PDOException,could not find driver - php

I am trying to make a laravel and stucked when migration. when i enter php artisan migrate in terminal, showing PDOException error. attaching my screenshot of terminal and phpinfo.


I have a problem when I try to do migration

Hello I have a project in symfony and I need to do migrations to create tables correctly to the database.
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
When I run this command to migrate I get en error as
An exception occurred in the driver: could not find driver
how can I fix it?

Laravel "php artisan down" command fails "unable to create file"?

I am running Laravel 5.1 in a Centos 6.8 VPS.
The problem is when I simply try to run the command php artisan down it returns an error message saying the following:
touch(): Unable to create file /home/myUser/public_html/laravelProject/storage/framework/down because No such file or directory
It looks like its trying to create the "down" file? I don't understand what is going on, perhaps you know what is going on.
Thank you for any help

Laravel installation in Bluehost getting error Invalid argument supplied for foreach()?

I try to host my Laravel application in BlueHost i follow this tutorial LINK
i installed composer succesfully when i create new project in last line im getting this error
i tried php artisan command but its showing same error. can any one help on this Thank You.
This is how i solved my problem after the installation i used
php-cli artisan clear-compiled insted of php artisan clear-compiled
and we can use artisan command like this php-cli artisan ......

php artisan migrate: [PDOException]could not find driver

I have searched all over the Internet (including Stack Overflow) for an answer regarding this recent problem I've encountered.
I'm trying to install and run the latest version of the Laravel PHP Framework and am currently going through the QuickStart steps. When I get to the Migration steps after creating the view files and a 'user' table, I keep getting thrown with the 'PDOEXCEPTION' error -> 'could not find driver'.
Here are the steps I have taken so far in attempting to install Laravel.
System Specs -> Windows 7 PC with WAMP server installed and PHP5 installed as a separate folder.
Installed 'Composer' Tool for PHP. After downloading the install file and running setup, it found the 'PHP' directory on my hard drive located on (C:\PHP) and continued to install via that PATH.
Installed 'Laravel' by using 'Composer' by typing in the following command into my command terminal via the 'PHP' directory (C:\PHP) -> 'composer create-project laravel/laravel blog --prefer-dist'
Went into my new 'blog' project (C:\php\blog) and modified the files 'C:\php\blog\app\routes.php', 'C:\php\blog\app\views\users.blade.php', 'C:\php\blog\app\views\layout.blade.php'.
Used the following command to create a migration within the 'blog' project (C:\php\blog) 'php artisan migrate:make create_users_table'. After creating this file, I modified it according to the Laravel online Quickstart Guide.
After I modified this program, I then typed in 'php artisan migrate' and that's when I keep getting the PDOEXCEPTION: 'could not find driver' problem.
I have checked my php.ini file and the extension for the php_pdo_mysql.dll is set and I still keep getting this error.
After spending a lot of time researching this error, I still cannot figure out what is causing this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please help me guys!
I took The Shift Exchange's advice and downloaded Laravel Homestead and I now have my system up and running.
Use the following link for steps in installing Laravel Homestead properly: http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/homestead
Note that if you are using Windows, you'll probably have to use Putty to connect to your VirtualBox machine properly.

Laravel artisan migrate ERROR

I trying to load data to the database via PHP artisan migrate command in laravel 4. But the terminal throws the following error:
ssage":"Call to a member function increments() on a non-object","file":"C:\xamp
Don't what's causing this error. Can Someone please help me with this.
This fixed my issue.
I used
php artisan migrate:install
before migrating the table. And it worked..........
