I am using https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-PHP-SDK to send offline conversion data to Bing. I am successfully able to connect and call different service using OATH. But when I am trying to send offline conversion request I am failed. Bing SOAP request's example for Offline conversion requests https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bing-ads-campaign-management-applyofflineconversions.aspx
Now, I need help from you guys, If I want to send ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest what approach should I use SoapVar and then CampaignManagement ApplyOfflineConversions? I am asking this because I am not very well known about the Bing API v11.
After my proper OATH process
//Setting the account id as CustomerAccountId in the header element as per Bing API Doc
$GLOBALS['AuthorizationData']->AccountId = $obj->Id;
//send offline conversion
$offline = new OfflineConversion();
$offline->ConversionCurrencyCode = 'USD';
$offline->ConversionName = 'OfflineConversionSellOfRentals';
$offline->ConversionTime = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', strtotime('-7 days'));
$offline->ConversionValue = 2.5;
$offline->MicrosoftClickId = '8349a6501442491186ce602ca56881fe';
$offline_response = new SoapVar($offline, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'OfflineConversion', $GLOBALS['CampaignProxy']->GetNamespace());
$request[] = $offline_response;
$offline_response = CampaignManagementHelper::ApplyOfflineConversions($request);
I have created a static method inside CampaignManagementHelper.php file because I didn't find any implementation of AddOfflineConversion method on the Bing API SDK.
static function AddOfflineConversion($offline){
$GLOBALS['Proxy'] = $GLOBALS['CampaignProxy'];
$request = new ApplyOfflineConversionsRequest();
$request->OfflineConversions[] = $offline;
return $GLOBALS['CampaignProxy']->GetService()->ApplyOfflineConversions($request);
I am able to import offline CSV conversion that means My UET Tags and Conversion Goal are enabled.
I am having a hard time because I didn't get any sample example for how to request for offline conversion requests.
Response from Bing API call:
stdClass Object
[PartialErrors] => stdClass Object
A number of Xero accounts API samples have PHP variables which start with {
$invoices = {invoices:[{type: Invoice.TypeEnum.ACCREC, contact:{contactID:"00000000-0000-0000-000-000000000000"}, lineItems:[{ description:"Acme Tires", quantity:2.0, unitAmount:20.0, accountCode:"000", taxType:"NONE", lineAmount:40.0}], date:"2019-03-11", dueDate:"2018-12-10", reference:"Website Design", status: Invoice.StatusEnum.DRAFT}]};
I am struggling to understand how this can work. I am trying to use the API to create multiple invoices in the same call, I can do it fine in Postman so I know my code is OK.
I have tried following:
Using the documents
But for some reason I just can't find a way to make it work.
All our SDKs and documentation is generated from our OpenAPI specs. Generating runnable code in our docs is our long term goal. In the interim, we needed to offer "some" generated docs, but the JSON payloads are not meant to be used.
We have created a sample app that demonstrates different endpoints and displays the code used to make the call.
Here is the code you'll need to create an invoices
$result = $apiInstance->getContacts($xeroTenantId);
$contactId = $result->getContacts()[0]->getContactId();
$contact = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Contact;
$arr_invoices = [];
$invoice_1 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-10'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_1);
$invoice_2 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-02'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_2);
$invoices = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoices;
$result = $apiInstance->createInvoices($xeroTenantId,$invoices);
Using the code given from Packagist (https://packagist.org/packages/patreon/patreon?q=&p=6), I am unable to get the expected results. My code now logs the user in, and returns their data (which I can view via var_dump), but I'm having issues actually reading it.
According to the Patreon API documentation, the data received from the API is automatically set as an array, unless specified otherwise. I'm running the exact code from their website but their API is returning an object, and I'm not sure how to read the user's data and pledge information from it. I've tried setting the return data as an array or json without any luck. I'm just getting this jumbled mess when I convert the API response into an array.
Screenshot - https://i.gyazo.com/3d19f9422c971ce6e082486cd01b0b92.png
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Patreon\API;
use Patreon\OAuth;
$client_id = 'removed';
$client_secret = 'removed';
$redirect_uri = "https://s.com/redirect";
$href = 'https://www.patreon.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=' . $client_id . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($redirect_uri);
$state = array();
$state['final_page'] = 'http://s.com/thanks.php?item=gold';
$state_parameters = '&state=' . urlencode( base64_encode( json_encode( $state ) ) );
$href .= $state_parameters;
$scope_parameters = '&scope=identity%20identity'.urlencode('[email]');
$href .= $scope_parameters;
echo 'Click here to login via Patreon';
if (isset($_GET['code']))
$oauth_client = new OAuth($client_id, $client_secret);
$tokens = $oauth_client->get_tokens($_GET['code'], $redirect_uri);
$access_token = $tokens['access_token'];
$refresh_token = $tokens['refresh_token'];
$api_client = new API($access_token);
$campaign_response = $api_client->fetch_campaign();
$patron = $api_client->fetch_user();
$patron = (array)$patron;
I want to be able to view the user's data and pledge information. I've tried things such as $patron->data->first_name, $patron['data']['first_name'], etc. which have all thrown errors about the index of the array not being found.
You've probably already figured something out but I ran into the same thing and thought I'd share a solution here.
The JSONAPIResource object that the patreon library returns has a few specific methods that can return the individual pieces of data in a readable format.
import patreon
from pprint import pprint
access_token = <YOUR TOKEN HERE> # Replace with your creator access token
api_client = patreon.API(access_token)
campaign_response = api_client.fetch_campaign()
campaign = campaign_response.data()[0]
pprint(campaign.id()) # The campaign ID (or whatever object you are retrieving)
pprint(campaign.type()) # Campaign, in this case
pprint(campaign.attributes()) # This is most of the data you want
pprint(campaign.attribute('patron_count')) # get a specific attribute
pprint(campaign.relationships()) # related entities like 'creator' 'goals' and 'rewards'
# This last one one ends up returning another JSONAPIResource object with it's own method: .resource() that returns a list of more objects
# for example, to print the campaign's first goal you could use:
pprint( campaign.relationship_info('goals').resource()[0].attributes() )
Hope that helps someone!
I'm using the twitter api to get my latest mentions.
Twitter api link: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/statuses/mentions_timeline
Function used to get last mentions:
function twitter_get_tweets(){
$connection = $this->twitter_auth();
$latest_tweet = $connection->get('statuses/mentions_timeline', array('count' => 1));
return $latest_tweet;
Preview of response: http://projects.helpful.ninja/twitter/
Sadly im not able to access the variables in there directly, such as the text node.
[text] => #pr0b_ Submit a request to our Support team and they'll be in touch ASAP
Been testing something like:
$twitter_bot = new twitter_bot_functions($twitter_settings['api_key'], $twitter_settings['api_secret'], $twitter_settings['access_token'], $twitter_settings['access_token_secret']);
$get_latest_mention = $twitter_bot->twitter_get_tweets();
echo $get_latest_mention['text'];
Does someone have a idea what I'm doing wrong?
It is an array first and then a stdClass object. So you should use it like
echo $get_latest_mention[0]->text;
I have a php web site.Here i need to implement flight searching functionality and booking features.i have used paid API from arzoo,but i can't get the response also i am new to SOAP concepts.here is my code
$input_xml = '<AvailRequest>
$client = new SoapClient('');
$result = $client->__call('getAvailability',array($input_xml));
the output of $result is invalid xml format.Please help me to solve this problem
im trying to update my news feed on facebook. Im using the new graph api. I can connect to graph, but when i try to publish some content to the feed object, nothing happens.
here´s my code:
$token = "xxxx";
$fields = "message=test&access_token=$token";
$c = curl_init("http://graph.facebook.com/me/feed");
curl_setopt($c,"CURLOPT_POST", true);
$r = curl_exec($c);
this returns:
{"error":{"type":"QueryParseException","message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."}}1
then I try to pass access_token via GET:
$c = curl_init("http://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=$token");
this returns:
Am I doing something wrong?
I found my error!
I was putting CURL options as a string rather than constants.