PHP class_alias with var_dump as that class - php

I'm working on a library to connect to the Eventbrite API. I've made it generic enough that a lot of the second level business objects are empty classes. Having said that, when I instantiate those objects, I would still like them to register as different classes. I thought class_alias would be the way to go, but it seems that the original class is what is returned when doing a var_dump.
namespace Project;
use Project\Classes\Aliaser;
use Project\Classes\Attendee;
$attendee = new Attendee();
// Aliaser {}
What I'm shooting for:
$attendee = new Attendee();
// Attendee {}
I would really like to delete the empty classes in favor of the generic one while also having the new dynamically generated class be registered.
Is that possible without a serious performance hit?
Note: Prefer PHP 5.4 or greater, but PHP 7 is also good.

You can create an instance of a class without puting the code to a file by using eval:
// define the class if it does not exists
if (!class_exists (\Eightfold\Eventbrite\Classes\ApiResource\Question::class)) {
eval ( 'class Question extends \Eightfold\Eventbrite\Classes\ApiResource {} ');
//create instance
$instance = new \Eightfold\Eventbrite\Classes\ApiResource\Question ();
P.S. If you don't find another solution without eval then you should consider this quote:
If eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the wrong
question. -- Rasmus Lerdorf, BDFL of PHP


Is instantiating a class using `new $className()` an issue by any means? Should I use it instead of `ReflectionClass::newInstance`?

There are a few times, when dealing with something like a service container, where I have to instantiate a class, but I get the full class name from a configuration file. An example, much like the symfony container:
class: "Vendor\Namespace\ClassName"
arguments: [...]
Now, inside my container, I'm left with a choice: I can either instantiate this class using the following snippet, which makes use of this PHP strange feature that is evaluating the class name in runtime:
$service = new $className(...$evaluatedArguments);
Or I can instantiate it using Reflection:
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($className);
$service = $reflectionClass->newInstance($evaluatedArguments);
The latter is much more clear on what it's doing, and is, at the moment, my preferred method. However, since $className is not user input (is loaded from a .yaml file which works as an app configuration file), I can't find a reason not to use the first snippet other than readability.
It looks really sketchy, but I can't think of any technical/security reasons not to use it, and it does save some memory (I don't have to instantiate a \ReflectionClass) and is far less verbose.
My question: is using new $className an issue by any means?
Disclaimer, because I know people like to get offtopic: I'm not building a Service Container. Do not advice me to use Pimple or some other DiC instead of addressing the question, this is just an example for didatic purposes.
new $className() is officially supported PHP syntax for instantiating a class with a variable name. Period. It works. There are no caveats. There's no reason to invoke the overhead of ReflectionClass for a simple object instantiation.

Why use class aliases?

Why would we use the class_alias function? For example:
Class Test {
public function __construct(){
echo "Class initialized";
class_alias("Test", "AnotherName");
$instance = new AnotherName(); # equivalent to $instance = new Test();
According to the manual, "The aliased class is exactly the same as the original class."
What is this useful for?
Surprisingly, nobody has mentioned the obvious reason why one would do this: the use keyword can only be used in the outmost scope, and is processed at compile-time, so you can't use Some\Class based on some condition, nor can it be block-scoped:
namespace Foo;
if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
use Images\MagicImage as Image;
use Images\GdImage as Image;
class ImageRenderer
public function __construct(Image $img)
This won't work: though the use statements are in the outmost scope, these imports are, as I said before, performed at compile-time, not run-time. As an upshot, this code behaves as though it was written like so:
namespace Foo;
use Images\GdImage as Image;
use Images\MagicImage as Image;
Which will produce an error (2 class with the same alias...)
class_alias however, being a function that is called at run-time, so it can be block scoped, and can be used for conditional imports:
namespace Foo;
if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
class_alias('Images\\MagicImage', 'Image');
class ImageRenderer
public function __construct(Image $img)
Other than that, I suspect the main benefit of class_alias is that all code written, prior to PHP 5.3 (which introduced namespaces) allowed you to avoid having to write things like:
$foo = new My_Lib_With_Pseudo_Name_Spaces_Class();
Instead of having to refactor that entire code-base and create namespaces, It's just a lot easier to add a couple of:
class_alias('My_Lib_With_Pseudo_Name_Spaces_Class', 'MyClass');
To the top of the script, along with some //TODO: switch to Namespaces comments.
Another use case might be while actually transferring these classes to their namespaced counterparts: just change the class_alias calls once a class has been refactored, the other classes can remain intact.
When refactoring your code, chances are you're going to want to rethink a couple of things, so a use-case like aichingm suggested might not be too far fetched.
Last thing I can think of, but I haven't seen this yet, is when you want to test some code with a mock object, you might use class_alias to make everything run smoothly. However, if you have to do this, you might aswell consider the test a failure, because this is indicative of badly written code, IMO.
Incidently, just today I came across another use-case for class_alias. I was working on a way to implement a lib, distilled from a CLI tool for use in a MVC based web-app. Some of the classes depended on an instance of the invoked command to be passed, from which they got some other bits and bolts.
Instead of going through the trouble of refactoring, I decided to replace the:
use Application\Commands\SomeCommand as Invoker;
Statements with:
if (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli')
class_alias('\\Application\\Commands\\SomeCommand', 'Invoker');
class_alias('\\Web\\Models\\Services\\SomeService', 'Invoker');
and, after a quick :%s/SomeCommand/Invoker/g in vim, I was good to go (more or less)
Think of this the other way. There is a library and it contains a class called MySq, as the library moves on in development they think 'oh maybe we should just make one database class' so the rewrite the class and call it 'DatabaseConnection' it has the same functions as the MySql class but it can also handle Sql and MsSql. As time goes on and they release the new version 'PHPLib2'. The developer has now two options: 1, tell the users to change from MySql to DatabaseConnection or 2, the developer uses
and just mark the class MySql as deprecated.
To keep version compatibility!
It can be used for:
Changing strange class names of ext. scripts/sources (without the need to rewrite the code)
Making class names shorter (the class alias can be used application wide)
Moving classes to another namespace (#tlenss)

PHPUnit: Mock methods of existing object

PHPUnit's getMock($classname, $mockmethods) creates a new object based on the given class name and lets me change/test the behavior of the methods I specified.
I long for something different; it's changing the behavior of methods of an existing object - without constructing a new object.
Is that possible? If yes, how?
When thinking about the problem I came to the conclusion that it would be possible by serializing the object, changing the serialized string to let the object be instance of a new class that extends the old class plus the mocked methods.
I'd like some code for that - or maybe there is such code already somewhere.
While it would certainly be possible to create the to-be-mocked object again, it's just too complicated to do it in my test. Thus I don't want to do that if I don't really really really have to. It's a TYPO3 TSFE instance, and setting that up once in the bootstrapping process is hard enough already.
I know this answer is rather late, but I feel for future viewers of this question there now exists a simpler solution (which has some drawbacks, but depending on your needs can be much easier to implement). Mockery has support for mocking pre-existing objects with what they call a "proxied partial mock." They say that this is for classes with final methods, but it can be used in this case (although the docs do caution that it should be a "last resort").
$existingObjectMock = \Mockery::mock($existingObject);
It acts by creating a proxy object which hands all method calls and attribute gets/sets to the existing object unless they are mocked.
It should be noted, though, that the proxy suffers from the obvious issue of failing any typechecks or typehints. But this can be usually avoided, because the $existingObject can still be passed around. You should only use the $existingObjectMock when you need the mock capabilities.
Not all pre-existing code can be tested. Code really needs to be designed to be testable. So, while not exactly what you're asking for, you can refactor the code so that the instantiation of the object is in a separate method, then mock that method to return what you want.
class foo {
function new_bar($arg) { return new bar($arg); }
function blah() {
$obj = $this->new_bar($arg);
return $obj->twiddle();
and then you can test it with
class foo_Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_blah() {
$sut = $this->getMock('foo', array('new_bar', 'twiddle'));
$this->assertEquals('yes', $sut->blah());
Let me start of by saying: Welcome to the dark side of unit testing.
Meaning: You usually don't want to do this but as you explained you have what seems to be a valid use case.
What you can do quite easily, well not trivial but easier than changing your application architecture, is to change class behavior on the fly by using runkit
get_class($object), 'methodToMock', 'methodToMock_old'
get_class($object), 'methodToMock', '$param1, $param2', 'return 7;'
and after the test to a method_remove and the rename again. I don't know of any framework / component that helps you with that but it's not that much to implement on your own in a UglyTestsBaseTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase.
If all you have access to is a reference to that object (as in: The $x in $x = new Foo();) i don't know of any way to say: $x, you are now of type SomethingElse and all other variables pointing to that object should change too.
I'm going to assume you already know things like testing your privates but it doesn't help you because you don't have control over the objects life cycle.
The php test helpers extension
Note: the Test-Helper extension is superseded by
What also might help you out here is: Stubbing Hard-Coded Dependencies using the php-test-helpers extension that allows you do to things like Intercepting Object Creation.
That means while your application calls $x = new Something(); you can hack PHP to make it so that $x then contains an instance of YourSpecialCraftedSomething.
You might create that classing using the PHPUnit Mocking API or write it yourself.
As far as i know those are your options. If it's worth going there (or just writing integration / selenium tests for that project) is something you have to figure out on your own as it heavily depends on your circumstances.

Am I required to use namespaces in Symfony2?

I've just begun learning Symfony2 (after using 1.x for the past 2 years) and am kind of put off by how much more typing is required. I know that sounds lazy, but I love the fact that I can quickly get something up and running in 1.x with much less typing. I'm wondering if it's possible to autoload classes without needing to use namespaces. All my attempts to do so (using the PEAR naming scheme) have failed.
If I'm missing something obvious and would be shooting myself in the foot by avoiding using namespaces, I'd appreciate any advice :)
In response to #KingCrunch:
I'd like to avoid the namespace and use declarations that seem to be used very frequently in Symfony2 simply to speed up my coding. To be honest, I haven't used namespaces in PHP before. I understand their benefit on paper (and I'm used to using packages in other languages) but I've never run into an issue by not using them in Symfony 1.x projects. This is why I made the "If I'm missing something..." statement above.
You have to realize that namespaces are not requiring you any more typing than PEAR-style names. Actually they can save up some characters.
See those two examples:
With PEAR-style:
class Foo_Bar_Baz extends Foo_Bar_Parent
public function __construct()
$obj = new Some_Long_Class_Name;
$obj2 = new Some_Long_Class_Name;
With namespaces/use:
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Some\Long\Class\Name;
class Baz extends Class
public function __construct()
$obj = new Name;
$obj2 = new Name;
With namespaces, but no use:
namespace Foo\Bar;
class Baz extends \Foo\Bar\Class
public function __construct()
$obj = new \Some\Long\Class\Name;
$obj2 = new \Some\Long\Class\Name;
As you see, if you use fully qualified class names every time (last example), you just have one more char per class name, the leading \. If you use the use statements and all, then it gets shorter the more you re-use the same class names in one file, or the more classes you use that are in the same namespace.
TL;DR: Anyway, if you're lazy, get an IDE like PhpStorm that will autocomplete all those and add the use statements for you.
Short answer: yes, namespaces are a must if you want to use Symfony2.
The reason behind this is that sf2 class autoloader is built on the namespace usage. In theory, you could write your own autoloader and wrap it around sf2, but I think this would be more hassle than using namespace and use ;)
At first I was also bummed by it and didn't really like the way it's used. But once I got used to it and started to see the benefits, it's the other way around. I use sf2 for my own projects and must use sf1.4 at work (not for long, hopefully) and every time I switch from sf2 to sf1.4 I get the "oh, not this again" feeling.
NS is so complex that you can even make a mistake when trying to explain the benefits to someone:
I know the point of the answer wasn't to get the code "perfect", but still...You forgot to include the use statement for the "Class" class:
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Some\Long\Class\Name;
use The\Extended\Class;
This is why namespaces are horrid - only takes forgetting 1 to throw an error; and, even if there is only 1 class named 'Class' in the entire project, PHP has no idea it's there.

Dynamically Create Subclass

I am using Kohana and just found this piece of code in their autoloading method
// Class extension to be evaluated
$extension = 'class '.$class.' extends '.$class.'_Core { }';
// Start class analysis
$core = new ReflectionClass($class.'_Core');
if ($core->isAbstract())
// Make the extension abstract
$extension = 'abstract '.$extension;
// Transparent class extensions are handled using eval. This is
// a disgusting hack, but it gets the job done.
basically what it does is when I am referring to a class that doesn't exist (through object instantiation, calling class_exists() etc.), Kohana will create a class (eg. Foo) that extends a library class that follows certain naming convention (eg. Foo_Core). just being curious, is there any way to do something similar but without the use of eval?
If you are looking to create a dynamic class then eval() is the goto function (pun intended.) However kind of related, I've found that you can put a class declaration within an if-then statement. So you can do the following:
class foo
// methods
I use this to check to see if dynamically created classes (from a configuration file) are current... if so then load the class, otherwise... regenerate the class, and load the new one. So if you're looking to create dynamic classes for similar reasons this might be a solution.
I think you're stuck with eval() for that.
It's marked as a "disgusting hack" so that makes it OK :)
I'd be interested to know what you do with such an empty class...
If you were wanting to be able to cache your dynamically created classes, you could write out to a file and require it instead. This could be considered equally hack-ish, but it is an option. For classes that are created once and used often, it might be a good solution. For classes that need to be dynamic every time, sticking with eval is probably the best solution.
$proxyClassOnDisk = '/path/to/proxyCodeCache/' . $clazz .'.cachedProxyClass';
if ( ! file_exists($proxyClassOnDisk) ) {
// Generate the proxy and put it into the proxy class on disk.
file_put_contents($proxyClassOnDisk, $this->generateProxy($object));
In this example, the idea is that you are creating dynamic proxies for the class of $object. $this->generateProxy($object) will return the string that looks more or less like what $extension looks like in the original question.
This is by no means a complete implementation, just some pseudo code to show what I'm describing.
