When using the new gocardless api examples I can list customers so I'm assuming that I have composer installed correctly but when I try the example for creating a subscription (as listed below) I get http error 500 does anybody know what I may be doing wrong?
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new \GoCardlessPro\Client(array(
'access_token' => 'my_sandbox_access_token_goes_here',
'environment' => \GoCardlessPro\Environment::SANDBOX
"params" => ["amount" => 25,
"currency" => "GBP",
"name" => "Monthly test",
"interval_unit" => "monthly",
"day_of_month" => 1,
"metadata" => ["order_no" => "test1"],
"links" => ["mandate" => "MA125"]]
Basically, I am trying to connect to a SOAP service with 2 way SSL (HTTP client certificate authentication).
I am using PHP SoapClient for this within Laravel.
This is what I have, and it allows me to connect and returns the expected response. So the method is basically correct and the certificate is fine etc. It's just I am having trouble with what I guess is the 2 way SSL part.
$client = new \SoapClient('localwsdlfile.wsdl', array(
'local_cert' => 'localcert.pem',
'passphrase' => 'passphrase',
// 'location' => 'https://wsmurl/login/' // Uncomment to login
$response = $client->Get(array(
"AccessKey" => "accesskey",
"ProductID" => "SOMEPRODUCT",
"Scope" => "SOMESCOPE",
"Parameters" => array('Param' => array('_' => 'DATATOLOOKUP', 'id'=>'MOREDATATOLOOKUP'))
The only problem is (obviously because I'm doing something wrong), is I need to add the line 'location' => 'https://wsmurl/login/' the first time I try to connect, otherwise I get an error "SoapFault Login Required"
I then remove the line 'location' => 'https://wsmurl/login/', otherwise, I get an error "SoapFault looks like we got no XML document".
The service provider has a 600 second timeout, where I don't have to "login" again for upto 600 seconds.
After removing this line 'location' => 'https://wsmurl/login/', then it works as expected. Obviously, I can't manually add and remove this line, and I guess I am not doing this correctly.
Can someone tell me a better way to do this please?
Because the location for the login and localwsdlfile.wsdl is different, I could not do it with one call. So we created a function using curl to login and if login is successful it will proceed to the soapclient. Thanks to Brian from freelancer for his assistance here.
$client = new SoapClient('wsdl/VocusSchemas/localwsdlfile.wsdl', array(
'trace' => 1,
'exception' => true
try {
$response = $client->Get(array(
// "AccessKey" => "MADAITABNSAATOT1",
"AccessKey" => "accesskey",
"ProductID" => "SOMEPRODUCT",
"Scope" => "SOMESCOPE",
"Parameters" => array('Param' => array('_' => 'DATATOLOOKUP', 'id' => 'MOREDATATOLOOKUP'))
I've managed to go through creating webhook using Shopify API, but I can create only one webhook per request. I've already tried to customize the request so it could possibly create a few webhooks at once, but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm using GuzzleHttp\Client for my requests and this is what my working request look like:
$client = new Client();
$response = $client->request(
'headers' => [
'X-Shopify-Access-Token' => $access_token,
'X-Shopify-Shop-Domain' => $store
'form_params' => [
'webhook' => [
"topic" => "orders/create",
"address" => $appAddress,
"format" => "json"
But when I try something like this:
$client = new Client();
$response = $client->request(
'headers' => [
'X-Shopify-Access-Token' => $access_token,
'X-Shopify-Shop-Domain' => $store
'form_params' => [
'webhook' => [
"topic" => "orders/create",
"address" => $appAddress,
"format" => "json"
"topic" => "orders/delete",
"address" => $appAddress,
"format" => "json"
Im getting this:
POST https://smshopify.myshopify.com/admin/webhooks.json resulted in
a 422 Unprocessable Entity response: {"errors":{"topic":["can't be blank","Invalid topic specified. Topics allowed: app/uninstalled,
carts/create, carts/u (truncated...)
Is there a way to create couple webhooks in one request, I couldn't find a word about it in Shopify documentation, and my attempts to modify request body are not very successful. What I've managed to do is just foreach topics array and to the single request for every webhook.
No, there is no way to create a batch of webhooks in one request. This is true for most Shopify resources - e.g. products must also be created one-by-one.
I followed this link.
I did what it said, but its throwing some error:
FatalErrorException in routes.php line 29:
Class 'Stripe' not found
Line 29 Stripe::setApiKey('sk_test_bDgMM85Y8hWWaRRBrulWNeng');
A few things to check...
Did you install your stripe dependency? composer require stripe/stripe-php
Did you composer dump-auto
Your tutorial link runs stripe from the Routes file. Which is in the global namespace. Are you executing this code from a Controller or from the routes file? If from a controller, then you will need to add a use statement at the top use Stripe\Stripe;
Finally, which version of the https://github.com/stripe/stripe-php package are you using? According to the readme, there is a legacy version and a new version. The new version is has an extra level of nesting and is accessed via Stripe\Stripe and Stripe\Charge:
Legacy Version
$myCard = array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 8, 'exp_year' => 2018);
$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array('card' => $myCard, 'amount' => 2000, 'currency' => 'usd'));
echo $charge;
New Version
$myCard = array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 8, 'exp_year' => 2018);
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array('card' => $myCard, 'amount' => 2000, 'currency' => 'usd'));
echo $charge;
Here is the thing I did and its working. Hope its work is case of your:
try {
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create([
'name' => 'Jenny Rosen',
'email' => 'jenyy#hotmail.co.us',
'address' => [
'line1' => '510 Townsend St',
'postal_code' => '98140',
'city' => 'San Francisco',
'state' => 'CA',
'country' => 'US',
['source' => $request->stripeToken]
Stripe\Charge::create ([
"customer" => $customer->id,
"amount" => 100 * 100,
"currency" => "usd",
"description" => "Test payment from stripe.test." ,
Session::flash('success', 'Payment successful!');
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
return $ex->getMessage().' error occured';
Session::flash('error','Payment Failed.');
Charge Card
First of All create your stripe account
Stripe Register Page
if you already have Stripe account good to Go
Get API key from your Stripe and Add it to your project .env
Test API Key link : https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys
Live API Key link : https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys
NOTE : You can use API key directly in code but it is not good for security Install stripe-php via composer`
composer require stripe/stripe-php `
Setup client and API In code
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(env('STRIPE_SECRET'));
Create token for Payment
$token = $stripe->tokens->create([
'card' => [
'number' => $card_number,
'exp_month' => $exp_month,
'exp_year' => $exp_year,
'cvc' => $cvc,
Create Charge
$charge = Stripe\Charge::create ([
"amount" => $request->amount *100,
"currency" => $request->currency,
"source" => $token->id,
"description" => 'payment with credit/debit card'
We should create token in front-end instead of sending card details on network we should send token
Add JS stripe to your blade file
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.stripe.com/v2/"></script>
Creating token On front-end using javaScript
number: $('.card-number').val(),
cvc: $('.card-cvc').val(),
exp_month: $('.card-expiry-month').val(),
exp_year: $('.card-expiry-year').val()
}, stripeResponseHandler);
About stripeResponseHandler
This response handler will be a function where Stripe will redirect after success or failure of creating token
function stripeResponseHandler(status, response) {
if (response.error) {
/* token failed to create */
} else {
var token = response['id'];
/* you can send this token to back-end [Laravel Controller] then you need to charge function on backed */
Hope it will helpful for you
i followed a tutorial on youtube on using parallel payments with php.
the problem is I keep getting an invalid requset error
this is an excerpt of my code:
$createtePacket = array(
"actionType" => "PAY",
"currencyCode" => "USD",
"receiverList" => array(
"receiver" => array(
array("amount"=>"1.00" ,"email" => "mail#mail.com"),
array("amount"=>"50.00" ,"email" => "mail2#mail.com"),
"cancelUrl"=>"http://local.dev/store" ,
"requestEnvelope" => array("errorLanguage"=>"en_US","detailLevel"=>"ReturnAll")
and the error part of the result is :
message":"Invalid request: {0}
any ideas what i'm doing wrong here?
This is my first post in this forum.
I'm trying to develop all the payments to Adyen using the WS, instead of the skin/post method that I was using until now.
So, I downloaded from their example, this code (I'm posting also the class method to connect by WS)
function Adyen($login, $password, $host ="live", $debug=FALSE ) {
$this->DEBUG = $debug;
$this->client = new SoapClient( "https://pal-$host.adyen.com/pal/Payment.wsdl",
"login" => $login,
"password" => $password,
'trace' => 1,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'style' => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
'encoding' => SOAP_LITERAL
function authorise( $amount,$currencyCode,$cardHolder,$cardNumber,$expm,$expy,$cvc,$reference) {
global $merchantAccount;
$response = $this->client->authorise( array(
"paymentRequest" => array
"amount" => array (
"value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"card" => array (
"cvc" => $cvc,
"expiryMonth" => $expm,
"expiryYear" => $expy,
"holderName" => $cardHolder,
"number" => $cardNumber,
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
When I'm executing this code, it returns this error
#!/usr/bin/php SOAP Error on test SoapFault Object ( [message:protected] => security 010 Not allowed [string:Exception:private] =>
Do you have any suggestions to solve it?
Best Regards.
It's too strange, cause with the same method, but with different parameters (In case of the recurring payment, I haven't this error. This the case runs
$response = $this->client->authorise(
"paymentRequest" =>
"amount" => array("value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
"shopperReference" => $reference",
"shopperEmail" => $email,
"recurring" => array("contract" => "RECURRING"),
"selectedRecurringDetailReference" => "LATEST",
"shopperInteraction" => "ContAuth"
Had the same question, here is the support answer:
You are trying to make an API payment. Please be aware that there are a few downsides using the direct integration API.
Most important, due to strict industry regulations, the Merchant is required to be PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant at Level 1 or 2. The PCI DSS certification process requires a big contribution from you in both time and money.
The direct integration also offers a limited set of payment methods and might require you to implement features like the 3D secure mechanism.
The normal integration works as follow:
Redirect the shopper from your website to our Hosted Payment Pages.
Shopper can choose several payment methods and makes the payment.
Shopper is redirected back to your website and we pass back a result code of the payment.
We sent also a notification via SOAP or HTTP Post.
From Adyen documentation
010 Not allowed You are not allowed to perform this action
I think you should send email to their support. May be your account not ready for use.
You need to add your ip in the ca admin area for the user 'Edit Allowed User IP Range'.
I think in this code you have mistakenly put extra double quotes( "shopperReference" => $reference",).
$response = $this->client->authorise(
"paymentRequest" =>
"amount" => array("value" => $amount,
"currency" => $currencyCode),
"merchantAccount" => $merchantAccount,
"reference" => $reference,
"shopperReference" => $reference",
"shopperEmail" => $email,
"recurring" => array("contract" => "RECURRING"),
"selectedRecurringDetailReference" => "LATEST",
"shopperInteraction" => "ContAuth"