Doctrine Migrations with Symfony 3 addIndex not found. Why? - php

I've inherited a Symfony 3 project that had no migrations.
Following the documentation, I added Doctrine Migrations Bundle to Symfony.
$ composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle "^1.0"
Added the configuration to config.yml
dir_name: "%kernel.root_dir%/DoctrineMigrations"
namespace: Application\Migrations
table_name: migration_versions
name: Application Migrations
Then added the loader to appKernel.php
new Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle(),
The console now shows doctrine:migrations:* as available features, so I then generated my migration file
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:generate
Generated new migration class to "/path/to/project/app/DoctrineMigrations/Version20100621140655.php"
Then continued following along with the Doctrine migrations documentation:
public function up(Schema $schema)
// alter my table
$options = ['fields' => ['type_id']];
$schema->addIndex('advertiser', 'idx_type_id', $options);
Now, when I run the migration:
Migrating up to 20170714165306 from 20170714155549
++ migrating 20170714165306
Attempted to call an undefined method named "addIndex" of class "ProxyManagerGeneratedProxy\__PM__\Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema\Generatedaca9b50393335f8354881e485c485329".
Now when I got that error, I searched on that and found ocramius/ProxyManager. I installed that with
composer require ocramius/proxy-manager "^2.0"
Still got the same error.
Granted, in most of the Doctrine Migrations documentation, I see mainly addSql( 'ALTER TABLE ...') type statements, but I want to use the wrapper methods addIndex, removeIndex, etc.
Can someone explain how to get these features working?

I figured out my problem. The problem is solved by doing the following in the migration file:
public function up(Schema $schema)
// alter my table
$table = $schema->getTable('advertiser');
$table->addIndex(['type_id'], 'idx_type_id');
The basic idea is that you need to grab a reference to the table, and then you can addIndex to the specific column on the table. Contrary to the Doctrine docs, you can't addIndex on a $schema reference passing the table name within a Symfony2/3 migration.


ULID is falsely stored as UUID in database (vanilla symfony app)

Yesterday I tried to do what Symfony shouted out in some blog post ( but failed hard. I want to store ULID (format "TTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR") in the database because they are not only sorteable but also contain a timestamp which is just perfect for my application. But when I tell a property to be "type=ulid" then it is stored as UUID (format: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx") in the database.
I debugged half day long and got so annoyed by this that I started from scratch and still the problem exists.
Where did I go wrong?
(skip to the ULID heading if you like, the following may look long but 50% of it is just basic stuff)
The thing I do over and over again taken from :
stat shyt # does not exist
composer create-project symfony/skeleton:5.4.* shyt
cd shyt; composer require webapp
Do you want to include Docker configuration from recipes? YES (default)
bin/console about shows Symfony Version 5.4.10 and PHP 7.4
Taken from :
composer require symfony/orm-pack
composer require --dev symfony/maker-bundle
docker-compose up -d
ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network
So I add some lines to the docker-compose.override.yml file:
- subnet:
# [...] doctrine/doctrine-bundle stuff [...]
In ".env" set DATABASE_URL for the host ""
bin/console doctrine:database:create (silly but as documented)
Could not create database "app" for connection named default
An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42P04]: Duplicate database: 7 ERROR: database "app" already exists
Well, yes. Docker already did this.
The make:entity is postponed until we have ULID capabilities.
We already lean into (especially section ULIDs) :
composer require symfony/uid
bin/console make:entity Product
"someProperty" as "ulid" not nullable
Inspect the Product entity
Looks almost like in the documentation except it has an additional field (the primary key, an integer) and some getter/setter.
bin/console make:migration
Test the ULID entity
In between we use tests to programatically create a DB entry:
composer require phpunit to programatically create a database entry
bin/console --env=test doctrine:migrations:migrate
bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create
The file "tests/FooTest.php" contains:
namespace App\Tests;
use App\Entity\Product;
use App\Repository\ProductRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Uid\Ulid;
class FooTest extends KernelTestCase
public function testFoo(): void
$product = new Product();
$product->setSomeProperty(new Ulid());
bin/console --env=test doctrine:query:sql 'TRUNCATE product' just to be sure
bin/console --env=test doctrine:query:sql 'SELECT * FROM product'
A UUID is shown instead of a ULID.
Shows ULID instead of UUID in the database
Using ULID as Primary Key
First clean up a bit then do the example shown in :
rm migrations/* to start again
bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:drop --force
bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force
bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create
Edit "src/Entity/Product.php" to only contain the second ULID example from the documentation:
namespace App\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Uid\Ulid;
use App\Repository\ProductRepository;
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=ProductRepository::class)
class Product
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(type="ulid", unique=true)
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="CUSTOM")
* #ORM\CustomIdGenerator(class="doctrine.ulid_generator")
private $id;
public function getId(): ?Ulid
return $this->id;
// ...
(example from documentation was missing the repository line)
bin/console make:migration
bin/console --env=test doctrine:migrations:migrate
Test is now a bit simpler:
public function testFoo(): void
->add(new Product());
bin/phpunit (Risky is ok)
bin/console --env=test doctrine:query:sql 'SELECT * FROM product'
Again those UUID instead of ULID
Database shows UUID instead of ULID
It's bit late but for anyone whom facing this issue, I too have the database showing UUID instead of ULID and it seems to be the expected behavior from doctrine since you can use UUID/ULID interchangeably meaning even if you have UUID stored in the database but your entity is mapped on ULID you will have an ULID when retrieving the object from the database, also you can retrieve your same object by using ULID or UUID.
so for instance I have a User entity having ULID for its identifier so the stored object will have uuid as below :
018477e6-eebc-164c-12e3-22ca8f1a88f3 []
if I retrieve my user with that UUID I'll get :
App\Entity\User {#430 ▼
-id: "01GHVYDVNW2S615RS2SA7HN27K"
-email: ""
-roles: []
#createdAt: DateTime #1668458933 {#423 ▶}
#updatedAt: DateTime #1668458998 {#428 ▶}
-password: "$2y$13$/2i9Ovc2lCQBRfSVgsnmoul1FhF.Kyki3irF6GQvrMrjacQX6ees6"
-isVerified: true
now if you use that ULID to retrieve your user it will work too !
going further if you inspect that UUID you'll see that the returned object has that uuid converted to base 32 :
bash-5.1$ bin/console uuid:inspect 018477e6-eebc-164c-12e3-22ca8f1a88f3
----------------------- --------------------------------------
Label Value
----------------------- --------------------------------------
Version 1
toRfc4122 (canonical) 018477e6-eebc-164c-12e3-22ca8f1a88f3
toBase58 1BsMRvKcgozP4Kw2m4Fb1C
toBase32 01GHVYDVNW2S615RS2SA7HN27K
----------------------- --------------------------------------
and finally you can get that stored uuid by converting it to refc4122 as you can see below:
bin/console ulid:inspect 01GHVYDVNW2S615RS2SA7HN27K
---------------------- --------------------------------------
Label Value
---------------------- --------------------------------------
toBase32 (canonical) 01GHVYDVNW2S615RS2SA7HN27K
toBase58 1BsMRvKcgozP4Kw2m4Fb1C
toRfc4122 018477e6-eebc-164c-12e3-22ca8f1a88f3
---------------------- --------------------------------------
Time 2022-11-14 20:48:53.948 UTC
---------------------- --------------------------------------
I'm not sure why doctrine doesn't just store the ULID but its current behavior is not blocking you from using ULID in your project.
Hope this help !
I'm trying out the ULID as well and followed the same documentation ( I noticed you did one thing different in your code compared to the documentation.
In the entity change:
* #ORM\CustomIdGenerator(class="doctrine.ulid_generator")
* #ORM\CustomIdGenerator(class=UlidGenerator::class)
And add the following
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\IdGenerator\UlidGenerator;
This should the make the ULID work.
The dump of this would be something like this (sorry this is a dump in the console as I was testing the ulid, but I hope it gives you the information you need):
^ Symfony\Component\Uid\Ulid^ {#842
toBase58: "1BoCbKTaPcpbAuQVieEW54"
toRfc4122: "0181e8cc-b155-e285-defc-35d075fd9a77"
time: "2022-07-10 15:48:57.813 UTC"
In the database it looks as followed:
Ulid in mariaDB
I hope this helps.

Symfony 4.4 Upgrade - DoctrineUpdateCommand no longer called from console command

I am upgrading our Symfony application from version 3.4 to version 4.4, which includes an upgrade of Doctrine from 1.12 to 2.3. I had previously written a class that modified the results to the doctrine:schema:update command, which worked great, but appears not to be working now. The class is below.
To modify doctrine:schema:update, I created a class called DoctrineUpdateCommand, which extended \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command\SchemaTool\UpdateCommand, and placed it in the Command folder of the bundle. This was all that was needed. I referenced this answer to figure out how to do it: How to set up entity (doctrine) for database view in Symfony 2.
We need to override the doctrine:schema:update command because one of our entities refers to a MySQL view instead of a MySQL table. Further, the entity is referenced as both a stand alone entity, and as a many-to-many join. The override class caused the entity and join to be ignored. It also added a sql statement to create the view.
After the upgrade, if I run php console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql, I get these results:
19:08:16 CRITICAL [console] Error thrown while running command "doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql". Message: "The table with name 'nest_qa.assignedrole_privilegerole' already exists." ["exception" => Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException^ { …},"command" => "doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql","message" => "The table with name 'nest_qa.assignedrole_privilegerole' already exists."]
In SchemaException.php line 112:
The table with name 'nest_qa.assignedrole_privilegerole' already exists.
I am fairly certain that the extension of the doctrine command is no longer being called, and it's using the default command instead, but I can't figure out how to change that. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the original class:
namespace ApiBundle\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool;
class DoctrineUpdateCommand extends \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command\SchemaTool\UpdateCommand{
protected $ignoredEntities = array(
protected $ignoreAssociationMappings = array(
'ApiBundle\Entity\Privilegerole' => 'assignedroles',
'ApiBundle\Entity\Assignedrole' => 'privilegeroles',
protected function executeSchemaCommand(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, SchemaTool $schemaTool, array $metadatas, SymfonyStyle $ui) {
/** #var $metadata \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata */
$newMetadatas = array();
foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) {
if (array_key_exists($metadata->getName(), $this->ignoreAssociationMappings)) {
if(array_key_exists($this->ignoreAssociationMappings[$metadata->getName()], $metadata->getAssociationMappings())){
//If metadata element is not in the ignore array, add it to the new metadata array
if (!in_array($metadata->getName(), $this->ignoredEntities)){
array_push($newMetadatas, $metadata);
parent::executeSchemaCommand($input, $output, $schemaTool, $newMetadatas, $ui);
$output->writeln("------Create view for assignedrole_privilegerole");
$output->writeln("CREATE VIEW `assignedrole_privilegerole` AS select `Assignedrole`.`id` AS `assignedrole_id`,`Privilegerole`.`id` AS `privilegerole_id` from (`Assignedrole` join `Privilegerole`) where ((`Assignedrole`.`role_id` = `Privilegerole`.`role_id`) and ((`Assignedrole`.`unit_id` = `Privilegerole`.`unit_id`) or `Privilegerole`.`unit_id` in (select `Unittree`.`ancestor_id` from `Unittree` where (`Unittree`.`descendant_id` = `Assignedrole`.`unit_id`)))) ;");
Console commands in symfony <4.x were registered by scanning Command folder inside a bundle. Since bundles are obsolete in symfony 4+, you have to define commands in your services definition by tagging the command class, or use DI autoconfiguration.
Option 1: explicitly add console.command tag to the service definition:
- { name: twig.extension }
Option 2: use DI autoconfiguration:
autoconfigure: true
After your class is registered as a console command, it must override the default one.
See symfony docs for more: Console Command

laravel 'class not found' error on production

Slightly odd one here.
I have Persons and Actions. Persons can have many Actions, while each Action belongs to only one Person. I'm using Chumper's Datatables to display a list of people, including a count of their actions.
Since migrating to a production (forge) server, I'm getting
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException (E_ERROR)
Class 'action' not found
when calling the datatable. The error shown
public function hasOne($related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
$foreignKey = $foreignKey ?: $this->getForeignKey();
$instance = new $related;
$localKey = $localKey ?: $this->getKeyName();
suggests it's a problem with my hasMany relationship:
# /models/Person.php
class Person extends Eloquent {
public function actions()
return $this->hasMany('Action');
# /models/Action.php
class Action extends Eloquent {
public function person()
return $this->belongsTo('Person', 'person_id');
I assume these are fine, however, as it all works locally. Datatables also works fine elsewhere, calling through other items and their related actions with no trouble.
I've tried composer dump-autoload and artisan dump-autoload on the production server, to no avail. The deployment script on forge is below:
git pull origin master
composer install
php artisan migrate --env=production
I can't tell if it's a config issue, a database issue, a code issue or something else entirely. I've been back through the many similar questions but nothing's jumped out. Any help much appreciated.
for who may have the same problem, triple check the casing of your model! I had it wrong, that's why locally on mac was working but not on the server
So I think I'd borked this one myself.
I'd been lazy and left function datatablePersons() in PersonsController.php using an old 'count' method, relying on long-defunct relationships (that caused n+1, so had to be binned), hence it wobbling over an actions class whenever that relationship was called upon.
Datatable functions in other controllers (with a cleaner 'count' method) work fine, so I've just rewritten datatablePersons() to use the same method.
I've not quite got the query right (in eloquent, at least) yet - see this question here: mysql join ON and AND to laravel eloquent - but the class not found error has certainly gone away.
I'm (massively) guessing that the classmap on the local machine hadn't been flushed since whatever was removed was removed, while the production machine is rebuilt every push, hence the disparity...?
Either way, it's no longer an issue.

"User" model broken after Laravel 4.1 upgrade

I have upgraded Laravel from 4.0 to 4.1 recently in a few instances. Today I did the upgrade in yet another instance and found out that there is something wrong with the User model. The models/User.php file is still there, but I don't think it is used by Laravel anymore. My question is: why?
To demonstrate the issue, I have created the following entries in my routes.php:
Route::get('test1', function()
$course = Course::find(4);
return ($course->users()->first());
Route::get('test2', function()
$user = User::find(22);
return ($user->courses()->first());
Both these entries are correct regarding syntax and the database object (course with id 4 exists and user with id 22 exists). My Course.php model has the following:
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany('User')->withPivot('participant_role')->withTimestamps();
And my User.php has a corresponding entry:
public function courses()
return $this->belongsToMany('Course')->withPivot('participant_role')->withTimestamps();
Now if I launch the first URL, /test1, I get a working JSON entry as a result. As expected.
With the second URL, /test2 however I get an error message:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::courses()
open: /home/simoa/laravelapps/clientname/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php `
I think there is something wrong here. Why is my Laravel instance trying to call the courses() method from the Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder class? That isn't normal, right?
As I said earlier, everything else works perfectly, except things to do with the User model.
The issue was caused by an invalid entry in the file vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php.
For some reason during the 4.1 upgrade (probably running the command: composer update) the entry for 'User' => $baseDir . '/app/models/User.php' has turned into 'User' => $baseDir . '/app/models/old_User.php' in that file.
I did have an old backup/dev file called old_User.phpin my models directory and for some reason, it seems, composer has mapped User class to that file.
Solution: delete old_User.php and re-run composer update.
try running php artisan clear-compiled and then php artisan optimize

yii-dbmigrations does not have a method named "performTransactional"

I have a new problem using the latest version of yii-dbmigration, when I run the migration the console shows the message below and the migration not work.
$ ./protected/yiic migrate
Migrations directory: protected/migrations/
=== Applying: m20110123200901_create_eav_table =================================
ERROR: m20110123200901_create_eav_table does not have a method named "performTransactional".
The code of migration is:
class m20110123200901_create_eav_table extends CDbMigration {
public function up() {
$t = $this->newTable('eav');
public function down() {
Anyone know what happens?
Hi guys,
I found the problem, but I don't know the solution.
The problem occur on the Yii v1.1.7-dev, when I'm using a another version (like v1.1.5-dev) the migrations works right.
Anyone know how to fix it?
Ok guys, I found the problem and the solution.
I was using the yii-dbmigration extension, and the yii has a implementation of migrations since v1.1.6, so the two versions were conflicting when I was run the migrations.
The solutions is, uninstall the extension and use the new native migration.
A personal opinion about the yii native migration feature and the yii extension db-migration is that the second likes more easy and elegant to work because it has a great oop implementation on up/down method.
