Echo verabllees from database in php - php

Im trying to echo out some variable in my database.
I have a table called channel and within that table there is a row called cookie_script. How do I echo out the verbal in the cookie_script row variables that are stored in the db.

PDO is the recommended way of communicating with your database in PHP.
First you need to setup the connection:
$host = '';
$db = 'example';
$user = 'root';
$pass = '';
$charset = 'utf8';
$dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db;charset=$charset";
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
Now you can run queries on your database:
$stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM cookie_script');
while ($row = $stmt->fetch())
print_r($row) . "\n";


How to insert rows of a table from one database to another (with two PDO)

I would like to insert all the data of a table presented on the database of our network
on a remote database (present on a remote server)
(this action will automate every 30 minutes)
The problem is that I do not see how to retrieve all the data from the table_local and insert them directly into the table_remote.
Indeed, to connect to these two databases, I use PDO
$user = 'user1';
$password = 'password1';
$dns = 'completeDNS1';
$bdd = new PDO($dns, $user, $password);
$request = $bdd->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_local");
$request ->execute();
$user = 'user2';
$password = 'password2';
$dns = 'completeDNS2';
$bdd = new PDO($dns, $user, $password);
// How to insert the previous data on the table_remote ?
I would like to avoid, if possible, the foreach because the script will be launched very often and the table_local contains a lot of line
Is there a simple solution?
One method is using one tool like navicat or sequel pro to achieve.
Another method is using following codes:
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2...) VALUES ";
foreach($res $key => $val) {
$sql .= "($val['column1'],$val['column2']...),";
$sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
$user = 'user1';
$password = 'password1';
$dns = 'completeDNS1';
$bdd1 = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dns", $user, $password);
$user = 'user2';
$password = 'password2';
$dns = 'completeDNS2';
$bdd2 = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dns", $user, $password);
$request = $bdd1->prepare("SELECT * FROM table_local");
while ($row = $request->fetch()) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_remote (name, surname, sex) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$stmt= $bdd2->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute([$row['name'], $row['surname'], $row['sex']]);
for reference check this link

I am trying to retrieve data from my database using PDO Fetch object

I am trying to retrieve data from my database using PDO Fetch object and it says
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::execute()
what I'm doing wrong
This is what I have tried
$servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = "messages_db";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
$getquery = $conn->query('select col_name from db where id = 2');
$result = $getquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
<div><?= $result->col_name; ?></div>
Firstly, don't mix PDO and mysqli. Stick to one. Here's a PDO example. You first need to create a new PDO object. and connect to DB at the start
$servername = "localhost";
$dbusername = "root";
$dbpassword = "root";
$dbname = "dbname";
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname",$dbusername,
catch(PDOException $e)
print "Error! Unable to connect: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
$rtrv = "select col_name from db where id = 2"
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($rtrv);
$user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Do whatever you want after this

query error when access clearDB database using php on Heroku

I can access clearDB database well by using Mysql Workbench.
But when I query database by using php on Heroku, it always fail.
This is my code:
$dbhost = $url["host"];
$dbuser = $url["user"];
$dbpass = $url["pass"];
$dbname = substr($url["path"],1);
mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_info` WHERE `user_account`='".$user_account."'";
$result = mysqli_query($sql) or die('MySQL query error');
user_account is a table in the database, $user_account is a input variable from client user
help me
You're not passing the link to mysqli_query(). You need to either do that, or use the object oriented style and call query() on the connection.
You also have a possible SQL injection there, because $user_account could contain "foo' OR 1 OR '", returning all rows (and that's just a simple, not very evil case), so you should escape that using mysqli_real_escape_string(), or even better, use prepared statements.
Finally, instead of or die(), how about extracting error information properly, or even configuring mysqli to throw exceptions?
$url = parse_url(getenv("CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL"));
$server = $url["host"];
$username = $url["user"];
$password = $url["pass"];
$db = substr($url["path"], 1);
$conn = new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $db);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_info` WHERE `user_account`='".$conn->real_escape_string($user_account)."'";
if($result = $conn->query($sql)) {
foreach($result as $row) {
// ...
} else {
throw new Exception($conn->error);

Having issues retrieving data from database

I am trying to figure out how to connect and fetch data from a database using PDO, I have been using mysqli but figure PDO is the way to go now a days.
Here is my code, looks like I can connect but I am not able to grab any data.
$host = "localhost";
$user = "";
$pw = "";
$dbName = "test";
$numberID = 1;
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host", $user, $pw);
if ($pdo){
echo "Connected";
$smt=$pdo->prepare("SELECT from sample WHERE id=:ID");
$smt->bindParam(":ID", $numberID);
There is syntax error in your query. You are missing * or specific column names which you want to select
$smt=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * from sample WHERE id=:ID");
and you have not used database name in your connection. Try to use this
$dbo = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$dbName, $user, $pw);
You must specify the column names or * after the SELECT and use the database while creating the PDO object. The working code is provided
$host = "localhost";
$user = "";
$pw = "";
$dbName = "test";
$numberID = 1;
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$dbName, $user, $pw);
if ($pdo){
echo "Connected";
$smt=$pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM sample WHERE id=:ID");
$smt->bindParam(":ID", $numberID);
This is really silly, but have you confirmed PDO is installed? Check the error logs to see if it's barking about a missing pdo driver.

Returning Query Result

So, I'm writing this application in PHP where the user has a "Student's Name" and each user has a unique student name. So, before I go any further with my problem, here is the code
*Note I've already prevented the SQL injections
function hello($username123) {
// Connect to Database //
$host3 = "db";
$username3 = "db";
$password3 = "db";
$db3 = "db";
$con3 = mysqli_connect($host3,$username3,$password3,$db3) or die("Can not connect to Server.");
$query3 = mysqli_query($con3,"SELECT student1 FROM users WHERE username = '$username123'");
$student1name = "$query3";
return $student1name;
So, the person enters the username which the registered before hand and each user has a student name.I start a query which selects student1 and student1 is equal to student1name. Student 1 name is then defnied as query3. When I test it all out, all I get is (null).. Does anyone know the problem? Thank you!
I suspect what you want is something like this:
function hello($username123) {
// Connect to Database //
$host3 = "db";
$username3 = "db";
$password3 = "db";
$db3 = "db";
$con3 = mysqli_connect($host3,$username3,$password3,$db3) or die("Can not connect to Server.");
$query3 = mysqli_query($con3,"SELECT student1 FROM users WHERE username = '$username123'");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query3))
$student1name = $row['student1'];
return $student1name;
This will put the contents of the last returned row of your query, column "student1", into the variable $student1name, and return it.
You are not fetching data from result. Try this:
function hello($username123) {
// Connect to Database //
$host3 = "db";
$username3 = "db";
$password3 = "db";
$db3 = "db";
$con3 = mysqli_connect($host3,$username3,$password3,$db3)
if (!$con3)
throw new Exception("Connection error");
$result = mysqli_query($con3,"SELECT student1 FROM users WHERE username = '$username123'");
if ($result)
return $result->fetch_object();
throw new Exception("Query error: " . mysqli_error($con3));
