How do I get all query parameters from the url?
So let's say the url is:
I need this part in my controller:
the query parameters can be different with every request. So Input::get('page'); or Input::get('forum');does not help because I
don't know what to can expect.
Already looked at the docs but I can't find it.
You can get all parameters with
$params = $request->query->all();
More information about the request object can be found at the Symfony's Request documentation page.
This is a recommended way of accessing Request data, never rely on Superglobal arrays like _GET and such.
I have a URL with a query param like:};alert(1);a={%27%27:%27. I want to clean up the URL when the request gets made and return it to the browser without the javascript alert evaluating. By "clean up" I mean: remove html tags, invalid characters, and characters that can potentially evaluate in the user's browser.
This is what I'm thinking and please correct me if I'm thinking about this incorrectly: when the request is made, catch it in the middleware and then send back a cleaned up version of the query params (maybe redirect the user).
I'm not sure if PHP supports this? I thought I could override the query params in $_GET and assign the src param with the cleaned up value but that doesn't seem to be working. I've also tried overriding $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] but that also doesn't work.
What's the best way to handle something like this in PHP?
I want pretty url. I access these records using url below. Last segment is index id to access data using it.
How can I convert it into
How to implement and also I want last segment in page to access the data using it.
$route['order/thank_you/(:num)'] = 'thanks/thank_you/$1';
The left hand side is the URL accessed by the users. And the right hand side is where your request going to.
For example, the request is going to the function thank_you() of the Controller thanks.
$1 is the argument. If have more than one, just /$1/$2/.
The Controller
public function friends_profile ($id = NULL) {
echo "This is the ID I want to thank to " .$id;
The function arguments can be passed directly by the route. $id is the argument passed by the URI.
By the way, check out the Codeigniter URI Routing Guide to get more information.
If you want the url not to contain the id portion you could keep it in a session var and retrieve it at the thank_you method.
I'm kind of a noob at this stuff.
But I've been browsing around and I see sites that are kind alike this
this is really cool. but How do I do it?
Im stuck using something like this
If you could tell me how I can go about do this it would be awesome!
What you're looking at is a $_GET argument.
In your PHP code, try writing something like this:
$value = $_GET['foo'];
Then open your page like this:
This will set $value to 123.
You need to use the $_GET here.
if you use the following:
then this will be how to use it and the result
$_GET['id'] (returns the 123)
You can use as many $_GET arguments as you need, for example:
$_GET is an array of what parameters are in the url, so you use it the same way as an array.
Create a file called product.php with this code:
echo "The argument you passed was: " . $_GET['id'];
Now run this URL in your browser:
and you will understand how $_GET works.
Those are called URL parameters (what they're contained in is called a query string), and they're not unique to PHP but can be accessed in PHP using the $_GET superglobal.
Similarly, you can get POST parameters using the $_POST superglobal, though in POST requests, these parameters are not appended to the URL.
Note: Generally, for usability purposes (and thus also SEO purposes), you want to avoid using query strings as much as possible. These days, the standard practice is to use URL rewriting to display friendly URLs to the user. So your application might accept a URL like:
But the user only sees:
You can do this by using mod_rewrite or similar URL rewriting capabilities to turn the friendly URL into the former query string URL internally, without having the user type out the query string.
You might want to have a look at the documentation at, especially these pages:
Specifically, have a look at $_GET and $_POST, which are two frequently used ways to transmit information from a browser to the server. (In short, GET-parameters are specified in the URL, as in your question, while POST-parameters are "hidden from view", but can contain more data - typically the contents of forms etc, such as the textbox you posted your question in).
I an redirection (in some cases) from a controller to the error controller, action 'not-logged-in' using the redirector helper. My problem is the following: I want to pass an argument in the $_POST array (an URL from where the redirection happened) so the user will be able to return to that page after performing a login.
How can i place data in the $_POST array while using redirect helper?
Thank you ahead.
When you use the redirector with an internal redirect (ie. goToRoute) the paramters are passed along with it. Thus if you add your refferrer to the the request before you actually redirect:
// Assuming $request is a Zend_Controller_Request
$request->setParam('ref', $referrer);
// then use the redirector
then that variable will be passed along with the request upon redirect. So then you would need to check for/grab that variable from the request in the action youve redirected to and then set it as a hidden field in the form. Then when your form posts to your login action you can check again for a ref variable and on successful login redirect to that location.
Now if i were you i would not actually use the referral as the url but a serialized or json encoded array of the previous request's parameters. that way you can use goToRoute in this second instance as well.
Ofcourse if the redirection came form some sort of post action that contained sensitive data you wouldnt want to do this. In that case you would want to use the session as has been previously suggested.
Above all the best advice i can give is to look at the code of Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite and Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector.
Not possible without some socket or Curl jiggery pokery.
Why not try using $_SESSION array in the same way?
Does it really matter if the user can see the redirection url in the address bar? i doubt they will care and i see it a few times on some top sites.
Passing control to the login page just feels more like a _forward than a _redirect, like it all belongs under the one action. Especially since you're coming right back.
_forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null)
Then, you can pass your originating location in $params as you'd like.
I'm pretty sure that you can't send POST when redirecting a person to another page. But maybe you can, and if so, I hope somebody proves me wrong here.
I'm not sure how you'd do what you want using Zend Framework, but I would suggest two ways how to do it in general. You can either send a GET variable, or use a session variable to store a back-URL.
I'm trying to make a bookmarklet that will take the URL of the current page you are on, and send it to an application written using CodeIgniter.
The problem I keep running into is that I can't do a standard AJAX call, because it's cross-domain. It is disallowed, and I can't figure out a way to use the JSONP via $_GET method since CodeIgniter blows away the $_GET parameter.
At this point I'll take any suggestions on how to do this. Please note that I need to send a URL, and if it's to be passed via a URL itself it obviously needs to be encoded or something. This I also haven't figured out how to do, so any pointers on that end would be appreciated as well.
Codeigniter unsets $_GET but you can get the data from the query string. It is a little inefficient because PHP will probably end parsing the query string twice, but it should work:
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $get);
All the GET variables should be accesible in the variable $get. See parse_str() documentation for some more information.
As an alternative you could url-encode the current URL and append it to what you are requesting e.g.
var url = ''
+ encodeURIComponent(window.location);
Then in Codeigniter do something like:
//you might have to call urldecode() on this value
$url = $this->uri->segment(0);
but you may find you then have this problem
It is possible to enable query strings in Codeigniter, but watch out for the caveats - you can't use the URL helper, for example.