I have a list of date fields, and all of them have the same logic in their mutators. I would like to extract this functionality to a trait so that in the future all I would need is to create an array of date fields in the model and use the trait.
Something like this:
foreach( $dates as $date ) {
$dateCamelCase = $this->dashesToUpperCase($date);
$setDateFunctionName ='set'.$dateCamelCase.'Attribute';
$this->{$setDateFunctionName} = function() use($date) {
$this->attributes[$date] = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $date ));
Before answering your specific question, let's first see how Eloquent mutators work.
How eloquent mutators work
All Eloquent Model-derived classes have their __set() and offsetSet() methods to call the setAttribute method which takes care of setting the attribute value and mutating it, if needed.
Before setting the value, it checks for:
Custom mutator methods
Date fields
JSON castables and fields
Tapping into the process
By understanding this, we can simply tap into the process and overload it with our own custom logic. Here's an implementation:
namespace App\Models\Concerns;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasAttributes;
trait MutatesDatesOrWhatever
public function setAttribute($key, $value)
// Custom mutation logic goes here before falling back to framework's
// implementation.
// In your case, you need to check for date fields and mutate them
// as you wish. I assume you have put your date field names in the
// `$dates` model property and so we can utilize Laravel's own
// `isDateAttribute()` method here.
if ($value && $this->isDateAttribute($key)) {
$value = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value));
// Handover the rest to Laravel's own setAttribute(), so that other
// mutators will remain intact...
return parent::setAttribute($key, $value);
Needless to say that your models require to use this trait to enable the functionality.
You ain't gonna need it
If mutating dates is the only usecase you need to have "dynamically named mutators", that's not required at all. As you might have already noticed, Eloquent's date fields can be reformatted by Laravel itself:
class Whatever extends Model
protected $dates = [
// ...
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
All fields listed there will be formatted as per $dateFormat. Let's not reinvent the wheel then.
I have a question about extending my own Models eloquent.
In the project I am currently working on is table called modules and it contains list of project modules, number of elements of that module, add date etc.
For example:
id = 1; name = 'users'; count = 120; date_add = '2007-05-05';
and this entity called users corresponds to model User (Table - users) so that "count" it's number of Users
and to update count we use script running every day (I know that it's not good way but... u know).
In that script is loop and inside that loop a lot of if statement (1 per module) and inside the if a single query with count. According to example it's similar to:
foreach($modules as $module) {
if($module['name'] == 'users') {
$count = old_and_bad_method_to_count('users', "state = 'on'");
function old_and_bad_method_to_count($table, $sql_cond) {}
So its look terrible.
I need to refactor that code a little bit, because it's use a dangerous function instead of Query/Builder or Eloquent/Model and looks bad.
I came up with an idea that I will use a Models and create Interface ElementsCountable and all models that do not have an interface will use the Model::all()->count(), and those with an interface will use the interface method:
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$className = $module->getModelName();
if($className) {
$modelInterfaces = class_implements($className);
if(isset($modelInterfaces[ElementsCountable::class])) {
/** #var ElementsCountable $className */
$count = $className::countModuleElements();
} else {
/** #var Model $className */
$count = $className::all()->count();
in method getModelName() i use a const map array (table -> model) which I created, because a lot of models have custom table name.
But then I realize that will be a good way, but there is a few records in Modules that use the same table, for example users_off which use the same table as users, but use other condition - state = 'off'
So it complicated things a little bit, and there is a right question: There is a good way to extends User and add scope with condition on boot?
class UserOff extends User
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope(function (Builder $builder) {
$builder->where('state', '=', 'off');
Because I have some concerns if this is a good solution. Because all method of that class NEED always that scope and how to prevent from method withoutGlobalScope() and what about other complications?
I think it's a good solution to create the UserOff model with the additional global scope for this purpose.
I also think the solution I would want to implement would allow me to do something like
$count = $modules->sum(function ($module) {
$className = $module->getModelName();
return $className::modulesCount();
I would create an interface ModulesCountable that mandates a modulesCount() method on each of the models. The modulesCount() method would return either the default count or whatever current implementation you have in countModuleElements().
If there are a lot of models I would probably use a trait DefaultModulesCount for the default count, and maybe the custom version too eg. ElementsModuleCount if that is consistent.
Is there any reason why we only have this static way to boot traits in Laravel:
static function bootMyTrait ()
Is there any way to boot trait and have model instance in the boot function? Like this:
function bootMyTrait ()
if ($this instanceOf awesomeInterface)
I need this AF, and for a very long time haven't found any solution.
Since Laravel 5.7 you can use trait initializers, instead of trait booters. I've had the same task and was able to solve it like this:
public function initializeMyTrait()
if ($this instanceOf awesomeInterface)
Well, no one seems to care :D
Good news, is that within 15 min, I've solved my problem with this in base model:
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
foreach (class_uses_recursive($this) as $trait)
if (method_exists($this, $method = 'init'.class_basename($trait))) {
Instead of relying on traits for this, use Eloquent's accessors and mutators. For example, define the following methods on a User model:
// Any time `$user->first_name` is accessed, it will automatically Uppercase the first letter of $value
public function getFirstNameAttribute($value)
return ucfirst($value);
This appends the $user->first_name attribute to the model. By prefixing the method name with get and suffixing it with Attribute you are telling Eloquent, Hey, this is an actual attribute on my model. It doesn't need to exist on the table.
On the other hand you can define a mutator:
// Any string set as first_name will automatically Uppercase words.
public function setFirstNameAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['first_name'] = ucwords($value);
This will apply anything you do to $value before setting it in the $attributes array.
Of course, you can apply these to attributes that do exist on your database table. If you have raw, unformatted data, say a telephone number 1234567890, and you wanted to apply a country code, you could use an accessor method to mask the number without modifying the raw value from the database. And going the other way, if you wanted to apply a standard formatting to a value, you could use a mutator method so all your database values conform to a common standard.
Laravel Accessor and Mutators
I've built an application in Laravel and eloquent returns dates in this format: 2015-04-17 00:00:00. I'm sending one particular query to JSON so I can make a graph with D3, and I think I would like the dates in ISO8601 ('1995-12-17T03:24:00') or some other format that plays nice with the javascript Date() constructor.
Is there a way to change the date format being output to JSON on the Laravel end? I'm not sure using a mutator is the best approach because it would affect the date in other parts of my application.
Or would it be better to leave the JSON output as is, and use some javascript string methods to manipulate the date format before passing it to the Date() constructor? Which approach is more efficient?
Here is my model:
class Issue extends Model {
protected $fillable = [
protected $dates = [
public function setDoAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['do'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('F j, Y', $value)->toDateString();
Here is my query:
$issues = Issue::with('issuetypes')
And the JSON I get back:
[{"do":"2014-12-23 00:00:00","level_of_service":1,"outcome":1,"id":18995,"issuetypes":[{"id":9,"issuetype":"Non Liberty","pivot":{"issue_id":18995,"issuetype_id":9}}]}]
I know it's an old question, but there is still no good answer to that.
Changing protected $dateFormat will affect database, instead method serializeDate() must be overriden
class MyModel extends Eloquent {
protected function serializeDate(\DateTimeInterface $date) {
return $date->getTimestamp();
Or myself I chose to create trait
trait UnixTimestampSerializable
protected function serializeDate(\DateTimeInterface $date)
return $date->getTimestamp();
and then add
class SomeClassWithDates extends Model {
use UnixTimestampSerializable;
Expanding on umbrel's answer a bit I've created a trait that turns the DateTimeInstance into a Carbon instance so that I can easily make use of it's common formats.
In my particular case I wanted to serialize all dates according to ISO-8601.
The trait is as follows...
use DateTimeInterface;
use Carbon\Carbon;
trait Iso8601Serialization
* Prepare a date for array / JSON serialization.
* #param \DateTimeInterface $date
* #return string
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date)
return Carbon::instance($date)->toIso8601String();
and from here I can simply use it on the relevant models...
class ApiObject extends Model
use Iso8601Serialization;
Obviously you could name the trait more appropriately if you're using a different format but the point is that you can use any of Carbon's common formats simply by replacing toIso8601String() with the format you need.
I strongly suggest you use the Carbon class to handle all your dates and datetimes variables, it already comes with Laravel 5 so you can start using whenever you want.
Check it out on Carbon Repo to see what you can do with it.
As an example, you can format dates from your model like this
As for a good approach, I would suggest to use the Repository Pattern along with Presenters and Transformers. By using it you can define how you want your json to be displayed/mounted and opt to skip the presenter whenever you want in order to still get you Eloquent model returned when you make your queries.
use this function in any Model
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date){
return $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
You can easily change the format that used to convert date/time to string when your models are serialized as JSON by setting $dateFormat property of your model to the format you need, e.g.:
class MyModel extends Eloquent {
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
You can find docs on different placeholders you can use in the format string here: http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.createfromformat.php
If you use usuals techniques as
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date) { ... }
protected $casts = [ "myDate" => "date:Y-m-d" ];
It'll only works when laravel will serialize itself objects. And you will anyway to put those code inside all models, for all properties.
So my solution, you have to (too) put this code in all models for all date properties by at last, it works in ALL cases :
public function getMyDateAttribute()
return substr($this->attributes['my_date'], 0, 10);
I am raising a Yii event on beforeSave of the model, which should only be fired if a specific property of the model is changed.
The only way I can think of how to do this at the moment is by creating a new AR object and querying the DB for the old model using the current PK, but this is not very well optimized.
Here's what I have right now (note that my table doesn't have a PK, that's why I query by all attributes, besides the one I am comparing against - hence the unset function):
public function beforeSave()
if(!$this->isNewRecord){ // only when a record is modified
$newAttributes = $this->attributes;
$oldModel = self::model()->findByAttributes($newAttributes);
if($oldModel->level != $this->level)
// Raising event here
return parent::beforeSave();
Is there a better approach? Maybe storing the old properties in a new local property in afterFind()?
You need to store the old attributes in a local property in the AR class so that you can compare the current attributes to those old ones at any time.
Step 1. Add a new property to the AR class:
// Stores old attributes on afterFind() so we can compare
// against them before/after save
protected $oldAttributes;
Step 2. Override Yii's afterFind() and store the original attributes immediately after they are retrieved.
public function afterFind(){
$this->oldAttributes = $this->attributes;
return parent::afterFind();
Step 3. Compare the old and new attributes in beforeSave/afterSave or anywhere else you like inside the AR class. In the example below we are checking if the property called 'level' is changed.
public function beforeSave()
if(isset($this->oldAttributes['level']) && $this->level != $this->oldAttributes['level']){
// The attribute is changed. Do something here...
return parent::beforeSave();
Just in one line
$changedArray = array_diff_assoc($this->attributes,
foreach($changedArray as $key => $value){
//What ever you want
//For attribute use $key
//For value use $value
In your case you want to use if($key=='level') inside of foreach
Yii 1.1: mod-active-record at yiiframework.com
or Yii Active Record instance with "ifModified then ..." logic and dependencies clearing at gist.github.com
You can store old properties with hidden fields inside update form instead of loading model again.
I've created a few datetime fields in my database, and as is described in Laravel documentation, I can "customize which fields are automatically mutated". However there's no example showing how it can be done, nor is there any search result. What should I do to make certain fields auto mutate?
For example, I created a table called "people" in migration, one of the fields is defined as this:
class CreatePeopleTable extends Migration {
public function up(){
And I defined a model for "people" in models:
class People extends Eloquent{
//nothing here
If I refer to the birthday of a People instance, it'll be string, instead of DateTime
The date mutator should be able to convert it directly to Carbon object, but the documentation doesn't say much about how it should be implemented.
In your People model just add this array:
protected $dates = array('birthday');
Laravel's Model.php internaly merges your fields with the default ones like this:
* Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.
* #return array
public function getDates()
$defaults = array(static::CREATED_AT, static::UPDATED_AT, static::DELETED_AT);
return array_merge($this->dates, $defaults);
According to this doc, you can use model member function getDates() to customize which fileds are automatically mutated, so the following example will return Carbon instance instead of String:
$one = People::find(1);
var_dump($one->created_at);//created_at is a field mutated by default
//Carbon, which is a subclass of Datetime
But it doesn't say clearly how to add your own fields. I found out that the getDates() method returns an array of strings:
$one = People::find(1);
echo $one->getDates();
So what you can do is appending field names to the return value of this method:
class People extends Eloquent{
public function getDates(){
return $res;
Now birthday field will be returned as a Carbon instance whenever you call it:
$one = People::find(1);
What do you mean by: automatically mutated?
If you mean mutated after being retrieved from DB use Accessors and Mutators (Laravel docs).
Add this to your model:
public function getDateAttribute( $date )
// modify $date as you want, example
// $date = new \Carbon\Carbon($date);
// $date->addDay()
// return (string)$date
As Sasa Tokic says, add protected $dates = array('birthday'); to your People model like so:
class People extends Eloquent{
protected $dates = array('birthday');
You can then use Carbon to do clever things to this value, like so:
$people->birthday->format('jS F Y')
PHP's date() function docs (http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) and Carbon's docs (https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon) will help here: