which also need to inject mocks.
While I recognise that this is using the container as a Service Locator in the various global functions, I think this is unavoidable given the nature of the platform. If there's a cleaner way, please let me know.
However my main question is:
There's a problem with injecting mocks, because the mocks need to change for various tests. Lets say I swap out the mailer service (in Pimple: $container->offsetUnset('mailer'); $container['mailer'] = $mock_mailer;), but if Pimple had already instantiated the supporter service, then that service will have the old, unmocked mailer object. Is this a limitation of the containter software, or the general container pattern, or am I Doing It Wrong, or is it just a mess because of the old-school function-centred application?
Here's what I've gone for, in absence of any other suggestions!
Container uses Pimple\Psr11\ServiceLocator
I'm using Pimple, so the container's factories may look like this
use Pimple\Container;
use Pimple\Psr11\ServiceLocator;
$container = new Container();
$container['mailer'] = function ($c) { return new SomeMailer(); }
$container['supporters'] = function ($c) {
// Create a service locator for the 'Supporters' class.
$services = new ServiceLocator($c, ['mailer']);
return new Supporter($services);
Then the Supporter class now instead of storing references to the objects extracted from the container when it was created, now fetches them from the ServiceLocator:
use \Pimple\Psr11\ServiceLocator;
* Some controller class that uses an injected mailing service.
class Supporter
protected $services;
public function __construct(ServiceLocator $services) {
$this->services = $services;
// This is a convenience function.
public function __get($prop) {
if ($prop == 'mailer') {
return $this->services->get('mailer');
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown property '$prop'");
public function signUpForMalings($supporter_id) {
$email = $this->getSupporterEmail($supporter_id);
In the various CMS functions I just use global $container; $mailer = $container['mailer'];, but it means that that in tests I can now mock any service and know that all code that needs that service will now have my mocked service. e.g.
class SomeTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
function testSupporterGetsMailed() {
global $container;
$supporter = $container['supporter'];
// e.g. mock the mailer component
$container['mailer'] = $this->getMockedMailer();
// Do something with supporter.
// ...

Making use of multiple data sources with Zend Framework

I am starting an application built on zend framework; this application should be able to make use of multiple data sources other than a database; a webservice for example.
I have been reading on how to structure my model so as to allow for this scenario. I have come across various concepts that seem to provide a solution to this (DataMapper Pattern, Service Pattern, Adapter Layer, etc). However, I am still confused on how to put this all together into a reusable and scalable codebase.
I have worked with zend framework before and will normally work with a mysql table. If for example, I have a Users table...I simple have a Users class in my model that contains business logic of the the user domain and a User class extending Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract representing a row in the user table.
How best do I organize my model and code base such that i can still call $users->fetchAll() and get a collection of user objects regardless of what my datasource is?
It basically works the same as you did before, just that instead of a Zend_Db_Table_Gateway you use a My_UserGateway_Whatever, e.g. create an interface first:
interface UserGateway
* #return array
* #throws UserGatewayException
public function findAll();
We dont want Exceptions from the concrete Gateways to appear in the consuming code, so we add the UserGatewayException as a catch all:
class UserGatewayException extends RuntimeException
Then add a class implementing that interface:
class My_UserGateway_Webservice implements UserGateway
public function findAll()
try {
// insert logic to fetch from the webservice
return $userData;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new UserGatewayException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode, $e);
// … more code
Likewise, if you want to use a Database source, you can write an adapter for the Zend_Db_* classes, e.g.
class My_UserGateway_Database implements UserGateway
private $tableDataGateway;
public function __construct(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract $tableDataGateway)
$this->tableDataGateway = $tableDataGateway;
public function findAll()
try {
return $this->tableDataGateway->select()->blah();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new UserGatewayException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode, $e);
// … more code
If you need another Data Provider, make sure they implement that interface, so you can rely on the findAll method to be there. Make your consuming class depend on the interface, e.g.
class SomethingUsingUsers
private $userGateway;
public function __construct(UserGateway $userGateway)
$this->userGateway = $userGateway;
public function something()
try {
$users = $this->userGateway->findAll();
// do something with array of user data from gateway
} catch (UserGatewayException $e) {
// handle Exception
// … more code
Now, when you create SomethingUsingUsers you can easily inject one or the other Gateway into the constructor and your code will work regardless of which Gateway you used:
$foo = SomethingUsingUsers(
new My_UserGateway_Database(
new Zend_Db_Table('User')
or, for the Webservice:
$foo = SomethingUsingUsers(
new My_UserGateway_Webservice(
// any additional dependencies

How to apply interfaces and abstraction in PHP

So I have understood how interfaces and abstraction work in PHP, I just don't see the point for example, of having a interface if it just sets a guide and requires implemented objects to have certain methods. Especially since the interface is not even getting instantiated.
This also goes with abstraction, I just can't apply it to my code and see it as such a great thing. When I am trying to create objects on a bigger scale to interact with each other in order to figure out interfaces, each class ends up passing information back and forth, but never is the interface touched.
So what I'm asking is if you guys have any advice or links to outside sources that is good at explaining this kind of thing.
Here's one simple example. Creating interfaces and abstract classes allows you to ensure an object adhears to a common API. See the example below.
interface iCar
function drive();
abstract class Car implements iCar
public $make = 'Generic';
public function drive()
printf("I'm driving in my %s%s", $this->make, PHP_EOL);
class FordTruck extends Car
public $make = "Ford";
class Porsche extends Car
public $make = 'Porsche';
public function drive()
printf("I'm speeding around in my %s%s", $this->make, PHP_EOL);
class Yugo extends Car
public $make = 'Yugo';
public function drive()
printf("I'm pushing my %s around town%s", $this->make, PHP_EOL);
function drive(iCar $car)
$car1 = new FordTruck;
$car2 = new Porsche;
$car3 = new Yugo;
Even if you don't specify the type of input parameter on the drive() function, you can check if the input is an instanceof an iCar
function drive($car)
if ($car instanceof iCar)
Another example would be building a caching interface in your application. You can specify that all cache engines support the same methods for reading/writing/invalidating objects in the cache without knowing (or caring) about the actual implementation of a particular cache engine.
I could give you the simplest as possible example.
Assume you want a feature that allow your site to login with Facebook/Twitter
# here's your interface/abstract class
interface Auth_Adapter {
public function auth();
# now your Facebook
class Auth_Adapter_Facebook implements Auth_Adapter {
public function login() {
# include facebook-sdk and auth
# Twitter
class Auth_Adapter_Twitter implements Auth_Adapter {
public function login() {
# include twitter-oauth and auth
Imagine when someone try to use Facebook/Twitter thing They can simply call
$adapter = new Auth_Adapter_Facebook;
$adapter = new Auth_Adapter_Twitter;
As you can see both adapters use the same login interface. What's happen if in the future you have to include 'Pinterest' login? Your code still work as long as you implement the same interface.
EDIT: More explanations
Here's the reason why you have to use interface or abstract
# I use `type-hinting` here. So I can ensure that only object that implements `Auth_Adapter` will allow. Without this implementation someone might pass some other object that doesn't have `login` method in. But in our case we don't have to worry about that.
public function perform_login(Auth_Adapter $adapter) {
