Symfony doctrine group by max date timestamp - php

I would like to select values from table o by some conditions and grouped by groupKey. This query is working fine, but now query return first grouped value for my. I need to retrieve grouped values with MAX timestamp.
An example if there are two or more values with groupKey I need that one where o.createdAt value is newer.
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('order');
$expr = $qb->expr();
return $qb
->select('order, (CASE WHEN order.tsmOrderNumber IS NOT NULL THEN order.tsmOrderNumber ELSE END) as groupKey')
->where('order.user =:user')
->andWhere('order.status =:status')
$expr->neq('order.wayBillNumber', "''"),
$expr->between('order.createdAt', ':dateFrom', ':dateTo')
$expr->eq('o.tsmNumber', '\'\'')
$expr->between('order.createdAt', ':dateFrom2', ':dateTo')
'status' => Order::STATUS_COMPLETED,
'user' => $user,
'dateFrom' => (new \DateTime())->modify('-2 month'),
'dateFrom2' => (new \DateTime())->modify('-6 month'),
'dateTo' => new \DateTime()
->orderBy('order.createdAt', 'DESC')


how to search using the sum of case when in cakephp

I want to do implement a search in the generated data of the sum count of a case when in cakephp with or or conditions in each data.
SELECT `Branches`.`name` AS `Branches__name` , `Branches`.`code` AS `Branches__code` , (
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =1
) AS `carried` , (
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =0
) AS `unCarried`
FROM `branches` `Branches`
INNER JOIN `products_carried_per_branches` `prodCarried` ON ( prodCarried.company_id = Branches.company_id
AND prodCarried.branch_code = Branches.code )
`Branches`.`company_id` =200017
AND `Branches`.`deleted` =0
AND `prodCarried`.`deleted` =0
GROUP BY `code`
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =1
END ) =39
the picture shows the mysql result without the having code
while this is my cakephp code, I want to implement the having sql into cakephp or condition to search the generated sum count or search the data name and code. is this possible or nah
$carriedCase = $query->newExpr()
$query->newExpr()->add(['prodCarried.carried' => '1']),
$unCarriedCase = $query->newExpr()
$query->newExpr()->add(['prodCarried.carried' => '0']),
//disctinct code
$query ->select([
'carried' => $query->func()->count($carriedCase),
'unCarried' => $query->func()->count($unCarriedCase),
$query ->distinct([
'prodCarried' => [
'table' =>'products_carried_per_branches',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => [
'prodCarried.company_id = Branches.company_id',
'prodCarried.branch_code = Branches.code',
$query->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) use($option,$search){
$exp->eq('Branches.company_id', $option['company_id']);
$exp->eq('Branches.deleted', 0);
$exp->eq('prodCarried.deleted', 0);
$orConditions = $exp->or_(function (QueryExpression $or) use ($search) {
$or->like('name', "%$search%");
$or->like('code', "%$search%");
return $or;
return $exp;
Depending on your DBMS you can refer to the aggregate of the select list:
'carried' => $searchCount,
Otherwise you have to recreate the aggregate:
function (
\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp,
\Cake\ORM\Query $query
) use (
) {
return $exp->eq(
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Aggregates - Group and Having

Is it Possible to do a datatable search using the generated sumcount of the sum case in CAKEPHP [duplicate]

I want to do implement a search in the generated data of the sum count of a case when in cakephp with or or conditions in each data.
SELECT `Branches`.`name` AS `Branches__name` , `Branches`.`code` AS `Branches__code` , (
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =1
) AS `carried` , (
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =0
) AS `unCarried`
FROM `branches` `Branches`
INNER JOIN `products_carried_per_branches` `prodCarried` ON ( prodCarried.company_id = Branches.company_id
AND prodCarried.branch_code = Branches.code )
`Branches`.`company_id` =200017
AND `Branches`.`deleted` =0
AND `prodCarried`.`deleted` =0
GROUP BY `code`
CASE WHEN `prodCarried`.`carried` =1
END ) =39
the picture shows the mysql result without the having code
while this is my cakephp code, I want to implement the having sql into cakephp or condition to search the generated sum count or search the data name and code. is this possible or nah
$carriedCase = $query->newExpr()
$query->newExpr()->add(['prodCarried.carried' => '1']),
$unCarriedCase = $query->newExpr()
$query->newExpr()->add(['prodCarried.carried' => '0']),
//disctinct code
$query ->select([
'carried' => $query->func()->count($carriedCase),
'unCarried' => $query->func()->count($unCarriedCase),
$query ->distinct([
'prodCarried' => [
'table' =>'products_carried_per_branches',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => [
'prodCarried.company_id = Branches.company_id',
'prodCarried.branch_code = Branches.code',
$query->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) use($option,$search){
$exp->eq('Branches.company_id', $option['company_id']);
$exp->eq('Branches.deleted', 0);
$exp->eq('prodCarried.deleted', 0);
$orConditions = $exp->or_(function (QueryExpression $or) use ($search) {
$or->like('name', "%$search%");
$or->like('code', "%$search%");
return $or;
return $exp;
Depending on your DBMS you can refer to the aggregate of the select list:
'carried' => $searchCount,
Otherwise you have to recreate the aggregate:
function (
\Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp,
\Cake\ORM\Query $query
) use (
) {
return $exp->eq(
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Aggregates - Group and Having

How to bind datetime field between two string value

I have method like this :
public function getCustomDateOrders(string $startDay,string $endDay,string $food) :array
$result = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->entityClass , 'OrderEntity')
' = OrderEntity.FoodId '
->where(" =:food")
->andWhere("OrderEntity.status =:active")
->andWhere("startDate<:OrderEntity.orderCreated >:endDay")
"food" => $food,
"active" => 1,
"startDate" => $startDay,
"endDay" => $endDay
I have couple of values :
$startDay is equal to "2016-010-17 00:00:00" (string)
$endDay is equal to "2016-10-03 00:00:00" (string)
And also order.created (one of order's fields) is datetime.
I want to fetch order from order entity which has created field is between $startDay and $endDay. How to solve it?
Use between:
public function getCustomDateOrders(string $startDay,string $endDay,string $food) :array
$result = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->entityClass , 'OrderEntity')
' = OrderEntity.FoodId '
->where(" =:food")
->andWhere("OrderEntity.status =:active")
->andWhere("OrderEntity.orderCreated between :startDay and :endDay")
"food" => $food,
"active" => 1,
"startDay" => $startDay,
"endDay" => $endDay
And that is why we don't store dates as strings. You can still convert the string inside the query, so don't just turn off the computer yet.
Use the str_to_date() function:
Lets translate it into SQL:
select * from yourtable
where created > str_to_date(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')
and created < str_to_date(end_day, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')
There we go. Give me all the rows which where created after the start_date and before the end date.
The better way would probabbly be converting your strings to dates and the use between like sugested.

how to make the model->search function in yii2 not return rows with null values

so i have a model that has relations and i've modified the search function to permit querying the relational data but i don't want it to return the entries which have null values inside them. here's my search function:
public function search($params)
$query = Services::find();
$query->joinWith(['location', 'client', 'operator']);
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'sort'=> ['defaultOrder' => ['date'=>SORT_ASC]]
'id' => $this->id,
'tip' => $this->tip,
'status' => $this->status,
if ( ! is_null($this->date) && strpos($this->date, ' - ') !== false ) {
$datelist = explode(' - ', $this->date);
// var_dump($datelist);
// die($datelist);
$start_date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-Y H:i:s', $datelist[0].' 00:00:00');
$end_date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-Y H:i:s', $datelist[1].' 23:59:59');
$query->andFilterWhere(['between', 'date', $start_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),$end_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'location.address', $this->location]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', '', $this->client]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'personal.nume', $this->operator_id]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', [$this->client=>null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', [$this->location=>null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', ['location_id' => null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', ['client_id' => null]]);
return $dataProvider;
Notice the last 4 query rows. I think that should omit the rows that have null values in those specific attributes
This is the query generated, it does not include any NOT conditions and i don't get why.
SELECT `services`.* FROM `services` LEFT JOIN `location` ON `services`.`location_id` = `location`.`id` LEFT JOIN `client` ON `services`.`client_id` = `client`.`id` LEFT JOIN `personal` ON `services`.`operator_id` = `personal`.`id` WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2015-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2015-01-22 23:59:59' ORDER BY `client`.`name` DESC LIMIT 20
If someone manages to do this before, please show how :D
Thank you in advance
Instead of using andFilterWhere use andWhere. andFilterWhere ignores the empty operands and thus your null values will not be added to the query.
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', [$this->client=>null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', [$this->location=>null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', ['location_id' => null]]);
$query->andFilterWhere(['NOT', ['client_id' => null]]);
$query->andWhere(['NOT',['location_id' => null]])
$query->andWhere(['NOT', ['client_id' => null]]);

how to use not null condition in YII2

Hi i want to use not null condition in my yii2 query how should i use that.
i don't want city and state null.
My query is
$query = new Query;
$query->select('ID, City,State,StudentName')
->where(['IsActive' => 1])
->orderBy(['rand()' => SORT_DESC])
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'pagination' => false,
You can use the not operator combined with the fields that should not be null to generate a IS NOT NULL SQL statement. Like this:
$query = new Query;
$query->select('ID, City,State,StudentName')
->where(['IsActive' => 1])
->andWhere(['not', ['City' => null]])
->andWhere(['not', ['State' => null]])
->orderBy(['rand()' => SORT_DESC])
Also check the examples in the documentation.
->where(['IS NOT', 'column', null]);
You can also use, it is faster to type
->where('column IS NOT NULL')
In complex query
'column1 IS NOT NULL', // works
['IS NOT', 'column2', null], // works
['column3' => $value],
One of the options will be:
$query = new Query;
$query->select('ID, City,State,StudentName')
->where(['IsActive' => 1])
->andWhere(['<>', 'City', null])
->andWhere(['<>', 'State', null])
->orderBy(['rand()' => SORT_DESC])
Check official docs for where.
$items = BadOffer::find()->where(['OR',
['IS', 'moderator_id', (new Expression('Null'))],
['moderator_id' => $user->id],
In Yii2, we can use any of the queries below to verify the null condition,
->andWhere(['NOT', ['city' => null]]);
->andWhere(['<>', ['city' => null]]);
->andWhere('city IS NOT NULL');
use ->andWhere(['not', ['State' => null]]) or ->andWhere(['is not', 'State', null]);
Do no use :
andFilterWhere, as the null will make this filter be ignored
->andWhere(['<>', 'State', null]) as it form query AND State <> null
How to select non-empty columns in MySQL?
use LENGTH :
FROM table
WHERE LENGTH(col1) > 0
Yii2 :
->andWhere(['>', 'LENGTH(col1)', 0])
This work for me, but only when pass null as string
->andFilterWhere(['<>', '`city`', 'null']);
