I worked on a team and then clone the laravel/php codes from our repository. When I serve the laravel on localhost, it cannot find all the file inside the public directory and throw an error on the terminal:
[404]: GET /public/css/style.css - No such file or directory
Many answers to similar issues advise me to change the codes in the blade.php file. The problem is that I can't edit the blade.php because it works fine on other team members even though we have the same ubuntu, PHP, and laravel version and .env file.
What I have tried:
Run composer install and composer update
Try different browsers such as firefox and chromium-based browsers
Run php artisan storage:link
Restart apache2
Run npm install and npm run dev
I think there is some package or something missing.
List of paths I get from dd($__data):
"path" => "/project-directory/project-name/app"
"path.base" => "/project-directory/project-name"
"path.lang" => "/project-directory/project-name/resources/lang"
"path.config" => "/project-directory/project-name/config"
"path.public" => "/project-directory/project-name/public"
"path.storage" => "/project-directory/project-name/storage"
"path.database" => "/project-directory/project-name/database"
"path.resources" => "/project-directory/project-name/resources"
"path.bootstrap" => "/project-directory/project-name/bootstrap"
Have you tried?
php artisan storage:link
You need first run
php artisan storage:link
For more details check https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/filesystem
Then you must be check your .env values.
Is correctly APP_URL=
Also in your exception is strange
Reason is wrong configuration.
First check your .env values like
then check config/filesystems.php
Is there a way I can verify which paths it is actually using?
And secondly the documentation does not seem valid - I don't have any ~/cache directory OR $XDG_CACHE_HOME/composer...
If you are looking for your global composer configuration you can use the config command:
composer config --global --list
Sample output form my docker container:
$ composer config --global --list | grep cache
[cache-dir] /tmp/cache
[cache-files-dir] {$cache-dir}/files (/tmp/cache/files)
[cache-repo-dir] {$cache-dir}/repo (/tmp/cache/repo)
[cache-vcs-dir] {$cache-dir}/vcs (/tmp/cache/vcs)
[cache-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-maxsize] 300MiB (314572800)
You might have missed the last part of the documentation, though:
Defaults to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer on Windows, $XDG_CACHE_HOME/composer on unix systems that follow the XDG Base Directory Specifications, and $home/cache on other unix systems. Stores all the caches used by Composer. See also COMPOSER_HOME.
Source: https://getcomposer.org/doc/06-config.md#cache-dir, emphasis mine.
So I think, here you missred $home/cache to be ~/cache when it is actually $COMPOSER_HOME/cache
From my docker container still, which confirm the /tmp/cache folder raised by the config command:
$ echo $home
So, in short, if set, the $COMPOSER_HOME takes the precedence:
$ composer config -gl | grep 'cache-dir'
[cache-dir] /root/.composer/cache
[cache-files-dir] {$cache-dir}/files (/root/.composer/cache/files)
[cache-repo-dir] {$cache-dir}/repo (/root/.composer/cache/repo)
[cache-vcs-dir] {$cache-dir}/vcs (/root/.composer/cache/vcs)
$ echo $HOME
$ whoami
As you can see here, after unsetting $COMPOSER_HOME, I end up with the home of my user (root here, which would be a bad practice for composer but I am on docker, for the demo).
So what you should read in
By default it points to (...) /home/<user>/.composer
Source: https://getcomposer.org/doc/03-cli.md#composer-home
By default, when the variable is not set, it points to (...) /home/<user>/.composer
Some time ago I asked about setting env settings and how to properly use them. I was quickly pointed to a comparable question and I found out that indeed it was bad practice to use env('KEY') throughout your code.
So now I am in the process of migrating my env settings to config/app.php.
However, if I play with Tinker, the env variables from Linux are not loaded by Laravel. For instance, if I place:
'test' => 'testing123',
within the config/app.php
and do a
sudo php artisan config:cache
and employ Tinker
=> "testing123"
So that seems to work. However, if I place the following
'test' => env('DB_PORT'),
and do a
sudo php artisan config:cache
and test this with tinker:
=> null
But when I am in the console and use:
env|grep DB_PORT
I see the right value for the DB_PORT key. I am supplying these in AWS frontend, these properties are then passed in the application as environment properties.
Anyone any idea why these are not imported/loaded correctly?
php artisan config:clear
Or you can just manually delete bootstrap/config.php, which is what artisan does after all.
See: vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ConfigClearCommand.php
I have trouble deploying with Deployer 4.0.2 and I am in need for help of somebody more experienced than me in this.
I want to deploy a repository of mine to a Ubuntu 16.04 server.
I am using laravel homestead as a development environment, where I also installed deployer. From there I ssh into my remote server.
I was able to deploy my code with the root user, until I hit a RuntimeExceptionthat aborted my deployment.
Do not run Composer as root/super user! See https://getcomposer.org/root for details
That made me create another user called george, whom I gave superuser rights. I copied my public key from my local machine to a newly generated ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, that gave me permission to access the server via ssh.
Yet when I run dep deploy with the new user:
server('production', '')
->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/test');
I get another RuntimeException:
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Now it looks like the new user george cannot access the ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pubkey. So I copy them from the root folder into my home folder and also add the public key in the Github SSH settings.
cp root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub home/george/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
cp root/.ssh/id_rsa home/george/.ssh/id_rsa
Only to get the same error as before.
In the end I had to add github to my list of authorized hosts:
ssh-keyscan -H github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Only to get the next RuntimeException
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
I managed to comment this code in the deploy.php
// desc('Restart PHP-FPM service');
// task('php-fpm:restart', function () {
// // The user must have rights for restart service
// // /etc/sudoers: username ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl restart php-fpm.service
// run('sudo systemctl restart php-fpm.service');
// });
// after('deploy:symlink', 'php-fpm:restart');
to get the deployment process finally done, and now I ask myself, if the restart of php-fpm is really necessary, for me to continue debugging this deployment tool? Or can I live without it?
And if I need it, can somebody help me understand what I need it for? And maybe as a luxury also provide the solution to the RuntimeException?
Try this:
->identityFile('~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', '~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'pass phrase')
It works great for me - no need for an askpass program.
It helps to be explicit in my experience.
As for your phpfm restart task .. I haven't seen that before. Shouldn't be needed. :)
That you provide a password is probably a good sign that you ought to refactor your Deployer code a bit if you keep it under source control.
I am loading site specific data from a YAML file - which I am not submitting to source control.
The first bit of my stage.yml :
# Site Configuration
# -------------
host: hostname
user: username
public_key: /home/user/.ssh/key.pub
private_key: /home/user/.ssh/key
password: "password"
stage: production
repository: https://github.com/user/repository.git
deploy_path: /var/www
debug: false
stage: 'prod'
And then, in my deploy.php :
if (!file_exists (__DIR__ . '/deployer/stage/servers.yml')) {
die('Please create "' . __DIR__ . '/deployer/stage/servers.yml" before continuing.' . "\n");
serverList(__DIR__ . '/deployer/stage/servers.yml');
set('repository', '{{repository}}');
set('default_stage', 'production');
Notice that, when you use serverList, it replaces your server setup in deploy.php
I'm trying out the PHP micro Framework Lumen (from Laravel).
One of my first steps was to look into the .env.example file and make a copy of it to have my .env file. There is a variable APP_KEY just like there is in Laravel. Now I tried out the simple command php artisan key:generate to get my new key But I ran into the following error message:
[InvalidArgumentException] There are no commands defined in the "key"
Does some one know how I can generate keys for Lumen?
Update with solution
So I found my favorite solution for this problem. On the command line (Linux) I run php -r "echo md5(uniqid()).\"\n\";" what gives me something like this 7142720170cef01171fd4af26ef17c93.
If you are going to use Lumen more often, you may want to create an alias in your .bashrc, which is located in your home directory /home/USERNAME. To do so, you can open the file with nano ~/.bashrc or vi ~/.bashrc and copy the following alias at the end of the file, alias phpkey='php -r "echo md5(uniqid()).\"\n\";"'. Now you can use the command phpkey which will give you a 32 character long random string :)
The Laravel command is fairly simple. It just generates a random 32 character long string. You can do the same in Lumen. Just temporarily add a route like this:
$router->get('/key', function() {
return \Illuminate\Support\Str::random(32);
Then go to /key in your browser and copy paste the key into your .env file.
Afterwards remove the route.
Obviously you could also use some random string generator online. Like this one
Firstly, you have to register your key generator command, put this Lumen Key Generator Commands to app/Console/Commands/KeyGenerateCommand.php. To make this command available in artisan, change app\Console\Kernel.php:
* The Artisan commands provided by your application.
* #var array
protected $commands = [
After that, configure your application so that Illuminate\Config\Repository instance has app.key value. To do this, change bootstrap/app.php:
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
| Create The Application
| Here we will load the environment and create the application instance
| that serves as the central piece of this framework. We'll use this
| application as an "IoC" container and router for this framework.
$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(
After that, copy your .env.example file to .env:
cp .env.example .env
Ignore this step if you already use .env file.
Enjoy you key:generate command via:
php artisan key:generate
You may use Lumen Generator. It covers so much commands you are missing from Laravel.
Simply use PHP CLI. Run this from your local or a remote command line to generate a random 32-character Lumen APP_KEY:
php -r "echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16));"
Output: bae48aba23b3e4395b7f1b484dd25192
Works with PHP 7.x on Mac and Windows.
An easy solution is just running PHP code from the terminal (without using tinker, because that is not available with Lumen):
php -r "require 'vendor/autoload.php'; echo str_random(32).PHP_EOL;"
It uses Laravel's Str::random() function that makes use of the secure random_bytes() function.
For me the easiest way to generate a Lumen key is typing on console one of these commands:
date | md5
date | md5sum
openssl rand -base64 24
depending of your environment. In my case, I aways use date | md5 on mac
The APP_KEY generation is a step of development process (I don't think that creating temporarily routes is a practical way to do it). The function str_random can help us, but this function is part of Laravel/Lunmen framework.
I recommend running tinker
php artisan tinker
and then run the function
>>> str_random(32)
The result is the key you're looking for.
=> "y3DLxnEczGWGN4CKUdk1S5GbMumU2dfH"
To generate key and use laravel command you need to install one package. The details are as below:
You have to install package composer require flipbox/lumen-generator
You have to add $app->register(Flipbox\LumenGenerator\LumenGeneratorServiceProvider::class); into bootstrap/app.php file.
Link: https://github.com/flipboxstudio/lumen-generator
All I do on mac is execute this command in the terminal:
date | md5 | pbcopy
This copies the value into the clipboard and so you can easily paste the key into the .env file.
I have used these commands:
php -r \"copy('.env.example', '.env');\"
php -r "echo password_hash(uniqid(), PASSWORD_BCRYPT).\"\n\";"
The command generates a key similar to this:
This answer was inspired by #thomas-venturini 's update to the question. Here's a bash script that takes care of creating .env and updating it with an APP_KEY using the aforementioned PHP command and the UNIX sed command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function generate_app_key {
php -r "echo md5(uniqid()).\"\n\";"
sed -e s/APP_KEY=.*$/APP_KEY=${APP_KEY}/g .env.example > .env
Hope someone finds this useful.
Run php -a to start up interactive php playground.
Then run echo substr(md5(rand()), 0, 32); to generate a 32 character string.
You can then copy/paste into the .env file.
1.Open your terminal setup file:
vim ~/.zshrc
2.Create an alias for generating random strings:
# Lumen Key Generate
alias lumen-key="php -r \"require 'vendor/autoload.php'; echo base64_encode(str_random(32)).PHP_EOL;\""
3.Get a key whenever you need:
~/your-lumen-project via 🐘 v7.3.0
➜ lumen-key
You can also remove the third step by adding the key directly in .env using PHP.
Fix error: there are no comands defined...
[boostrap/app] Check if you register the Flipbox\LumenGenerator after return $app. If so move the Service provider register before return app...
* Configure extra LARAVEL commands to a lumen app
* Check avaliable commands in git: flipboxstudio lumen-generator
if($app->environment() !== 'production'){
return $app;
Lumen 8.0 / flipbox/lumen-generator 8.2
It Worked 100%
Simply install the flipbox/lumen-generator package
composer require flipbox/lumen-generator.
Inside your bootstrap/app.php file, add:
Then after you can able to run php artisan commands,
more info: https://github.com/flipboxstudio/lumen-generator