Format datetime interval with a minimum difference - php

I found this really nice PHP script that converts any datetime into a relative string, for example:
'2013-05-01 00:22:35' -> '3 months ago'
It's really cool, but I would like to "trick" the function so that even if the date is, let's say, 20 minutes before, the function returns 1 hour ago instead of 20 minutes ago. Thus, I want to enforce a minimum difference of 1 hour, even when the difference is less than that.
For reference, here is the function.
function time_elapsed_string($datetime, $full = false) {
$now = new DateTime;
$ago = new DateTime($datetime);
$diff = $now->diff($ago);
$diff->w = floor($diff->d / 7);
$diff->d -= $diff->w * 7;
$string = array(
'y' => 'year',
'm' => 'month',
'w' => 'week',
'd' => 'day',
'h' => 'hour',
'i' => 'minute',
's' => 'second',
foreach ($string as $k => &$v) {
if ($diff->$k) {
$v = $diff->$k . ' ' . $v . ($diff->$k > 1 ? 's' : '');
} else {
if (!$full) $string = array_slice($string, 0, 1);
return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' ago' : 'just now';
I tried a lot of different things, but nothing really worked.
How can I enforce a minimum difference of 1 hour?

After you have figured out the difference, simply check if the largest difference is only minutes or seconds. If so, return the minimum of 1 hour that you require.
// here is your foreach loop
// check if less than 1 hour, if so, return that
$keys = array_keys($string);
if ($keys[0] === 'i' || $keys[0] === 's') {
return 'less than 1 hour ago';
Try it online!
I put the time of posting the question in this example. When you look at it more than 1 hour after that, you'll have to modify the test case to a DateTime that is less than 1 hour ago in UTC time.
Test cases. It is now 2017-06-10 12:45:00 in UTC.
time_elapsed_string("2017-06-10 12:11:19"); // less than 1 hour ago
time_elapsed_string("2017-06-10 11:44:00"); // 1 hour ago
time_elapsed_string("2017-06-10 11:44:00", true); // 1 hour, 1 minute ago
time_elapsed_string("2017-06-09 11:45:00", true); // 1 day, 1 hour ago
time_elapsed_string("2017-06-09 11:45:00"); // 1 day ago

days : If the DateInterval object was created by DateTime::diff(), then this is the total number of days between the start and end dates. Otherwise, days will be FALSE.
Since we know it won't be false, it will evaluate to false only when 0.
if($diff->days) {
$diff->w = floor($diff->d / 7);
$diff->d -= $diff->w * 7;
} else /* less than a day's difference */ if(!$diff->h && ($diff->i || $diff->s)) /* less than an hour's difference */ {
$diff->h = 1;
$diff->i = 0;
$diff->s = 0;

I've added some refinements to your original code. I've also removed the full option from your function as I don't think you intend to use it for your case. If my inline comments fail to explain my process, just ask.
Code: (Demo)
function time_elapsed_string($datetime){
$now=new DateTime; // current datetime
$ago=new DateTime($datetime); // user datetime
if($now<$ago){return "Unexpected future datetime value";}
$diff=$now->diff($ago); // datetime difference
$diff->w=intval(floor($diff->d/7)); // add weeks to diff output
$diff->d-=$diff->w*7; // reduce days based on weeks calculation
$kept_diff=array_intersect_key((array)$diff,$units); // omit unwanted elements of diff()'s output
if(!max($kept_diff)){ // if y, m, w, d, & h all = 0, show default
return 'default: 1 hour ago'; // inserted "default: " for demo. Remove in production.
$diffs=array_filter(array_merge($units,$kept_diff)); // sort by $units order, then omit elements with 0 value
return current($diffs).' '.$units[key($diffs)].(current($diffs)>1?'s':'').' ago'; // return highest unit data in plain English
echo time_elapsed_string('2017-06-30 02:22:35'); // output: 3 weeks ago


Generate random dates with random times between two dates for selected period and frequency

I have to create a scheduling component that will plan e-mails that need to be sent out. Users can select a start time, end time, and frequency. Code should produce a random moment for every frequency, between start and end time. Outside of office hours.
User can select a period between 01/01/2020 (the start) and 01/01/2021 (the end). In this case user selects a timespan of one exactly year.
User can select a frequency. In this case user selects '2 months'.
Code produces a list of datetimes. The total time (one year) is divided by frequency (2 months). We expect a list of 6 datetimes.
Every datetime is a random moment in said frequency (2 months). Within office hours.
An example result for these paramaters might as follows, with the calculated frequency bounds for clarity:
[jan/feb] 21-02-2020 11.36
[mrt/apr] 04-03-2020 16.11
[mei/jun] 13-05-2020 09.49
[jul-aug] 14-07-2020 15.25
[sep-okt] 02-09-2020 14.09
[nov-dec] 25-12-2020 13.55
I've been thinking about how to implement this best, but I can't figure out an elegant solution.
How could one do this using PHP?
Any insights, references, or code spikes would be greatly appreciated. I'm really stuck on this one.
I think you're just asking for suggestions on how to generate a list of repeating (2 weekly) dates with a random time between say 9am and 5pm? Is that right?
If so - something like this (untested, pseudo code) might be a starting point:
$start = new Datetime('1st January 2021');
$end = new Datetime('1st July 2021');
$day_start = 9;
$day_end = 17;
$date = $start;
$dates = [$date]; // Start date into array
while($date < $end) {
$new_date = clone($date->modify("+ 2 weeks"));
$new_date->setTime(mt_rand($day_start, $day_end), mt_rand(0, 59));
$dates[] = $new_date;
Steve's anwser seems good, but you should consider 2 additional things
holiday check, in the while after first $new_date line, like:
$holiday = array('2021-01-01', '2021-01-06', '2021-12-25');
if (!in_array($new_date,$holiday))
also a check if date is a office day or a weekend in a similar way as above with working days as an array.
It's kind of crappy code but I think it will work as you wish.
function getDiffInSeconds(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) : int
$startTimestamp = $start->getTimestamp();
$endTimestamp = $end->getTimestamp();
return $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
function getShiftData(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) : array
$shiftStartHour = \DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $start->format('H:i:s'));
$shiftEndHour = \DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $end->format('H:i:s'));
$shiftInSeconds = intval($shiftEndHour->getTimestamp() - $shiftStartHour->getTimestamp());
return [
function dayIsWeekendOrHoliday(\DateTime $date, array $holidays = []) : bool
$weekendDayIndexes = [
0 => 'Sunday',
6 => 'Saturday',
$dayOfWeek = $date->format('w');
if (empty($holidays)) {
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = isset($weekendDayIndexes[$dayOfWeek]);
} else {
$dayMonthDate = $date->format('d/m');
$dayMonthYearDate = $date->format('d/m/Y');
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = (isset($weekendDayIndexes[$dayOfWeek]) || isset($holidays[$dayMonthDate]) || isset($holidays[$dayMonthYearDate]));
return $dayIsWeekendOrHoliday;
function getScheduleDates(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end, int $frequencyInSeconds) : array
if ($frequencyInSeconds < (24 * 60 * 60)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Frequency must be bigger than one day');
$diffInSeconds = getDiffInSeconds($start, $end);
// If difference between $start and $end is bigger than two days
if ($diffInSeconds > (2 * 24 * 60 * 60)) {
// If difference is bigger than 2 days we add 1 day to start and subtract 1 day from end
$start->modify('+1 day');
$end->modify('-1 day');
// Getting new $diffInSeconds after $start and $end changes
$diffInSeconds = getDiffInSeconds($start, $end);
if ($frequencyInSeconds > $diffInSeconds) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Frequency is bigger than difference between dates');
$holidays = [
'01/01' => 'New Year',
'18/04/2020' => 'Easter 1st official holiday because 19/04/2020',
'20/04/2020' => 'Easter',
'21/04/2020' => 'Easter 2nd day',
'27/04' => 'Konings',
'04/05' => '4mei',
'05/05' => '4mei',
'24/12' => 'Christmas 1st day',
'25/12' => 'Christmas 2nd day',
'26/12' => 'Christmas 3nd day',
'27/12' => 'Christmas 3rd day',
'31/12' => 'Old Year'
[$shiftStartHour, $shiftEndHour, $shiftInSeconds] = getShiftData($start, $end);
$amountOfNotifications = floor($diffInSeconds / $frequencyInSeconds);
$periodInSeconds = intval($diffInSeconds / $amountOfNotifications);
$maxDaysBetweenNotifications = intval($periodInSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60));
// If $maxDaysBetweenNotifications is equals to 1 then we have to change $periodInSeconds to amount of seconds for one day
if ($maxDaysBetweenNotifications === 1) {
$periodInSeconds = (24 * 60 * 60);
$dates = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $amountOfNotifications; $i++) {
$periodStart = clone $start;
$periodStart->setTimestamp($start->getTimestamp() + ($i * $periodInSeconds));
$seconds = mt_rand(0, $shiftInSeconds);
// If $maxDaysBetweenNotifications is equals to 1 then we have to check only one day without loop through the dates
if ($maxDaysBetweenNotifications === 1) {
$interval = new \DateInterval('P' . $maxDaysBetweenNotifications . 'DT' . $seconds . 'S');
$date = clone $periodStart;
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = dayIsWeekendOrHoliday($date, $holidays);
} else {
// When $maxDaysBetweenNotifications we have to loop through the dates to pick them
$loopsCount = 0;
$maxLoops = 3; // Max loops before breaking and skipping the period
do {
$day = mt_rand(0, $maxDaysBetweenNotifications);
$interval = new \DateInterval('P' . $day . 'DT' . $seconds . 'S');
$date = clone $periodStart;
$dayIsWeekendOrHoliday = dayIsWeekendOrHoliday($date, $holidays);
// If the day is weekend or holiday then we have to increment $loopsCount by 1 for each loop
if ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday === true) {
// If $loopsCount is equals to $maxLoops then we have to break the loop
if ($loopsCount === $maxLoops) {
} while ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday);
// Adds the date to $dates only if the day is not a weekend day and holiday
if ($dayIsWeekendOrHoliday === false) {
$dates[] = $date;
return $dates;
$start = new \DateTime('2020-12-30 08:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Sofia'));
$end = new \DateTime('2021-01-18 17:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Sofia'));
$frequencyInSeconds = 86400; // 1 day
$dates = getScheduleDates($start, $end, $frequencyInSeconds);
You have to pass $start, $end and $frequencyInSeconds as I showed in example and then you will get your random dates. Notice that I $start and $end must have hours in them because they are used as start and end hours for shifts. Because the rule is to return a date within a shift time only in working days. Also you have to provide frequency in seconds - you can calculate them outside the function or you can change it to calculate them inside. I did it this way because I don't know what are your predefined periods.
This function returns an array of \DateTime() instances so you can do whatever you want with them.
UPDATE 08/01/2020:
Holidays now are part of calculation and they will be excluded from returned dates if they are passed when you are calling the function. You can pass them in d/m and d/m/Y formats because of holidays like Easter and in case when the holiday is on weekend but people will get additional dayoff during the working week.
UPDATE 13/01/2020:
I've made updated code version to fix the issue with infinite loops when $frequencyInSeconds is shorter like 1 day. The new code used few functions getDiffInSeconds, getShiftData and dayIsWeekendOrHoliday as helper methods to reduce code duplication and cleaner and more readable code

In PHP, how do I get the accurate (not approximate) total individual number of weeks, months and years between two timestamps?

I can do it for days like this:
$d1 = new DateTime('2000-01-01 12:00:00');
$d2 = new DateTime('2020-01-01 12:00:00');
$diff = $d2->diff($d1);
echo $diff->days;
In other words, it works for days. However, the DateTime/DateInterval class has only a $days variable -- these are expected but don't exist:
Reading the manual, you might at first glance be deceived into thinking that it does have these attributes:
public integer $y ;
public integer $m ;
public integer $d ;
public integer $h ;
public integer $i ;
public integer $s ;
public float $f ;
public integer $invert ;
public mixed $days ;
The y, m, d, h, i, s there are not "individual totals", but depend on each other. For example, if the time span is exactly one year, the $y will be 1, but all of the other ones will be 0, instead of their respective representations (12 months, 52 weeks, etc.).
They treat days specially for some reason by including the $days variable, which does show the actual total number of days. I want that for weeks, months and years too.
I already know how to "estimate" the number of weeks/months/years between two timestamps, by using simple math and fixed variables representing the average number of seconds in each time unit. Since this doesn't take into consideration all the complexities of "traversing" the calendar format(s), such as leap years, varying days in different months, and many other small/complex details, you don't get the exact number that way.
I want to know the exact total number of weeks between two timestamps, and the same thing for years and months, independent of each other.
This will return the exact difference between two days hope this will help you.
function getDiffrenceBetweenTwoDays($date1,$date2){
$etime = strtotime($date1) - strtotime($date2;
if ($etime < 1)
return '0 seconds';
$a = array( 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year',
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month',
24 * 60 * 60 => 'day',
60 * 60 => 'hour',
60 => 'minute',
1 => 'second'
$a_plural = array( 'year' => 'years',
'month' => 'months',
'day' => 'days',
'hour' => 'hours',
'minute' => 'minutes',
'second' => 'seconds'
foreach ($a as $secs => $str)
$d = $etime / $secs;
if ($d >= 1)
$r = round($d);
return $r . ' ' . ($r > 1 ? $a_plural[$str] : $str) .'' ;
Replace %a with any of the following at this link:
$d1 = date_create('2000-01-01 12:00:00');
$d2 = date_create('2020-01-01 12:00:00');
$diff = date_diff($d1, $d2);
$days = $diff->format('%a');
echo $days; // 7305

Should I store the result of an function into an array?

I have a function like this:
function time_elapsed_string($ptime)
$date_time = strtotime("1348-10-10 04:30:01") + $ptime;
$year = date("Y",$date_time);
$month = date("m",$date_time);
$day = date("d",$date_time);
$time = date("H:i:s",$date_time);
$etime = time() - $ptime + 1;
$a = array( 31536000 => 'year',
2592000 => 'month',
86400 => 'day',
3600 => 'hour',
60 => 'minute',
1 => 'second'
foreach ($a as $secs => $str)
$d = $etime / $secs;
if ($d >= 1)
$r = round($d);
// EX:
return array('date' => $day.'-'.$month.'-'.$year, // 2016-02-20
'time' => $time, // 03:30:04
'difference' => $r . ' ' . $str . ' ago' // 2 month ago
And I use it like this:
$ptime = 1470692661;
$html = '<span title="date: '.time_elapsed_string($ptime)['date'].' time: '.time_elapsed_string($ptime)['time'].'">in '.time_elapsed_string($ptime)['difference'].'<span>';
As you see, I'm using of that function's result like this:
In fact I'm calling that function every time I need one of its results. Is that right? Or should I call it once and store it into an array?
Note: My code works as well.
Counting time elapsed since some date/time like this is mauvais ton.
DateTime has been available since PHP 5.2.0 and tonns of people underestimate it. Why don't you use this instead of loops and ifs?
$create_time = "2016-08-02 12:35:04";
$current_time="2016-08-02 16:16:02";
$dtCurrent = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time);
// to use current timestamp, use the following:
//$dtCurrent = new DateTime();
$dtCreate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $create_time);
$diff = $dtCurrent->diff($dtCreate);
Now, you can format the result however you want:
$interval = $diff->format("%h hours %i minutes %s seconds");
This will give a clean 3 hours 40 minutes 58 seconds without any arrays, which is better.
There is a general solution to get hours / minutes / seconds via regex:
$interval = $diff->format("%y years %m months %d days %h hours %i minutes %s seconds");
// now remove zero values
$interval = preg_replace('/(^0| 0) (years|months|days|hours|minutes|seconds)/', '', $interval);
As of your comment:
Look, I want to use your approach .. but I really cannot implement it .. Actually I need three things: time, date, difference ..! But your approach doesn't give me them..
Well, we already know how to get the difference, it's the $interval variable described above.
To get time and date, you can get it from the $dtCreate variable by, again, using format:
$time = $dtCreate->format('H:i:s');
$date = $dtCreate->format('d-m-Y');
This is a no brainer.
Yes - store the function call result of time_elapsed_string($ptime) in an array, then use that to access your results. You're wasting CPU cycles otherwise!
// call it once
$result = time_elapsed_string($ptime);
// then use:

how to use function for array data [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Converting timestamp to time ago in PHP e.g 1 day ago, 2 days ago...
(32 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
i have a span tag which has array data like
<?php echo " <span >".$comments_array[$j]['posted_time']."</span> "; ?>
and it echo's time of the comment as 2014-04-11 05:07:52
now i have a function that display the time in the format of x hrs ago,
below is the function
define("SECOND", 1);
define("MINUTE", 60 * SECOND);
define("HOUR", 60 * MINUTE);
define("DAY", 24 * HOUR);
define("MONTH", 30 * DAY);
function relTime($time)
$now = new DateTime;
$dateObj = new DateTime($dt);
$diff = (array) $now->diff($dateObj);
$diff['w'] = floor($diff['d'] / 7);
$diff['d'] -= $diff['w'] * 7;
$tokens = array(
'y' => 'year',
'm' => 'month',
'w' => 'week',
'd' => 'day',
'h' => 'hour',
'i' => 'minute',
's' => 'second'
foreach ($tokens as $unit => &$text)
if ($diff[$unit])
$text = sprintf(
'%s %s%s',
$diff[$unit], $text, ($diff[$unit] > 1 ? 's' : '')
return array_shift($tokens);
now how can i call that function and echo that time in desired format
help me please
There's a better and cleaner way to achieve this. Here's a function, which, given a date/time string and a format string, will return the difference from now in the desired format.
function getDatetimeDifference($datetime, $format) {
$datetime_obj = new DateTime($datetime);
$now = new DateTime();
$difference = date_diff($now, $datetime_obj);
$result = $difference->format($format);
return $result;
Here's a use case:
echo getDatetimeDifference(
'2013-04-11 10:35:33',
'%R%a days, %h hours, %i minutes, %s seconds ago'
// Outputs "-364 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes, 10 seconds ago"
If you want to work with the total amount of hours since that time, you will fare better if you work with timestamps, since you can easily substract the difference and then divide it by 3600 to get the time difference in hours.
Keep in mind that the DateTime objects will overflow if you don't pass the appropriate format - for example, if you use the above function to get only the hours between now and the last year, you will get 23 as result. My advice - use a similar function, pass a suitable format that you can parse later in tokens, and eliminate left to right tokens until you reach a non-negative value.

Convert dates to hours

I'm trying to work with dates for the first time, I did it something about that with Flash but it's different.
I have two different dates and I'd like to see the difference in hours and days with them, I've found too many examples but not what I'm loking for:
$now_date = strtotime (date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // the current date
$key_date = strtotime (date ("2009-11-21 14:08:42"));
print date ($now_date - $key_date);
// it returns an integer like 5813, 5814, 5815, etc... (I presume they are seconds)
How can I convert it to hours or to days?
The DateTime diff function returns a DateInterval object. This object consists of variabeles related to the difference. You can query the days, hours, minutes, seconds just like in the example above.
$dateObject = new DateTime(); // No arguments means 'now'
$otherDateObject = new DateTime('2008-08-14 03:14:15');
$diffObject = $dateObject->diff($otherDateObject));
echo "Days of difference: ". $diffObject->days;
See the manual about DateTime.
Sadly, it's a PHP 5.3> only feature.
Well, you can always use date_diff, but that is only for PHP 5.3.0+
The alternative would be math.
How can I convert it [seconds] to hours or to days?
There are 60 seconds per minute, which means there are 3600 seconds per hour.
$hours = $seconds/3600;
And, of course, if you need days ...
$days = $hours/24;
If you dont have PHP5.3 you could use this method from userland (taken from
function date_time_diff($start, $end, $date_only = true) // $start and $end as timestamps
if ($start < $end) {
list($end, $start) = array($start, $end);
$result = array('years' => 0, 'months' => 0, 'days' => 0);
if (!$date_only) {
$result = array_merge($result, array('hours' => 0, 'minutes' => 0, 'seconds' => 0));
foreach ($result as $period => $value) {
while (($start = strtotime('-1 ' . $period, $start)) >= $end) {
$start = strtotime('+1 ' . $period, $start);
return $result;
$date_1 = strtotime('2005-07-31');
$date_2 = time();
$diff = date_time_diff($date_1, $date_2);
foreach ($diff as $key => $val) {
echo $val . ' ' . $key . ' ';
// Displays:
// 3 years 4 months 11 days
TheGrandWazoo mentioned a method for php 5.3>. For lower versions you can devide the number of seconds between the two dates with the number of seconds in a day to find the number of days.
For days, you do:
$days = floor(($now_date - $key_date) / (60 * 60 * 24))
If you want to know how many hours are still left, you can use the modulo operator (%)
$hours = floor((($now_date - $key_date) % * (60 * 60 * 24)) / 60 * 60)
$now_date = strtotime (date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // the current date
$key_date = strtotime (date ("2009-11-21 14:08:42"));
$diff = $now_date - $key_date;
$days = floor($diff/(60*60*24));
$hours = floor(($diff-($days*60*60*24))/(60*60));
print $days." ".$hours." difference";
I prefer to use epoch/unix time deltas. Time represented in seconds and as such you can very quickly divide by 3600 for hours and divide by 24*3600=86400 for days.
