preg_match_all: changing the string $match - php

So far: I'm doing a preg_match_all search and my output is: Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey and Louie
Code is like this:
$duckburg = array();
$duckburg['residents'] = $match[1];
Array ( [residents] => Array ( [0] => Donald [1] => Daisy [2] => Huey [3] => Dewey [4] => Louie )
My question: I would like to add to every string " Duck"
Using this help-string: $lastname = " Duck"
The output should be:
Array ( [residents] => Array ( [0] => Donald Duck [1] => Daisy Duck [2] => Huey Duck [3] => Dewey Duck [4] => Louie Duck )
I tried (but it's not working):
$matchy = $match.$lastname;
$duckburg['residents'] = $matchy[1];
Is it possible to change the matching string before it goes into the array? Thank you for your help!

Array_map is the tool for such manipulation:
$match = Array ( 'residents' => Array ('Donald','Daisy','Huey','Dewey','Louie'));
$duckburg['residents'] = array_map(function($n) { return "$n Duck"; }, $match['residents']);
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(11) "Donald Duck"
string(10) "Daisy Duck"
string(9) "Huey Duck"
string(10) "Dewey Duck"
string(10) "Louie Duck"

Iterate over the array is one possible option:
$lastname = " Duck";
foreach($matches as $key => $val){
$duckburg['residents'][$key] = $val . $lastname;


How to create a new key name and combine values in array with PHP?

I have 2 PHP arrays that I need to combine values together.
First Array
array(2) {
array(1) {
string(1) "1"
array(1) {
string(2) "40"
Second Array
array(2) {
string(4) "1008"
string(1) "4"
Output desired
array(2) {
array(1) {
string(1) "1",
string(1) "1008"
array(1) {
string(2) "40",
string(1) "4"
As you can see I need to add a new key name (count) to my second array and combine values to my first array.
What can I do to output this array combined?
Try something like the following. The idea is to iterate on the first array and for each array index add a new key "count" that holds the value contained on the same index of the second array.
$array1 = [];
$array2 = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array1); $i++) {
$array1[$i]['count'] = $array2[$i];
you can do it like this
$arr1[$i]["count"] = $arr2[$i];
Live demo :
output is
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[count] => 1008
[1] => Array
[id] => 40
[count] => 4
Another functional approach (this won't mutate/change the initial arrays):
$arr1 = [['id'=> "1"], ['id'=> "40"]];
$arr2 = ["1008", "4"];
$result = array_map(function($a){
return array_combine(['id', 'count'], $a);
}, array_map(null, array_column($arr1, 'id'), $arr2));
The output:
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[count] => 1008
[1] => Array
[id] => 40
[count] => 4
Or another approach with recursion:
foreach ($arr1 as $key=>$value) {
$result[] = array_merge_recursive($arr1[$key], array ("count" => $arr2[$key]));
And output:
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[count] => 1008
[1] => Array
[id] => 40
[count] => 4

How to separate array members I have, being part (Based on number of characters per member / Less than equal to 6)?

My code contains an array that has 7 elements and each element has a total number of different characters. I want, when the number of characters meets the criteria (<= 6) then create a new array.
The output is expected in the form of a two dimension array,
// My Variables, $value & $count
for ($i=0; $i <count($value) ; $i++) {
Then have output like a,
// $value,
[0] => as
[1] => fix
[2] => fine
[3] => is
[4] => port
[5] => none
[6] => hi
[7] => of
// Count the length $value and store in Variable $count,
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
[2] => 4
[3] => 2
[4] => 4
[5] => 4
[6] => 2
[7] => 2
and then I hope my code can produce output like this:
(Explode element where length <= 6)
// If length value in the variable $count,
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
Total Length(5)
[2] => 4
[3] => 2
Total Length(6)
[4] => 4
Total Length(4)
[5] => 4
Total Length(4)
[6] => 2
[7] => 2
Total Length(4)
This is my question point:
// $Values RESULT
[0] => Array
[0] => as
[1] => fix
[1] => Array
[0] => fine
[1] => is
[1] => Array
[0] => port
[1] => Array
[0] => none
[1] => Array
[0] => hi
[1] => of
Your examples were a bit hard to follow but here's what I've got:
$final = [];
$accumulator = 0;
$final[0] = [];
$x = 0;
for ($i=0; $i <count($value) ; $i++) {
if($accumulator + strlen($value[$i]) > 6) {
echo "adding ".$value[$i] ." to new\n\n";
$final[$x] = [];
array_push($final[$x], $value[$i]);
$accumulator = strlen($value[$i]);
echo "adding ".$value[$i] . " to existing\n\n";
array_push($final[$x], $value[$i]);
$accumulator += strlen($value[$i]);
adding as to existing
adding fix to existing
adding fine to new
adding is to existing
adding port to new
adding none to new
adding hi to existing
adding of to new
array(5) {
array(2) {
string(2) "as"
string(3) "fix"
array(2) {
string(4) "fine"
string(2) "is"
array(1) {
string(4) "port"
array(2) {
string(4) "none"
string(2) "hi"
array(1) {
string(2) "of"

Changing \n into ARRAY values within another ARRAY

I have this ARRAY sent from a FORM
[0] => one
[1] => hello
Since the values are sent via textarea from a form, it has line breakers, so I want to make change every into a array field like so:
[0] => Array
[0] => one
[1] => two
[2] => three
[1] => Array
[0] => hello
[1] => how
[2] => are
This is what I have so far:
foreach ($array as &$valor) {
foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $valor) as $line){
$arraynew[] = $line;
But I get this result
[0] => one
[1] => two
[2] => three
[3] => hello
[4] => how
[5] => are
What am I doing wrong? :(
For each key in the POST array, pop a value onto the final array, with it's values containing an array whoses values represent each line in value of the POST array.
$data = array(
0 => "one\ntwo\nthree",
1 => "hello\nhow\nare"
$final = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$row = preg_split('/\n/', $data[$i]);
if(is_array($row)) {
for($j = 0; $j < count($row); $j++) {
$final[$i][] = $row[$j];
array(2) {
[0] =>
array(3) {
[0] =>
string(3) "one"
[1] =>
string(3) "two"
[2] =>
string(5) "three"
[1] =>
array(3) {
[0] =>
string(5) "hello"
[1] =>
string(3) "how"
[2] =>
string(3) "are"
Well, you're really working too hard.
array_map(function($e) { return explode("\n", $e); }, $orig_array);
is all you need. You could use preg_split if you really want, but explode is enough.
You can simply do this
foreach ($array as &$valor) {
foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $valor) as $line){
$arraynewtemp[] = $line;
Will output
array(2) {
array(3) {
string(3) "one"
string(3) "two"
string(5) "three"
array(3) {
string(5) "hello"
string(3) "how"
string(3) "are"
This should works

How to get rid of duplicate values from multidimensional array

I want to remove duplicate values from multi-dim array, I tried all the possible solutions which is already described but for me, is not working, can anyone please correct it?
Here's my Array:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => element_10
[1] => block_1
[2] => element_4
[3] => element_1
[4] => element_3
[1] => Array (
[0] => block_1
[1] => block_2
[2] => element_8
[3] => element_10
[4] => element_12
[5] => element_14
[6] => element_4
[7] => element_2
[8] => element_3
[9] => element_9
[10] => element_13
[11] => element_7
Where I want the array in this format:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => element_10
[1] => block_1
[2] => element_4
[3] => element_1
[4] => element_3
[1] => Array (
[1] => block_2
[2] => element_8
[4] => element_12
[5] => element_14
[7] => element_2
[9] => element_9
[10] => element_13
[11] => element_7
Ican setup the key indexes later.
I tried:
function multi_unique($array) {
foreach ($array as $k=>$na)
$new[$k] = serialize($na);
$uniq = array_unique($new);
foreach($uniq as $k=>$ser)
$new1[$k] = unserialize($ser);
return ($new1);
No Luck, then I tried:
function array_unique_multidimensional($input)
$serialized = array_map('serialize', $input);
$unique = array_unique($serialized);
return array_intersect_key($input, $unique);
Still same array returning.
I tried this method too:
function super_unique($array)
$result = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $array)));
foreach ($result as $key => $value)
if ( is_array($value) )
$result[$key] = self::super_unique($value);
return $result;
Please help me, I know it's pretty simple I don't know where I'm losing?
You need to iterate over your list of input arrays. For each value in that array, you need to see if you've previously encountered it, so you'll have to keep a super-set of all values across all arrays, which you gradually append to. If a value already exists in the super-set array, you can remove it, otherwise you can append it.
function multi_unique($arrays) {
$all_values = array();
foreach ($arrays as &$array) {
foreach ($array as $index => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $all_values)) {
// We've seen this value previously
} else {
// First time we've seen this value, let it pass but record it
$all_values[] = $value;
return $arrays;
$values = array (
array ( 'element_10', 'block_1', 'element_4', 'element_1', 'element_3',) ,
array ( 'block_1', 'block_2', 'element_8', 'element_10', 'element_12', 'element_14', 'element_4', 'element_2', 'element_3', 'element_9', 'element_13', 'element_7',)
array(2) {
array(5) {
string(10) "element_10"
string(7) "block_1"
string(9) "element_4"
string(9) "element_1"
string(9) "element_3"
array(8) {
string(7) "block_2"
string(9) "element_8"
string(10) "element_12"
string(10) "element_14"
string(9) "element_2"
string(9) "element_9"
string(10) "element_13"
string(9) "element_7"
If you just want to remove duplicates from the second entry of your array, use array_diff():
$array[1] = array_diff($array[1], $array[0]);
Iterate if you want to apply it to an arbitrary length.
Why are you using the serialize function.
Use array_diff instead.
A simple would be.
$orginal = array(array(values), array(values), ...);
$copy = $original;
foreach($original as $k => $subArray) {
$tmpCopy = $copy;
unshift($tmpCopy, $subArray);
$tmpCopy = array_values($tmpCopy);
$original[$k] = call_user_func_array('array_diff', $tmpCopy);
This works for a two dimensions array.
Hope it helps.

How to convert the array to string in single array

Below are the result of array
[0] => Array
[0] => test
[1] => cate
[2] => category
I want the result to be
$availableTags = ["test","cate","category"];
How to do this in codeigniter php
It's nothing code-igniter specific. The array currently looks like this: [["test","cate","category"]], so just do $availableTags = $originalArray[0];
To copy:
$availableTags = array_slice($originalArray[0],0);
And to stringify:
echo json_encode($availableTags);
$array = $array[0];
Should be enough
$array = [["test","cate","category"]];
var_dump ($array);
$array = $array[0];
var_dump ($array);
Output :
array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "test" [1]=> string(4) "cate" [2]=> string(8) "category" } }
array(3) { [0]=> string(4) "test" [1]=> string(4) "cate" [2]=> string(8) "category" }
Short and simpler way [A Mix of json_encode and str_replace and explode]
$data = array('foo',
//Results as string
$stringRes = str_replace(array('[', '"',']'), '' , json_encode($data));
//Results as array
$arrayRes = explode(',', str_replace(array('[', '"',']'), '' , json_encode($data)));
Array ( [0] => foo [1] => baz [2] => cow [3] => php [4] => bar [5] => dog [6] => xml )
