Stripe custom checkout - form submit - php

I'm trying out the Stripe API & functions, but I am twisting my head around this one issue - how to submit a form after the (test) payment is successful?
Here's my current code:
var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
key: 'pk_test_mykey',
image: '',
locale: 'sv',
token: function(token) {
// You can access the token ID with ``.
// Get the token ID to your server-side code for use.
document.getElementById('customButton').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
stripe_spots = document.getElementById("spots").value;
stripe_total = (stripe_spots) * 70;
// Open Checkout with further options:{
name: 'Revy!',
description: stripe_spots + " platser",
zipCode: true,
currency: 'sek',
amount: stripe_total * 100
// Close Checkout on page navigation:
window.addEventListener('popstate', function() {
Where or when am I supposed to submit the form?

You submit the form using the token callback function update your handle like so
var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
key: 'pk_test_mykey',
image: '',
locale: 'sv',
token: function (token) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/checkout.php',
data: {stripeToken:, stripeEmail:},
success: function (data) {
//handle success response here
error: function(data){
//handle error response here

After retrieving Stripe TOKEN you should send your data to your server including TOKEN to make Stripe Charge or create Subscription
Here is an example tutorial to create Customer for Subscription

Editing my earlier answer, because I've got it working so I can share the code snippet. (Was struggling with the same problem when I discovered this.)
Here is my solution. It works. This assumes your next page is named "PaymentComplete.php". Edit accordingly.
token: function(token) {
// You can access the token ID with ``.
// Get the token ID to your server-side code for use.
var form = document.createElement("form");
var tokenPassed = document.createElement("input");
form.method = "POST";
form.action = "PaymentComplete.php";
tokenPassed.value =; = "token";
There may be a better way of doing it, but this works for me.
Source: creating and submitting a form with javascript


Stripe Checkout PHP Causes mysterious 404 Error OnLoad

I'm having a hard time testing the Stripe Checkout from single-checkout-subscription on my local xampp server. So far, I have a Stripe account, created my test keys, product and prices, installed Stripe Cli and created a test webhook and added them all to the .env file in my server
But when I tested it at my local host: http://localhost/stripe/server/public/ I get the front end, but when I click on the button nothing happens. It doesn't even go to the prebuilt checkout page.
I check the console and the problems seems to becoming from my config.php
Two console errors appear on my script.js:
This is the routing:
My config.php > requires shared.php > requires '..vendor/autoload.php' & parses '../conifg/ini' > conifg.ini contains my test keys:
stripe_secret_key ="sk_test_444"
stripe_publishable_key = "pk_test_444"
stripe_webhook_secret = "1mw444"
domain = "http://localhost/stripe/server/public/"
basic_price_id = "price_444"
pro_price_id = "price_555"
Script.js inisde my server:
// Create a Checkout Session with the selected plan ID
var createCheckoutSession = function(priceId) {
return fetch("/create-checkout-session.php", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
priceId: priceId
}).then(function(result) {
return result.json();
// Handle any errors returned from Checkout
var handleResult = function(result) {
if (result.error) {
var displayError = document.getElementById("error-message");
displayError.textContent = result.error.message;
/* Get your Stripe publishable key to initialize Stripe.js */
.then(function(result) {
return result.json();
.then(function(json) {
var publishableKey = json.publishableKey;
var basicPriceId = json.basicPrice;
var proPriceId = json.proPrice;
var stripe = Stripe(publishableKey);
// Setup event handler to create a Checkout Session when button is clicked
.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
createCheckoutSession(basicPriceId).then(function(data) {
// Call Stripe.js method to redirect to the new Checkout page
sessionId: data.sessionId
// Setup event handler to create a Checkout Session when button is clicked
.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
createCheckoutSession(proPriceId).then(function(data) {
// Call Stripe.js method to redirect to the new Checkout page
sessionId: data.sessionId
I'm well versed in HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, and some PHP and JavaScript, but I can't seem to follow the difficult directions on how to get the Stripe Subscription Checkout working. Can someone please point me in the right direction or tell me how to fix my code. I'm on a tight deadline with the holidays.
First of all, there is a 404 error because the file was never there. In localhost or all servers, if you put a / before the file name it will automatically become after the host so /config.php will become http://localhost/config.php. To prevent this error, you should use ./
And the unexpected token < means the server is returning the 404 document.
In short, put a dot before the file name as I am assuming that this project is not in the root directory. (Means that the project is at http://localhost/projectName)
// Create a Checkout Session with the selected plan ID
var createCheckoutSession = function(priceId) {
return fetch("./create-checkout-session.php", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
priceId: priceId
}).then(function(result) {
return result.json();
/* Get your Stripe publishable key to initialize Stripe.js */
.then(function(result) {
return result.json();
.then(function(json) {
var publishableKey = json.publishableKey;
var basicPriceId = json.basicPrice;
var proPriceId = json.proPrice;
var stripe = Stripe(publishableKey);
// Setup event handler to create a Checkout Session when button is clicked
.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
createCheckoutSession(basicPriceId).then(function(data) {
// Call Stripe.js method to redirect to the new Checkout page
sessionId: data.sessionId
// Setup event handler to create a Checkout Session when button is clicked
.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
createCheckoutSession(proPriceId).then(function(data) {
// Call Stripe.js method to redirect to the new Checkout page
sessionId: data.sessionId

how to get response of clicked captcha as a variable

I want to include google recaptcha in my login page.
Normally, I collect variables from various inputs and sent them using ajax to prologin.php for proccessing.
But don't know how to get response of clicked captcha, what kind of responses are possible (true, false, or... what ?), to proccess them also.
<script src=''></script>
<input type='text'...>
<input type='checkbox'...>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Ld..."></div>
<div id='btnlogin'>LOGIN</div>
var a = ...;
var b = ...;
var captchaResponse = ...; // what ?
url: 'prologin.php',
Any help?
You have to use grecaptcha.getResponse() to get the user's response. And as a sidenote, use grecaptcha.reset() to ask the end user to verify with reCAPTCHA again.
var a = ...;
var b = ...;
var captchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse();
url: 'prologin.php',
Here's the reference:
Update(1): Yes, you have to send user's response to backend PHP page prologin.php and get it verified there. So roughly, your AJAX and backend PHP code would be like this:
var a = ...;
var b = ...;
var captchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse();
type: 'POST',
url: 'prologin.php',
data: {a: a, b: b, captchaResponse: captchaResponse};
success: function(data) {
// reset the reCaptcha
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
// error
//your site secret key
$secret = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY';
if(isset($_POST['captchaResponse']) && !empty($_POST['captchaResponse'])){
//get verified response data
$param = "".$secret."&response=".$_POST['captchaResponse'];
$verifyResponse = file_get_contents($param);
$responseData = json_decode($verifyResponse);
// success
// failure
Google recaptcha's response is sent with name g-recaptcha-response. This is also class name and ID for an input (textarea). So you can try any of these:
$('form .g-recaptcha-response').val();
$('form [name="g-recaptcha-response"]').val();


I have integerated PayPal Client Side REST to my website. I have used the sample code provided from link below:
This code below worked over a month, however today it shows below error
Error: Request to post
failed with 400 error
"message": "Incoming JSON request does not map to API request",
"information_link": "",
"debug_id": "a26904ff6211a"
my code follows:
<div id="paypal-button-container" class="info"></div><script src=""></script>
// Render the PayPal button
// Set your environment
env: 'production', // sandbox | production
// PayPal Client IDs - replace with your own
// Create a PayPal app:
client: {
sandbox: '<?=SANDBOXPAYPAL?>',
production: '<?=PAYPAL_TOKEN?>'
// Set to 'Pay Now'
commit: true,
// Wait for the PayPal button to be clicked
payment: function() {
// Make a client-side call to the REST api to create the payment
return, this.props.client, {
transactions: [
amount: { total: '12.99', currency: 'GBP' }
// Wait for the payment to be authorized by the customer
onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
type: "POST",
url: "ipn.php",
data: data,
success: function(data){
return actions.payment.execute().then(function() {
document.querySelector('#paypal-button-container').innerText = 'Payment Complete!';
}, '#paypal-button-container');
Your code does not quite match the example, but I am also using the client-sdie API from a Laravel Shoping Cart I am building, I use AJAX to push the payment data back to my system this way:
onAuthorize:function(data, actions)
console.log("Dumping DATA");
console.log("Dumping ACTIONS");
return actions.payment.execute().then(function(payment)
console.log("payment.execute called");
document.querySelector('#paypal-button-container').innerText = 'Payment Complete!';
console.log("Dumping payment:");
console.log("CART: "+payment['cart']);
var values = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(payment));
$.ajaxSetup({headers:{'X-CSRF-TOKEN':'{{ $token }}' } } );
ajaxRequest= $.ajax({ url: "/ajax/payment", type: "post",data:values });
ajaxRequest.done(function(response, textStatus, jqXHR)
var result = $.parseJSON(response);
/ajax/payment is my capture script i'm developing at present but it does record all the data from the purchase.. hope it helps.

How to save Facebook user data to MySql database with Angular and Ionic

I am working an an Ionic app where I implement native Facebook login (followed this tutorial -> As you can see the Facebook data now gets stored in local storage. I need to save this data in my MySql database.
I got this to work without any issues. Now I want to store the Facebook user data to my MySql database.
Basically I am not sure where to place my http request to pass the data along to my database or how to even do it code wise.
I should mention that I have a backend already setup (which is coded with bootstrap, html, css, js php and mysql).
So the url for my users would be this:
Part of my controller code:
app.controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $state, $q, UserService, $ionicLoading) {
// This is the success callback from the login method
var fbLoginSuccess = function(response) {
if (!response.authResponse){
fbLoginError("Cannot find the authResponse");
var authResponse = response.authResponse;
.then(function(profileInfo) {
// For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage
authResponse: authResponse,
picture : "" + authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"
}, function(fail){
// Fail get profile info
console.log('profile info fail', fail);
// This is the fail callback from the login method
var fbLoginError = function(error){
console.log('fbLoginError', error);
// This method is to get the user profile info from the facebook api
var getFacebookProfileInfo = function (authResponse) {
var info = $q.defer();
facebookConnectPlugin.api('/me?fields=email,name&access_token=' + authResponse.accessToken, null,
function (response) {
console.log('logging facebook response',response);
function (response) {
return info.promise;
//This method is executed when the user press the "Login with facebook" button
$scope.facebookSignIn = function() {
if(success.status === 'connected'){
// The user is logged in and has authenticated your app, and response.authResponse supplies
// the user's ID, a valid access token, a signed request, and the time the access token
// and signed request each expire
console.log('getLoginStatus', success.status);
// Check if we have our user saved
var user = UserService.getUser('facebook');
.then(function(profileInfo) {
// For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage
authResponse: success.authResponse,
picture : "" + success.authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"
}, function(fail){
// Fail get profile info
console.log('profile info fail', fail);
} else {
// If (success.status === 'not_authorized') the user is logged in to Facebook,
// but has not authenticated your app
// Else the person is not logged into Facebook,
// so we're not sure if they are logged into this app or not.
console.log('getLoginStatus', success.status);
template: 'Logging in...'
// Ask the permissions you need. You can learn more about
// FB permissions here:
facebookConnectPlugin.login(['email', 'public_profile'], fbLoginSuccess, fbLoginError);
My service.js code (local storage)
angular.module('', [])
.service('UserService', function() {
// For the purpose of this example I will store user data on ionic local storage but you should save it on a database
var setUser = function(user_data) {
window.localStorage.starter_facebook_user = JSON.stringify(user_data);
var getUser = function(){
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.starter_facebook_user || '{}');
return {
getUser: getUser,
setUser: setUser
My recommendation is to simply use a JSON ajax PUT or POST from JavaScript. For example, assuming a backend host of
Add a CSP to the Ionic HTML such as:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">
Add the domain to the whitelist in the Cordova config.xml:
<access origin="" />
Then you can call PHP from JavaScript with ajax in your angular controller (I used jQuery here but you can use any JavaScript ajax library):
var data = {
authResponse: authResponse,
picture : "" + authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"
$.post( "", data, function(returnData, status) {
console.log('PHP returned HTTP status code', status);
Finally, on the PHP side — e.g. login.php — access the post data with $_POST['userId'], $_POST['email'], etc.
I guess that you have all your codes ready, but just not sure where is the best place to locate your codes. There is nice linker where has clear instruction about how to layout your php project structure:, hope this can give a kind of help.

Form submission using ajax and page view moderation after the submission

At this moment I am using laravel. In this context I am having a form which is successfully submitted by using ajax to a controller. and that controller make it to the database. But the problem is as the ajax is doing its job the whole page remain unmoved / unchanged after the submission even the database is updated.
Now what I want
I want to give feedback to the user that your post is successfully submitted there. or what I want to do in further, I want to refresh the section in which the post is collected from the database as this post can be retrieved from there. But by using ajax only.
So there is no need to collect the whole page or refresh.
here is my form structure
{{ Form::open(array('route' => array(''), 'class' => 'form-horizontal' )) }}
blah blah blaaa .......
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#ask").attr("disabled", "disabled")
var that = $(this),
url = that.attr('action'),
type = that.attr('method'),
data = {};
that.find('[name]').each(function(index, value){
var that = $(this),
name = that.attr('name'),
value = that.val();
data[name] = value;
url: url,
type: type,
data: data,
success: function(response){
return false;
{{ Form::close() }}
As it is very much visible that the post is updated through a route & controller I want to have another dive and a success message at this script to be displayed after the success of posting. I am looking for some professional structure using what there is minimal need to have interaction with the server side and give user a better page viewing experience.
Thanks a lot for helping me in this research.
I am not sure if I understand you well, but if you want to notify the user about the result of an ajax-called db update you need to have
a route for the ajax save db call - it should point to a method that does the db update.
the db update method should return some value indicating the success/failure of update (for example OK or FAIL)
the only result of calling the method will be just plain text page with OK or FAIL as body
fetch the result by ajax and inform user accordingly (after form submit button)
check out the below code for ajax call itself (inside the form submit handler) to see what I mean
var db_ajax_handler = "URL_TO_YOUR_SITE_AND_ROUTE";
var $id = 1; //some id of post to update
var $content = "blablabla" //the cotent to update
cache: false,
timeout: 10000,
type: 'POST',
tryCount : 0,
retryLimit : 3,
url: db_ajax_handler,
data: { content: $content, id: $id }, /* best to give a CSRF security token here as well */
success:function(data, textStatus, xhr){
if(data == "OK")
$('div.result').html('The new Question has been created');
$('div.result').html('Sorry, the new Question has not been created');
error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
if (textStatus == 'timeout') {
if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) {
//try again
if (xhr.status == 500) {
alert("Error 500: "+xhr.status+": "+xhr.statusText);
} else {
alert("Error: "+xhr.status+": "+xhr.statusText);
complete : function(xhr, textStatus) {
EDIT: as per comment, in step 2 (the method that is called with AJAX) replace
return Redirect::route('questions.index') ->with('flash', 'The new Question has been created');
return ($s) ? Response::make("OK") : Response::make("FAIL");
To pass validation errors to the ajax-returned-results, you cannot use
return Response::make("FAIL")
as in your GIST. Instead you have to modify the suggested solution to work on JSON response instead of a plain text OK/FAIL. That way you can include the errors in the response and still benefit from the AJAX call (not having to refresh the page to retrieve the $errors from session). Check this post on the Laravel Forum for a working solution - you will get the idea and be able to fix your code.
