While printing column and row from an array it's showing blank not exporting any data
$inn_table = "";
if ($result['qualification']['dd1'] != "") {
$dd1 = explode(",", $result['qualification']['dd1']);
if ($result['qualification']['dd2'] != "") {
$dd2 = explode(",", $result['qualification']['dd2']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($labels); $i++) {
if ($result['qualification']['dd1'] != "") {
echo '<pre>First';
print_r($dd1); ** //echo arrays**
for ($j = 0; $j < count($dd1); $j++) {
$temp = explode(">", $dd1[$j]);
if ($temp[0] == $labels[$i]) {
$name = explode(">", $dd1[$j]);
echo '<pre>First ';
print_r($name[1]); ** //echo names**
Here is my Array structure
and Here names which i am trying to export from Array
So i only trying to export names from that array please help
foreach($labels as $ind => $label) {
$index = $ind + 2;
$letter = range('A', 'Z')[$ind2];
$val = explode('>', $data);
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($letter . $index, $val[1]);
My company receives coupons codes from another company and I need to process them to use them in my company's website. The problem is that they send me a PDF file with the codes, and they say their system can only export them in PDF. Strange.
I've tried several times to let them know that I need those coupons in plain text separated by something (a.k.a CSV) and they doesn't take any notice of that.
My website is written in PHP, and uses MySQL. I would like to offer a way to upload that coupons file and add those to the database. It would be easy considering it is a CSV file but it's not.
Is there any way I can programatically -not manually- process PDF files as text files? or, any workaround for this situation?
I have found pdf2text to have worked well for quite some time.
Will not work with image (TIFF) PDF. will work with text searchable PDF.
$p2t = new PDF2Text();
$p2t ->setFilename($pdf);
$p2t ->decodePDF();
$data = $p2t ->output();
$pos = strpos($data,$search);
if (pos){...}
class PDF2Text {
// Some settings
var $multibyte = 4; // Use setUnicode(TRUE|FALSE)
var $convertquotes = ENT_QUOTES; // ENT_COMPAT (double-quotes), ENT_QUOTES (Both), ENT_NOQUOTES (None)
var $showprogress = true; // TRUE if you have problems with time-out
// Variables
var $filename = '';
var $decodedtext = '';
function setFilename($filename) {
// Reset
$this->decodedtext = '';
$this->filename = $filename;
function output($echo = false) {
if($echo) echo $this->decodedtext;
else return $this->decodedtext;
function setUnicode($input) {
// 4 for unicode. But 2 should work in most cases just fine
if($input == true) $this->multibyte = 4;
else $this->multibyte = 2;
function decodePDF() {
// Read the data from pdf file
$infile = #file_get_contents($this->filename, FILE_BINARY);
if (empty($infile))
return "";
// Get all text data.
$transformations = array();
$texts = array();
// Get the list of all objects.
preg_match_all("#obj[\n|\r](.*)endobj[\n|\r]#ismU", $infile . "endobj\r", $objects);
$objects = #$objects[1];
// Select objects with streams.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($objects); $i++) {
$currentObject = $objects[$i];
// Prevent time-out
#set_time_limit ();
if($this->showprogress) {
// echo ". ";
flush(); ob_flush();
// Check if an object includes data stream.
if (preg_match("#stream[\n|\r](.*)endstream[\n|\r]#ismU", $currentObject . "endstream\r", $stream )) {
$stream = ltrim($stream[1]);
// Check object parameters and look for text data.
$options = $this->getObjectOptions($currentObject);
if (!(empty($options["Length1"]) && empty($options["Type"]) && empty($options["Subtype"])) )
// if ( $options["Image"] && $options["Subtype"] )
// if (!(empty($options["Length1"]) && empty($options["Subtype"])) )
// Hack, length doesnt always seem to be correct
// So, we have text data. Decode it.
$data = $this->getDecodedStream($stream, $options);
if (strlen($data)) {
if (preg_match_all("#BT[\n|\r](.*)ET[\n|\r]#ismU", $data . "ET\r", $textContainers)) {
$textContainers = #$textContainers[1];
$this->getDirtyTexts($texts, $textContainers);
} else
$this->getCharTransformations($transformations, $data);
// Analyze text blocks taking into account character transformations and return results.
$this->decodedtext = $this->getTextUsingTransformations($texts, $transformations);
function decodeAsciiHex($input) {
$output = "";
$isOdd = true;
$isComment = false;
for($i = 0, $codeHigh = -1; $i < strlen($input) && $input[$i] != '>'; $i++) {
$c = $input[$i];
if($isComment) {
if ($c == '\r' || $c == '\n')
$isComment = false;
switch($c) {
case '\0': case '\t': case '\r': case '\f': case '\n': case ' ': break;
case '%':
$isComment = true;
$code = hexdec($c);
if($code === 0 && $c != '0')
return "";
$codeHigh = $code;
$output .= chr($codeHigh * 16 + $code);
$isOdd = !$isOdd;
if($input[$i] != '>')
return "";
$output .= chr($codeHigh * 16);
return $output;
function decodeAscii85($input) {
$output = "";
$isComment = false;
$ords = array();
for($i = 0, $state = 0; $i < strlen($input) && $input[$i] != '~'; $i++) {
$c = $input[$i];
if($isComment) {
if ($c == '\r' || $c == '\n')
$isComment = false;
if ($c == '\0' || $c == '\t' || $c == '\r' || $c == '\f' || $c == '\n' || $c == ' ')
if ($c == '%') {
$isComment = true;
if ($c == 'z' && $state === 0) {
$output .= str_repeat(chr(0), 4);
if ($c < '!' || $c > 'u')
return "";
$code = ord($input[$i]) & 0xff;
$ords[$state++] = $code - ord('!');
if ($state == 5) {
$state = 0;
for ($sum = 0, $j = 0; $j < 5; $j++)
$sum = $sum * 85 + $ords[$j];
for ($j = 3; $j >= 0; $j--)
$output .= chr($sum >> ($j * 8));
if ($state === 1)
return "";
elseif ($state > 1) {
for ($i = 0, $sum = 0; $i < $state; $i++)
$sum += ($ords[$i] + ($i == $state - 1)) * pow(85, 4 - $i);
for ($i = 0; $i < $state - 1; $i++) {
try {
if(false == ($o = chr($sum >> ((3 - $i) * 8)))) {
throw new Exception('Error');
$output .= $o;
} catch (Exception $e) { /*Dont do anything*/ }
return $output;
function decodeFlate($data) {
return #gzuncompress($data);
function getObjectOptions($object) {
$options = array();
if (preg_match("#<<(.*)>>#ismU", $object, $options)) {
$options = explode("/", $options[1]);
$o = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < #count($options); $j++) {
$options[$j] = preg_replace("#\s+#", " ", trim($options[$j]));
if (strpos($options[$j], " ") !== false) {
$parts = explode(" ", $options[$j]);
$o[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
} else
$o[$options[$j]] = true;
$options = $o;
return $options;
function getDecodedStream($stream, $options) {
$data = "";
if (empty($options["Filter"]))
$data = $stream;
else {
$length = !empty($options["Length"]) ? $options["Length"] : strlen($stream);
$_stream = substr($stream, 0, $length);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if ($key == "ASCIIHexDecode")
$_stream = $this->decodeAsciiHex($_stream);
elseif ($key == "ASCII85Decode")
$_stream = $this->decodeAscii85($_stream);
elseif ($key == "FlateDecode")
$_stream = $this->decodeFlate($_stream);
elseif ($key == "Crypt") { // TO DO
$data = $_stream;
return $data;
function getDirtyTexts(&$texts, $textContainers) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($textContainers); $j++) {
if (preg_match_all("#\[(.*)\]\s*TJ[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
elseif (preg_match_all("#T[d|w|m|f]\s*(\(.*\))\s*Tj[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
elseif (preg_match_all("#T[d|w|m|f]\s*(\[.*\])\s*Tj[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
function getCharTransformations(&$transformations, $stream) {
preg_match_all("#([0-9]+)\s+beginbfchar(.*)endbfchar#ismU", $stream, $chars, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("#([0-9]+)\s+beginbfrange(.*)endbfrange#ismU", $stream, $ranges, PREG_SET_ORDER);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($chars); $j++) {
$count = $chars[$j][1];
$current = explode("\n", trim($chars[$j][2]));
for ($k = 0; $k < $count && $k < count($current); $k++) {
if (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{2,4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4,512})>#is", trim($current[$k]), $map))
$transformations[str_pad($map[1], 4, "0")] = $map[2];
for ($j = 0; $j < count($ranges); $j++) {
$count = $ranges[$j][1];
$current = explode("\n", trim($ranges[$j][2]));
for ($k = 0; $k < $count && $k < count($current); $k++) {
if (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>#is", trim($current[$k]), $map)) {
$from = hexdec($map[1]);
$to = hexdec($map[2]);
$_from = hexdec($map[3]);
for ($m = $from, $n = 0; $m <= $to; $m++, $n++)
$transformations[sprintf("%04X", $m)] = sprintf("%04X", $_from + $n);
} elseif (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+\[(.*)\]#ismU", trim($current[$k]), $map)) {
$from = hexdec($map[1]);
$to = hexdec($map[2]);
$parts = preg_split("#\s+#", trim($map[3]));
for ($m = $from, $n = 0; $m <= $to && $n < count($parts); $m++, $n++)
$transformations[sprintf("%04X", $m)] = sprintf("%04X", hexdec($parts[$n]));
function getTextUsingTransformations($texts, $transformations) {
$document = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($texts); $i++) {
$isHex = false;
$isPlain = false;
$hex = "";
$plain = "";
for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($texts[$i]); $j++) {
$c = $texts[$i][$j];
switch($c) {
case "<":
$hex = "";
$isHex = true;
$isPlain = false;
case ">":
$hexs = str_split($hex, $this->multibyte); // 2 or 4 (UTF8 or ISO)
for ($k = 0; $k < count($hexs); $k++) {
$chex = str_pad($hexs[$k], 4, "0"); // Add tailing zero
if (isset($transformations[$chex]))
$chex = $transformations[$chex];
$document .= html_entity_decode("&#x".$chex.";");
$isHex = false;
case "(":
$plain = "";
$isPlain = true;
$isHex = false;
case ")":
$document .= $plain;
$isPlain = false;
case "\\":
$c2 = $texts[$i][$j + 1];
if (in_array($c2, array("\\", "(", ")"))) $plain .= $c2;
elseif ($c2 == "n") $plain .= '\n';
elseif ($c2 == "r") $plain .= '\r';
elseif ($c2 == "t") $plain .= '\t';
elseif ($c2 == "b") $plain .= '\b';
elseif ($c2 == "f") $plain .= '\f';
elseif ($c2 >= '0' && $c2 <= '9') {
$oct = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", substr($texts[$i], $j + 1, 3));
$j += strlen($oct) - 1;
$plain .= html_entity_decode("&#".octdec($oct).";", $this->convertquotes);
if ($isHex)
$hex .= $c;
elseif ($isPlain)
$plain .= $c;
$document .= "\n";
return $document;
My code cycles through a CSV file, converting it to XML:
for ($i = 1; $i < $arraySize; $i++) {
$n = 0;
if (substr($csv[$i][0], 0, 1) == $let) {
$surName = $dom->createElement('name');
$name = $csv[$i][0];
$nameText = $dom->createTextNode($name);
$text = str_replace(chr(94), ",", $csv[$i][4]);
$n = $i + 1;
$next = $csv[$n][0];
while ($next == 'NULL') {
$repl = str_replace(chr(94), ",", $csv[$n][4]);
$text = $repl;
$next = $csv[$n][0];
$bio = $dom->createElement('bio');
$bioText = $dom->createTextNode($text);
$person = $dom->createElement('person');
$xmlString = $dom->saveXML();
echo $xmlString;
The problem is the $text = $repl; Typing $text .= $repl; brings:
error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty.
but omitting the . just gives the last line of text.
the backup code works:
public function test($let){
$csv = $this->readCSV("data\AlphaIndex1M.csv");
$let = strtoupper($let);
//echo '';
for($i=1; $i
echo $csv[$i][0];// .'
echo ', -->'.$csv[$i][4];
$n = $i+1;
$next = $csv[$n][0];
//if($next == 'NULL'){ }
while($next == 'NULL'){
echo $csv[$n][4]. " ";
//echo ''
echo '';
//echo ''
You have to initialize your $text before you can append stuff!
So write this before you use it:
$test = "";
(before the while loop or even before the for loop if you want all to be appended)
I want to export a row in CSV file to JSON file with require : 1 line in CSV export 1 file JSON. I success to export file,but can't filter the row that i want to export. Can anyone help me?
header('Content-type: application/json');
$feed = 'jsondata_palpad.csv';
$keys = array();
$newArray = array();
function csvToArray($file, $delimiter) {
if (($handle = fopen($file, 'r')) !== FALSE) {
$i = 0;
while (($lineArray = fgetcsv($handle, 4000, $delimiter, '"')) !== FALSE) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($lineArray); $j++) {
$arr[$i][$j] = $lineArray[$j];
return $arr;
$data = csvToArray($feed, ',');
$count = count($data) - 1;
$labels = array_shift($data);
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$keys[] = $label;
$keys[] = 'id';
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$data[$i][] = $i;
for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
$d = array_combine($keys, $data[$j]);
$newArray[$j] = $d;
//Xuat file JSON
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$json = json_encode($newArray[$i]);
echo $json . "<br />\n";
$filename = $data[$i][1] . ".json";
echo $filename . "<br />\n";
//echo "title[" . $data[$i][4] . "]";
$handle = fopen("./" . $filename, "w");
fwrite($handle, $json);
If recommend = 2,it will export line whre id=2.
I want to export id,product_id,title,outline to JSON file.This is sample JSON file:
This is CSV file :
You are looping through all 6 lines of the csv file and saving them to the JSON file:
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
If you know what row number it is you want, don't loop through every row - just call the code inside the loop for that row. For example, if you wanted the 2nd row:
$row_we_want = 1;
$json = json_encode($newArray[$row_we_want]);
$filename = $data[$row_we_want][1] . ".json";
$handle = fopen("./" . $filename, "w");
fwrite($handle, $json);
If you are unsure about which row it is and need to check each one, you could do so in the loop:
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
if (some_condition) {
$json = json_encode($newArray[$i]);
$filename = $i][1] . ".json";
$handle = fopen("./" . $filename, "w");
fwrite($handle, $json);
Also it might be worth replacing 5 in your loop with the length of the array using the count function if it is not always a fixed length.
I found this script which parses a CSV file to XML. Problem is it seems to only be getting the first line of data after the column headers.
function csv2xml($file, $container = 'data', $rows = 'row')
$r = "<{$container}>\n";
$row = 0;
$cols = 0;
$titles = array();
$handle = #fopen($file, 'r');
if (!$handle) return $handle;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE)
if ($row > 0) $r .= "\t<{$rows}>\n";
if (!$cols) $cols = count($data);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++)
if ($row == 0)
$titles[$i] = $data[$i];
$r .= "\t\t<{$titles[$i]}>";
$r .= $data[$i];
$r .= "</{$titles[$i]}>\n";
if ($row > 0) $r .= "\t</{$rows}>\n";
$r .= "</{$container}>";
return $r;
Your CSV may be using Carriage Returns instead of Newlines, Try changing the "\n"s to "\r"s.