i know this question is asked before but i cant figure out how to get this to work. I have a function that triggers whenever i delete a post. It will then move the file to a existing folder on the server. what i would like for it to do is to check if there is already a file with the same name in this folder. if this file exist it should append a number to this file. for example if file 1234.jpg exist it should rename the file that i want to move to 1234-1.jpg.
The code i have so far is:
add_action('before_delete_post', function ($id) {
$rs_image_path = "/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/hexon/";
$rs_image_dest_path = "/var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/images/";
// $rs_image_filenames="30946280-1.JPG,30946280-2.JPG,30946280-3.JPG,30946280-4.JPG";
// $rs_image_klantnummer = "1232";
$rs_image_filenames = get_field('afbeeldingen_bestandsnamen', $id);
$rs_image_klantnummer = get_field('hexon_klantnummer', $id);
$variableAry = explode(", ", $rs_image_filenames);
foreach ($variableAry as $rs_image_url) {
/* Store the path of source file */
$filePath = $rs_image_path . "" . $rs_image_klantnummer . "/" . $rs_image_url;
/* Store the path of destination file */
$destinationFilePath = $rs_image_dest_path . "" . $rs_image_klantnummer . "/" . $rs_image_url;
/* Move Files */
if (!file_exists($filePath) || !is_readable($filePath)) {
// some error handling here
} else {
$b = !rename($filePath, $destinationFilePath);
How about this?
$n = '';
while (file_exists($destinationFilePath.$n) || !rename($filePath, $destinationFilePath.$n)) {
// escape loop
if ($n > 100) {
throw new Exception('Error saving');
$destinationFilePath .= $n;
I'm trying to upload the file's path into my database. But nothing is being inserted. My file gets uploaded to target directory successfully. I want to insert the path too, but can't do it. I believe I'm doing some mistake in the Insert Into statement. Please let me know what's wrong?
My upload.php code is below:
// variables
$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','abcdef','trademark');
if(!$conn) {
echo "Not Connected To Server";
else {
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/');
$fileName = $_FILES['file'];
// check for which action should be taken if file already exist
//Rename file name
if(file_exists(UPLOAD_DIR . $fileName['name']))
$updatedFileName = update_file_name(UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']);
move_uploaded_file($fileName['tmp_name'], $updatedFileName);
echo"FILE SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!! " . "<br/><br/><br/>"; //after renaming
// If no such file already exists, then upload it as it is
move_uploaded_file($fileName['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']);
echo " FILE SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!! ". "<br/><br/>";
// function to rename file
function update_file_name($file)
$pos = strrpos($file,'.');
$ext = substr($file,$pos);
$dir = strrpos($file,'/');
$dr = substr($file,0,($dir+1));
$arr = explode('/',$file);
$fName = trim($arr[(count($arr) - 1)],$ext);
$exist = FALSE;
$i = 2;
$file = $dr.$fName.'_'.$i.$ext;
$exist = TRUE;
return $file;
} // function to rename ends
$sql = "INSERT INTO file (Path) VALUES (' " . mysqli_real_escape_string( UPLOAD_DIR.$fileName['name']) . " ')";
$r = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
echo 'file info inserted';
Check syntax for function mysqli_real_escape_string
getting warning message as,
Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1
given in
My zip file name is Product_Catalog.txt.gz. this zip file contain one txt file.
how can i extract and store into my database
i have already done in zip file unzip and store into my database. but i can't understand .gz format. so please advise
my zip file code is here
if (realpath($destinationname."/".$filename)){
if ($zip = zip_open(realpath($directory."/".$filename)))
while (($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))){
$zipfilename=zip_entry_name($zip_entry );
$tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "");
$handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w+");
while($data = zip_entry_read($zip_entry,50000000000)){
}// end while $data
if ($separatetables);
$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table` LIKE `cjfeeds`";
how can i convert this code into txt.gz
gzip, which is generally used for single files, is not the same file format as ZIP. Although the same compression algorithm (DEFLATE) is used in both formats, the headers are entirely different, so PHP's Zip functions will not recognize your file.
Instead, you can use the compress.zlib:// wrapper to open gzip-compressed files. You can then use the normal stream functions to read the file.
$handle = fopen("compress.zlib://$filename", 'r');
However, there are some limitations; for example, opening a gzipped file in read-write mode is not possible, and seeking may be slow. If necessary, you can work around these by making a temporary uncompressed copy:
copy("compress.zlib://$filename", $tmpfname);
You don't extract.
if ($rrpath){
if ($zip = gzopen($rrpath, "rb"))
$filenamen = $_SESSION['files_list'][$i];
$zipfilename = str_replace('.gz', '', $_SESSION['files_list'][$i]);
$tmpfname = tempnam("/home/demoosiz/tmp", "");
$handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w+");
while($data = gzread($zip, 4096)){
}// end while $data
if ($separatetables);
// $sqly = "TRUNCATE TABLE `cjfeeds`";
// I'm not too sure if this is windows specific
//if the script times out uncomment the next line
$sql22 ="LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tmpfile' REPLACE INTO TABLE `cjfeeds` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '$fieldseparator' IGNORE 1 LINES;";
You can use this code. This code is very helpful for you.
You keep calling it a zip file. It's not a zip file (.zip). It's a gzip file (.gz). Different format.
You can use gzdecode() to decompress a gzip file.
You can interact with .gz files through the functions of the zlib module.
Responding to your comment:
You won't need to do the while($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) since gz files don't hold multiple files within them. A .gz file is just a single file that has been compressed. Unfortunately, this also means that there is no equivalent to zip_entry_name either, since there is only one file.
If you're trying to read a tarball - an archive of files which have been concatenated together and gzipped to form a .tar.gz file - then Zlib isn't for you, since it's not designed to handle that. You'll want something like PharData instead:
$phar = new PharData($filename);
foreach ($phar as $phar_stream) {
$file_data = file_get_contents($phar_stream);
// process $file_data how you like
If these are just single-file gz files, then you can read the files with the gz versions of the usual filesystem functions.
You can use gzread to process chunks of the file the way you're currently doing with zip_entry_read, or you can read all lines into an array with gzfile. There is a readgzfile function which grabs the whole file, but unfortunately it seems like it just dumps the output directly to the client, rather than do a file. You could use output buffering to capture that output, but it seems like too much of a hassle considering your other options.
Try this....
$filename = $_FILES['zipfile']['name'];
$source = $_FILES['zipfile']['tmp_name'];
$type = $_FILES['zipfile']['type'];
/*$name = explode('.zip', $filename); # $name[0] returns the name of the file. $name[1] returns the extension (zip)
; */ # Where the file will be saved. I.E. 'extracted/myFile-02151985/'
$target = PHYSICAL_PATH."upload/";
// Ensures that the correct file type was chosen.
$accepted_types = array('application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed', 'multipart/x-zip', 'application/x-compressed');
foreach($accepted_types as $mime_type)
if($mime_type == $type)
$okay = true;
$okay = strtolower($name[1]) == 'zip' ? true : false;
$msg="Please choose a zip file, dummy!";
$saved_file_location = $target.$filename;
if(move_uploaded_file($source, $target . $filename))
global $target;
global $unique_folder;
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$x = $zip->open($saved_file_location);
if ($x === true)
for ( $i=0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++ )
echo $entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
if($filename[1] != '')
$filename = $filename[1]; //
$name = explode('.zip', $filename_folder); # $name[0] returns the name of the file. $name[1] returns the extension (zip)
//echo 'sfkdf'.$name[0];
$target = PHYSICAL_PATH."upload/";
$sql = "select `id` from `tracks` order by `id` desc";
$list = mysql_query($sql);
$list_num = mysql_num_rows($list);
if($list_num > 0)
$res = mysql_fetch_array($list);
} else {
$check_for_jpg = strpos($filename, '.mp3');
if ($check_for_jpg === false ){
echo 'Check file format.';
$source=$target . $name[0].'/'.$filename;
} else {
$srch = array(' ','--','"','!','#','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+','{','}','|',':','"','<','>','?','[',']','\\',';',"'",',','/','*','+','~','`','=');
$rep = array('_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_');
$name_song[$i]= str_replace($srch,$rep,$filename);
mysql_query("insert into `tracks` set track='".addslashes(stripslashes($new_filename))."',title='".addslashes(stripslashes($title_name[0]))."',tape_id='".$id_last."',addDate=NOW(),status=1 ");
$source=$target . $name[0].'/'.$filename; $target_move=$target.$new_filename;
if(rename($source,$target_move)) { unlink($source); } else { echo 'not';}
echo 'folder zip';
echo '<li>' . $new_filename . '</li>';
rmdir($target . $name[0]);
else { echo $target = PHYSICAL_PATH."upload/";
$sql = "select `id` from `test_table` order by `id` desc";
$list = mysql_query($sql);
$list_num = mysql_num_rows($list);
if($list_num > 0) {
//and, instead of using "while":
$res = mysql_fetch_array($list); // will return the highest "id" number
echo $new_id=$res['id'];
} else {
$check_for_jpg = strpos($entry, '.mp3');
if ($check_for_jpg === false ){
echo 'Check file format.';
$source=$target .$entry;
} else {
$srch = array(' ','--','"','!','#','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+','{','}','|',':','"','<','>','?','[',']','\\',';',"'",',','/','*','+','~','`','=');
$rep = array('_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_');
$name_song[$i]= str_replace($srch,$rep,$entry);
mysql_query("insert into `tracks` set track='".addslashes(stripslashes($new_filename))."',title='".addslashes(stripslashes($title_name[0]))."',tape_id='".$id_last."',status=1 ");
$source=$target .$entry; $target_move=$target.$new_filename;
if(rename($source,$target_move)) { unlink($source); } else { echo 'not';}
echo 'only zip';
echo '<li>' . $new_filename . '</li>';
unlink($saved_file_location); #deletes the zip file. We no longer need it.
} else {
die("There was a problem. Please try again!");
} else {
$msg="There was a problem";
hy, i need a little help here:
i use SWFupload to upload images!
in the upload function i make a folder call $_SESSION['folder'] and all the files i upload are in 1 array call $_SESSION['files'] after uploads finish i print_r($_SESSION) but the array is empty? why that?
this is my upload.php:
if($_FILES['image']['name']) {
list($name,$error) = upload('image','jpeg,jpg,png');
if($error) {$result = $error;}
if($name) { // Upload Successful
$result = watermark($name);
print '<img src="uploads/'.$_SESSION['dir'].'/'.$result.'" />';
} else { // Upload failed for some reason.
print 'noname'.$result;
function upload($file_id, $types="") {
if(!$_FILES[$file_id]['name']) return array('','No file specified');
$isimage = #getimagesize($_FILES[$file_id]['tmp_name']);
if (!$isimage)return array('','Not jpg');
$file_title = $_FILES[$file_id]['name'];
//Get file extension
$ext_arr = split("\.",basename($file_title));
$ext = strtolower($ext_arr[count($ext_arr)-1]); //Get the last extension
//Not really uniqe - but for all practical reasons, it is
$uniqer = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(),1)),0,10);
//$file_name = $uniqer . '_' . $file_title;//Get Unique Name
//$file_name = $file_title;
$file_name = $uniqer.".".$ext;
$all_types = explode(",",strtolower($types));
if($types) {
else {
$result = "'".$_FILES[$file_id]['name']."' is not a valid file."; //Show error if any.
return array('',$result);
if((!isset($_SESSION['dir'])) || (!file_exists('uploads/'.$_SESSION['dir']))){
$dirname = date("YmdHis"); // 20010310143223
$pathtodir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/ifunk/uploads/";
$newdir = $pathtodir.$dirname;
if(!mkdir($newdir, 0777)){return array('','cannot create directory');}
$_SESSION['dir'] = $dirname;
if(!isset($_SESSION['files'])){$_SESSION['files'] = array();}
//Where the file must be uploaded to
$folder = 'uploads/'.$_SESSION['dir'].'/';
//if($folder) $folder .= '/'; //Add a '/' at the end of the folder
$uploadfile = $folder.$file_name;
$result = '';
//Move the file from the stored location to the new location
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file_id]['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
$result = "Cannot upload the file '".$_FILES[$file_id]['name']."'"; //Show error if any.
if(!file_exists($folder)) {
$result .= " : Folder don't exist.";
} elseif(!is_writable($folder)) {
$result .= " : Folder not writable.";
} elseif(!is_writable($uploadfile)) {
$result .= " : File not writable.";
$file_name = '';
} else {
if(!$_FILES[$file_id]['size']) { //Check if the file is made
#unlink($uploadfile);//Delete the Empty file
$file_name = '';
$result = "Empty file found - please use a valid file."; //Show the error message
} else {
//$_SESSION['files'] = array();
$_SESSION['files'][] .= $file_name;
chmod($uploadfile,0777);//Make it universally writable.
return array($file_name,$result);
SWFUpload doesn't pass the session ID to the script when you upload, so you have to do this yourself. Simply pass the session ID in a get or post param to the upload script, and then in your application do this before session_start:
if(isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'])) {
you must pass the session ID to the upload file used by swfupload.
more details here