SVN commit command line with path inside a variable in php - php

I need to create a web app which works with SVN command line. So I want to use a exec command with svn commit and a variable contains the path of the working copy. I tried this code but didn't work. Commit didn't take place.
$msg="first commit";
exec("svn commit -m $msg $lpath");
And yeah I added all the files inside already. I tried by replacing the lpath with path value and it worked.
Please help...

Your string expands to
svn commit -m first commit c:\a\svn\projectwc
Whereas you need to do
svn commit -m "first commit" c:\a\svn\projectwc
As the log message is more than one word it needs to be in quotes.
I think you should re-think what you are trying to achieve here. Constructing strings based on user input and passing them to exec is a very bad idea from a security perspective.
Also you tagged the post tortoise-svn - if you invoke TSVN from the command line it pops up the GUI which is definitely not appropriate server side.
Then you've got other considerations like:
How to log error messages when things go wrong
Does the Web server have sufficient access to the working copy to perform these operations
Is the invocation of "svn" even possible in your environment.
Whatever you are trying to do, it's probable there is some free software out there that does it already. svn has a webdav interface and an API implemented in many languages - this would be far safer than using exec


GITHUB : I want to add project from local to live server through github [duplicate]

Is there any way to set up git such that it listens for updates from a remote repo and will pull whenever something changes? The use case is I want to deploy a web app using git (so I get version control of the deployed application) but want to put the "central" git repo on Github rather than on the web server (Github's interface is just soooo nice).
Has anyone gotten this working? How does Heroku do it? My Google-fu is failing to give me any relevant results.
Git has "hooks", actions that can be executed after other actions. What you seem to be looking for is "post-receive hook". In the github admin, you can set up a post-receive url that will be hit (with a payload containing data about what was just pushed) everytime somebody pushes to your repo.
For what it's worth, I don't think auto-pull is a good idea -- what if something wrong was pushed to your branch ? I'd use a tool like capistrano (or an equivalent) for such things.
On unix-likes you can create cron job that calls "git pull" (every day or every week or whatever) on your machine. On windows you could use task scheduler or "AT" command to do the same thing.
There are continuous integrations programs like Jenkins or Bamboo, which can detect commits and trigger operations like build, test, package and deploy. They do what you want, but they are heavy with dependencies, hard to configure and in the end they may use periodical check against git repository, which would have same effect like calling git pull by cron every minute.
I know this question is a bit old, but you can use the windows log and git to autopull your project using a webhook and php (assuming your project involves a webserver.
See my gist here :
As some have noticed after trying this, if you use php exec(), it turns out that solving for permissions is not that simple.
The user that will execute the command might not be your own, but www-data or apache.
If you have root/sudo access, I recommend you read this Jonathan's blog post
When you aren't allowed/can't solve permissions
My solution was a bit creative. I noticed I could create a script under my username with a loop and git pull would work fine. But that, as pointed out by others, bring the question of running a lot of useless git pull every, say, 60 seconds.
So here the steps to a more delicate solution using webhooks:
deploy key: Go to your server and type:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "deploy" to generate a new deploy key, no need write-permissions (read-only is safer). Copy the public key to your github repository settings, under "deploy key".
Webhook: Go to your repository settings and create a webhook. Lets assume the payload address is
Payload: create a php file with this code example bellow in it. The purpose of the payload is not to git pull but to warn the following script that a pull is necessary. Here the simple code:
/* Deploy (C) by DrBeco 2021-06-08 */
echo("<br />\n");
Script: create a script in your preferred folder, say, /home/user/ with the following code:
cd /home/user/www/
while true ; do
if [[ -f GITPULLMASTER ]] ; then
git pull > gitpull.log 2>&1
sleep 10
Detach: the last step is to run the script in detached mode, so you can log out and keep the script running in background.
There are 2 ways of doing that, the first is simpler and don't need screen software installed:
run ./ & to put it in background
then type disown -h %1 to detach and you can log out
run screen
run ./
type control+a d to detach and you can log out
This solution is simple and you avoid messing with keys, passwords, permissions, sudo, root, etc., and also you prevent the script to flood your server with useless git pulls.
The way it works is that it checks if the file GITPULLMASTER exists; if not, back to sleep. Only if it exists, then do a git pull.
You can change the line:
if you prefer a cleaner directory. But I find it useful for debug to let the pull date registered (and untracked).
For our on-premises Windows test servers, we use Windows Task Scheduler tasks, set to run every 3 minutes, pulling from Bitbucket Cloud to repositories on those servers. While not instantaneous, it meets our needs, and has proven to be reliable.

Revalidate opcache only after git push

I'm using PHP with OPcache. I only git-push to master to deploy my web site in production (not really, it's just after unit tests, but never mind). In php.ini file, OPcache settings are about "time" and "frequency". But I just want to reset cache after git pull on my server.
So I think I just need to call opcache_reset after git-pull on my production server and set opcache.validate_timestamps to 0 (never reset cache)
I did not read anything about that way, so I doubt: I don't know if it's a good practice. Did I miss something? Is there any risk or is it OK?
Thanks a lot!
P.S. : I'm using a PHP framework and composer (composer install is running just after git-pull)
In order to get the greatest benefit from OPCache you should disable opcache.validate_timestamps. If you subsequently call opcache_reset() from a script every time you deploy your code to the server, then your OPCache is cleared once for each new set of files, and the system doesn't waste resources constantly checking the files.
There's a couple of "gotchas", however:
First of all, Make sure that the call to opcache_reset() happens, or else you'll be running the old code. If you have a script to execute your deploy, make sure it fails loudly if this step doesn't execute.
Secondly, depending on exactly how PHP is running (mod_php vs php-fpm), you may need to execute the opcache_reset() function via a request to the browser, not via the command line. For example, the most obvious solution to clear the cache is to have a simple PHP file like the following
if (php_sapi() != "cli") die("Not accessible from web");
and execute that file on each code pull. Depending on the version of PHP and how it's run that may only clear the cache for the command line and not for your running web version.
If clearing from the command line doesn't work, consider creating a similar script and calling it via the web using curl or wget. For example, curl If you create the script to be web accessible, then make sure it checks a secret key to prevent someone from loading up your server by constantly clearing your cache.
Finally, as others have suggested, to make your builds totally repeatable between testing and deployment, consider having the end of the test process create a .zip file of the entire code used for testing, including the libraries pulled down by composer. Rather than git pull on your server, just unzip the file over the code root. I realize that git pull && composer update is easy. However, as others have suggested, if a library gets updated between the time tests were run and the time of deployment, then your code may no longer work as expected.

PHP + MySQL Deployment

I'm just trying to find an easier way to deploy a site I'm working on. I'm working alone with a test a production server and right now deployment means copying a subset of the files and database data onto my computer and uploading it to the prod site. I'm sure there's a simple synchronization tool out there but so far I've had no luck in finding anything.
What I'd really like is an application I can run locally (on windows) or something I could install on my server for let me have a one-click deployment. Any suggestions?
I have decided for now to go with GoodSync and Toad. Thanks for the suggestions.
man scp
SCP(1) BSD General Commands Manual SCP(1)
scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)
scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file] [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program] [[user#]host1:]file1
[...] [[user#]host2:]file2
scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same
security as ssh(1). Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed for authentication.
Any file name may contain a host and user specification to indicate that the file is to be copied to/from that host. Copies between two
remote hosts are permitted.
When copying a source file to a target file which already exists, scp will replace the contents of the target file (keeping the inode).
If the target file does not yet exist, an empty file with the target file name is created, then filled with the source file contents. No
attempt is made at "near-atomic" transfer using temporary files.
The options are as follows:
-1 Forces scp to use protocol 1.
-2 Forces scp to use protocol 2.
I use GoodSync for this sort of thing. It's really good. Runs on windows, can sync between any combination of local files (S)FTP, windows, linux network shares etc.
Then create a scheduled task/cronjob to run an export of the database into the syncronised folder and have one do an import at the other end. Obviously this process is one way.
PHing is an automated build system made for PHP. Works with GIT, SVN, PHPUnit, etc...
You basically set up XML files that give PHing instructions on what to do. Allows you to run test suites along with build creation, build multiple varied versions at a time, copy files as well as db, and a bunch of other cool features.
Also, it's open source and platform independent.
What are you using for source control? Some tools like Git and SVN have ready-made methods for this sort of thing. See here for a quick Git solution.
I would second the advice about Git/SVN, but would put in a strong plug for Git via GitHub. Use GitHub as your "central" Git repository. Your local Git repository will push to GitHub, and your production server will pull from GitHub.
There is some overhead to learning Git/GitHub, but really, in the situation you've described (a single engineer and two servers), Git isn't any more complicated then SVN (or CVS or anything else).
We use an FTP Synchronizer, which seems to work pretty well. I don't know offhand of any good free ones.
Depends on what type of server you are running, but you could run SVN (Subversion). There is a plugin for Eclipse, Aptana, and Zend Studio if you use that to develop.
Essentially you could have a development repository that sits on the server. You would pull your code down to your local environment and commit it back after changes. Then you can setup another repository that is your live data or production thats linked back to your Development repository.
When you want to update the live data, you just update it so if any trouble happens you can roll back that code without having to roll back your development code. Once you get good at all that you can start branching and tagging your projects.
I personally use both SVN and Git, but I prefer Git because it works so much better. Though if you are using Windows, the command line tools just aren't the same as linux.

How to run a .php file over and over...cron perhaps?

I have a php file that calls exec() on a c++ exe.When the .exe is finishing running I need to run the php file again,repeat .
I am wondering what is the best way to do this? This .php file has no user interaction and needs to be completely automated.
EDIT:Found another solution that would kill the process if it is already running which will cover this issue well.See posts on this page.
Here's a simple Linux line that starts up the script in the background and uses the watch command to restart the script whenever it finishes running:
watch -n 0 php /path/to/script.php &
Once you've started it like this, you can use the ps command to list running processes and find the process ID for watch, and then use kill process_id to stop watch.
It's probably not best practice to run commands like this, but it's a quick and easy solution that doesn't require any special access privileges on the system (whereas using cron might), and doesn't involve editing your code (whereas a codeigniter solution will).
I haven't used codeigniter before but there seems to be a solution as described in the wiki.
Depending on how you can access the system (if you are admin or not) and depending on how you are planning to update the automated commands, IMHO, you could use both solution (Linux crontab or codeigniter cron script).

What's the best way to use SVN to version control a PHP site?

I've always just FTPed files down from sites, edited them and put them back up when creating sites, but feel it's worth learning to do things properly.
I've just commited everything to a SVN repo, and have tried sshing into the server and checking out a tagged build, as well as updating that build using switch.
All good, but it's a lot lot slower than my current process.
What's the best way to set something like this up? Most of my time is just bug fixes or small changes rather than large rewrites, so I'm frequently updating things.
You don't necessarily need to use SVN to deploy the files to the server. Keep using FTP for that and just use SVN for revision history.
You should look at installing rsync to upload changes to your server.
Rsync is great because it compares your local copy of the repo to the copy that's currently on the server and then only sends files that have changed.
This saves you having to remember every file that you changed and selecting them manually to FTP, or having to upload your whole local copy to the server again (and leaving FTP to do the comparisons).
Rsync also lets you exclude files/folder (i.e. .svn/ folders) when syncing between your servers.
I'd recommend you keep using Subversion to track all changes, even bug fixes. When you wish to deploy to your production server, you should use SSH and call svn update. This process can be automated using Capistrano, meaning that you can sit at your local box and call cap deploy -- Capistrano will SSH into your server and perform the Subversion update. Saves a lot of tedious manual labor.
For quick updates I just run svn update from the server.
Sometimes for really really quick updates I edit the files using vim and commit them from the server.
It's not very proper, but quick and quite reliable.
If you want to do this properly, you should definitely look into setting up a local SVN repository. I would also highly recommend setting up a continuous integration (CI) server such as cruise control, which would automatically run any tests against your PHP code when ever you check in to svn. Your CI server could also be used to publish your files via FTP to your host at the click of a button, once it has passed the tests.
Although this sounds like a lot of work, it really isn't and the benefits of a smooth deployment process will more than pay for itself in the long run.
For my projects, I usually have a repo. On my laptop is a working copy, and the live website is a working copy. I make my changes on the local copy, using my local webserver. When everything is tested and ready to go, I commit the changes, then I ssh into the remote server and svn update.
I also keep a folder in this repository which contains sql files of any changes I've made to the database structure, labelled according to their revision number. For instance, when I commit Revision 74 and it has a couple extra columns in one of the tables, included in the commit will be dbupdates/rev74.sql. That way, after I do my svn update, all I just have to run my sql file (mysql db_name -p -u username < dbupdates/rev74.sql) and I'm good to go.
If you want to get real funky with it, you could use a build script to get the current version from SVN, then compile your PHP code, then on a successful build, automatically push the changes to your server.
This will help in debugging and may make your code run faster. Also, getting into the build habit has really improved my coding over just pushing the PHP straight to the server and debugging via Firefox.
The benefits of source control reveal themselves as the complexity of the project and number of developers increase. If you are working directly on a remote server, and are only making quick patches most of the time, source control might not be worth the effort to you.
Preferably, you should be working from a local working copy of the repository (meaning you should also set up a local server). Working against a remote server using SVN as the only means to update it would slow you down quite considerably.
Having said that, working with SVN (or any other source control) will yield many benefits in the long run - you have a complete history of changes, you can always be sure the server is up-to-date (if you ran update) and if you add more developers to the project you can avoid costly source overwrites from each other.
What I do at work, is use FTP to upload changes to a test server. Then when I am finished with the section of the site that I was working on, I commit the changes and update both. Sometimes, if I am working on something and I change a lot of files in different directories, I commit it and update the test server. But I don't update the production server. But I am the only programmer here, I wouldn't recommend committing possibally buggy code if there is more than one programmer.
I use ZendStudio for Eclipse (currently version 6.1). And I use SVN to keep my source codes available. Initially I thought the process was somewhat slow due to commit process (and entering commit comment) and wait until it stops.
However after learning that Ctrl+Alt+C to Commit and check 'Always run in Background', the process doesn't slow at all.
Plus, I do run everything locally, then only SSH after a while.
I did a post-commit hook to automatically update my web. It´s fast but you can make mistakes.
IF on a *nix server AND you have the appropriate SSH access AND you have space to keep multiple copies of the website, THEN the single most useful versioning technique I have found is to use a symbolic link to point to the "current" version of the website. (You can still use SVN to version source code -- this is a way to easily/instantly switch between versions of the website on the server.)
Set up the webserver to point to / as the root of the website.
Have a folder like /website/r1v00 to which you FTP the website files, then create a symlink called "" that points to /website/r1v00
When you have an updated version of the website, create another folder called /website/r1v001, FTP all the files for the updated site, then change the symlink for "" to now point to /website/r1v01. If there are any problems with the new site, you can back it out instantly by simply pointing the "" symlink back to /website/r1v00
Of course, you can/should set up scripts to automate the creation and switching of the symlink. In my case, I have an "admin" page written in PHP that lists all the available versions, and allows me to switch to any of them. This technique has saved my bacon several times...!
Obviously this does not address any issues with versioning database schemas or database content.
