Insert into SQL database 2 lines with an array - php

I can insert into my database. Except I need to modify the code.
I have a tables that contains the labor and part numbers and cost in a mysql database. I am then inserting it into a SQL database.
The SQL database display is not able to be changed. We perform service work and there are two lines for every product we fix.
Number 1 Parts Line, Number 2 Labor line. I am able to get this information and shove it into the SQL database one line at a time but, I am trying to figure out how to do it within an array.
So Product 1 has part line and labor line. Then Product 2 has a part line and labor line and so forth.
Example SQL Database View
So this is causing some issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure what the 'causing some issues' might be, as you don't say, but you CAN insert two items in one statement (assuming that you have the data for both rows), if it might help the 'issue':
Something like this:
INSERT INTO table (field1, field2, field3, ...)
VALUES (data1, data2, data3, ...),(data1, data2, data3, ...);
The first value set can be the parts info, the second value set can be the labor info.


Select column(s) names based on user entry with a MYSQL query

Using PHP a secure user will enter a Ref (ex. NB093019) a query will be used to determine which PO(s) have that Ref and if they have any quantity. The issue is that we have 86 columns to check if that Ref is in and then once it finds what column it is in how to check the corresponding column that contains that quantity( the table cannot be edited).
I can make this work with 86 if else statements in PHP and then more if else statements inside of each PHP statement. I have no launching point once i do the initial query.
select 'remainder'as prefix, po, *comments,*GuideRef, *Qty
from remainder
where ('NB092419')IN (NWANTcomments,NWANTGuideRef,NWANTpreviouscomments,
NWANTprevious2GuideRef, BPrev2GuideRef,
BPrev2comments, BPrevGuideRef, BPrevcomments,
aGuideRef, Mcomments,MGuideRef,acomments,
MAGuideRef,BOGuideRef )
group by po
I have removed some of the in() information so it is not so long also the *comments, *GuideRef, *Qty would be decided by which one of the columns in the IN() statement returns information. Is this even possible
You could perhaps write an SQL that writes an SQL:
select REPLACE(
'SELECT ''{colstub}GuideRef'' as which, {colstub}Qty FROM remainder WHERE {colstub}Ref like ''%somevalue%'' UNION ALL',
REPLACE(column_name, 'GuideRef', '')
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'remainder' and column_name LIKE '%Ref'
It works like "pull all the column names out of the info schema where the column name is like %guideref, replace guideref with nothing to get just the fragment of the column name that is varied: NWANTguideref -> NWANT, NWANTpreviousguideref -> NWANTprevious ... then uses this stub to form a query that gives a string depicting the column name, the qty from the quantity column, where the relevant guideref column is LIKE some value"
If you run this it will produce a result set like:
SELECT 'aGuideRef' as which, aQty FROM table WHERE aGuideRef LIKE '%lookingfor%' UNION ALL
SELECT 'bGuideRef' as which, bQty FROM table WHERE bGuideRef LIKE '%lookingfor% ...
So it's basically utputted a load of strings that are SQLs in themselves. It might need a bit of fine tuning, and hopefully all your columns are reliably and rigidly like xQty, xGuideRef, xComments triplets, but it essentially writes most the query for you
If you then copy the result set out of the results grid and paste it back into the query window, remove the last UNION ALL and run it, it will search the columns and tell you where it was found as well as the quantity
It's not too usable for a production system, but you could do the same in php- run the query, get the strings into another sql command, re-run it..
I would suggest you consider changing your table structure though:
prefix, qty, guideref, comments
You shouldn't have 86 columns that are the mostly same thing; you should have one column that is one of 86/3 different values then you can just query the guideref and the type. If this were an address table, I'm saying you **shouldn't* have HomeZipcode, WorkZipcode, UniversityZipcode, MomZipcode, DadZipcode.. and every time you want to store another kind of address you add more columns (BoyfriendZipcode, GirlfriendZipcode, Child1Zipcode...). Instead if you just had an "addresstype" column then you can store any number of different kinds of addresses without recompiling your app and changing your db schema
You can use this technique to re-shape the table - write an SQL that writes a bunch of UNION ALL sqls (without WHERE clauses), one of the columns should be the "recordtype" column (from colstub) and the other columns should just be "qty", "guide", "comments". Once you have your result set with the unions you can make a table to hold these 4 things, and then place INSERT INTO newtable at the head of the block of unions

Informix generate query from other query (eval results to SELECT) - PHP and Informix

First, just simple question: Is there something as "EVAL()" function in Informix?
And now if anyone is interested there is real world problem where I need EVAL() function:
So, I have two tables in DB:
Fist table (main one) is sales_data(data_id, data_val_id, other, columns, ...)
Second table is for_select(data_id, select_part, from_part, where_part, key_column_name)
Problem is that in first table I don't have all data that I need. Additional data is in other tables depending on "data_id" and "data_val_id" columns in first table.
So, second table is for creating SQL SELECT to get those additional data from other tables.
Now I need to create SQL query like this (but I think that there is no EVAL function in Informix):
EVAL(SELECT select_part FROM for_select WHERE data_id=sales_data.data_id)
EVAL(SELECT from_part FROM for_select WHERE data_id=sales_data.data_id)
EVAL(SELECT where_part FROM for_select WHERE data_id=sales_data.data_id)
EVAL(SELECT key_column_name FROM for_select WHERE data_id=sales_data.data_id) = sales_data.data_val_id
) AS additional_data
I don't know who came up with this idea but it is not mine and I can't chage it...
I did tried to do this in PHP with dynamic SQL queries but it is veeery slow. For every row in results from main table PHP must connect to server and send new query. It is very slow and in main table I have around 50000 rows and I have 4 more this "additional_data" columns (grand total 5 "data_id" and "data_val_id" columns in main table).
Can someone help me? Is this posible in one SELECT? Is there something as "EVAL()" function in Informix?
-------- more explanations ---------
Every row in for_select table is very diferent from each other. Data in sales_data table is from our selling (our job) and final report (joined main and additional data) must have all columns. This is something that we can't change, report must look how it looks now and must have all data that have now. I just need to find a way to export it quicker than now.
I will try to write example: In DB we have tables for warehouses, for goods, for clients, for workers, for cars, ... and every row in for_select table is for one of this tables. Table for_select have 54 rows, so this means that we have 54 tables that we need additional data from to put in final report.
In sales_data we only have 5 columns that can be used for 5 diferent things depending on data_id column but I have 54 posible "things" that can be there, so comination of data_id (what table is used for "additional data") and data_val_id (what row from that table) determine what will be in final report. In real life data_id is for diferent type of goods that we sell and therefore for every diferent goods we need to show diferent "additional data" in addition to basic data: number of selled items, price,...
So, why we need for_select table, you ask? Because every table for additional data have diferent names for columns and in diferent place. Table cars have car_id, car_model columns but table warehouses have wh_id,wh_location and wh_name columns, from cars table I ony need car_model column but from warehouses I need wh_location||wh_name together (concated).
Tables names and data are in Serbian and names are not informative at all, so I did my best to translate it to English so you all can understand. Raw data will just confuse you all...

How do I select rows which IDs not in PHPs LARGE array?

I need to solve the following task: I have a quite large array of IDs in PHP script and I need to select from MySQL DB all rows with IDs NOT IN this array.
There are several similar questions (How to find all records which are NOT in this array? (MySql)) and the most favourite answer is use NOT IN () construction with implode(',',$array) within a brackets.
And this worked... until my array gown up to 2007 IDs and about 20 kB (in my case) I've got a "MySQL server has gone away" error. As I can understand this is because of the lengthy query.
There are also some solutions to this problem like this:
SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;
(just taken from this question).
Probably I could do it in this way, however now I doubt that NOT IN (implode) approach is a good one to a big arrays (I expect that in my case array can be up to 8000 IDs and 100 kB).
Is there any better solution for a big arrays?
As a solution it is recommended to insert all IDs from array to a temporary table and than use JOIN to solve the initial task. This is clear. However I never used temporary tables and therefore I have some additional question (probably worth to be as a separate question but I decided to leave it here):
If I need to do this routine several times during one MySQL session, which approach will be better:
Each time I need to SELECT ID NOT IN PHP array I will create a NEW temporary table (all those tables will be deleted after MySQL connection termination - after my script will be terminated in fact).
I will create a temporary table and delete one after I made needed SELECT
I will TRNCATE a temporary table afterwards.
Which is the better? Or I missed something else?
In such cases it is usually better to create a temporary table and perform the query against it instead. It'd be something along the lines of:
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3);
SELECT * FROM yourtable
LEFT JOIN t1 on (
Of course INSERT statement should be constructed so that you'd insert all values from your array into the temporary table.
Edit: Inserting all values in a single INSERT statement would most probably lead into the same problem you already faced. Hence I'd suggest that you use a prepared statement that will be executed to insert the data into temporary table while you iterate through the PHP array.
I've once had to tackle this problem, but with a IN(id) WHERE Clause with approx 20,000-30,000 identifiers (indexes).
The way I got around this, with SELECT query, was that I reduced the number of filtered identifiers and increased the number of times I sent the same query, in order to extract the same data.
You could use array_chunk for PHP and divide 20,000 by 15, which would give you 15 separate SQL Calls, filtering records by 1500 identifiers (per call, you can divide more than 15 to reduce the number of identifiers further). But in your case, if you just divide 2007 idenitifers by 10 it would reduce the number of identifiers you're pushing to the database to 200 per SQL request, there are otherways to optimize this further with temporary tables and so fourth.
By dividing the number of indexes you're trying filter it will speed up each query, to run faster than if you were to send every index to the database in a single dump.

Optimal mySQL table index structure for faster SELECT of a large range of daily data

I am wondering the best format to lay out my data in a mySQL table so that it can be queried in the fastest manner to gather an array of daily values to be further utilized by php.
So far, I have laid out the table as such:
item_id price_date price_amount
1 2000-03-01 22.4
2 2000-03-01 19.23
3 2000-03-01 13.4
4 2000-03-01 14.95
1 2000-03-02 22.5
2 2000-03-02 19.42
3 2000-03-02 13.4
4 2000-03-02 13.95
with item_id defined as an index.
Also, I am using:
"SELECT DISTINCT price_date FROM table_name"
to get an array containing a unique list of dates.
Furthermore, the part of the code that is within a loop (and the focus of my optimization question) is currently written as:
"SELECT price_amount FROM table_name WHERE item_id = 1 ORDER BY price_date"
This second "SELECT" statement is actually within a loop where I am selecting/storing-in-array the daily prices of each item_id requested.
All is currently functioning and pulling the data from mySQL properly, however, both the above listed "SELECT" statements are taking approx 4-5 seconds to complete per each run, and when looping through 100+ products to create a summary, adds up to a very inefficient/slow information system.
Is there any more-efficient way that I could structure the mySQL table and/or SELECT statements to retrieve the results faster? Perhaps defining a different index on a different column? I have used the EXPLAIN command to return information per the queries but am unsure how to use the EXPLAIN information to increase the efficiency of my queries.
Thanks in advance for any mySQL wizards that may be able to assist.
Single column index
I am using:
"SELECT DISTINCT price_date FROM table_name"
to get an array containing a unique list of dates.
This query can be executed more efficiently if you create an index for the price_date column:
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX price_idx (price_date);
Mutiple column index
Furthermore, the part of the code that is within a loop (and the focus of my optimization question) is currently written as:
"SELECT price_amount FROM table_name WHERE item_id = 1 ORDER BY price_date"
For the second query, you should create an index covering both the item_id and price_date column:
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX item_price_idx (item_id, price_date);
I know this is a bit late, but i stumbled across this and thought I would throw my thoughts into the mix.
Indexes used well are very helpful in speeding up queries (Explain shows some really godd results around which indexes are being chosen - if any - for a specific query). However efficient PHP will help even more.
In your case you do not show the PHP, but it looks like you offer a list of dates and then loop through finding all the items in that date to get the prices. It would be more efficient to do something like the following:
Select item_id, price_amount from table_name where price_date= order by item_id, price_amount
with an index (preferably a Unique Index) on price_date,item_id,price_amount
You then have a single loop through the resultant SQL not a loop with multiple SQL connections (this is especially true if your SQL server is separate from the PHP box as an external network connection can have an overhead).
4-5 seconds for a single query though is very slow )by a factor of at least 100x) so it would indicate a problem (very large table with no key to use) or disk issues (potentially).

(My)SQL - batch update

Hey, I have a table with "id", "name", and "weight" columns. Weight is an unsigned small int.
I have a page that displays items ordered by "weight ASC". It'll use drag-n-drop, and once the order is changed, will pass out a comma-separated string of ids (in the new order).
Let's say there's 10 items in that table. Here's what I have so far:
Sample input:
Sample PHP handler (error handlers & security stuff excluded):
$weight = 0;
$id_array = explode(',', $id_string);
foreach ($id_array as $key => $val)
mysql_query("UPDATE tbl SET weight = '$weight' where id = '$val' LIMIT 1");
When I make a change to column order, will my script need to make 10 separate UPDATE queries, or is there a better way?
You could create a temporary table with the new data in it (i.e., id and weight are the columns), then update the table with this data.
create temporary table t (id int, weight float);
insert into t(id, weight) values (1, 1.0), (2, 27), etc
update tbl inner join t on =
set tbl.weight = t.weight;
So, you have one create statement, one insert statement, and one update statement.
You can only specify one where clause in a single query -- which means, in your case, that you can only update one row at a time.
With 10 items, I don't know if I would go through that kind of troubles (it means re-writing some code -- even if that's not that hard), but, for more, a solution would be to :
delete all the rows
inserts them all back
doing all that in a transaction, of course.
The nice point is that you can do several inserts in a single query ; don't know for 10 items, but for 25 or 50, it might be quite nice.
Here is an example, from the insert page of the MySQL manual (quoting) :
INSERT statements that use VALUES
syntax can insert multiple rows. To do
this, include multiple lists of column
values, each enclosed within
parentheses and separated by commas.
INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);
Of course, you should probably not insert "too many" items in a single insert query -- an insert per 50 items might be OK, though (to find the "right" number of items, you'll have to benchmark, I suppose ^^ )
Yes, you would need to do 10 updates. There are ways to batch up multiple queries in a single call to mysql_query, but it's probably best to avoid that.
If it's performance you are worried about, make sure you try it first before worrying about that. I suspect that doing 10 (or even 20 or 30) updates will be plenty fast.
10 updates is the simplest way conceptually. if you've got a bazillion rows that need to be updated, then you might have to try something different, such as creating a temporary table and using a JOIN in your UPDATE statement or a subquery with a row constructor.
Store the records in a temp table with batch insert and delete the records from the tbl and then from temp table do batch insert in tbl
