I am sending a post request to the GetResponse API. Everything works fine until I add a custom field (customFieldValues) to save along with my new email contact.
$body_data =
'name' => $input['name'],
'email' => $input['email'],
'campaign' => [
'campaignId' => $campaign_id
'customFieldValues' => ['customFieldId' => 'LDe0h', 'value' => ['Save this test string.'] ]
When I send the request I get the following error message:
"errorDescription": "CustomFieldValue entry must be specified as array"
I have tried a few things now and not sure how to format this properly to have the API accept it.
Reference link:
I found the solution on github in an example for their php api here:
I suppose I had to wrap an array inside an array inside of an array...geez:
'customFieldValues' => array(
array('customFieldId' => 'custom_field_id_obtained_by_API',
'value' => array(
array('customFieldId' => 'custom_field_id_obtained_by_API',
'value' => array(
For GetResponse V3
'customFieldValues' => [
'customFieldId' => 'custom_field_id_from_API',
'name' => 'Website',
'value' => ['https://scholarshipspsy.com']
Please note the 'name' field is optional. The site sampled is an international scholarship platform.
I am struggling with the usage of the NotificationPusher component and the possibility to send custom parameters within the payload to apple products.
I've tried the following, since I've found this annotation within the docs on github.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default'
'custom' => [
'lat' => 123,
'lon' => 321,
'radius' => 32,
'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'action' => 'update'
This syntax sadly didn't led to the expected result. The apple devices wouldn't receive these parameters.
I've also tried this, but this also failed.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default',
'custom_lat' => 123,
'custom_lon' => 321,
'custom_radius' => 32,
'custom_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'custom_action' => 'update'
What is the exact syntax so send custom parameters within the payload to apple devices with a push message?
I've dug trough the source code on github and have found out, that the 'custom' key of the array wasn't extracted by the ASPN Adapter.
But I've found a piece of code that extracted the complete 'message' array, so my guess was to add the 'custom' array within the 'message' part, what then also was the solution for my problem.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default',
'custom' => [
'lat' => 123,
'lon' => 321,
'radius' => 32,
'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'action' => 'update'
I faced the same need. Started debugging and found that KhorneHoly is right: You need to send the payload under custom key. The array format is a little bit different, though:
$message = new Message('This is the message', [
'custom'=> [
'payloadKey' => 'payloadContent'
I'm using "sly/notification-pusher": "^2.3"
Hope it helps =)
I am trying to upload files (images) over API (Swagger) using php
I am sending data from template (PHP) and after validation, in controller there is request to API with all parameters.
There are my params (from template)
$orderParameter = [
'first_name' => $first_name,
'last_name' => $last_name,
'category' => 2,
'file' => $this->request->data['documents_for_upload'][0],
here is response from template
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Tester',
'category' => (int) 2,
'file' => [
'name' => 'Hydrangeas.jpg',
'type' => 'image/jpeg',
'tmp_name' => 'C:\Users\jwy\AppData\Local\Temp\phpAB7B.tmp',
'error' => (int) 0,
'size' => (int) 595284
If I send those data direct (using Swagger UI with browse and select file) than its works, but if I use php I am getting error 500.
In swagger UI file field is defined like Parameter Type = formData and Data type = undefined
I have try to send only file['tmp_name'] but it doesnt work and also try to convert file encode_base64 but it is the same result.
I'm trying to retrieve a report from the AdExchange Seller API.
I am using the maximum allowed amount of dimensions and metrics so the reports is quite big (>100.000 rows). According to the documentation on large reports this is possible using the limit break feature by adding the alt=media parameter. But I can't figure out how to add that parameter using the Google API client for PHP. I would prefer to stick to the official Google libraries, but I'm open for suggestions.
Note: adding alt=csv or alt=media to the optParams does not work and I can easily access the data if I remove some of the dimensions and metrics.
More specifically I'm using the accounts_reports resource and then the generate method. Looking at the source code (shown below), I can't see anywhere that it would be able to accept a alt parameter, but I'm obviously missing something.
$this->accounts_reports = new Google_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Resource_AccountsReports(
'methods' => array(
'generate' => array(
'path' => 'accounts/{accountId}/reports',
'httpMethod' => 'GET',
'parameters' => array(
'accountId' => array(
'location' => 'path',
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'startDate' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'endDate' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'dimension' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'repeated' => true,
'filter' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'repeated' => true,
'locale' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'maxResults' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'integer',
'metric' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'repeated' => true,
'sort' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'string',
'repeated' => true,
'startIndex' => array(
'location' => 'query',
'type' => 'integer',
Digging further I found this statement in the Google_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Resource_AccountsReports class.
Generate an Ad Exchange report based on the report request sent in the query
parameters. Returns the result as JSON; to retrieve output in CSV format
specify "alt=csv" as a query parameter. (reports.generate)
But how exactly would that work? As far as I can figure out, it doesn't.
Not really an answer but to long for a comment.
I don't think you are going to get that to work with the client library. The client libraries are generated via the Discovery Services API. Which gives information about what parameters the API takes. For some reason this alt=csv is not registered in the discovery services for that API. Its there in the description but its not registered as a parameter. So the Client library itself isn't going to build it for you.
You can see the response I am looking at here
An idea would be to make the change to the client library yourself you have the code. While altering the client libraries manually is not ideal it is doable.
Try and add alt and give it a value of CSV.
I don't have enough experience with the inner workings of the PHP client library but you can post this as an issue on their forum. Mention that its not in discovery they may have an easer way of applying a random parameter to the query string. I doubt it but its worth a shot.
This should be possible with the PHP client library. The following example demonstrates how to do it with the Drive API:
$fileId = '0BwwA4oUTeiV1UVNwOHItT0xfa2M';
$content = $driveService->files->get($fileId, array(
'alt' => 'media' ));
I'm trying to create a record set with the aws sdk and I'm getting this validation error:
Validation errors: [ChangeBatch][Changes][0][Change][ResourceRecordSet][ResourceRecords][Value][ResourceRecord] must be of type object
My code looks like this:
$result = $r53->changeResourceRecordSets(array(
'HostedZoneId' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'ChangeBatch' => array(
'Changes' => array(
'Action' => 'CREATE',
'ResourceRecordSet' => array(
'Name' => 'psion',
'Type' => 'CNAME',
'ResourceRecords' => array(
'Value' => 'example.com'
'Change' => array(
'ResourceRecordSet' => array(
'ResourceRecords' => array(
'Value' => array(
'ResourceRecord' => $aws->get('Route53'),
Any idea what the validation error means?
Validation errors: [ChangeBatch][Changes][0][Change][ResourceRecordSet][ResourceRecords][Value][ResourceRecord] must be of type object.
By type "object", it means an associative array. This is a validation message bubbling up from the Guzzle layer.
Here are the API docs for Route53Client::changeResourceRecordSets(), which shows an example of how the request should look when it is formatted correctly.
That whole array you have under the 'Change' key is not correct at all.
I have been thinking about a good way to handle nested/complex values in POST requests to a apigility resource.
For example, an order might contain a collection of order items in a single POST requested that is used to create an order. Both, order and order-item do exist as a resource. However, I would very much like to have only one request that would create order and order item entities. Handling that in the resource is not a problem, but I wonder how you would configure that resource (let´s call it order-place) using the apigiliy UI - or, if at all impossible, using the configuration. Applying validators and filters is one of the key features of apigility, and i´d like to keep using that, even for complex request data.
And before you ask, using an underscore to separate the values scopes, for example order_comment and order_item_comment should not be an option.
Any ideas?:)
Addition: A sample json request payload could look like this:
"created_at": "2000-01-01",
"amount" : "5000.00",
"address" : {
"name": "some name",
"street": "some street"
"items" : [
Starting from Wilt's answer, I've found that the following code works as well:
# file path: /module/MyApi/config/module.config.php
// some other stuff
'MyApi\\V1\\Rest\\MyRestService\\Validator' => array(
'address' => array(
0 => array(
'name' => 'name',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(),
'validators' => array(),
1 => array(
'name' => 'street',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(),
'validators' => array(),
'type' => 'Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter'
'amount' => array(
'name' => 'amount',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(),
'validators' => array()
The only problem I get is when address is passed as a field (string or numeric) rather then an array or object. In this case Apigility throws an exception:
Zend\InputFilter\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Zend\InputFilter\BaseInputFilter::setData expects an array or Traversable argument; received string in /var/www/api/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/InputFilter/BaseInputFilter.php on line 175
Adding address as a further simple (required) field avoids the exception, but then Apigility doesn't see any difference whether we pass address as an array of name and street or a dummy string.
If you are using the ContentValidation module then you can configure an input filter for the nested resources by assigning it to a variable. Then you have to add a type key (essential otherwise reusing the filter won't work). Now you are able to use this variable in your input_filter_specs and you can reuse the whole filter inside another filter. So something like this in your config.php:
namespace Application;
// Your address config as if it was used independently
$addressInputFilter => array(
'name' => array(
'name' => 'name',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
'validators' => array(
'street' => array(
'name' => 'street',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
'validators' => array(
// 'type' key necessary for reusing this input filter in other configs
'type' => 'Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter'
'input_filter_specs' => array(
// The key for your address if you also want to be able to use it independently
'Application\InputFilter\Address'=> $addressInputFilter,
// The key and config for your other resource containing a nested address
'Application\InputFilter\ItemContainingAddress'=> array(
'address' => $addressInputFilter,
'amount' => array(
'name' => 'amount',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
'validators' => array(
//... your other fields