i know this is rather a stupid question, but i have the following problem. i use Docker above a year and a editor to change my programm which is hostet as a volume.
i dont have installed php because it only runs inside of the containers, like almost all other of my server programms (like sql, apache). now i installed visual studio code and it cannot find the path to php to use intellisense.
i know that i can set an environment path inside my docker-compose or Dockerfile to set an environment for my container. but the container is, if its run, isolated to the outside, except for commands like docker cp.
is it possible to set a path from my host machine to the container machine, so that visual studio code can find PHP inside of the container and use it for intellisense? or do i have to install php on my host machine? but this would destroy the usage of the Docker containers in my opinion.
for example in visual studio code config settings.json
"php.validate.executablePath": DOCKERCONTAINER/usr/bin/php
The trick is to create a Bash file that calls to our PHP container.
At first, start a PHP7 container and keep it running by using this docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
image: php:7.2
container_name: php7-vscode
restart: always #this option will keep your container always running, auto start after turn on your host machine
stdin_open: true
- proxy
external: true
Create a file named php in /usr/local/bin
Chmod to make it executable
sudo chmod +x php
This file will contain this script that use our running container to process php
docker exec -i --user=1000:1000 php7-vscode php "$#"
1000:1000 is our user id and our user group on our host machine. We have to run as our current user on host machine so that the container won't modify our file's owner.
That's it. Now you can type
php -v
to see the result.
I made the following script in docker-compose.yml, which tries to run a official PHP + Apache image from Docker Hub:
image: 'php:5.6-apache'
container_name: apache
restart: always
- '80:80'
- '443:443'
- /mnt/data/apps/html:/var/www/html
- /mnt/data/apps/ssl:/etc/ssl
- /mnt/data/apps/apache:/etc/apache2
But when i run it with docker compose up the container does go up, but the files that were supposed to be created on container launch are not being created it... (Also happens when using docker run script)
If i remove the volumes, run it again and access the container with "docker exec -it apache bash" i see that the files are generated accordingly... Just happens when binding volumes. Wasnt the files suposed to be created automatically to the local volumes?
Please, what am i doing wrong? Is there something missing on the script? Am i being dumb?
Sorry if this is a really obvious question, i have nowere to go and are starting now on docker.
Thank you
Solution was to run container without any volumes and use docker cp to copy the config files to my machine, then run it again but with volume poiting to the copied config files...
Nginx Example
docker pull nginx:1.23.1-alpine
docker run --name tmp-nginx-container -d nginx:1.23.1-alpine
docker cp tmp-nginx-container:/etc/nginx/ D:\Docker\Config
docker rm -f tmp-nginx-container
I am developping a website which I want to host inside a php-apache docker container.
I use the following command to run the container:
docker run -dit --restart unless-stopped --name my_www -p 8080:80 -v /path/to/repo:/var/www/html/ php:7.4-apache
Since I bind the repository containing the code as a volume to the container, I expect the website to "update live" when I change the code locally. I had this right behaviour last time I tried but I am now unable to get it back.
When I check the website locally at everything is ok and changes are taken into account normaly, but they do not propagate into the docker container...
For some reason, the files in the docker are stuck to an old version of the code, an old "stat" of the repository...
Any ideas how I can manage to fix this and preview changes live ?
Credits to #Don't Panic for helping to debug.
The browser was caching everything so I couldn't see changes live.
The solution was to enable the "expires" apache module inside the docker container:
$ docker exec -it <container_id> bash
root#<container_id>:# a2enmod expires
root#<container_id>:# exit
$ docker restart my_www
Et voilĂ :)
I have created a command line application using symfony 3.4 which doesn't need to display any web page.
I generally run the commands like following:
php bin/console MY_COMMAND_NAME
I want to dockerize the application and share it with others, so inside the root directory of my project I created a docker-compose.yml file, which looks like following:
version: "3.3"
image: php:7.3-cli
Then I ran docker-compose up, after that I checked the PHP version by the following command and it showed my the correct version:
docker run php:7.3-cli php -v
However, when I ran docker ps, it didn't show any container running.
My question is how to run the commands inside my project root directory. FYI, I am using Docker Toolbox, on windows 10 Home Edition and my project location is:
The docker container need to have a long running process defined in CMD to stay running. php-cli is not that. If you run composer up, you'll see something like this:
$ docker-compose up
Creating network "tempphpdocker_default" with the default driver
Pulling web (php:7.3-cli)...
7.3-cli: Pulling from library/php
b8f262c62ec6: Pull complete
a98660e7def6: Pull complete
4d75689ceb37: Pull complete
639eb0368afa: Pull complete
2cdbfdb779b1: Pull complete
e0b637fa9606: Pull complete
da7333b0ef25: Pull complete
01d65ff46009: Pull complete
673e50bed3b9: Pull complete
bf6c6e34305d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1453f5ef0d4d1d424ed8114dd90a775bdec06cc6fb3bbae9521dcb4ca0c8ca90
Status: Downloaded newer image for php:7.3-cli
Creating tempphpdocker_web_1 ...
Creating tempphpdocker_web_1 ... done
Attaching to tempphpdocker_web_1
web_1 | Interactive shell
web_1 |
tempphpdocker_web_1 exited with code 0
The exit code is 0. This means your command in the docker image php:7.3-cli has successfully run and finished.
To properly dockerize your applicaiton, you should override this by writing you own docker file with proper COPY calls that bundle your CLI program into it. Your Dockerfile should probably look something like this:
FROM php:7.3-cli
RUN mkdir -p /opt/workdir/bin
RUN mkdir -p /opt/workdir/vendor
COPY bin/ /opt/workdir/bin
COPY vendor/ /opt/workdir/vendor
WORKDIR /opt/workdir
CMD php ./bin/console COMMAND
You can simply build and run this Dockerfile, or you if you prefer docker-compose, you can define docker-compose.yml in the same folder as the Dockerfile:
version: "3.3"
image: php-custom
build: ./
Please noted that a dockerized application can only access files and folder in the docker image. You should bind volumes of your local file system to the container before it can actually work on your filesystem.
Quick and dirty fix to keep you container running just override the container command in docker-compose.
version: "3.3"
image: php:7.3-cli
command: tail -f /dev/null
when you run docker-compose up it will keep the docker container but it will do not thing, just will give away to run command inside container.
docker exec -it php-cli_web_1 ash
My question is how to run the commands inside my project root
As mentioned by #David, you need to mount your host project to the container in docker-compose.
For instance
your project is placed on the host /home/myporject, mount the project within docker-compose and it will be available inside the container. then you can update the command of your docker-compose to run the script.
keep in mind
The life of container is the life of docker-compose command
When the execution completed your container will be die after execution. so your container will run until the php:7.3-cli /app/your_script.php this script completed.
version: "3.3"
image: php:7.3-cli
command: php:7.3-cli /app/your_script.php
- /home/myporject:/app
I'm following this guide to set up a PHP development environment with Docker.
I have created a folder on my desktop docker-php and added a docker-compose.yml file into it, with this content:
image: nginx:latest
- 80:80
On my terminal:
$ cd /home/my-username/Desktop/docker-php/
$ docker-compose up -d
I get this error:
ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at
http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?
If it's at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the
DOCKER_HOST environment variable.
I'm on Xubuntu 16.04.
Or perhaps I should put the folder in the specific location that is required by Docker? If so, which is it?
The most common reason for this error is that you ran 'docker-compose up' without sudo. As long as there is docker installed and is up and running, you are likely missing sudo in the docker command.
You could use native Docker
One option is to abandon docker-machine and use a native Docker setup on your system. Since you are on Linux (Xubuntu), this is an option for you. docker-machine is most often used by people who can't run Docker natively (Mac or Windows), and use it to install a Docker-capable VM and some local commands on their OS to talk to it.
You can find install docs for Docker on Linux here.
However, you already have docker-machine installed, so this may be the most disruptive option for you.
Your docker-machine may not be running
The error you are getting is saying the Docker client cannot talk to the server. One potential reason for this is that your docker-machine VM isn't running. You should verify it is running, and if not, start it.
To get a list of your docker-machines (may be one or more):
docker-machine ls
You will probably have one machine named default, but you may have more, depending on how you did your setup.
You can get the current status with:
docker-machine status <machine-name>
And you can use stop, start, restart to manage the docker-machine.
(More in the Docker Machine CLI reference.)
You need the proper environment set
docker-machine relies on environment variables to work properly. Because you may have multiple docker-machine setups, you have to tell the client which one to use.
To set the environment, you can get it from the docker-machine command.
docker-machine env <machine-name>
And you can automatically inject it into the environment (this may be a useful thing to put into your shell startup file).
eval "$(docker-machine env <machine-name>)"
You should end up with env vars similar to these:
Keep in mind you should use the eval form here, not just run the env command and paste the output into your shell setup; it may change on a docker-machine restart, etc, so you can't rely on an old setup to still work later.
If your docker-machine is running, and these env vars are set, your docker and docker-compose commands should work.
sudo usermod -a -G docker USERNAME
I have a container running a PHP application and the php-fpm service can't write the cache files inside an folder provided by a docker volume.
I gave 777 permissions on the folder I need to write, from the host machine, but it works just for a while. Files created by php-fpm doesn't have necessary permissions.
Furthermore it's not possible to change the owner and group with chown command.
This is my docker-composer.yml file:
image: eduardoleal/nginx
- proxy
- php:php
container_name: "app-web"
- data
- ./src/nginx-vhost.conf:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
image: eduardoleal/php56
container_name: "app-web-php"
- data
container_name: "app-web-data"
image: phusion/baseimage
- /Users/eduardo.leal/Code/vidaclass/web:/var/www/public
I'm running docker on OSX with VirtualBox.
MacOS has some mounting problems because of the differences in user and group owning the file versus user and group modifying/reading the file. As a workaround, do the following (preferably using the latest version) of Docker,
$ brew install docker-machine-nfs
$ docker-machine start yourdockermachine
$ docker-machine-nfs yourdockermachine --shared-folder=/Users --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=0"
You can change the name of yourdockermachine as you like. Also, you have the ability to change the shared folder you want to map. The above option is the best bet and works in all cases. I would suggest not changing that so that you don't mess around with system files.
After the above setup, make sure you provide appropriate read, write, execute permissions to your files and folders.
NOTE: Dependencies for above procedure are brew, docker-machine (or the complete docker toolbox for simplicity)
UPDATE 1: Docker for Mac Beta is in private invite phase. It runs Docker natively on Mac on top of xhyve Hypervisor. It would mean, no more permission errors and improved performance.
UPDATE 2: Docker for Mac is now in Public Beta. The underlying technology remains the same and the VM is completely managed by the Docker service. The version as of this writing is 1.12.0-rc2 which works seamlessly with OS X without any intervention of docker-machine.
I had this problem too. Docker machine uses docker user and staff group on mounted volumes, which have UID=1000 and GID=50 respectively. You need to modify your php-fpm config and replace default user (I suppose it's nobody), with username which have UID=1000 inside container. In case you don't have such user, you'll need to create such user. Do the same trick for group with GID=50. It's very-very dirty hack, but I didn't found better solution yet.
Add RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data somewhere before EXPOSE into Dockerfile for eduardoleal/php56 image, it will fix problem with permissions.
If you are using MacOSx. you have to change permission of staff user (this user is created by docker). Default staff user only read permission. So webserver cannot write into your cache folder in docker container. You can do and see the picture below
chmod -R 777 cache_folder on your mac.
Hope this answer is useful for you
Anyway, you can also use docker-machine-nfs to fix this problem