Twilio doesn't show the delivery status - php

I have sent the SMS via laravel. In twilio delivery status not showing for that SMS. If I try to sent via Javascript it shows delivery status.
$client->account->sms_messages->create($from, $sms_to, "Test SMS" , array());

Twilio developer evangelist here.
You are using the deprecated SMS/Messages endpoint with that call. The deprecated endpoint does not include delivery statuses.
Instead, you should call:
$client->account->messages->create($from, $sms_to, "Test SMS" , array());
Note that is messages not sms_messages.
Let me know if that helps at all.

You need to assign the result to a variable, then, see what the method returns in order to print something.
$message = $client->account->sms_messages->create('$from', $sms_to, "Test SMS" , array());
If you need further info, check the documentation and select your version:


PHP : How to show complete hyperlink in sms

I am sending sms to mobile using twilio sms service in PHP but in sms it only show as a hypelink missing ?v=ccc part . how can I make it show this whole as a hyperlink in sms ?
This is the code I am using to send sms :
function sendText($number, $id, $product_domain)
$short_url = 'http://s.'. $product_domain .'.com?v='.$this->toBase($id);
$client = new Services_Twilio(TWILIOSID, TWILIOTOKEN);
$client->account->messages->sendMessage("123-4567-9870", $number,
"Your Scope is complete ".$short_url." Customer Service 877.697.2673 . To disable this service reply with \"stop\"");
This $short_url will be generated as
Changing to fixed the issue for me.

Can't received inbound sms in plivo, it dosen't trigger codeigniter url

Recently I'm trying to received sms to plivo number. when i sent a sms from outsite plivo then it sent and plivo log status will show delivered. But i need to save data into database. It does not trigger to my controller function.
I already sent sms through another function. it sent and saved into my database but problem is, when anyone reply into this number.
controller function:
public function index()
// Sender's phone numer
$from_number = $this->input->get("From"); // $this->input->post("From"); dosen't work.
// Receiver's phone number - Plivo number
$to_number = $this->input->get("To"); // $this->input->post("To"); dosen't work.
// The SMS text message which was received
$text = $this->input->get("Text"); // $this->input->post("Text"); dosen't work.
// Output the text which was received to the log file.
// error_log("Message received - From: ".$from_number.", To: ".$to_number. ", Text: ".$text);
$arr = array("from" => $from_number, "to" => $to_number, "text" => $text);
Plivo application URL :
Message Method : GET
Message Method : POST // Dosen't work.
Codeigniter Config:
$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
In plivo log status delivered.
any help?
Plivo started their Stop DND protocol a few days ago (i.e. June 2016). When a message comes back in response to a text from a Plivo phone number that says Stop... all further messages from Plivo are blocked.
The Plivo number sends a message and the recipient responds with Stop.
There is no do over. From then on, NO messages from Plivo will be delivered to that recipient as the recipients Stop message is interpreted as a request that all further messages be blocked.
Plivo offers no way of turning message delivery back on. That user has no way of correcting the Stop if sent in error. There is no do over.
All solutions lead to using a new different phone number.
A band aid... Incoming messages to that Plivo number still get received so there is the possibility of sending outgoing response messages from a second Plivo or other number. In theory looks OK BUT in reality this is at best a short term fix.
Most users naturally depend on sending messages by replying. Replying to the wrong new incoming number, instead of sending to the original phone number, just sets up another set of problems and issues to deal with. Not the least of those is what ever reason that caused the stop message in the 1st place or accidentally doing it again. Ends up like cutting your finger off 1/16th of an inch at a time.
At the first time i load plivo library class on the sms received controller, it was a problem. I just erase those line from controller and then it works fine.
We have to follow:
Plivo application always get data for codeigniter function. Codeigniter Config: $config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE; SMS received controller only load Codeigniter library file, nothing else.
It works for me.

Push notification overrides previous notifications

I'm using codeigniter-gcm library on top of codeigniter to send messages to Google Cloud Messaging service. It sends the message and the message is received at the mobile device, but if I send multiple messages, only the latest message appears on the device (as if it is overriding the previous messages).
I'm seeing that I might need to create a unique notification ID, but I'm not seeing how it's done anywhere on the codeigniter-gcm documentation or Google's documentation for downstream messages.
Any idea how this should be done?
Here's my code in the codeigniter controller. It is worth mentioning that Google's response contains a different message_id for each time I send a push...
public function index() {
$this->gcm->setMessage("Test message sent on " . date("d.m.Y H:i:s"));
'title' => 'my title',
'some_key' => 'some_val'
if ($this->gcm->send())
echo 'Success for all messages';
echo 'Some messages have errors';
After three exhausting days I found the solution. I'm posting it here in hope of saving someone else's time...
I had to add a parameter to the data object inside the greater JSON object, named "notId" with a unique integer value (which I chose to use a random integer from a wide range). Now why Google didn't include this in their docs? Beats me...
Here's how my JSON looks now, when it creates separate notifications instead of overriding:
"data": {
"title":"test title",
"message":"Test message from 30.09.2015 12:57:44",
I'm now thinking that the notId parameter is not really determined by Google, but by a plugin I use on the mobile app side.
To extend further on my environment, my mobile app is developed using Phonegap, so to get push notification I use phonegap-plugin-push which I now see in its docs that parameter name.
I'm kinda' lost now as far as explaining the situation - but happy it is no longer a problem for me :-)
You need to pass a unique ID to each notification. Once you have clicked on the notification you use that ID to remove it.
mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
But I'm sure you shouldn't have so much of notifications for user at once. You should show a single notification that consolidates info about group of events like for example Gmail client does. Use Notification.Builder for that purpose.
NotificationCompat.Builder b = new NotificationCompat.Builder(c);
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(c.getResources(), R.drawable.list_avatar))
.setContentTitle(pushCount > 1 ? c.getString(R.string.stat_messages_title) + pushCount : title)
.setContentText(pushCount > 1 ? push.ProfileID : mess)
.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(c, 0, it, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))
.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(c, 0, new Intent(ACTION_CLEAR_NOTIFICATION), PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT))
.setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS | Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE)

Twilio Callback URL not Called - PHP & Wordpress

I'm trying to integrate Twilio onto my Wordpress site.
The idea is to allow users to type in their phone number to get a download link to our app. We've put up a simple form here - - and upon submitting the form, the EvntrPHP.php code is run.
Using template code, we've easily been able to get the form to send a message to a verified number (the one currently in the To field) using a free Twilio number. However, when we add the StatusCallback parameter, it never calls our callback.php code. Both EvntrPHP.php and callback.php are in the root directory -
require 'twiliophp/Services/Twilio.php';
$AccountSid = "--------";
$AuthToken = "---------";
$client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid, $AuthToken);
$phonenum = $_POST["phonenum"];
$callbackURL = "";
'From' => "+XXXXXXXXXX",
'Body' => "Test Message",
'StatusCallback' => "",
My understanding is that the flow should be like this:
user navigates to
user submits the form with their number
form calls EvntrPHP.php and sends a text message to their number
Twilio POSTs to callback.php whenever the status of the message changes (Sent, Delivered, Canceled, etc).
However, every time I submit the form, the message is sent and the page just stays at and never loads callback.php. Maybe this is a misunderstanding on my part with how Callback URLs work? Or maybe the StatusCallback parameter doesn't work with a free Twilio number?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You are correct that the Twilio callbacks are not working as you expect. As McCann points out, the request is made asynchronously from Twilio to the URL you supply. You can use the callback to keep track of the progress of the message, but not affect the request the user has made.
So, in your example you either want to render something after you have sent the message:
require 'twiliophp/Services/Twilio.php';
// other stuff
'To' => $phonenum,
'From' => "+14708655xxx",
'Body' => "Test Message",
'StatusCallback' => "",
<h1>You should receive an SMS, click the link in the SMS to download the app on the platform of choice.</h1>
With some more style than a plain <h1> of course! Or, you could redirect to a page with a success message on. (PHP is not my strongest subject, but discussions of redirects are rife on this StackOverflow question)
Good luck with the app, and let me know if you have any more Twilio questions!
As discussed in the comments, if you want to see if the API request was successful you'll want to do something like:
require 'twiliophp/Services/Twilio.php';
// other stuff
try {
'To' => $phonenum,
'From' => "+14708655xxx",
'Body' => "Test Message",
'StatusCallback' => "",
// Success! Redirect to success page!
} catch (Services_Twilio_RestException $e) {
// Something went wrong!
// Do something about it!
So, wrapping the API call in a try/catch block and responding appropriately should catch most errors from incorrect phone numbers or other API errors. It won't guarantee that the SMS has been delivered (you'll get that from the callback webhook) but it will guarantee that you've done all you can to get the SMS sent.
The callback doesn't work like you think it does.
Call End Callback (StatusCallback) Requests
After receiving a call, requesting TwiML from your app, processing it, and finally ending the call, Twilio will make an asynchronous HTTP request to the StatusCallback URL configured for the called Twilio number (if there is one). By providing a StatusCallback URL for your Twilio number and capturing this request you can determine when a call ends and receive information about the call.

Description of the item is never actually displayed to the end use via Coinbase API

I am trying to create a simple payment system for bitcoins using coinbase API and this lovely script I found on github
Everything works smoothly, but I would like to be able to take the users delivery address as well.
I am using the following to create a payment button:
$response = $coinbase->createButton("This is an item", "$amount", "BTC", "Trackcode", array(
"description" => "Item Description here"
echo $response->embedHtml;
I noticed that the description of the item is never actually displayed to the end user.
"description" => "Item Description here"
I am thinking this may be used as a reference for the merchant once a transaction has taken place. If this is true, I could take advantage of this by having the users delivery address parsed in to the "item description". This should then be displayed to me in my merchant account over at coinbase.
I know I could quite easily test this myself by making a transaction, but my "wallet" is empty at the moment.
Does anyone with any experience with coinbase know if this is true?
I found the official Coinbase script quite unsuccesfull, so I wrote my own.
Hope this helps...
Have you tried using their api library? It has a nice documentation and is almost error free. It should be fairly simple if you use this api. Here is the sample provided for payment buttons in the github doc.
$response = $coinbase->createButton("Your Order #1234", "42.95", "EUR", "my custom tracking code for this order", array(
"description" => "1 widget at €42.95"
echo $response->button->code;
// '93865b9cae83706ae59220c013bc0afd'
echo $response->embedHtml;
// '<div class=\"coinbase-button\" data-code=\"93865b9cae83706ae59220c013bc0afd\"></div><script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>'
The description parameter is only displayed on Coinbase's Payment Pages. The custom parameter (4th argument in createButton function) is recommended for returning data after payment is made, however, the description parameter will also be returned in the Callback response for Payment Buttons or Payment iFrames.
Not sure if this helps, but Coinbase also allows an include_address parameter (boolean) which prompts the buyer for their shipping address before displaying the payment options.
Parameter Reference:
