I am trying to create relationships through module loader in SugarCRM. But the problem is my package is stopped installing after 55%. When I am viewing display log the error is:-
Failed to copy
I tried to change permissions also but at some point they through internal server error 500. Following are the code which I am using.
1.In manifest.php file :
$installdefs = array(
'id' => 'package_20170804',
'copy' => array(
0 => array(
'from' => '<basepath>/accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php',
'to' => 'custom/metadata/accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php',
1 => array(
'from' => '<basepath>/accounts_contacts_1.php',
'to' => 'custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/accounts_contacts_1.php',
'relationships'=>array (
array (
'module'=> 'Accounts',
2. In accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php file :
$dictionary["accounts_contacts_1"] = array (
'true_relationship_type' => 'one-to-many',
'from_studio' => true,
'relationships' =>
array (
'accounts_contacts_1' =>
array (
'lhs_module' => 'Accounts',
'lhs_table' => 'accounts',
'lhs_key' => 'id',
'rhs_module' => 'Contacts',
'rhs_table' => 'contacts',
'rhs_key' => 'id',
'relationship_type' => 'many-to-many',
'join_table' => 'accounts_contacts_1_c',
'join_key_lhs' => 'accounts_contacts_1accounts_ida',
'join_key_rhs' => 'accounts_contacts_1contacts_idb',
'table' => 'accounts_contacts_1_c',
'fields' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'id',
'type' => 'varchar',
'len' => 36,
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'date_modified',
'type' => 'datetime',
2 =>
array (
'name' => 'deleted',
'type' => 'bool',
'len' => '1',
'default' => '0',
'required' => true,
3 =>
array (
'name' => 'accounts_contacts_1accounts_ida',
'type' => 'varchar',
'len' => 36,
4 =>
array (
'name' => 'accounts_contacts_1contacts_idb',
'type' => 'varchar',
'len' => 36,
'indices' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'accounts_contacts_1spk',
'type' => 'primary',
'fields' =>
array (
0 => 'id',
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'accounts_contacts_1_ida1',
'type' => 'index',
'fields' =>
array (
0 => 'accounts_contacts_1accounts_ida',
2 =>
array (
'name' => 'accounts_contacts_1_alt',
'type' => 'alternate_key',
'fields' =>
array (
0 => 'accounts_contacts_1contacts_idb',
3. In accounts_contacts_1.php file:
I just wanted to create a field in relationship that's all . Maybe I am missing somewhere in manifest file or i needed to include some additional file.
I solved it. You can follow following steps to create relationships in SugarCRM through module loader.
Step 1:- Give permission to your sugar directory according to following
For Linux: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Platform_Management/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux/
For Windows:
Step 2:- In manifest.php
$manifest = array(
'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array('CE','PRO','CORP','ENT','ULT'),
'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array(
'exact_matches' => array(),
'regex_matches' => array('(.*?)\\.(.*?)\\.(.*?)$'),
'author' => 'Ravi Ranjan',
'description' => 'Relationship',
'icon' => '',
'is_uninstallable' => true,
'name' => 'custom relation',
'published_date' => '2017-08-10 2017 11:45:04',
'type' => 'module',
'version' => '20170810',
$installdefs = array(
'id' => 'package_20170810',
'copy' => array(
0 => array(
'from' => '<basepath>/accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php',
'to' => 'custom/metadata/accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php',
1 => array(
'from' => '<basepath>/accounts_contacts_1.php',
'to' => 'custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/accounts_contacts_1.php',
Step 3:- The contents of both file accounts_contacts_1MetaData.php and accounts_contacts_1.php will be same as you can see in question.
Step 4:- Compress all three files and upload through module loader, after installation quick repair and rebuild.
Go in Studio > Accounts > Relationships You will see a new field there name accounts_contacts_1 That's what I wanted to create.
I have configured multiple SP in saml20-sp-hosted.php , i want one of my SP to use mail attribute as nameid.
$metadata['entityId1'] = array (
'entityid1' => 'entityId',
'contacts' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'contactType' => 'technical',
'givenName' => 'XXX',
'surName' => 'XXX',
'emailAddress' =>
array (
0 => 'XXX#YYY.com',
'metadata-set' => 'saml20-sp-remote',
'attributes' => array('mail', 'sn', 'givenName', 'uid'),
'AssertionConsumerService' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'Binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST',
'Location' => 'http://www.XXXYYY.com/SSO/ACS.aspx',
'index' => 0,
'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
for given above SP i want to use "mail" attribute as nameid but i have defined 'uid' attribute in given below idp file so it is overwriting the attribute.
If i am trying to overwrite with 'mail' attribute in saml20-sp-hosted.php file it is posting transient nameid.
'authproc' => array(
3 => array(
'class' => 'saml:AttributeNameID',
'attribute' => 'uid',
'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
50 => array(
'class' => 'core:AttributeMap',
'mail' => 'Email',
'sn' => 'Lastname',
'givenName' => 'Firstname',
// 'memberOf' => 'Groups',
'uid' => 'Username'
//'cn' => array('name', 'displayName', 'sn'),
Are you sure your IdP side file is saml20-idp-hosted.php, not saml20-sp-remote.php?
For an aggregation result i have a field (type_name2) in my mapping with a lowercased filter and a keyword tokenizer. But if I set this filter and tokenizer to the field my bucket is now empty. I have set this token and filter to ignoring spaces in words like: Fun X or Viva X.
Here my mapping (in PHP):
'cars' => array(
'properties' => array(
/**'type_name2' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'fields' => array(
'raw' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'analyzer' => 'keyword'
'type_name2' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'analyzer' => 'keyword_lower'
'type_kw' => array(
'type' => 'float'
'type_hp' => array(
'type' => 'float'
and the custom analyzer:
'analysis' => array(
'analyzer' => array(
'keyword_lower' => array(
'tokenizer' => 'keyword',
'filter' => 'lowercase'
'nGram_analyzer' => array(
'type' => 'custom',
'tokenizer' => 'whitespace',
'filter' => array(
'whitespace_analyzer' => array(
'type' => 'custom',
'tokenizer' => 'whitespace',
'filter' => array(
'filter' => array(
'nGram_filter' => array(
'type' => 'ngram',
'min_gram' => 2,
'max_gram' => 20,
'token_chars' => array(
but the result of type_name2 is empty:
'type_name2' =>
array (size=1)
'buckets' =>
array (size=0)
Any ideas, what is wrong?
Thx and regards
How can i create one-to-many relationship with my custom module. And add subpanel to Campaign module
Campaign vardefs
$dictionary["Campaign"]["fields"]["costs"] =
array (
'name' => 'costs',
'type' => 'link',
'relationship' => 'campaign_costs',
$dictionary['Campaign']['relationships']['campaign_costs'] =
array (
'lhs_module'=> 'Campaigns',
'lhs_table'=> 'campaigns',
'lhs_key' => 'id',
'rhs_module'=> 'Costs',
'rhs_table'=> 'cots',
'rhs_key' => 'campaign_id',
layout_defs properties
$layout_defs["Campaigns"]["subpanel_setup"]["campaign_costs"] = array (
'order' => 2,
'module' => 'Costs',
'subpanel_name' => 'default',
'sort_order' => 'desc',
'sort_by' => 'date_entered',
'title_key' => 'LBL_SUBPANEL_COSTS',
'get_subpanel_data' => 'costs', //имя поля link
'top_buttons' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate',
1 =>
array (
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopSelectButton',
'mode' => 'MultiSelect',
Custom module vardefs
$dictionary['Costs']['fields']['campaign_id'] =
array (
'required' => false,
'name' => 'campaign_id',
'vname' => '',
'type' => 'id',
'massupdate' => 0,
'importable' => 'true',
'audited' => 0,
'len' => 36,
$dictionary['Costs']['fields']['campaign_name'] =
array (
'required' => false,
'source' => 'non-db',
'name' => 'campaign_name',
'vname' => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_NAME',
'type' => 'relate',
'massupdate' => 0,
'comments' => '',
'help' => '',
'audited' => 1,
'len' => '100',
'id_name' => 'campaign_id',
'ext2' => 'Campaigns',
'module' => 'Campaigns',
'rname' => 'name',
'studio' => 'visible',
The relationship is added, but subpanel doesn't appear at campaigns module.
In your $dictionary["Campaign"]["fields"]["costs"], change bean_name from Costs to Cost.
I take it you have enabled the subpanel in the admin-menu? (index.php?module=Administration&action=ConfigureTabs)
Does your error-logs say anything?
Need some guidance with some PHP recursion, I'm looping through some data comparing it against a Map, and if a form (in the data) has a subform it needs to be added to the DB with the parents forms ID.
All seems to be working except a subform is an array as there can be multiple subforms of the same type.
Heres a brief structure:
So I add the parent in a separate function, then start the subform recursion (this bit works fine):
private function add_form_records($_data, $map)
$form = new FormItem();
foreach($map["fields"] as $item) {
$key = $item->field;
if(array_key_exists($key, $_data))
$form->column_data->$key = $_data[$key];
$form->list_name = $map["sp_list"];
$form->form_id = $this->id_count;
$form->__metadata->type = $this->get_list_id($form->list_name);
//Add the form to SP and get the ID back for the subforms
$id = $this->add_record($form);
foreach($map["subforms"] as $key=>$value) {
$this->add_subform_records($_data[$key], $value, $form->form_id);
Then heres the function that gets called to add the subforms and then call itself it the subform has subforms:
private function add_subform_records($_data, $_map, $_parent_id)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_data); ++$i) {
$form = new FormItem();
foreach($_map["fields"] as $fieldItem)
$key = $fieldItem->field;
if(array_key_exists($key, $_data[$i]))
$form->column_data->$key = $_data[$i][$key];
$form->parent_id = $_parent_id;
$form->list_name = $_map["sp_list"];
$form->form_id = $this->id_count;
$form->form_name = $_map["subform_name"];
$form->__metadata->type = $this->get_list_id($form->list_name);
$id = $this->add_record($form);
if(array_key_exists('subforms', $_map))
foreach($_map["subforms"] as $key=>$value) {
foreach($_data as $subform)
if(array_key_exists($key, $subform))
$this->add_subform_records($subform[$key],$value, $form->form_id);
So the problem is it adds the first subform, goes to add its subforms (and does) but doesn't come back to the for ($i = 0; $i < count($_data); ++$i) to add the others.
array ( '_submit' => 'submit', '_submittedTime' => '1386837565194', '_submittedTimezoneOffset' => '11', 'ReportedBy' => 'test', 'DateAndTime' => '2013-12-12 19:38', 'Location' => 'hello', 'ClientName' => 'my', 'DiscussionType' => 'Meeting', 'SF_Attendees' => array ( 0 => array ( 'AttendeeName' => 'name', 'Company' => 'is', 'SF_Trip' => array ( 0 => array ( 'test1' => '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgICAgMCAgIDAwMDBAYEBAQEBAgGBgUGCQgKCgkICQkKDA8MCgsOCwkJDRENDg8QEBEQCgwSExIQEw8QEBD/2wBDAQMDAwQDBAgEBAgQCwkLEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBD/wAARCABgAIADASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD401i0tNMKy3MqxIvzEn/PNee3UdzrN60FhAzrI5bgcYz+gr1PWtLXVLU28oJU8A46eo/z71UsNIs9JhEFrCF9T3J9zXNh6LqpSue9VxXJuZXh7w++l24+13DyMeduTtX6VvKyIuEVQBUNzNHbrvlbGTgD1PpWJqF/fbjbCPyC2CpwW4z6juPTmvWo4VX91Hl1MU92as2vW0JAhxJ8wDEfdA78+wrprY/Krr35rl9I05rwpJeW8aRmLyzEQfmHHXP44+tdhbQhYwoAAHAq6sIpWiZwqSk7sugLPH5oTc6jn1Iq1FpQ1a3WKwIW7XPyr0b656ex5HTPXirblopARVua0I23FuMKTzj+E14uLwq+JdTtpYmasr7GLZyXFhetDOjoynbIjjBH4Gtholc53ZHUV694Q+FL/HT4b6xceGLYSeOfBiC7+xx4Mmr6YxAYKvUywt0PJZZQg+6i147ZMyA20q7XU4xXk1KUqdmz1KVWNVabjXgKndT1UHg4O7g1baIsMjtUZhIwAOlEZWdwlEisLlk3WMpy0X+rPqv/ANaut+FkJk8eQN/ciP8AMViaHZWz6zDqVzAJI7IGVkYZVyPug+oz1HcAiumXx1f2U3m2cNtBtPy+XAi454xgcV6NKi6kbp6HBVajI4z4yagdU+JniC5A+5dfZ/8Av0oj/wDZK4h1PpXsE/jyWed57nT7CWSRizvJaRszMTkkkjJNM/4TWE/f0LSGz3NhEf8A2Wuj2E0jLnizz+RHaxhUNlBufHoxOD+iisTUGNtE0qwPJt52oMmuqtI1mia1dCG+8hPf1FZtxZlHKsuRXXgZRcFY5sRdM4WN5tSMbSRPL5jHAjYjynHGc9gQaq+Jb9PCekDUJj9ouwfLgDsSNxz/ACGeeuBXdpZRRA+XEq7juOBjJ9a8q+NQlEmmwrnYfMbHqflr0pzbT5NDjtbVmFB8WPE8cwfZaEf3fLP+Nel+CPihZa7JHY6nALO5cgIS2Uc+gPY/WvAo4mZsCt7R4nEikI7YIz2xSwdGWIlyyMqtb2Suj6nSMMAQOtX7KTY21xlTwQawPBz6hcaBayalGVl29T1YdifqK3ljIIIFTVoqLcGdEKnMlI9S/Z/+Jtx8FfihpfjOJJ5tODG31GGLBaa0fiRQCQGZeHUEgFkXPFZ37RWoeA/FfxOuvGnwo0vVbbTddkNxdWV7AiNDeMSZCgjdxsf7wGeCWGAMVyVq0zRhIYvNcEFVOefXpXdWfw98d6nYSTuptoUjLiBMRb8DphRyfrXjVsGrOM5JL8Tto13CXNFXZwVrpOobALi2EA/6bOsf/oRFOXRY3ZVfVLCLLDdmXcR/3yDVKLVreSQoNNAYHB85ix/pV8XC7QRbwAHGQFrk9ngoaOTZ3ueKnrZI2brTvD2mWV0ml31zPO4BKyIAAAevH1rkJQSx610LT/bfOmETIpjK8tnnI9qyHgJzxXrUFT5f3ex51aU+b39zKljJNR+Wa0ntmz92o/szZ+6a3MU2dBJ8NmtHErSzl1IIJc9awtd0aS3lOU565xXY33gj4+XLn+1vH1lZLuJP2TTLeRcexbDetZlr4F8SaWLttf8AFUuuPMFZGkiEflkZ4VQSBnPP0FeJgqvsJ6vRnbXh7SOiOIa1x/DXDfE/wpNq+jrdWse6azbeBjnYeG/ofwr1ibT9jkEUwacjgqyZB7GvpqU+WSkeVOPMnE+SodBneQrDEzFDlQoyW9q7v4feBrq+122a+tJ4oYh5sgeMgNjovI9cflXvNj4b0ywUi0sIYs8nagBJrQSyVPuIB+Fei8ZTimqULX8zkWFm7c8inDbBVCgYAHAqcQZIAFXYLJ5WCquTV147PTV8yZgz9gP6V59up2knh3S5Z9UsraNf3lxcRxIuOpZgK9m1bW/2ko9Yv7HwN8K/Dd1pdvM0dtd3d4rNNGOjFFmVh9NteJeG/ifZ+FfEcOrRaPFqdxabhDG8pVI5DxuIA+YgZ/Ou/uv2xPH9i4iXw9oVsSAQs0E5bB6H/WD+VeJjJe0qXSukdlONo7nnPjnwX418L6sl9410S30261VpLjy7RXFuGLfMqbueMg4yfvDms+LBRQTk13HxQ+Kvj7xl4H07VvG+m2tpp9/fB9MMVt5fmrHHJ5rjcS23BUA5AJzjO044NAyja6sCOoIwR+Bry8VQnSSlJbnrYWqqkbdjS065tIN63ZxtJKDHBzjOfyon1TS13O5gVR1y2KzJck8Dj1rE1aIPDIHYhR1pUcwnRioJBUwkKkuZnUrq+hSDPmW3IyCJx0pw1DQn5VoDn0nU143rN01hbTTrz5EfC5xnjmuAvfFt7IjKlkibhjJmJx+S16dHESrRujz69OFCVmez6V8RfHniS1a7/t7WWUSFCJL1+TgHoGI70THxFeHdcTSSE95JGb+ddR4G8LhPDVpI0WDLukPHXLHB/LFdD/wj6r/B+ledK0ZNI1SbWpz/AIZe7ms/sN+oMsX+rI/iX0/CtlLXB+7UslklhtmA+fcAgA5J9K2Vi09YVkvrmK1bA3b3wqk+54r3MBWcqXvdOpwV4WloY4tznGKuW2ltJh5Plj9SOtbkOm6dGguGu7d1wGB81SCPoOtc94j8S2tr+5tpBK5GAqHj8SOg/Wu+dWFJXkzOFKdR2iiW6vILSOSKz27kXLHP8/0rJ0tfDt9qNpe69YX2u2yxzpd6WZWtIZXIxGTPG3mbF5JVduTjnqDZtrK8WCaxugEllwLn5QCoB3eUPT5sbvUqufu5N2C1SBQkSBVA6YpKbqxTsKUeSVjr9D8ZXPgO0fT/AAZpXhXT4btFaRdMspY9jKSAHZgvmNgA7ju6jJJHFmy8eT38U9v4z0PTvFEVwST/AGm00jxk90O/CkDoQOK4xYzmpo1dTxmm1K1r/wBegk0jX+LXiaTxTpWnGDR4ba10qeB0tol4jiQ4ITA6eWWXb6dPSuS8aapY6leW+oWcSIXiCyFB97GMH644/AV0MMxHyt0I6YrB8WaC72Mup6RatLJAhke3QfM4Aydg7nHbvXkZnhqldqotWj0cDiIUk4Pqcw9yu0ZPvWDqmopFC7AjIFYUvxF8POhYXajjkNkGuG8SfEc6pMNG8M2zPLKwRpFUseTwFHcmvn4YarUlypHqVMRTpx5mzVvZXvbGZi3zSAoB9ep/KuMvNOmgJynHtXcaZpNzYafFbXkpebl5Mtuwx7ZHXoB+FMu7FGGGQEV7lCj7CPLc8bEVXiJXsfVmk6atnpVpalADDAiEAdwoFPnhjRSzYUKMk56Vb8wAcVm6gTcOtoDhD88pH90dvxNcFOEsRVsup1zapwuZcUJu7j7dIvqLdCPur/ePua6uLwZaror6nrlr5ySxCWNJFBTGeCVIw5IGdvQDGevFrwDoMOta2HvIwbW0ja5mU9CidF/E4/DNUvipca7quoppelSXDpEgnL52KpzuXGO4A5I9a9/DUo1NV8EdF5vqzz5tx33Z84+KtL8Q6v45/wCEma1uILWzfahk4ySCqgjPHH4DIr1DQvBl3NosvifV9sflxqbe3L4dyzKocj0G7IHfr06x23h/xd4l1PMevXcVvGPMe1S1jCvngsWAUtyc4Ynn0Falt4Mk0DVL+5uZDcNNLHHDPJ/rGADGQNkkj/lmf+BDpW88JBzdaWumw4YiUYckdPMv2dmqRD5aseTjtVqC2fbyR9Kl+yPjtWq0OUzxF/s1MsQAyQMD2FWTZyg5xThazdNlNgVWt1JDDGPpTlWS3cSI2AD+VWfJlXGUPPTil8pyCDGcfSokrlI8Q+IPwT8FNqmo+LZNHufs8zG5uFhmZY1kc44UEYyxJwOPpWDYeFtA0Zf+JJo0FoCD8wy0mD1BY5Ne1+OITL4Q1O2GcPGmfoJFY/oDXz1438Xal4c8RXmi2ti0kVuyiNvMOSrIrA8D/a/SvOtebi3Y2a91SSNe4tcZPFZtzDgHpWD/AMJdrdxZR3H2EJI8rIwJc4GPqK1NcknTS4r603K7IH2l2IzjODzWsaDn8LFz2PsXUdCt9N06TUGuHnjUDa8WCobtu7r+NYTw2tzdif7UiQXBUvHEuWUAYwOe9XVuHYNGWyp4IqXStL0RNQju7oTQhSDugxke+DwfpkVlHDKim4Lc6XP2jVzsPhqltBoWrzmVTLOREyAgsqhSRkdskn8qZd+TdqyIq+bIhU5HPIx/WqcnirwxDqwtPD+hyW32hkhlnnuN8suBjJAAQZOTjBxnGe5oaxG9u5vrRnDBmRstkEg9s/55rswdlRUV0MqsffuyxpX9maZGz3CAGBQABgZz6msLVli1eyTWreUusd3coVHSMAxgDPfJPHsPatKyutC1K5E2q2srxRqrMisBntjJwDg9c9ufTPI6/rSWckujWN0JI0ufMcg52qenBx3k/MCuiU3KNjPkszbtgDGDipwiHgiqmnTrLCrDBBFaCKD24qE7ozcbaDBHCexpQkQYLk5PNTBR1GRUbo2/AAxTJsReWpkxnipDAoUsHBpyw85IWnlQiFz2HrQxpHL+J4hJouppjP8Aok5H1EbYr55h8L2Hj74y6R4a8QeOrPwjpmtC1jk1i9Gbe0BgUBpOQANy4ySAM5JA5r0f45fE+48DwW+naPBBdX17FPLNDJkjyApXsQQSTwf9g18n+JfiBeeILqCa90/7G0cCQL5bMAVUnBIPfkivKrJyqPsdHOoRS6nofiBdQ8H65rem6F4pa/i06/ms49TsZGSO6tzuiZ1I52SKendWx3rWMYu/DMYxnapT8iV/pXD6LHbXWnTodbtpGOM5EmcDnnK13OjzW76NJbi6RwrE5Cnv83ce9dmEXK7MxnLm1P/Z', '_action' => 'add', 'test1_mimetype' => 'image/jpeg', 'test2' => '', 'test3' => '', ), ), '_action' => 'add', ), 1 => array ( 'AttendeeName' => 'S', 'Company' => 'T', '_action' => 'add', ), ), 'ReasonforMeeting' => 'test', 'FollowUp' => '2013-12-19 19:38', 'UserEmail' => 'dev#dev.com', 'EmailCopyTo' => 's#s.com', 'SF_Attend' => array ( 0 => array ( 'AttendeeName' => 'test', 'Company' => 'test', '_action' => 'add', ), ), '_action' => 'add', '_uuid' => '63FD4677-C72A-4F1A-B711-963849B6840B', '_DateAndTime_time_offset' => '+11:00', '_FollowUp_time_offset' => '+11:00', )
array ( 'sp_list' => 'ClientMeetingNote', 'fields' => array ( 0 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'ReportedBy', 'type' => 'textbox', )), 1 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'DateAndTime', 'type' => 'timestamp', )), 2 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'Location', 'type' => 'textbox', )), 3 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'ClientName', 'type' => 'textbox', )), 4 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'DiscussionType', 'type' => 'radio', )), 5 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'ReasonforMeeting', 'type' => 'text_area', )), 6 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'FollowUp', 'type' => 'timestamp', )), 7 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'Signature', 'type' => 'sketch_signature', )), 8 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'UserEmail', 'type' => 'email', )), 9 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'EmailCopyTo', 'type' => 'email', )), ), 'subforms' => array ( 'SF_Attendees' => array ( 'subform_name' => 'SF_Attendees', 'subform_data_name' => 'SF_Attendees', 'sp_list' => 'Attendees', 'fields' => array ( 0 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'AttendeeName', 'type' => 'textbox', )), 1 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'Company', 'type' => 'textbox', )), ), 'subforms' => array ( 'SF_Trip' => array ( 'subform_name' => 'SF_Trip', 'subform_data_name' => 'SF_Trip', 'sp_list' => 'Trip', 'fields' => array ( 0 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test1', 'type' => 'camera', )), 1 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test2', 'type' => 'image_library', )), 2 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test3', 'type' => 'file_upload', )), ), ), ), ), 'SF_Attend' => array ( 'subform_name' => 'SF_Attend', 'subform_data_name' => 'SF_Attendees', 'sp_list' => 'Attendees', 'fields' => array ( 0 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'AttendeeName', 'type' => 'textbox', )), 1 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'Company', 'type' => 'textbox', )), ), 'subforms' => array ( 'SF_Trip' => array ( 'subform_name' => 'SF_Trip', 'subform_data_name' => 'SF_Trip', 'sp_list' => 'Trip', 'fields' => array ( 0 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test1', 'type' => 'camera', )), 1 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test2', 'type' => 'image_library', )), 2 => SchemaItem::__set_state(array( 'field' => 'test3', 'type' => 'file_upload', )), ), ), ), ), ), )
Figured it out!! Had to restructure code as it was looping through the data twice, recursion was working fine I was sending it the wrong data.
Is it possible to add a page browser (browse_links) like this to a front end extension?
Sure. Add the 'suggest' wizzard in the TCA for that field:
'yourlink' => array (
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:yourextension/locallang_general.xml:yourlink',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'db',
'allowed' => 'pages',
'size' => '1',
'maxitems' => '1',
'minitems' => '0',
'show_thumbs' => '1',
'wizards' => array(
'suggest' => array(
'type' => 'suggest',