I am trying to integrate RESTful services to my Codeigniter application. I am using this library https://github.com/chriskacerguis/codeigniter-restserver and the tutorial from https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/working-with-restful-services-in-codeigniter--net-8814.
However, I am a little confused about how to implement routing. The tutorial mentions using the full url but I'd like to do something like:
My Controller
class AdminLogin_WS extends REST_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function login_get(){
public function login_post(){
$username = $this->post('username');
My routes
$route['AdminLogin_WS/Login']['post']= 'AdminLogin_WS/login_post'; <= this will trigger an unknown method error
$route['AdminLogin_WS/Login']= 'AdminLogin_WS/login'; <= this will call the get function
REST Request
public function ws_login(){
'username' => 'auser'
$result = $this->curl->execute();
How can I specify what function is a post or get?
You can specify is a function is post or get by using _post() and _get() respectively.
For your routing, I think you are routing wrongly. There should be a difference between the main route and the alternate route. You should have something like
$route['method/param1'] = 'controller/method/param1';
Updated with information from chat
Using login_get() and login_post() and then making the POST request to AdminLogin_WS/login was the correct thing to do, and the login_post() was getting called, there was just some confusion because the POST was returning the same response as the GET using the code that the poster was using.
Original answer
I would post this as a comment but don't have the rep to do so.
What do you mean by "It only works if I create a controller function called login_get()"? That sounds to me like you're sending in a GET rather than a POST to your route. Can you give some information on how you're testing to see if you can POST and get to your login_post()? Have you tried downloading a tool like Postman (https://www.getpostman.com/) and sending in a POST to help eliminate the possibility that you're not sending in the POST correctly?
I'm attempting to create a custom display in yii2 framework using this code in my site controller:
public function actionChartDisplay()
return $this->render('chartDisplay');
for testing purposes I pasted the form name in my actionAbout function as a parameter to the render function in it. It worked with this:
public function actionAbout()
return $this->render('chartDisplay');
But I need to create many custom views in yii2 and this won't be a solution.
This is the error I get
I'm curious as to why it is. Since I was following this tutorial and came across this weird behaviour.
My 'chartDisplay.php' file is merely a "hello world" that does work with the action about function.
in yii2, the controllers and actions with multiple words, that are marked by capital letters are divided by - in your request, so in your case the route would be some/chart-display
Apparently as #SmartCoder pointed out it was an error on how Yii2 Handles the action functions in its controller however I didn't mark his answer as the solution right away because implementing it resulted in an error. So aside from that I'm posting the way I solved it.
So instead of using chart-display I simply changed it for "charts" like this:
public function actionCharts(){
return $this->render('charts');
Changed the name of my file so it fits to charts.php and it worked.
I can not get values sent from post method, using http request.
I am getting values using get method, but I need to get it using post method.
I am not using any view, I want to call http url, and send some data in my controller using post method.
This is how my controller looks like,
namespace Spaarg\eMenuApi\Controller\Index;
class Products extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context)
return parent::__construct($context);
public function execute()
//$token = $this->getRequest()->getPostValue();
$token = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
I am new to magento 2, and I don't understand what is the problem.
It will be great if someone can help.
It probably has to do with the Content-type of the http request, where Magento only understands Json and Xml (this is explained here). If you're using a different Content-type in the request or your data doesn't match the type declared in the header, then getPost() will not work.
As a fallback, you can always get all the POST data by using the following way:
public function execute()
$postData = file_get_contents("php://input");
Keep in mind that this will get the raw string, so you will likely need to process it accordingly before using it (for example with json_decode() or something like that).
For more information about this, check this SO question.
I have a controller for ProductController. I have 4 standard methods bound to respective HTTP methodslike
public function index() // GET
public function create() // POST
public function update() // PUT
public function destroy() //DELETE
So far so good, but i have to make few other functions like getProductsByCategory, getProductsAttributes() etc etc. After implementing this, Will my API still be called REST ? If not than how can i handle these requirements
Resource URI for getProductsByCategory(...):
GET /products?category=books HTTP/1.1
Host: service.org
Resource URI for getProductsAttributes():
GET /products/bmw-528i/attributes HTTP/1.1
Host: service.org
How you implement handling of these request URIs is a implementation detail. If you are using some framework, you can do something like this:
Routes::add("/products/{product-id}/attributes", function($request, $response) {
// do something here
But it is a detail that can not affect RESTfullness of your service.
First off, REST is not a strict standard. The methods you posted comply the REST conventions but a REST service must have several other properties. The two most important ones are:
statelessness: no session, no cookies, authorization on a per-request basis
GET requeste never change any resource
There are other ones, feel free to edit or add in the comments.
The way i see such operations on resources implemented most of the time is:
For example:
GET /product/<product-id>
GET /product/<product-id>/related
POST /product/<product-id>/purchase
GET /categories/tools
I'm creating an API using Cakephp 2.x that needs a POST request to post some data to the server however when I'm posting (using Postman) to with code=123 in the post parameters my $_POST is an empty array.
My route works, I can see variables that I declare and output within the controller, and I've checked that the parameters are being passed in the request by using the chrome developer console checking the network data.
Router::connect('/api/confirm', array('controller' => 'awesomeController', 'action' => 'confirm'));
class AwesomeController extends AppController {
public function confirm() {
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->layout = 'ajax';
I've got my endpoints for the get requests to work just fine, it only seems to be POST data.
Not quite sure why $_POST wouldn't even be available and I'm sure it's something ridiculously silly I've overlooked!
** Edit **
I've attempted the following without success:
I have another method whereby I use GET along with ?parameter=value etc and I am able to use one of the above calls to retrieve the data.
In this case, the variables should be in
Try using URLs like api/confirm?code=123, and they will be in request->query
I may be wrong since I am pretty new to cakePHP but since you set:
$this->autoRender = false;
so the view is not rendered automatically to set the view to ajax layout.
Isn't it necessary to call:
After setting the layout as said here?
Well, hope it helps.
If anybody come here one day by googling, just had the same problem.
Had a REST Controller, called with URL /rest/something/cool.json
Method called inside RestController.php, had output, but no POST, no REQUEST.
Tried with code=123, sending direct JSON, the only way to make it works was to set Content-Type to application/json and to send actual working JSON : Cake seems to validate prior to anything, sending raw data seems useless.
Having application/controllers/admin/images/ with public function get_upload($id=null) where the controller is set to restful = true
How can I call from my News controller, the function above. I try with the following, but I get 404, but the function its self works... calling by a simple $.post() works (with the full route obviously)
$image = Controller::call('admin.images#upload', array($news_id));
Any ideas how should I do it?
Even with HVMC I still get 404 executing HMVC::get('admin.images#upload', array('news_id'=>$news_id)
class Admin_Images_Controller extends Admin_Controller
public $restful = true;
public function get_upload($news_id)
P.S. Admin_Controller exists and its loaded, it has nothing to do with it
What you're looking for is HMVC which Lavarel doesn't support out-of-the-box. I don't use Lavarel so sorry if I get any information wrong, but a quick search directs me here, in which they suggest to use this bundle.
Upon further inspection, seems like you can use Route::forward():
For most cases you can use Route::forward() to achieve what you're trying to do.
Hope it helps :)
I'm experiencing the same problem. The problem is that if the http type (post, get, put, delete) is different it will return 404.
Eg Say you have 2 controllers, image and media. If you have a function called POST_UPLOAD in images controller and another function called GET_RESIZE in media controller, calling GET_RESIZE from POST_UPLOAD will return a 404 and vice versa
But if GET_RESIZE was POST_RESIZE the error would not occur ie same http type.
This means that the http type must be the same.
This is bad because you need to maintain 2 function of RESIZE ie GET_RESIZE & POST_RESIZE.
This is something that is not documented in Laravel.