Code Igniter 2 Libraries Email got error - php

Good Evening,
I'm using CodeIgniter 2 on IIS 8.5 and MSSQL Server,
When i tried to send an email in the process, it shows the error:
Severity: Notice
Message: A non well formed numeric value encountered
Filename: libraries/Email.php
Line Number: 1689
I've been using this code for some projects in the same server, and it's working properly. But when i tried to implement on this one it always shows this error everytime there's sending email process.
And here's my controller:
function reset_pass() {
if (!IS_AJAX) {
} else {
$settings = $this->m_setting->get_setting_array();
$min_pass_length = (int) $settings["acc_pass_min_length"];
$data = $this->input->post();
$id = $data['id'];
$hasil = array();
$kondisi = array(
"usr_id" => $id
$current_time = waktu_sekarang();
$baris = $this->m_ess->get_user_employee_row($kondisi);
$user = $baris;
if ($user->usr_email === NULL) {
$hasil['pesan'] = "User does not have valid email associated . Please contact Administrator.";
$hasil['status'] = 0;
} else {
if (!valid_email($user->usr_email)) {
$hasil['pesan'] = "User does not have valid email associated . Please contact Administrator.";
$hasil['status'] = 0;
} else {
$hasil['pesan'] = "Username and email is ok";
$hasil['status'] = 0;
$tmppass = $this->rndconditionpass->get_random_string($min_pass_length);
$new_password = $this->bcrypt->do_hash($tmppass);
$mail_data['random'] = $tmppass;
$mail_data['username'] = $user->usr_name;
$mail_data['full_name'] = $user->emp_name;
$mail_data['password'] = $tmppass;
//prepare data to be used in leo_mail library
$param = array();
$param['recipient'] = $user->usr_email;
$param['content'] = $this->load->view("template/mail/mail_reset_pass", $mail_data, TRUE);
$param['subject'] = "Reset Password";
$kirim = $this->leo_mail->kirim($param);
if ($kirim['status'] == 1) {
#password history
$insert_pass = array(
"pas_usr_name" => $user->usr_name,
"pas_password" => $new_password,
"pas_date" => $current_time,
"pas_opid" => $this->session->userdata("usr_name"),
"pas_update" => $current_time
$hasil['pesan'] = "Password has been reset and user has been notified via email. ";
$hasil['status'] = 1;
//update the database, store the reset code
$update = array();
$update['usr_last_cpass'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$update['usr_needchgpwd'] = "Y";
$update["usr_password"] = $new_password;
$kondisi = array("usr_name" => $user->usr_name);
$q = $this->m_ess->update_user($update, $kondisi);
} else {
$hasil['pesan'] = "Fail to send email your password reset code.";
$hasil['status'] = 0;
echo json_encode($hasil);
and here's the '$this->leo_mail->kirim function
function kirim($param) {
if($q->num_rows()<1) {
$hasil['pesan']="Your SMTP configuration has not been set up properly";
} else {
if(valid_email($param['recipient'])) {
$config_data= $q->row();
$config['protocol'] = "smtp";
$config['useragent'] = "HRISSMTPLIB";
$config['smtp_port'] = $config_data->smt_smtp_port;
$config['smtp_host'] = $config_data->smt_smtp_host;
$config['smtp_user']= $config_data->smt_smtp_user;
$config['smtp_pass']= $this->ci->leo_enkripsi->decrypt($config_data->smt_smtp_pass,$this->key);
$config['wordwrap'] = FALSE;
$config['mailtype'] = "html";
if($this->ci->email->send()) {
$hasil['pesan']="Email sent";
} else {
$hasil['pesan']= $this->ci->email->print_debugger();
} else {
$hasil['pesan']="Recipient email is not valid";
return $hasil;
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you in advance.


Why is the result of my code blank after executing query, on this line $out = $query->result_array();

this is the image of database table.
I'm new at codeigniter PHP
public function ForgotPassword($email)
$this->db->where('email', $email);
$out = $query->result_array();
if (count($out) > 0) {
$email = $out[0]['email'];
return array('status'=>1, 'email'=>$email);
} else {
return array('status'=>0, 'msg'=>'email not found');
This is my model function., this line giving me blank result $out = $query->result_array(); I don't know why, it should give me email address so that i can proceed and send email. I want to send password to user using forgot password function.
public function ForgotPassword()
$email = $this->input->post('email');
$findemail = $this->MY_model->ForgotPassword($email);
if ($findemail['status'] == 1) {
} else {
echo " $email not found, enter correct email id";
And this is my controller function. Here I'm getting blank value of $findemail. I don't know why.
public function sendpassword($data)
$email = $data['email'];
$query1=$this->db->query("SELECT * from member where email = '".$email."' ");
if ($query1->num_rows() > 0) {
$passwordplain = "";
$passwordplain = rand(10000000,99999999);
$newpass['password'] = md5($passwordplain);
$this->db->where('email', $email);
$this->db->update('member', $newpass);
$mail_message='Dear '.$row[0]['username'].','. "\r\n";
$mail_message.=' Your <b>Password</b> is
require 'C:\xampp\htdocs\phpmailer\class.phpmailer.php';
require 'class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer;
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Host = "";
$subject = 'Testing Email';
$mail->From = '';
$mail->FromName = 'admin';
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $mail_message;
if (!$mail->send()) {
echo "Failed to send password";
} else {
echo "Password sent ! check your mail";
} else {
echo "Email not found!!!!";
And also upper model function , it's not sending email. I'm using phpmailer to sending email. Please help.
If your model name is 'MY_model' then write construct function in your controller file and load the model into it as shown below.
function __construct() {
And modify your ForgotPassword function of controller as below.
public function ForgotPassword()
$email = $this->input->post('email');
$findemail = $this->my_model->ForgotPassword($email);
if ($findemail['status'] == 1) {
} else {
echo " $email not found, enter correct email id";
I hope this helps.
I have made a function that checks if email exists in db. It is named CheckUser().
Then in ForgotPassword() you call CheckUser() ($email must be given as argument).
public function CheckUser($email)
$response = $bdd->prepare('SELECT email FROM member WHERE email = :email');
"email" => $$email
$data = $response->fetchAll();
return $data[0];
public function ForgotPassword($email)
// here you call our new function
$out = $this->CheckUser($email);
// sizeof will return the lenght of the returned data from our CheckUser() function
if (sizeof($out) > 0){
$email = $out[0]['email'];
return array('status'=>1, 'email'=>$email);
else {
return array('status'=>0, 'msg'=>'email not found');
Let me know if it works.

depending on condition show error message in php

i have code like this
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/editlib.php');
$errorMessage = '';
$successMessage = '';
$successMessage = $_SESSION['successMessage'];
if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
if(!preg_match("/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(\S+)$/i", $_POST['password']))
$errorMessage="don't allow spaces";
$errors = array();
$data = array();
$chk_sql = "SELECT * FROM {user} u where username = ?";
if (!empty($chk_sql) ) {
$errorMessage='Username already taken';
if(!$chk_username = $DB->get_record_sql($chk_sql, array($_POST['username'])) )
$secret = $_POST['secret'];
$access_code_sql = "SELECT * FROM {accesscode} WHERE random_no= ? and status=1";
if($chk_secret = $DB->get_record_sql($access_code_sql, array($secret)) )
if ( $chk_secret->used >= $chk_secret->number ) {
$errorMessage = "your access code limit completed..";
$cadminid = $chk_secret->cadmin_id;
$clientid = $chk_secret->clientid;
$DB->execute("UPDATE {accesscode} SET used = used+1 WHERE random_no = '$secret'");
$insert_record = new stdClass();
$insert_record->firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$insert_record->lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$insert_record->username = $_POST['username'];
$insert_record->secret = $secret;
$insert_record->password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$insert_record->timecreated = time();
$insert_record->maildigest = $cadminid;
$insert_record->maildisplay = $clientid;
$insert_record->idnumber = 1;
$insert_record->mnethostid = 1;
$insert_record->confirmed = 1;
$insert_record->email = $_POST['email'];
if($result = $DB->insert_record('user', $insert_record))
$_SESSION['successMessage'] = "record created successfully";
header('Location: register.php');
$errorMessage = "error! can you please try again";
$errorMessage = "your access code is wrong..";
so i want to write condition like another if condition
if ( $chk_secret->status='0' ) {
$errorMessage = "your access code deactivated..";
if not they can register
i tried..but i didn't get idea where i have to add that if..
before i have condition like if number>used it will show some error message like your accesscode limit completed
can anyone help me..
thanks in advance..
= is for value assignment
== is compare two operands
so you need to change
if ( $chk_secret->status='0' ) {
if ( $chk_secret->status=='0' ) {
your query SELECT * FROM {accesscode} WHERE random_no= ? and status=1
which means it going to return only status == 1
you can check with number of rows returned is ZERO then through status zero error message.
Or else
Get rows only based on random_no exists and then check status key

LDAP add user false success

i try to add a user to freeipa with the code below. the code return success but when i go to the freeipa UI the user is not visible. if i try to reinsert it will fail telling that user already exist. what can be? thanks
$con = ldap_connect($server);
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
// bind anon and find user by uid
$user_search = ldap_search($con,$dn,"(|(uid=admin))");
$user_get = ldap_get_entries($con, $user_search);
$user_entry = ldap_first_entry($con, $user_search);
$user_next = ldap_next_entry($con, $user_entry);
$user_dn = ldap_get_dn($con, $user_next);
if (ldap_bind($con, $user_dn, "adminpass") === false) {
$message[] = "Error E101 - Current Username or Password is wrong.";
$info['givenName'] = "test";
$info['cn'] = "test";
$info['sn'] = "user";
$info['mail'] = "test#localhost";
$info['objectclass'][0] = "inetorgperson";
if(ldap_add($con, "cn=test,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=domain,dc=net", $info) === false){
$error = ldap_error($con);
$errno = ldap_errno($con);
$message[] = "$errno - $error";
$message[] = "ok";

How can i fix [an error occurred while processing this directive]?

I'm trying to fetch email from inbox using php imap(). In localhost function works fine but on our bluehost based dedicated server it showing following error
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Php Code
$imap = #imap_open("{mail.******.com:143/novalidate-cert}", "a****i#*****.com", "******");
$message_count = #imap_num_msg($imap);
$array_mail = array();
if($message_count > 0){
for ($m = 1; $m <= $message_count; ++$m){
//$header = #imap_header($imap, $m);
$header = #imap_rfc822_parse_headers(imap_fetchheader($imap, $m));
$email[$m]['from'] = $header->from[0]->mailbox.'#'.$header->from[0]->host;
//$email[$m]['fromaddress'] = $header->from[0]->personal;
//$email[$m]['to'] = $header->to[0]->mailbox;
//$email[$m]['cc'] = $header->cc[0]->mailbox;
//$email[$m]['subject'] = $header->subject;
//$email[$m]['message_id'] = $header->message_id;
//$email[$m]['date'] = $header->udate;
//$from = $email[$m]['fromaddress'];
$from_email = $email[$m]['from'];
$array_mail[] = $from_email;
$hedCC = $header->cc;
foreach($hedCC as $s){
echo $s->mailbox.'#'.$s->host.'<br />';
//$array_mail[] = $s->mailbox.'#'.$s->host;
$hedTO = $header->to;
foreach($hedTO as $t){
echo $t->mailbox.'#'.$t->host.'<br />';
//$array_mail[] = $t->mailbox.'#'.$t->host;
$i = 0;
if (!empty($array_mail)) {
$insertCount = 0;
foreach($array_mail as $m_){
//echo $m_.'<br />';
$isExistWithID = $this->isExistWithID($user_id,$m_);
$email_err = $this->isValidEmail($m_);
$isValid = 0;
if($email_err == false){
$isValid = 1;
if($isExistWithID==0 && $isValid==0){
$insert = $this->pdoConnection->prepare("
INSERT INTO ws_email (
$insert->bindParam(':u_id', $u_id);
$insert->bindParam(':we_email', $we_email);
$insert->bindParam(':date_added', $date_added);
// Insert Data
$u_id = $_SESSION['USERID'];
$we_email = $m_;
$date_added = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
}// end foreach
$response['success'] = $insertCount . ' Email address(s) fetched successfully.';
//echo $i;
$response['error'] = 'No record found';
$response['error'] = 'IMAP does not connect';
/************ END NEW 29 SEP *************/
echo json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Can anyone kindly guide me where is the issue that i can fix. I would like to appreciate. Thank You.
I added ticket to host provider. Following are the comments,
This error is because of a the FCGI timeout. This can be fixed by changing to suphp. You can change the php type in the whm to suphp on the Main >> Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> PHP and SuExec Configuration page. I suggest to closely watch the website with that to suphp as it makes the server more vulnerable to scripts running unchecked.

web service for mobile application in yii

In my Yii web application I want to write a web service for mobile application. I create a url for access student details with GET method. That I want to change GET method to POST method or PUT method. My url is,
I am getting this username from client side and giving the response from server side to client side in json format.
My code is,
public function actionStudentdetails() {
if (isset($_GET['username'])) {
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $_GET['username']));
$usertypeid = $user->usertypeid;
if ($usertypeid === '1') {
$studentid = $user->userid;
} else if ($usertypeid === '3') {
$guardianid = $user->userid;
$studentid = $_GET['studentid'];
} else {
$employeemasterid = $user->userid;
$student = Student::model()->findByPk($studentid);
header('Content-type: application/json');
$response["student_admissionno"] = $student->student_admissionno;
$response["student_firstname"] = $student->student_firstname;
$response["student_middlename"] = $student->student_middlename;
$response["student_lastname"] = $student->student_lastname;
$response["student_admissiondate"] = $student->student_admissiondate;
$response["student_dob"] = $student->student_dob;
$response["student_gender"] = $student->student_gender;
$response["student_religion"] = $student->student_religion;
$response["student_caste"] = $student->student_caste;
$response["student_address1"] = $student->student_address1;
$response["student_address2"] = $student->student_address2;
$response["student_city"] = $student->student_city;
$response["student_state"] = $student->student_state;
$response["success"] = 1;
$response["message"] = "success";
echo json_encode($response);
Please help me.
you can try this code for webserivce. you can used any method GET or POST Method of data posting in server side.
public function actionStudentdetails() {
$json_data = array();
$params = isset($_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST: "";
if (!empty($params)) {
$username = $params['username'];
if($username == "") {
$json_data['success'] = false;
$json_data['message'] = 'Username are required.';
} else {
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $params['username']));
$usertypeid = $user->usertypeid;
if ($usertypeid === '1') {
$studentid = $user->userid;
} else if ($usertypeid === '3') {
$guardianid = $user->userid;
$studentid = $_GET['studentid'];
} else {
$employeemasterid = $user->userid;
$student = Student::model()->findByPk($studentid);
header('Content-type: application/json');
$json_data["student_admissionno"] = $student->student_admissionno;
$json_data["student_firstname"] = $student->student_firstname;
$json_data["student_middlename"] = $student->student_middlename;
$json_data["student_lastname"] = $student->student_lastname;
$json_data["student_admissiondate"] = $student->student_admissiondate;
$json_data["student_dob"] = $student->student_dob;
$json_data["student_gender"] = $student->student_gender;
$json_data["student_religion"] = $student->student_religion;
$json_data["student_caste"] = $student->student_caste;
$json_data["student_address1"] = $student->student_address1;
$json_data["student_address2"] = $student->student_address2;
$json_data["student_city"] = $student->student_city;
$json_data["student_state"] = $student->student_state;
$json_data['success'] = true;
$json_data['message'] = "Data found Successful.";
} else {
$json_data['success'] = false;
$json_data['message'] = "Please try again.";
echo json_encode($response);
