I have a problem with MYSQL query to get the overlapping with reservations.
We are working at project to book a parking for cars, And we have a problem in searching for availability
if the user searches for a parking between two dates, we need to get the remaining available number of parking.
the problem here is not the overlapping dates and times
for example, we have 3 reservations, the 1st one from 1-3/8, the second is from 3-5/8 and the 3rd is from 5-7/8 and we have 5 available spots, and the user is looking for 1 - 7/8, the remaining available spots is 4, not 2. because each reservation starts after another one is done.
we tried several solutions, like checking every hour of search
but that’s not a good solution especially when searching for long times/dates
This is an image explain what is the problem
I have a mysql db of clients and crawled a website retrieving all the reviews for the past few years. Now I am trying to match those reviews up with the clients so I can email them. The problem is that the review site allowed them to enter anything they wanted for the name, so in some cases I have full first name and last initial, and in some cases first initial and last full name. It also gives an approximate time it was posted such as "1 week ago", "6 months ago" and so on which we already have converted to an approximate date.
Now I need to try matching those up to the clients. Seems the best way would be to do a fuzzy search on the names, and then once I find all John B% I look for the one with a job completion date nearest the posting of the review naturally eliminating anything that was posted before jobs were completed.
I put together a small sample dataset where table1 is the clients, table2 is the review to match on here:
I was initially thinking of doing a date_diff, but then I need to sort by the lowest number. Before I tackle this on my own, I thought I would ask if anyone has any tricks they want to share.
I am using PHP / Laravel to query MySql
You can use DATEDIFF with absolute values:
ORDER BY ABS(DATEDIFF(`date`, $calculatedDate)) DESC
To find records that match your estimation closely, positive or negative.
I am currently working on a simple booking system and I need to select some ranges and save them to a mysql database.
The problem I am facing is deciding if it's better to save a range, or to save each day separately.
There will be around 500 properties, and each will have from 2 to 5 months booked.
So the client will insert his property and will chose some dates that will be unavailable. The same will happen when someone books a property.
I was thinking of having a separate table for unavailable dates only, so if a property is booked from 10 may to 20 may, instead of having one record (2016-06-10 => 2016-06-20) I will have 10 records, one for each booked day.
I think this is easier to work with when searching between dates, but I am not sure.
Will the performance be noticeable worse ?
Should I save the ranges or single days ?
Thank you
I would advise that all "events" go into one table and they all have a start and end datetime. Use of indexes on these fields is of course recommended.
The reasons are that when you are looking for bookings and available events - you are not selecting from two different tables (or joining them). And storing a full range is much better for the code as you can easily perform the checks within a SQL query and all php code to handle events works as standard for both. If you only store one event type differently to another you'll find loads of "if's" in your code and find it harder to write the SQL.
I run many booking systems at present and have made mistakes in this area before so I know this is good advice - and also a good question.
This is too much for a comment,So I will leave this as an answer
So the table's primary key would be the property_id and the Date of a particular month.
I don't recommend it.Because think of a scenario when u going to apply this logic to 5 or 10 years system,the performance will be worse.You will get approximately 30*12*1= 360 raws for 1 year.Implement a logic to calculate the duration of a booking and add it to table against the user.
I have an accommodation booking engine, which follows these rules:
Users can book up to 7 rooms for any date.
Users must book only blocks of 2 days, 4 days and 6 days.
Users cannot book for Thursday (closed for cleaning).
Sometimes entire weeks will be unavailable due to corporate group bookings.
Here are some examples:
A 2 day block might be Friday and Saturday, Sunday and Monday or Tuesday and Wednesday.
A 4 day block might be Friday to Monday or Sunday to Wednesday.
A 6 day block might be from Friday to Wednesday.
The system has a simple table in the database that is a list of each date with the 7 rooms. The field for each room can be 0 for unavailable or 1 for available.
Table is called vg_booking_availability. Here is a snapshot.
I need a way to search the table against a users search selection.
The might search as any combination of 2, 4 or days and between 1 and 7 rooms.
I'm not sure if the solution is to do a database lookup on all dates and all rooms, then creating a multi-dimensional array and cross checking with the user's search is the way to go forward. And if it is how I would do this?
Here is a way to do this in SQL, for just two-day bookings, for room_1:
avail1.date start_date,
"room_1" room_name
FROM vg_booking_availability avail1
/* This row is the next day to the first one */
INNER JOIN vg_booking_availability avail2 ON (avail1.date + 1 = avail2.date)
avail1.room_1 = 0
AND avail2.room_1 = 0
/* Add in a clause to check future dates only here */
You could add all the rooms in this as bracketed OR statements, but I'd be inclined to run that as a separate query (otherwise you'd have to re-search your result in PHP to determine which room returned as available)
We are getting into a bit of trouble here because all the rooms are denormalised - they would be better in another table where they can be treated much more generically.
This example can be expanded by adding more aliased rows for 4-day and 7-day searches respectively. The unavailability of rooms on a Thursday (or whatever other rules) is not directly relevant to the problem, since you can just create future rows of availability (based on how far into the future people book) and then make rooms unavailable according to those rules. That's a separate (and trivial) problem.
I'd also be inclined to change this, so you use NULL as available and a foreign key to a customer table as unavailable. That will then give you useful information about why a room is unavailable, and will allow you to make it available again easily if a specific customer cancels their booking.
Lastly, this solution has the capacity for a large number of joins, and so testing this against data sets is essential. If you were to run this on a 10K row table it'd be fine, but it might not be if you have 1M rows (depending on your hardware and load, of course). So, once you have this working, I recommend you create a data generator (PHP is good for this) and ensure you can get the performance you require.
I have a database(mySQL) with a schedule for a bus. I want to be able to display the schedule based on some user inputs: route, day, and time. The bus makes at least 13 runs around the city in per day. The structure is set up as:
-Select Route(2 diff routes)
-Select Day(2 set of day, Sun-Wed & Thur-Sat)
-Select Time(atLeast 13 runs per day) = Show Schedule
My table structure is:
p_id, route day run# stop time
1 routeA m-w 1 stop1 12:00PM
1 routeA m-w 1 stop2 12:10PM
..and so on
I do have a functioning demo, however, it is very inefficient. I query the db for every possible run. I would like to avoid doing this.
Could anyone give me some tips to make this more efficient? OR show me some examples?
If you google for "bus timetable schema design" you will find lots of similar questions and many different solutions depending on the specific use case. Here is one similar question asked on here - bus timetable using SQL.
The first thing would be to normalise your data structure. There are many different approaches to this but a starting point would be something like -
routes(route_id, bus_no, route_name)
stops(stop_id, stop_name, lat/long, etc)
schedule(schedule_id, route_id, stop_id, arrive, depart)
You should do some searching and look to see the different use cases supported and how they relate to your specific scenario. The above example is only a crude example. It can be broken down further depending on the data being used. You may only want to store the time between stops in one table and then a start time for the route in another.
I'm about to create a new competition site, where users can upload pictures/vote.
I want to add some achievement bonuses/badges based on some very easy "achievements".
Achievement examples:
Login for 5 consecutive days --
Login for 10 consecutive days --
Login for 20 consecutive days
Vote 5 pictures (not yours) --
Vote 5 pictures for 5 consecutive days
I want to be able to add more achievements without adding too much code later on. A basic rule engine will be created.
Now.. I am having some troubles trying to think out how to do it. Anyone did something similar and wants to share database structure/coding examples, or someone with a good idea for this?
Read about 50 different threads on the topic here on SO, but couldn't find anything usable.
Make a new field in the table that will contain the date of the last activity (probably name it like lastactivity), and then create another one and name it something like consecutive. After that, each time the user login (or vote), check the last activity date and if it's yesterday, increment the value of the field consecutive by one and update the lastactivity field. Otherwise, reset it to 1.