I have an intersect in my update method:
$inputs = $request->intersect('message','name','email','is_read');
If i send an update request where is_read=0 the intersect returns an empty array. Works fine with anything else (false, 1 etc)
Any tips?
Try to move to another implementation and stop using intersect() method, it will be removed from the future versions of Laravel: Link
IF you mean that the is_read key is missing from the final array (and not the the whole array is empty, see my comment), this is because of the implementation of the intersect() method.
The intersect method simply wraps the only() method of the Illuminate\Http\Request class and do an array_filter over the result.
This is the implementation:
* Intersect an array of items with the input data.
* #param array|mixed $keys
* #return array
public function intersect($keys)
return array_filter($this->only(is_array($keys) ? $keys : func_get_args()));
In your case, we can decompose the code as this:
$results = $request->only('message','name','email','is_read');
At this point, $results is
[message] => message
[name] => name
[email] => email
[is_read] => 0
However, at step2
$filteredResults = array_filter($results);
The result becomes
[message] => message
[name] => name
[email] => email
And this is because of how array_filter works. It expect an array as the first parameter, then an optional callback (used to filter the array) and a flag.
From php reference
What happens when no callback is provided (like in this case?)
If no callback is supplied, all entries of array equal to FALSE (see converting to boolean) will be removed.
If you look at the link converting to boolean you'll see that 0 (zero) is assumed to be FALSE and, for that reason, removed from the array.
function values($id,$col)
$vals = [1=>['name'=>'Lifting Heavy Boxes']];
return $vals[$id][$col];
$complete = [1=>["id"=>"2","sid"=>"35","material_completed"=>"1","date"=>"2017-12-18"]];
$form = 'my_form';
array_walk($complete, function(&$d,$k) use($form) {
$k = values($k, 'name').' ['.date('m/d/y',strtotime($d['date'])).'] ('.$form.')';
echo 'in walk '.$k."\n";
the echo outputs:
in walk Lifting Heavy Boxes [12/18/17] (my_form)
the print_r outputs:
[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[sid] => 35
[material_completed] => 1
[date] => 2017-12-18
I have another array walk that is very similar that is doing just fine. The only difference I can perceive between them is in the one that's working, the value $d is already a string before it goes through the walk, whereas in the one that's not working, $d is an array that is converted to a string inside the walk (successfully, but ultimately unsuccessfully).
Something I'm missing?
And here's the fixed version:
array_walk($complete, function(&$d,$k) use($form) {
$d = values($k, 'name').' ['.date('m/d/y',strtotime($d['date'])).'] ('.$form.')';
That's what I was trying to do anyway. I wasn't trying to change the key. I was under the mistaken impression that to change the value you had to set the key to the new value.
You cannot change the key of the array inside the callback of array_walk():
Only the values of the array may potentially be changed; its structure cannot be altered, i.e., the programmer cannot add, unset or reorder elements. If the callback does not respect this requirement, the behavior of this function is undefined, and unpredictable.
This is also mentioned in the first comment:
It's worth nothing that array_walk can not be used to change keys in the array.
The function may be defined as (&$value, $key) but not (&$value, &$key).
Even though PHP does not complain/warn, it does not modify the key.
I am trying to make a simple class that I can use to check if a value exists within an array. There is a session that contains multiple tool values. I am trying to pass the toolID to this function as well as a key and see if that value exists.
Session Data:
[keyring] => Array
[tool] => Array
[toolID] => 1859
[keys] => Array
[0] => 49
[1] => 96
class Keyring
public function checkKey($key, $toolID){
$keyring = $_SESSION['keyring'];
foreach($keyring['tool'] as $k => $v) {
if($k == 'toolID' && $v == $toolID){
if (in_array($key, $k->keys)){
return true;
return false;
$keyring = new Keyring();
print_r($keyring->checkKey(49, 1859));
In this example, I am trying to see if key 49 exists in the session for tool 1859.
I am getting the following error : Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in.
Is there a better approach for this? All I am looking for is a true/false as to whether that key exists in the keys array for the specified tool.
For my code to work for you may need to change your array a bit or change the code a bit, but rather then looping through a bunch of keys trying to find the right one we are just looking for the keys in the array if they are not set, then return false, or if we find keyring - tools - $tool_id - key_{$key_id} we are just going to return that value, if key_49 = false the function returns false. This should be a tad bit quicker to run on the server for you.
function has_keyring($tool_id, $key_id)
//Just to keep the code tidy let's store the tools key in $tool variable
$tool = $_SESSION['keyring']['tools'];
if(isset($tool[$tool_id]) && isset($tool[$tool_id]["key_{$key_id}"]))
return $tool[$tool_id]["key_{$key_id}"];
return false;
I have an array in yii2, and ocassionally it's only 1 single object that is not empty (all other element of array is empty) and I don't know which one is it. How can I either find the one that is not empty, or (my idea what I was trying), to create a new array, with array_filter (but I'm not sure if it works also with array of objects), to have only the one object in it.
if (count($ttepk) == 1) {
$ttep_filtered[] = array_filter($ttepk);
$id = $ttep_filtered[0]->id;
But it was also not working. I get the error message: PHP Notice – yii\base\ErrorException Trying to get property of non-object.
Before array_filter it looks like this:
[3] => app\models\Model Object
after array_filter:
[0] => Array
[3] => app\models\Model Object
So it seems, array_filter is not the one I need, or I use it the wrong way.
Can you please help me? Thank you!
You can try something like this
$filtered = array_filter($ttepk, function($item) {
return $item instanceof app\models\Model;
if (count($filtered) == 1) {
$id = reset($filtered)->id;
I have an Eventbus that takes a filter name as its first parameter and a Closure as second parameter. Like this:
$this->EventBus->subscribe('FilterTestEvent', function(){/*Do Something*/});
It's called like this:
$filteredValue = $this->EventBus->filter('FilterTestEvent', $anyValue);
What I want now is to pass an array as reference to the Closure that then is changed in any way (here: add elements) and then return something as the filtered value:
$item_to_change = array('e1' => 'v1', 'e2' => 'v2');
$this->EventBus->subscribe('FilterTestEvent', function(&$item){
$item['new'] = 'LoremIpsum';
return true;
$filtered = $this->EventBus->filter('FilterTestEvent', $item_to_change);
Now I would a print_r($item_to_change) expect to look like the following:
[e1] => v1
[e2] => v2
[new] => LoremIpsum
But instead it looks like the original array:
[e1] => v1
[e2] => v2
The eventbus internally stores all closures and calls them if needed through call_user_func_array() with the closure as first argument and the value as the only argument array element.
How can I achieve what it's meant to do?
Source Code to the Eventbus: http://goo.gl/LAAO7B
Probably this line:
$filtered = $this->EventBus->filter('FilterTestEvent', $item_to_change);
is supposed to return a new filtered array, not modify the original one.
So check it:
Passing by reference is possible by modifying a function (adding &):
function filter(&$array){ //Note & mark
$array['new_index'] = "Something new" ;
$array = array("a"=> "a");
filter($array); //The function now receives the array by reference, not by value.
var_dump($array); //The array should be modified.
Make your callback return the filtered array:
$this->EventBus->subscribe('FilterTestEvent', function(&$item){
$item['new'] = 'LoremIpsum';
return $item ;
Passing by reference should not work here, because in the source code that $value variable is swapped with another value and returned after.
Ok. I found the answer. The filter function needs to be changed so that it accepts arrays as value, in which I can save the reference. For details see difference Revision 1 and Revision 2 of the Eventbus source code, here: goo.gl/GBocgl
So this is a VERY long explanation.
I have a Counter-Strike: Source server, with an in-game plugin for a store. This store saves its data in a MySQL Database (for this instance, named 'store'). The store keeps track of player's money in that database (on column 'credits' in table 'users'). It stores the clients based on a 'steam_id' (unique to every client)
The format of a 'steam_id' is (example): STEAM_0:0:123456789 OR STEAM_0:1:12345789.
My page that I have displays the top 1000 users from the database (sorted by credits).
My Problem: I need to convert these ugly steam_id's to actual names.
Where I am right now:
Steam API Documentation
According to the API documentation, I have to use 'community ids' when I query the API. If I want to get more than one user, I can use commas to separate community ids in the GET string.
I have a function that converts the steam_id's to API-acceptable ID's.
function SteamID2CommunityID($steam_id){
$parts = explode(':', str_replace('STEAM_', '' ,$id));
$communityID = bcadd(bcadd('76561197960265728', $parts['1']), bcmul($parts['2'], '2'));
return $communityID;
With that, I can make my list of comma separated community ids with this:
while ($row = $mysqli->fetch_assoc($request)) {
$ids .= ',' . SteamID2CommunityID($row['steamid']) . ',';
Now for the tricky part, all these values come back in one JSON array. I need to add something, so when I display my data, I can convert a 'steam_id' straight to a 'name' (with the existing array).
Example of an output (most keys & values are removed to make it readable)
Array (
[response] => Array
[players] => Array
[0] => Array
[steamid] => 76561198010207577
[personaname] => [rGA] Stainbow
[1] => Array
[steamid] => 76561197966653036
[personaname] => |K}{R|Mastarious(MNBH)
So again, how would I go about going straight from a 'steam_id' to a name?
Thank you to anybody who can provide code and/or suggestions!
This is a variant duplicate of another Stack Overflow question, which is more practical and less localized, but I might as well answer this.
Assuming that your input steam_id is $INPUT and your final output array is stored in $OUTPUT, this is the functional foreach approach that you could use to convert steam_id to personaname:
* Convert steam_id to personaname
* #returns STRING The name associated with the given steam_id
* BOOL FALSE if no match was found
function steamID_to_name($INPUT, $OUTPUT)
// This gets the relevant part of the API response.
$array = $OUTPUT['response']['players'];
// Using your function to convert `steam_id` to a community ID
$community_id = SteamID2CommunityID($INPUT);
// Linear search
foreach ($array as $array_item)
// If a match was found...
if ($community_id == $array_item['steamid'])
// Return the name
return $array_item['personaname'];
// If no match was found, return FALSE.
return false;