I've been trying to install Libsodium on my PHP Web App in Azure, but there's a few permission issues that I've encounted.
I've been following this link here to try and install it: https://paragonie.com/book/pecl-libsodium/read/00-intro.md#installing-libsodium but it requires me to place the libsodium.dll file into the same directory as the php.exe file - where I obviously don't have the correct permissions to write into, which is probably the cause of this error in the command line:
ERROR: The DSP libsodium.dsp does not exist.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
I suspect you tried to install the extension with pecl install libsodium, which is hard to get working on Windows.
This is the reason that you're advised to download the .dll and use that.
Even if you would get pecl install libsodium to work, it would also only have created a .dll file that you need to activate in PHP.
So you're lost until you get write access to that php.exe directory.
Does it change anything if that DLL is on the %PATH%?
If that works, then you can build an XDT transform to add an arbitraty folder to the system %PATH%. Here's how: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Xdt-transform-samples#adding-environment-variables
I just downloaded a project from server for modifications. When I entered the path 'http://localhost/zcart/public' (which is the local path of the project directory) an installer page occured. It is saying that sqlite3 extension is not there.
I just tried to run the composer through terminal and executed command 'composer install', but it just gave me an error the requested PHP extension sqlite3 is missing from your system.
Here is the SS:
I'm stuck in this issue for a while. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. I'll be happy to provide any sorts of details if needed.
Here is the installer screenshot:
You need to enable SQLite3 extension in xampp. Open xampp/php/php.ini and find it:
Then un-comment the line (remove ;)
Save the php.ini and restart your Xampp server.
As the title says im trying to install a php extension (zip.so) that is missing from php7.1 version in ampps 3.8. I have searched for an answer but no luck so far.
Also using php5.6 and going to the php extensions list im able to see the zip extension, but since the software that im trying to intstall requires php 7.X im unable to simply use php5.6.
Thanks for the help in advance.
I finally found a way to do it:
Go to (for example) https://pecl.php.net/ and download the extension that you need.
Unzip the extension and go to the file location $ cd my/extension
Run phpize /usr/local/ampps/php-7.1/bin/phpize
Next run ./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/my/php-config for example ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/ampps/php-7.1/bin/php-config
make and sudo make install
In the end of sudo make install log you will find this Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/ampps/php-7.1/lib/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20160303/ file path.
Go to the file path and you will find your compiled extension, for me it was zip.so
Finally copy the extension into your php folder /usr/local/ampps/php-7.1/lib/extensions/ext and you will be able to see it on the list of extensions in ampps, dont forget to enable it and restart apache2!
Hope it helps!
There is an easier way to do so
Open AMPPS Application ->Stop Apache (If running)
2 In "PHP" Tab -> "PHP Extension"
Enable "zip.so".
Restart Apache.
See image for clarification I am using a mac
I'm trying to migrate a PHP website from AWS to Azure and have created a website in the Azure UI.
I've installed composer using the Kudu console and have overridden a few php.ini settings via the .user.ini file I created in the root. I've also added php_memcache.dll to my wwwroot/bin directory and enabled this in app settings within the Azure UI.
However, when running composer install using using the console I get an error because it can't find the memcache library. I assume because I haven't added this to the command line php.ini file. Does anyone know how to to edit this?
This is the error I get when I run composer install:
- The requested PHP extension ext-memcache * is missing from your system.
Edit - Solution
Looks like I've managed to run composer install using the following command:
php -d extension=D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\php_memcache.dll bin\composer.phar install
Is it possible to run this without specifying the extension and using composer install instead of bin\composer.phar install`?
To add an extension to PHP app on an Azure website, it is easier to configure it from your Azure portal. The official Azure documentation on PHP configuration should help, just search on that page for "How to: Enable extensions in the default PHP runtime".
I wasn't able to find a way to get CLI extensions onto Azure. I did find that
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Does the install without blocking on missing PHP extensions.
All the guides for installing PEAR on wampserver, such as the Symfony guide, say I am to run a go-pear.bat script within some PEAR directory.
I am on wampserver 2.1 and there is no PEAR directory and no go-pear batch script to be found.
Is this just different because I have a newer version? Is there somewhere I can download these missing installation scripts?
It's not installed per default on all setups.
But you can download the plain go-pear script for that: http://pear.php.net/go-pear
Either invoke it with php.exe go-pear or run it through your webserver as regular .php script. (It has a nice installation GUI!)
Rather new to pear myself, but my answer to a similar question:
Running Wampserver 2.2 on Win7 Professional 64bit working with PHP 5.3.8 I have found a few issues with standard way of installing with go-pear. I downloaded the go-pear.phar and ran that via cmd with no deprecated errors etc.
you could also just go to the pear site, download the zips and unzip them in the correct local folders (wamp/bin/php)
we've just solved a similar problem like this, where a copy of a live site set up on a local machine was hitting errors because PEAR was not installed. The installation process was hitting errors so we just downloaded and unzipped PEAR and the required modules directly into the correct directory.
problem solved.
Firts export in the PATH system, add you folder with php, p.e. if you have php 5.4.x in your wamp system:
Create a new folder p.e.:
If your php version is 5.3 or or newer you can use pyrus.phar.
Using pyrus.phar to install pear
php pyrus.phar install pear/PEAR-1.9.4
Export you PATH again:
you can use pear.bat, or pear.
pear.bat <arguments>
Check: for more information:
This worked for me on windows 7:
NOTE: Make sure you open command prompt window in administration mode.
I downloaded the 32bit wamp and this includes the pear files. However it is best to install 1.9.2 by downloading go-pear.phar manually, as the default one didn't seem to work.
How it worked for me is,
I went to the PEAR official site and clicked on this link which brings you to go-pear.phar source. Then I saved the file by right clicking on the web page, under my php7.4 ( this is the PHP version I have set on my ENV variables ) folder.
Next opened up the command line as admin and did CD to that folder and ran the following command php go-pear.phar.
This started the PEAR installation process and asked few questions. At the end I was asked to double click on "PEAR_ENV" reg file which was inside the php folder and done.
Hope this will helpful for someone.
Okies, I have successfully installed the XAMPP and added virtual hosts and am able to make database calls and stuff. The problem I am facing is while trying to enable the memcache module.
Currently trying to configure using these links.
The problem I am facing is while starting the phpize from /opt/lampp/bin/phpize
I am getting the following error.
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/opt/lampp/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
Can any one tell me wat to do for this error and if anyone has any useful links for configuring memcache on linux using XAMPP please paste here.
First unzip the xdebug.
In the step of phpize make sure that you can see the file named (config.m4) by issueing the (ls) command, i.e. enter inside the zipped file twice as in
~/Downloads/xdebug-2.2.3/xdebug-2.2.3# sudo phpize
Looks like you are missing some packages to install. I solved the phpize problem when tryinng to install xdebug following the following guidelines
Try running as root: sudo phpize...