ionic cordovaFileTransfer with api php code error 3 - php

I am developing an application for sharing photos, I used ionic for the mobile part and the php for the backend part. But I have a problem when I upload a file that exceeds 2M.
Thank you very much for your good day.
This is my code:
//PHP backend : upload.php
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
$target_path = "uploads/";
$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['file']['name']);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "Upload and move success";
} else{
echo $target_path;
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
header ("Connection: close");
// Ionic js
$scope.selectPicture = function(sourceType) {
var options = {
quality: 100,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
sourceType: sourceType,
saveToPhotoAlbum: false//,
//targetWidth: 800,
//targetHeight: 800
$cordovaCamera.getPicture(options).then(function(imagePath) {
// Grab the file name of the photo in the temporary directory
var currentName = imagePath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
//Create a new name for the photo
var d = new Date(),
n = d.getTime(),
newFileName = n + ".jpg";
// If you are trying to load image from the gallery on Android we need special treatment!
if ($cordovaDevice.getPlatform() == 'Android' && sourceType === Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) {
window.FilePath.resolveNativePath(imagePath, function(entry) {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(entry, success, fail);
function fail(e) {
console.error('Error: ', e);
function success(fileEntry) {
var namePath = fileEntry.nativeURL.substr(0, fileEntry.nativeURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
// Only copy because of access rights
$cordovaFile.copyFile(namePath,, cordova.file.dataDirectory, newFileName).then(function(success){
$scope.image = newFileName;
}, function(error){
$scope.showAlert('Error', error.exception);
} else {
var namePath = imagePath.substr(0, imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
// Move the file to permanent storage
$cordovaFile.moveFile(namePath, currentName, cordova.file.dataDirectory, newFileName).then(function(success){
$scope.image = newFileName;
}, function(error){
$scope.showAlert('Error', error.exception);
// Not always an error, maybe cancel was pressed...
// Returns the local path inside the app for an image
$scope.pathForImage = function(image) {
if (image === null) {
return '';
} else {
return cordova.file.dataDirectory + image;
$scope.uploadImage = function() {
// Destination URL
var url = "";
// File for Upload
var targetPath = $scope.pathForImage($scope.image);
// File name only
var filename = $scope.image;;
var options = {
fileKey: "file",
fileName: filename,
chunkedMode: false,
mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
params : {'fileName': filename},
headers : { Connection: "close"}
$cordovaFileTransfer.upload(url, targetPath, options).then(function(result) {
console.log("SUCCESS: " + JSON.stringify(result.response));
}, function (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(err));
}, function (progress) {
$timeout(function () {
$scope.downloadProgress = (progress.loaded / * 100;
console.log("progress: " + progress + " dddd "+JSON.stringify(progress));
console.log("mytime "+$scope.downloadProgress);
$scope.progressval = $scope.downloadProgress;
My Config : upload max file size : 40M
post max size : 40M
this is my error : ERROR: {"code":3,"source":"file:///data/user/0/com.ionicframework.s‌​ample374926/files/14‌​93805852934.jpg","ta‌​rget":"xxxxxx/… end of stream on Connection{xxxx.:80, proxy=DIRECT# hostAddress=xxxxxx cipherSuite=none protocol=http/1.1} (recycle count=0)"}


Check whether the file already exists in jquery

how can I check if uploaded file using jQuery File Uploader filename already exists. I tried below code and it keeps overriding the first file uploaded. What I wanted is to prevent adding the file. Can someone guide me? Thanks.
$output_dir = "uploads/";
if(isset($_FILES["myfile"])) {
$ret = array();
// This is for custom errors;
// $custom_error= array();
// $custom_error['jquery-upload-file-error']="File already exists";
// echo json_encode($custom_error);
// die();
$error =$_FILES["myfile"]["error"];
//You need to handle both cases
//If Any browser does not support serializing of multiple files using FormData()
if(!is_array($_FILES["myfile"]["name"])) //single file
$fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
// check if fileName already exists
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
$fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
echo "string";
} else {
$ret[]= $fileName;
else //Multiple files, file[]
$fileCount = count($_FILES["myfile"]["name"]);
for($i=0; $i < $fileCount; $i++)
$fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"][$i];
$ret[]= $fileName;
echo json_encode($ret);
$(document).ready(function() {
var baseurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/rmc/";
var newurl = baseurl + 'document_items/upload';
var deleteurl = baseurl + 'document_items/delete';
url : newurl,
fileName : "myfile",
returnType : "json",
multiple : true, //allow multiple file upload
showFileSize : false, // show file size
acceptFiles : "image/*,application/pdf", // files accepted list
formData: {"name":"Ravi","age":31},
showAbort : true, // display abort button on upload
onSuccess:function(files,data,xhr) {
// $("#status").html("<font color='green'>Upload is success</font>");
afterUploadAll:function() {
title : "Success",
text : "File(s) successfuly uploaded.",
type : "success"
onError: function(files,status,errMsg)
title : "Error",
text : "Aw Snap! Something went wrong.",
type : "error"
deleteCallback: function (data, pd) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$.post(deleteurl, {op: "delete",name: data[i]},
function (resp,textStatus, jqXHR) {
// Show Message
swal("Success!", "File deleted successfuly!", "success");
pd.statusbar.hide(); // You choice.
Change your code as below and try again.
if(!is_array($_FILES["myfile"]["name"])) //single file
$fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
// check if fileName already exists
if (file_exists($output_dir.$fileName)) {
$fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
echo "string";
} else {
$ret[]= $fileName;

How to access file from multipart/form-data [ PHP ]

I have a frontend of my application writen in angular which basicly pick the file and send backend file name and rest of the form information:
Frontend part looks like:
$scope.submit = function() {
if ($scope.file) {
// upload on file select or drop
$scope.upload = function (file) {
url: 'sub.php',
data: {file: file, 'country': $scope.submodelCountry}
}).then(function (resp) {
console.log('Success ' + + ' uploaded. Response: ' +;
}, function (resp) {
console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status);
}, function (evt) {
var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /;
console.log('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +;
My backend is written in PHP:
I basicly access this 2 variabiles by:
$fileName = $_FILES['file']['name']; // value = fileName.csv
$country = $_POST['country']; // value = CZE
So looks my backend get all needed information however I am not able to fopen the file with $file = fopen($fileName,"r");
How can I access this file guys? Or how can I upload it on a server to use it after?
you have to upload the file to some folder, then you can access that,
Your file will be present in tmp directory, so
Use move_uploaded_files(), to move your file,
$uploads_dir = '/uploads';
echo "file uploaded";

upload media files, able to upload music and image files but not for video files

I'd like to upload all media files using ajax+php..
if I upload image and music file everything working as fine.
so I try upload video, it fails. what's wrong??
here is my ajax
function uploadFile() {
var file = document.getElementById("inputFile").files[0];
var quest_ID = document.getElementById("questionnaireID").value;
var quest_Number = document.getElementById("questNum").value;
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("inputFile", file);
formdata.append("questionnaireID", quest_ID);
formdata.append("questionNumber", quest_Number);
formdata.append("media", 1);
if (xhr) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var outMsg = xhr.responseText;
} else {
var outMsg = "There was a problem with the request. Error: " + xhr.status + " (" + xhr.statusText + ")"; //errror return
};"POST", "addNew.php", false);
return false;
And here is the php.
function getExtention($str){
return substr(strrchr($str,'.'),1);
if (isset($_POST["media"])){
$tmp_file = $_FILES['inputFile']['tmp_name'];
$target_file = $_POST["questionnaireID"] . "-" . $_POST["questionNumber"] . "." . getExtention(basename($_FILES['inputFile']['name']));
$upload_dir = "Assets/Media";
$path = $upload_dir."/".$target_file;
echo $path;
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $path)) {
$query = "insert into mediaDetails(available, mediaPath)";
$query .= " values(1, '{$path}')";
$result = execute($query);
echo "Media added";
echo "cannot move file";
that code work when I upload images and music, but not video.
why I can't upload video file?
when I upload video file, it returns nothing, (no text at all)...
even echo $path is not shown....
any alternative way??
any answer appreciated, thank you.

Upload an image from phonegap app to Drupal 7 using Drupal Service Module

I want to upload an image from Phonegap app to Drupal 7 backend using Drupal services module.
for testing purpose i have done it with core php and every thing work correctly but i need to do the same using Drupal services module.
I am doing a signup process where user can upload an image as profile picture from the mobile device and i need to access the signup data and image at drupal 7 backend.
Core PHP:-
// Directory where uploaded images are saved
$dirname = "uploads/";
// If uploading file
if ($_FILES) {
mkdir ($dirname, 0777, true);
Phonegap Code
function uploadFile() {
// Get URI of picture to upload function(uri) {
try {
var img = document.getElementById('pimage'); = "visible"; = "block";
var imageURI = uri;
if (!imageURI || ( == "none")) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Tap on picture to select image from gallery.";
// Verify server has been entered
server = document.getElementById('serverUrl').value;
if (server) {
// Specify transfer options
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.chunkedMode = false;
// Transfer picture to server
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(imageURI, server, function(r) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Upload successful: "+r.bytesSent+" bytes uploaded.";
img.src = uri;
img.width = 100;
img.height = 100;
function(error) {
document.getElementById('picture_msg').innerHTML = "Upload failed: Code = "+error.code;
}, options);
catch(exce) {
function(e) {
console.log("Error getting picture: " + e);
document.getElementById('bio_description').innerHTML = "Error getting picture.";
quality: 50,

uploading file using ajax - echo from PHP tells that file is uploaded, but file is not there

Hello I am trying to get to work this piece of code:
I am trying to build intelligent images uploader, that will care about the html 5 multiple selection bug (or feature as someone can say) which will delete "previous files" when I decide to select few extra. Also it has some primitive approach to permit user selecting file that was selected previously.
This part works fine, I am seeing images previews and also echoing "file" into console corresponds to number of files.
What is strange is return (echo) from PHP script which says that file is in /tmp directory and also size is correct, but file don't get moved.
I checked permissions and set uploaded folder to "lucky" 777.
I checked /tmp folder and file is no there but PHP script is saying taht is here.
I know about that you can't set , it is logical why you can't, but should echo from PHP script shows size and tmp location of this file then if this is a issue ?
code here:
var noveSub = [];
var noveSubMeno = [];
var noveSubVelkost = [];
function samotnyUpload() {
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append('upload', noveSub[0]);
// trying just first file for testing
url: '/upload/upload.php',
data: fd,
cache: false,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
type: 'POST',
success: function(data){
function pridatSubory() {
$("li.pridaj").click(function() {
function pushniNovy(subor) {
function previewNovy(subor) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.file = subor;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (function(aImg) { return function(e) { aImg.src =; }; })(img);
var inputElement = document.getElementById("vyberSubor");
inputElement.addEventListener("change", handleFiles, false);
function handleFiles() {
var sub = this.files;
for (i=0; i<sub.length; i++) {
pos = noveSubMeno.indexOf(sub[i].name);
if (pos !== -1) {
if (noveSubVelkost[pos] !== sub[i].size) {
} else {
if ($_FILES["upload"]["error"] > 0)
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["upload"]["error"] . "<br>";
echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["upload"]["name"] . "<br>";
echo "Type: " . $_FILES["upload"]["type"] . "<br>";
echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["upload"]["size"] / 1024) . " kB<br>";
echo "Stored in: " . $_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo move_uploaded_file($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"], "upload/".$_FILES["file"]["name"]);
Upload: erb128.png<br>Type: image/png<br>Size: 4.734375 kB<br>Stored in: /tmp/phpdTy053<br><br>
It may actually be a syntax problem. You're mixing strings and variables in your move_uploaded_file call. Try this instead:
$destination = "upload/".$_FILES["file"]["name"];
$result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"], $destination);
echo $result;
I rethink this approach. to use PUT for upload. I have read that some benefits are:
small memory footprint even if You are uploading very big files
and also saw scripts that are able to pause upload.
changes to code (only draft):
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
function samotnyUpload() {"put", "http://pingpong.local/upload/upload.php", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", noveSubMeno[0]);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Size", noveSubVelkost[0]);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
and PHP script:
$filename = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'];
echo $filename;
$filesize = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE'];
echo $filesize;
$in = fopen('php://input','r');
$tmp = fopen('tempfile.ext','w');
while($data = fread($in, 1024)) fwrite($tmp, $data);
