Google Drive API advanced file search - php

I'm trying to develop a PHP script which goes through my Google Drive to list my files
. I have the current structure :
-- logo1.png
|-- logo2.png
-- myFolder
| |
| --logo3.png
-- myPrivateFolder
I'm using the Google PHP library to make my queries. To list my files, I have this code :
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$result = array();
try {
$parameters = array(
'q' => "mimeType contains 'image/'",
$files = $service->files->listFiles($parameters);
$result = array_merge($result, $files->getFiles());
} catch (Exception $e) {
print "Une erreur s'est produite : " . $e->getMessage();
return $result;
$result is an array of 4 elements. Since I specified I only want MIME type 'image/', I only get my 4 images. Now, I'd like to know, how can I filter my results to exclude my private directory from the research ? I want to be able to specify in which folder not to look ?
I wasn't able to find in the documentation anything about that. Thanks in advance for any help !

Firstly you'll need to get the ID of your private directory. You can do that with a query
name = 'my_private_directory'
Once you have the ID, you can extend your existing query with
and not 'xxxxxx' in parents where xxxx is the File ID from step 1.


Get the first free column in a Google Sheet via PHP API

I'm using the Google Sheets API to write some data into the sheets, but so far either I clear it all and write everything again or I write in new rows (which Sheets API does by default).
I am now writing a single column per run, but I need to get the first available column in the sheet, so I can pass it as the range of writing.
This is my code so far:
$sheet = new \Google_Service_Sheets($this->client);
$range = "'" . $sheetName . "'!" . $rangeArg . (strlen($rangeArg) == 2 ? '' : count($data) + 1000);
$response = $sheet->spreadsheets_values->get($this->sheetId, $range);
if (!$clear && $response && $response->values) {
$c = count($response->values);
$newRange = (intval(substr($rangeArg, 1, 1)) + $c);
$newRange = substr($rangeArg, 0, 1) . $newRange . substr($rangeArg, 2);
$range = "'" . $sheetName . "'!" . $newRange . (count($data) + 1000);
$options = ['valueInputOption' => 'RAW'];
if ($clear) {
$sheet->spreadsheets_values->clear($this->sheetId, $range, new \Google_Service_Sheets_ClearValuesRequest);
$body = new \Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange(['values' => $data, 'majorDimension' => $columns ? 'COLUMNS' : 'ROWS']);
$ok = $sheet->spreadsheets_values->append($this->sheetId, $range, $body, $options);
I saw someone on the internet mentioning getLastColumn() as a function, but it's not available in my version of sheets API apparently or it's just not in this package.
google/apiclient v2.5.0
google/apiclient-services v0.138
google/auth v1.9.0
getLastColumn is an appscript method. Something like that is not available with the php client library is only going to give you google sheets api methods,
The only way to find out whats on the sheet is to buffer it and scan though as you are already doing. Unfortunately with PHP there is really no easy way of doing it.
$response = $service->spreadsheets_values->batchGet($spreadsheetId);
I dont use PHP, but I am 100% sure, that in Google API its closest things on PHP and Python, just syntax of languages would be different
So for get the first free column through Google Sheet API (using Python):
import httplib2
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
DOCUMENT_ID = '1ma8DG3IQJ377900iaFUPu9qXoThuP22buLgEILVfO1M'
def get_service_sacc():
creds_json = 'param-param-1344-fae81984f8a8.json'
scopes = ['']
creds_service = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(creds_json, scopes).authorize(httplib2.Http())
return build('sheets', 'v4', http=creds_service)
sheet_values = get_service_sacc().spreadsheets().values()
_range = "A1:A9"
# or use _range = "Name of List!A1:A9", if u want to take info not from first list of sheets.
write = sheet_values.append(spreadsheetId=DOCUMENT_ID, range=_range, valueInputOption="USER_ENTERED",body={}).execute()
deal_id = str(write['updates']['updatedRange']).split('!')
little info about how get creds.json, if you wanna make thru this method (its from Service Account (, create it, go to you Cloud Developer Console, create a some project, create service account, append it to project, and also after creation, click on three dots at actions (in account line), click Manage keys -> Add key -> Create new key -> json and end it, than download that json, and put it together in one directory of you project where u start you language logic.)
info about, how append works (

CREA DDF, retrieve a single property By ID

I'm trying to pull one single property from the CREA Data Distribution Facility by it's listing ID. The purpose is for a wordpress plugin where the realtor will simply input his listing ID and it will pull all the data into the wordpress post.
If you've had any experience with this system, i'm using PHPRETS and am having a hell of time navigating through the documentation for querying. I've got a feed all setup and pulling random properties, but i'm looking to pull one specific one.
Thanks! Let me know if you need any more info.
If you looking for the php eneral code, please try this :
1- dowload PHRets_CREA.php file from CREA website :
2- create your php file in the same folder :
Of course you must have $ListingKey, change it on the code
/* RETS Variables */
$RETS = new PHRets();
$RETSURL = "";
$RETSUsername = "Username";
$RETSPassword = "Password";
$RETS->Connect($RETSURL, $RETSUsername, $RETSPassword);
$RETS->AddHeader("RETS-Version", "RETS/1.7.2");
$RETS->AddHeader('Accept', '/');
$RETS->SetParam('compression_enabled', true);
$RETS_LimitPerQuery = 10;
$TimeBackPull = "-1 hours";
echo 'Connecting to RETS as : <span style="color:#008000;"><b>'.$RETSUsername.'</b></span><br/>';
echo "-----GETTING ALL Listings-----<br/>";
//Get Id's
$DBML = "(LastUpdated=" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($TimeBackPull)) . ")";
$params = array("Limit" => 1, "Format" => "STANDARD-XML", "Count" => 1);
$results = $RETS->SearchQuery("Property", "Property", $DBML, $params);
$totalAvailable = $results["Count"];
echo "-----".$totalAvailable." Found-----<br/>";
$ListingKey = "ListingKey here";
$propriety = $RETS->SearchQuery("Property", "Property", "(ID=".$ListingKey.")", array("Limit" => 1, "Format" => "STANDARD-XML"));
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Is there a PHP library for looking up vendor from MAC address?

I have a list of MAC addresses coming from a database. I would like to lookup the vendor for each MAC address and then have a count of devices on network by vendor in the end.
I believe I could do it the dirty way which would be to parse the vendor prefixes from the file available here
But I'm wondering if there is a better way ?
There is a library in Pear, but it does have substantial overhead involved in that the vendor lookup requires a relational database that's been loaded with the vendor data. However, considering the alternative this might be worth exploring.
The package provides a loader for the list maintained by wireshark:;a=blob_plain;f=manuf
If all you care about is getting the manufacturer of the device based on the mac address then you can simply copy and paste the list on this website here (unto 200 at a time). It's very quick:
But I'm wondering if there is a better way ?
If you can use other languages like ruby, there's a gem called macvendors
There is no need to use an external api or get stopped by rate limit.
You can use it from your command line:
gem install macvendors
macvendors find 98:e0:d9:a5:61:eb
Apple, Inc.
You can use it in your ruby code:
require 'macvendors'
MacVendors.setup #for the first time
puts MacVendors.find("98:e0:d9:a5:61:eb")
I have made an SQlite (Macvendors.db) from the Wireshark manuf source. I use it via PDO with a simple query.
Here is a method I write to show you how you could use it:
public function getAllCompaniesFromMacs($macs)
try {
// connect to the SQLite file
$conn = new \PDO("sqlite:/path/to/sqlite/Macvendors.db");
// aux vars
$macsParaBuscar = array();
$macsIN = "";
// output vars
$salida = array();
// Clean repeated MACs and remove the ":" chars
foreach ($macs as $unaMac) {
$unaMac = str_replace(":", "", $unaMac);
$firstChars = substr($unaMac, 0, 6);
$macsParaBuscar[$firstChars] = $firstChars;
// Create a IN statment for the WHERE
$macsIN = "( 'HOLA'";
foreach ($macsParaBuscar as $unaMacBuscar) {
$macsIN .= ", '" . $unaMacBuscar . "'";
$macsIN .= ")";
// Prepare and execute the query
$stm = $conn->prepare("SELECT mac, vendor FROM macvendor WHERE mac IN " . $macsIN);
// Put results in output var
while( $row = $stm->fetch() ) {
$auxMac = $row["mac"];
$salida[$auxMac] = $row["vendor"];
return $salida;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception("Ha ocurrido un error", 1);
Sorry about the unbeauty example code.
Have fun!
There is another library that doesn't depend on any API but the XML file database which is Cisco vendorMacs.xml
The package is hosted here
Yes here is one I wrote, it depends on the online API of Mac address vendor website
Here is the repository with examples

Is there a way to download bibtex from Google Scholar using PHP

Hi, is there a way to download the BibTeX entry for something from Google Scholar using PHP without having to download the BibTeX manually one by one? For example, setting a search value like "research" and then downloading the related BibTeX from the links automatically through code.
Any help would be appreciated. I tried to get the HTML page, but as I try to get the page contents the "Import to BibTeX" link disappears on the retrieved page contents.
My code:
$url = ' amp;as_sdt=1%2C4&as_sdtp=on';
$needle = 'Import into bibtex';
$contents = file_get_contents($url);
echo $contents;
if(strpos($contents, $needle)!== false) {
echo 'found';
} else {
echo 'not found';
The short answer is No you cannot do this
Google does not provide API's for search / scholar and uses firm rate-limitation. The problem is that for each BibTex entry you need 2 additional requests (1 for the query, 1 for the 'import link' and a final one to get the actual BibTex entry content)
I wrote a script that scrapes google scholar results and finds the BibTex links and saves the results. However, due to the rate limit is not viable and will get blocked almost instantly.
Code can be viewed here: and is free of use, but at your own risk.
As Tessmore said - you can't. But you can make it work by using Google Scholar Organic Results API from SerpApi that bypasses quota limits and blocks from search engines so you don't have to think about how to reduce the chance of being blocked.
Install google-search-results-php package first via composer:
$ composer require serpapi/google-search-results-php:2.0
Code to integrate and full example in the online IDE:
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("display_startup_errors", 1);
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
function getResultIds () {
$result_ids = array();
$params = [
"engine" => "google_scholar", // parsing engine
"q" => "biology" // search query
$search = new GoogleSearch(getenv("API_KEY"));
$response = $search->get_json($params);
foreach ($response->organic_results as $result) {
// print_r($result->result_id);
array_push($result_ids, $result->result_id);
return $result_ids;
function getBibtexData () {
$bibtex_data = array();
foreach (getResultIds() as $result_id) {
$params = [
"engine" => "google_scholar_cite", // parsing engine
"q" => $result_id
$search = new GoogleSearch(getenv("API_KEY"));
$response = $search->get_json($params);
foreach ($response->links as $result) {
if ($result->name === "BibTeX") {
array_push($bibtex_data, $result->link);
return $bibtex_data;
print_r(json_encode(getBibtexData(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
Bibtex data from the first URL:
title={A new biology for a new century},
author={Woese, Carl R},
journal={Microbiology and molecular biology reviews},
publisher={Am Soc Microbiol}
Disclaimer, I work for SerpApi.

Parse JSON Freebase results in PHP

I'm really sorry if this is too basic, but I really don't know how to do this.
I'm using this jquery Autocomplete plugin:
EDIT: This is the jquery code i use for the autocomplete:
$(function() {
var t = new $.TextboxList('#form_topick_tags', {unique: true, plugins: {autocomplete: {
minLength: 2,
queryRemote: true,
remote: {url: 'autocomplete2.php'}
The plugin uses a PHP for autocomplete, this is an example, it returns this output: "id, text, null (html I don't need), some html"
$response = array();
$names = array('Abraham Lincoln', 'Adolf Hitler', 'Agent Smith', 'Agnus', 'Etc');
// make sure they're sorted alphabetically, for binary search tests
$search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : '';
foreach ($names as $i => $name)
if (!preg_match("/^$search/i", $name)) continue;
$filename = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($name));
$response[] = array($i, $name, null, '<img src="images/'. $filename . (file_exists('images/' . $filename . '.jpg') ? '.jpg' : '.png') .'" /> ' . $name);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
I need a similar PHP to process this results:
...being "beatles" the $search value, and getting this output:
guid,"name",null,"name<span>n:type name</span>"
So, the first result would be:
0,"The Beatles",null,"The Beatles<span>Band</span>"
Of course I would need to query from that PHP. I mean:
+---------------+ +-----------+ +------------+
| | | | | |
| TextboxList +-------->| PHP +------->| Freebase |
| | | | | |
+---------------+ +-----------+ +------+-----+
TextboxList <--------+ freebase <----------+
Is this possible? Thanks!
Try this:
$response = array();
$search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : '';
$myJSON = file_get_contents('' . urlencode($search));
$musicObj = json_decode($myJSON); // Need to get $myJSON from somewhere like file_get_contents()
foreach ($musicObj->result as $item)
$response[] = array($item->guid, $item->name, null, $item->name . '<span>'.$item->{'n:type'}->name.'</span>');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
The first JSON-escaped result then gives:
["#9202a8c04000641f800000000003ac10","The Beatles",null,"The Beatles<span>Band<\/span>"]
But despite all this, you really don't need to use PHP at all to do this. You can do this all from JavaScript and avoid an extra trip to your server. If you supply the callback argument to freebase, it can create JSONP (which is JSON wrapped in a call to a function, using a function name of your choice) which you can obtain in jQuery and then manipulate further in JavaScript to your liking. But the above is per your original approach in using PHP.
