I have some prepared statement:
$statement = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM `". $table ."` WHERE id = ?");
I need to rebuild my query to select all fields with date formatting, something like:
$statement = $dbh->prepare("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(date_field, 'M/D/YYYY') FROM `". $table ."` WHERE id = ?");
but this solution doesn't work...
P.S I can't select by fields list because it's a dynamic query with different tables and structures.
I have been a little remiss:
$dbh->prepare("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(date , '%d-%m-%Y') AS date FROM `". $table ."` WHERE id = ?");
I have a hard problem to solve and I don't know how to do it.
I want to archive some entities and then delete them from initial tables. Problem is these entities are linked together. I have a code which is close to working but I think it's not a clean way to do it. It's composed of SQL queries which copy rows with their IDs to new tables.
Another problem is that I don't need some fields to archive so archive entities are not exactly the same as initial entities.
I'm using raw SQL query and not DQL because of the size of my tables.
I want to archive these entities : Colle, ColleQC, QC, PasserColle, Reponse, ReponseQC, StatistiqueColle, StatistiqueQuestion, RepartitionColle, RepartitionQuestion, Tuteur
BanqueColle, BanqueColleQC, BanqueQC, BanquePasserColle, BanqueReponse, BanqueReponseQC, BanqueStatistiqueColle, BanqueStatistiqueQuestion, BanqueRepartitionColle, BanqueRepartitionQuestion, AncienAdherent.
I'll use these archive for another part of my app.
Sample of table structure :
(Tuteur and AncienAdherent extend User)
Here's a part of the code I made to archive but I don't think it's a clean way to do it :
public function archiveTuteurs() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO ancien_adherent (id)
FROM user u
WHERE discr = 'tuteur'";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$query2 = "UPDATE user
SET user.discr = 'ancien'
WHERE discr = 'tuteur'";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query2);
return true;
public function archiveColles() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO banque_colle (id, typeColle, nom, temps_epreuve, matiere_id, dateCreation, ordre, discr)
SELECT colle.id, colle.typeColle, colle.nom, colle.temps_epreuve, colle.matiere_id, colle.dateCreation, colle.ordre, colle.discr
FROM colle";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$query2 = "INSERT INTO banque_colle_qc (id)
SELECT colle_qc.id
FROM colle_qc";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query2);
return true;
public function archiveQC() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO banque_qc (id, titre, id_colle, ordre, qcPere, enonce, donnees, item1, item2, item3, item4,
item5, corrige_item1, corrige_item2, corrige_item3, corrige_item4, corrige_item5, item1_vrai,
item2_vrai, item3_vrai, item4_vrai, item5_vrai, item1_annule, item2_annule, item3_annule,
item4_annule, item5_annule, multiple_choices, inclu)
SELECT qc.id, qc.titre, qc.id_colle, qc.ordre, qc.qcPere, qc.enonce, qc.donnees, qc.item1, qc.item2,
qc.item3, qc.item4, qc.item5, qc.corrige_item1, qc.corrige_item2, qc.corrige_item3, qc.corrige_item4,
qc.corrige_item5, qc.item1_vrai, qc.item2_vrai, qc.item3_vrai, qc.item4_vrai, qc.item5_vrai,
qc.item1_annule, qc.item2_annule, qc.item3_annule, qc.item4_annule, qc.item5_annule,
qc.multiple_choices, qc.inclu
ORDER BY qc.qcPere ASC";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
return true;
public function archivePassages() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO banque_passer_colle (colle_id, dateDebut, note)
SELECT passer_colle.colle_id, passer_colle.dateDebut, passer_colle.note
FROM passer_colle";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
return true;
public function archiveReponses() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO banque_reponse (id, discr)
SELECT reponse.id, reponse.discr
FROM reponse
WHERE discr='reponseQC'";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$query2 = "INSERT INTO banque_reponse_qc (id, question, A, B, C, D, E, note)
SELECT reponse_qc.id, reponse_qc.question, reponse_qc.A, reponse_qc.B, reponse_qc.C, reponse_qc.D,
reponse_qc.E, reponse_qc.note
FROM reponse_qc";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query2);
return true;
public function archiveStats() {
$db = $this->em->getConnection();
$query = "INSERT INTO banque_statistiquecolle (id, colle_id, effectif, moyenne, mediane, note100, major, minor)
SELECT sc.id, sc.colle_id, sc.effectif, sc.moyenne, sc.mediane, sc.note100, sc.major, sc.minor
FROM statistiquecolle_groupe scg
LEFT JOIN statistiquecolle sc ON sc.id = scg.statistiquecolle_id
WHERE scg.groupe_id = 1
AND sc.id NOT IN (SELECT sc1.id
FROM statistiquecolle_groupe scg1
LEFT JOIN statistiquecolle sc1 ON sc1.id = scg1.statistiquecolle_id
WHERE scg1.groupe_id != 1)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$query2 = "INSERT INTO banque_statistiquequestion (id, question_id, moyenne, nbReponseTot, nbReponseA, nbReponseB,
nbReponseC, nbReponseD, nbReponseE)
SELECT sq.id, sq.question_id, sq.moyenne, sq.nbReponseTot, sq.nbReponseA, sq.nbReponseB, sq.nbReponseC,
sq.nbReponseD, sq.nbReponseE
FROM statistiquequestion_groupe sqg
LEFT JOIN statistiquequestion sq ON sq.id = sqg.statistiquequestion_id
WHERE sqg.groupe_id = 1
AND sq.id NOT IN (SELECT sq1.id
FROM statistiquequestion_groupe sqg1
LEFT JOIN statistiquequestion sq1 ON sq1.id = sqg1.statistiquequestion_id
WHERE sqg1.groupe_id != 1)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query2);
$query3 = "INSERT INTO banque_repartitioncolle (id, statColle_id, note, nombre, percentOfEffectif)
SELECT rc.id, rc.statColle_id, rc.note, rc.nombre, rc.percentOfEffectif
FROM repartitioncolle rc
WHERE rc.statColle_id IN (SELECT bsc.id
FROM banque_statistiquecolle bsc)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query3);
$query4 = "INSERT INTO banque_repartitionquestion (id, statQuestion_id, note, nombre, percentOfEffectif)
SELECT rq.id, rq.statQuestion_id, rq.note, rq.nombre, rq.percentOfEffectif
FROM repartitionquestion rq
WHERE rq.statQuestion_id IN (SELECT bsq.id
FROM banque_statistiquequestion bsq)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query4);
return true;
I've been doing a database migration recently, and have found that the easiest method (for me) is to do everything in SQL. It's a bit laborious, but it worked okay for my project
First drop all the constraints
# Table1.field1
ALTER TABLE Table1 DROP INDEX IDX_Table1_field1;
# Table1.field2
ALTER TABLE Table1 DROP INDEX IDX_Table1_field2;
Then add all the SQL you have to move the data into the new tables.
Then drop all the old tables
Then Add all the constraints back in
ADD INDEX IDX_Table1_field1 (field1 ASC);
FOREIGN KEY (field1)
REFERENCES OtherTable (xxxx)
I kept each step in it's own sql file, so for this example there would be 4 sql files, might be easier to manage if you split up the data move step into more than one file as well.
I have numbers stored in my MySQL (paid). I need to SUM the columns.
$sql= "SELECT SUM(furniture) FROM paid";
$stmt = $connect->prepare($sql);
$furniture = (int) $stmt->fetchColumn();
$sql= "SELECT SUM(groceries) FROM paid";
$stmt = $connect->prepare($sql);
$groceries = (int) $stmt->fetchColumn();
//so on....
There are morthan 50 columns in the database. My question is, Is there a shorter way to write this so I can get the SUM for each column and assign it to a variable?
Try with single query
$sql = "SELECT SUM(`furniture`) AS sumFurniture,
SUM(`groceries`) AS sumGroceries ,
FROM `paid` ";
result can be get with
$sth = $connect->prepare($sql);
$result = $sth->fetch();
$sumFurniture = $result['sumFurniture'];
$sumGroceries = $result['sumGroceries'];
You can combine them as a Single SQL Query
SELECT SUM(furniture) AS furniture, SUM(groceries) AS groceries....... FROM paid
If your where clause is same you can combine the query like this:
select sum(<column_name1>) column_name1,sum(<column_name2>) column_name2 from tablename where <where>
From php, you can fetch it: using array index "column_name1","column_name2"
When I want to find a value from a row using PDO I use the following method:
//Search whether user exists
$sqlQueryEmailLogin = $dbh->prepare("SELECT vendor_id, first_name, last_name, email_login, user_password, passport_id, login_attempts, login_last_attempt FROM $tableVendorDetails WHERE email_login = ?");
$sqlQueryEmailLogin->bindValue(1, $emailLogin);
and the following PHP code for the search field
$emailLogin = 'xyz#abc.com'
Now I'd like to search two columns or more and use the following code
$sql = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = ? AND status = ?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(1, $id);
$stmt->bindValue(2, $status);
I'd like to search the two columns from a string. How should I go about it, please?
The string value i go is from a html form with one input box
I'd like a string that is capable of searching two values from a MySQL table e.g.
$search = $id; and
$seach = $status;
in this case both cancel each other
You could simplify it by using the method described by #gbestard. But you should also do this:
$search = 'asdf'; // fill this with your form input
$sql = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = :id OR status = :status";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
':id' => $search,
':status' => $search,
Notice the change to OR in the query, and supplying the $search multiple times...
That's what I'm using
$sql = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = :id AND status = :status";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute(array(':id' => $id , ':status' => $status));
Try the following
$sql = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = :id AND status = :status";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':id', $id);
$stmt->bindValue(':status', $status);
See docs http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.bindvalue.php
You should use OR instead of AND. That way, you will get all rows that match either by id or by status.
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = ? OR status = ?