Php soap data send error - php

When sending data to the SomeMethod() method, the 1 excess parameter returns as an error.
My Code:
$client = new SoapClient('site_url/?wsdl');
$client->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';
$loginparam = array('userName'=>'name','password'=>'pass','trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 0);
$session = $client->OturumAc($loginparam);
$SoapIcHeader = new SoapHeader("","TokenId",$session->OturumAcResult);
$OturumUzat = $client->OturumDogrulaVeUzat($session ->OturumAcResult);
$param["BosAgirligi"] = "20";
$param["CalismaBasinci"] = "5";
$param["DoluAgirligi"] = "1";
$param["SonMuayeneTarihi"] = "2017-08-01 10:19:04";
$param["SonMuayeneYapanFirmaMersisNo"] = "123456789";
$param["SuKapasitesi"] = "1";
$param["TestBasinci"] = "10";
$param["DolumBasinci"] = "15";
$param["EtKalinligi"] = "3";
$param["ImalatTarihi"] = "2017-08-01 10:19:04";
$param["SeriNo"] = "123";
$param["TescilEdenTesisId"] = "31fd684c-f97d-48c1-a7fb-60f30f536d8d";
$param["UreticiId"] = "31fd684c-f97d-48c1-a7fb-60f30f536d8d";
// $param["UygunlukIsareti"] = "1";
$date = date('d/m/Y');
$id ="2ad9a9a9-adb9-4fb8-8fae-01e84aa72343";
$sonuc = $client->TupTescil($id,$date,$param);
catch (Exception $e)
echo "Error ! ";
echo $e -> getMessage ();
Return Error
Error ! The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: Error in deserializing body of request message for operation 'TupTescil'. End element 'Body' from namespace '' expected. Found element 'param1' from namespace ''. Line 2, position 281.
This example works with C#
Guid tupKimligi = new Guid("07FAF194-4E80-4359-95D9-011CA1F5A1D4");
DateTime islemSaati = DateTime.Today;
TupTescilBilgisi tescilBilgileri = new TupTescilBilgisi()
BosAgirligi = 1,
CalismaBasinci = 1,
DoluAgirligi = 1,
SonMuayeneTarihi = DateTime.Today,
SonMuayeneYapanFirmaMersisNo = "123456789",
SuKapasitesi = 1,
TestBasinci = 1,
DolumBasinci = 1,
EtKalinligi = 1,
ImalatTarihi = DateTime.Today,
SeriNo = "123",
TescilEdenTesisId = tesisId,
UreticiId = ureticiId,
UygunlukIsareti = TupUygunlukIsareti.Pi
Tup tescilSonuc = tsc.TupTescil(tupKimligi, DateTime.Today, tescilBilgileri);
You can also look at the wsdl structure here
enter link description here
Thanks for your help


Drupal 7, validate node as per interface

I created a webservice, it works correctly, I was doing the node creation operation and it works correctly.
I need to validate the node I'm about to save in the same way it is validated during the interface insertion form.
I have tried with
drupal_form_submit($nodeType . '_node_form', $form_state, (object) $node);
it keeps giving me errors its node reference fields
Could you suggest other ways to do the same validation that is done by the interface on a programmatically created node?
The error on the node reference field is:
" field_ente : this entry cannot be
referenced. "
The node (6310) exists correctly and if I try to do the node_save, it is saved correctly
the complete function is as follows
function my_ws_resource_create($field_nome = '', $field_cognome = '', $field_codice_fiscale = '', $field_data_di_nascita = '', $field_ente= '')
module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
global $user;
$nodeType = 'contatti';
$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = $nodeType;
$node->uid = $user->uid;
$node->status = 1;
$node->revision = 1;
$node->promote = 0;
$node->comment = 0;
$node->field_cognome['und'][0]['value'] = $field_cognome;
$node->field_nome['und'][0]['value'] = $field_nome;
$node->field_codice_fiscale['und'][0]['cck_codicefiscale'] = $field_codice_fiscale;
$node->field_data_di_nascita['und'][0]['value'] = $field_data_di_nascita;
$node->field_categoria_contatto['und'][0]['tid'] = '66';
// $node->field_ente = array('und' => array(array('nid'=> $field_ente )));
// this field causes the error
$node->field_ente = array('und' => array(array('nid'=> '6310')));
$node->field_simplenews_term['it'][0]['tid'] = '13660';
$form_state = array();
$form_state['values']['type'] = $nodeType;
$form_state['values']['name'] = $user->name;
$form_state['values']['status'] = 1;
$form_state['values']['promote'] = 1;
$form_state['values']['sticky'] = 0;
$form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save');
drupal_form_submit($nodeType . '_node_form', $form_state, (object) $node);
if ($errors = form_get_errors()) {
return services_error(implode(" ", $errors), 406, array('form_errors' => $errors));
return 'Creation successful';
I've had success with the following (remove $form_state and replace drupal_form_submit):
if ($node = node_submit($node)) {
// Success!
else {
// Fail :(

Error: SQLSTATE[HY093] sending data through HTML/PHP to MySQL

I'm trying to send a lot of data from a form to a mysql database, and I'm getting the following error:
Error: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
I know the error is likely related to the amount of fields I'm sending not matching the number of parameters in the query.
Code below:
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO propuestas_emitidas (fecha_operacion, vendedor_codigo, vendedor_nombre, vigencia, plan, persona_tipo, IVA_cond, auto_marca, auto_modelo, auto_anofab, auto_cerokm, auto_suma, auto_uso, auto_rastreo, auto_cp, auto_tarifa, acc1_cod, acc1_desc, acc1_valor, acc2_cod, acc2_desc, acc2_valor, acc3_cod, acc3_desc, acc3_valor, acc4_cod, acc4_desc, acc4_valor, cobertura_tipo, electronica, tit_tipo_persona, tit_tipodoc, tit_nrodoc, tit_apellido, tit_provincia, tit_localidad, tit_calle, tit_altura, tit_piso, tit_dpto, tit_cp, tit_tel1, tit_tel2, tit_sexo, tit_est_civil, tit_nacionalidad, tit_actividad, tit_cuit, tit_mail, tit_prov_nac, tit_loc_nac, tit_fecha_nac, rep_tipodoc, rep_nrodoc, rep_apellido, rep_nombre, vh_patente, vh_chasis, vh_motor, pago_forma, pago_cuotacero, pago_cbu, pago_tarj_nombre, pago_tarj_nro, pago_tarj_vcto, pago_tarj_titular)
VALUES (:fecha_operacion, :vendedor_codigo, :vendedor_nombre, :vigencia, :plan, :persona_tipo, :IVA_cond, :auto_marca, :auto_modelo, :auto_anofab, :auto_cerokm, :auto_suma, :auto_uso, :auto_rastreo, :auto_cp, :auto_tarifa, :acc1_cod, :acc1_desc, :acc1_valor, :acc2_cod, :acc2_desc, :acc2_valor, :acc3_cod, :acc3_desc, :acc3_valor, :acc4_cod, :acc4_desc, :acc4_valor, :cobertura_tipo, :electronica, :tit_tipo_persona, :tit_tipodoc, :tit_nrodoc, :tit_apellido, :tit_provincia, :tit_localidad, :tit_calle, :tit_altura, :tit_piso, :tit_dpto, :tit_cp, :tit_tel1, :tit_tel2, :tit_sexo, :tit_est_civil, :tit_nacionalidad, :tit_actividad, :tit_cuit, :tit_mail, :tit_prov_nac, :tit_loc_nac, :tit_fecha_nac, :rep_tipodoc, :rep_nrodoc, :rep_apellido, :rep_nombre, :vh_patente, :vh_chasis, :vh_motor, :pago_forma, :pago_cuotacero, :pago_cbu, :pago_tarj_nombre, :pago_tarj_nro, :pago_tarj_vcto, :pago_tarj_titular)");
$fecha_operacion = str_replace("/", "", date("d/m/y"));
$vendedor_codigo = $_POST["vendedor_codigo"];
$vendedor_nombre = $_POST["vendedor_nombre"];
$vigencia = $_POST["vigencia"];
$plan = $_POST["plan"];
$persona_tipo = "F";
$IVA_cond = $_POST["IVA_cond"];
$auto_marca = $_POST["auto_marca"];
$auto_modelo = $_POST["auto_modelo"];
$auto_anofab = $_POST["auto_anofab"];
$auto_cerokm = $_POST["auto_cerokm"];
$auto_suma = NULL;
$auto_uso = $_POST["auto_uso"];
$auto_rastreo = $_POST["auto_rastreo"];
$auto_cp = $_POST["auto_cp"];
$auto_tarifa = $_POST["auto_tarifa"];
if (!(isset($_POST["acc1_cod"]))) {
$acc1_cod = NULL;
$acc1_desc = NULL;
$acc1_valor = NULL;
} else {
$acc1_cod = $_POST["acc1_cod"];
$acc1_desc = $_POST["acc1_desc"];
$acc1_valor = $_POST["acc1_valor"];
if (!(isset($_POST["acc2_cod"]))) {
$acc2_cod = NULL;
$acc2_desc = NULL;
$acc2_valor = NULL;
} else {
$acc2_cod = $_POST["acc2_cod"];
$acc2_desc = $_POST["acc2_desc"];
$acc2_valor = $_POST["acc2_valor"];
if (!(isset($_POST["acc3_cod"]))) {
$acc3_cod = NULL;
$acc3_desc = NULL;
$acc3_valor = NULL;
} else {
$acc3_cod = $_POST["acc3_cod"];
$acc3_desc = $_POST["acc3_desc"];
$acc3_valor = $_POST["acc3_valor"];
if (!(isset($_POST["acc4_cod"]))) {
$acc4_cod = NULL;
$acc4_desc = NULL;
$acc4_valor = NULL;
} else {
$acc4_cod = $_POST["acc4_cod"];
$acc4_desc = $_POST["acc4_desc"];
$acc4_valor = $_POST["acc4_valor"];
$cobertura_tipo = NULL;
$electronica = NULL;
$tit_tipo_persona = "F";
$tit_tipodoc = $_POST["tit_tipodoc"];
$tit_nrodoc = $_POST["tit_nrodoc"];
$tit_apellido = $_POST["tit_apellido"];
$tit_provincia = $_POST["tit_provincia"];
$tit_localidad = $_POST["tit_localidad"];
$tit_calle = $_POST["tit_calle"];
$tit_altura = $_POST["tit_altura"];
$tit_piso = $_POST["tit_piso"];
$tit_dpto = $_POST["tit_dpto"];
$tit_cp = $_POST["tit_cp"];
$tit_tel1 = $_POST["tit_tel1"];
$tit_tel2 = $_POST["tit_tel2"];
$tit_sexo = $_POST["tit_sexo"];
$tit_est_civil = $_POST["tit_est_civil"];
$tit_nacionalidad = $_POST["tit_nacionalidad"];
$tit_actividad = NULL;
$tit_cuit = $_POST["tit_nrodoc"];
$tit_mail = $_POST["tit_mail"];
$tit_prov_nac = $_POST["tit_prov_nac"];
$tit_loc_nac = $_POST["tit_loc_nac"];
$tit_fecha_nac = $_POST["tit_fecha_nac"];
$rep_tipodoc = $_POST["tit_tipodoc"];
$rep_nrodoc = $_POST["tit_nrodoc"];
$rep_apellido = $_POST["tit_apellido"];
$rep_nombre = $_POST["tit_apellido"];
$vh_patente = NULL;
$vh_chasis = NULL;
$vh_motor = NULL;
$pago_forma = "CBU";
$pago_cuotacero = $_POST["pago_cuotacero"];
$pago_cbu = $_POST["pago_cbu"];
$pago_tarj_nombre = NULL;
$pago_tarj_nro = NULL;
$pago_tarj_vcto = NULL;
$pago_tarj_titular = NULL;
$stmt->bindParam(':fecha_operacion', $fecha_operacion);
$stmt->bindParam(':vendedor_codigo', $vendedor_codigo);
$stmt->bindParam(':vendedor_nombre', $vendedor_nombre);
$stmt->bindParam(':vigencia', $vigencia);
$stmt->bindParam(':plan', $plan);
$stmt->bindParam(':persona_tipo', $persona_tipo);
$stmt->bindParam(':IVA_cond', $IVA_cond);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_marca', $auto_marca);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_modelo', $auto_modelo);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_anofab', $auto_anofab);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_cerokm', $auto_cerokm);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_suma', $auto_suma);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_uso', $auto_uso);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_rastreo', $auto_rastreo);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_cp', $auto_cp);
$stmt->bindParam(':auto_tarifa', $auto_tarifa);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc1_cod', $acc1_cod);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc1_desc', $acc1_desc);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc1_valor', $acc1_valor);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc2_cod', $acc2_cod);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc2_desc', $acc2_desc);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc2_valor', $acc2_valor);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc3_cod', $acc3_cod);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc3_desc', $acc3_desc);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc3_valor', $acc3_valor);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc4_cod', $acc4_cod);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc4_desc', $acc4_desc);
$stmt->bindParam(':acc4_valor', $acc4_valor);
$stmt->bindParam(':cobertura_tipo', $cobertura_tipo);
$stmt->bindParam(':electronica', $electronica);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_tipo_persona', $tit_tipo_persona);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_tipodoc', $tit_tipodoc);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_nrodoc', $tit_nrodoc);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_apellido', $tit_apellido);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_provincia', $tit_provincia);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_localidad', $tit_localidad);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_calle', $tit_calle);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_altura', $tit_altura);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_piso', $tit_piso);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_dpto', $tit_dpto);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_cp', $tit_cp);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_tel1', $tit_tel1);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_tel2', $tit_tel2);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_sexo', $tit_sexo);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_est_civil', $tit_est_civil);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_nacionalidad', $tit_nacionalidad);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_actividad', $tit_actividad);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_cuit', $tit_cuit);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_mail', $tit_mail);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_prov_nac', $tit_prov_nac);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_loc_nac', $tit_loc_nac);
$stmt->bindParam(':tit_fecha_nac', $tit_fecha_nac);
$stmt->bindParam(':rep_tipodoc', $rep_tipodoc);
$stmt->bindParam(':rep_apellido', $rep_apellido);
$stmt->bindParam(':rep_nombre', $rep_nombre);
$stmt->bindParam(':vh_patente', $vh_patente);
$stmt->bindParam(':vh_chasis', $vh_chasis);
$stmt->bindParam(':vh_motor', $vh_motor);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_forma', $pago_forma);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_cuotacero', $pago_cuotacero);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_cbu', $pago_cbu);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_tarj_nombre', $pago_tarj_nombre);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_tarj_nro', $pago_tarj_nro);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_tarj_vcto', $pago_tarj_vcto);
$stmt->bindParam(':pago_tarj_titular', $pago_tarj_titular);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
$conn = null;
You missed
$stmt->bindParam(':rep_nrodoc', $rep_nrodoc);

getting error to display all record in php json

I am trying to display all records using jason in php.
but display all filed with null value.
I'm using postman for testing purpose.
I don't know what is the problem with that code. I getting null value only.
here is my code :
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$checkFields = "";
if ($REQUEST == "POST")
include "DB/db.php";
$userlist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reg_services");
if(mysql_num_rows($userlist) > 0)
$p = 0;
$ph = array();
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_row($userlist))
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
$json = array("success" => 1, "All_User_List" => $ph);
$jsonarray = json_encode($json);
$json = array("success" => 0, "message" => "Invalid Request Type(Use POST Method)");
$jsonarray = json_encode($json);
echo $jsonarray;
please help me if you are know what is the error in code.
just replace this code with old one
$p = 0;
$ph = array();
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_array($userlist))
$ph[$p] = array();
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
You need to tell PHP about arrays
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_row($userlist))
$ph[$p] = array(); // let PHP know it is an array
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
just replace this while loop condition with olde one.
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_array($userlist))
now it's work

PHP SoapClient WSDL DeserializationFailed Invalid enum value

I am trying to use SoapClient in PHP to retrieve data from a WSDL. If I use hardcoded values, then it works with zero errors:
$client = new SoapClient(someWSDLUrl);
$params2 = array();
$params2['AuthenticationKey'] = $obj->{'LoginResult'};
$params2['VehicleClass'] = 'UsedCar';
$params2['ApplicationCategory'] = 'Consumer';
$params2['VersionDate'] = '2016';
$result2 = $client->GetMakes($params2);
I am getting the following error when I use variables or dynamic content:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:DeserializationFailed
] The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter
. The InnerException message was 'Invalid enum value 'UsedCars'
I have tried
$client = new SoapClient(someWSDLUrl);
$params2 = array();
$params2['AuthenticationKey'] = $obj->{'LoginResult'};
$params2['VehicleClass'] = $VehicleClass;
$params2['ApplicationCategory'] = $ApplicationCategory;
$params2['VersionDate'] = $VersionDate;
$result2 = $client->GetMakes($params2);
I have also tried
$client = new SoapClient(someWSDLUrl);
$params2 = array();
$params2['AuthenticationKey'] = (string) $obj->{'LoginResult'};
$params2['VehicleClass'] = (string) $VehicleClass;
$params2['ApplicationCategory'] = (string) $ApplicationCategory;
$params2['VersionDate'] = (string) $VersionDate;
$result2 = $client->GetMakes($params2);
I have also tried:
$SubmitData = new stdClass();
$SubmitData->AuthenticationKey = new SoapVar($obj->{'LoginResult'}, XSD_STRING);
$SubmitData->VehicleClass = new SoapVar($VehicleClass, XSD_STRING);
$SubmitData->ApplicationCategory = new SoapVar($ApplicationCategory, XSD_STRING);
$SubmitData->VersionDate = new SoapVar($VersionDate, XSD_STRING);
$result2 = $client->GetMakes($SubmitData);
Same error each time. I do not know how to get around "Invalid enum value" error
Thanks in advance

PHP-EWS 2010, how to set the IsRead flag

I have been able to successfully retrieve the unread emails from an Exchange 2010 inbox using php-ews API. However after I have fetched the emails, I want to set the IsRead property of the email to true, so that these messages do not appear the next time I fetch emails.
Anyone done this before ?
This is how I am trying to set the IsRead flag :
$message_id = ''; //id of message
$change_key = ''; //change key
$response = $ews->GetItem($request);
if( $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseCode == 'NoError' &&
$response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseClass == 'Success' ) {
$a = array();
$message = $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->Items->Message;
$a['message_body'] = $message->Body->_;
$a['sender'] = $message->From->Mailbox->EmailAddress;
$a['subject'] = $message->ConversationTopic;
$data[] = $a;
//process the message data.
$messageType = new EWSType_MessageType();
$messageType->IsRead = true;
$path = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$path->FieldURI = 'message:IsRead';
$setField = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$setField->Message = $messageType;
$setField->FieldURI = $path;
$u = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$u->Updates = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangeDescriptionsType();
$u->Updates->SetItemField = $setField;
$u->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$u->ItemId->Id = $message_id;
$u->ItemId->ChangeKey = $change_key;
$updatedItems = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangesType();
$updatedItems->ItemChange = $u;
$updateMessenger = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$updateMessenger->ItemChanges = $updatedItems;
$updateMessenger->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$updateMessenger->ConflictResolution = 'AutoResolve';
try {
$update_response = $ews->UpdateItem($updateMessenger);
}catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
When I run the file I get the following error :
An internal server error occurred. The operation failed.
After debugging for some time, I have concluded that the error happens at the curl_exec function in NTLMSoapClient.php file.
I dont know where to go on from here. Please help.
I've faced a similar issue when updating a calendar event and setting the IsAllDayEvent flag. This is the code that worked for me:
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices(...);
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $changeKey;
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = "calendar:IsAllDayEvent";
$field->CalendarItem = new EWSType_CalendarItemType();
$field->CalendarItem->IsAllDayEvent = true;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $ews->UpdateItem($request);
The biggest difference I see here is that you do $u->Updates->SetItemField = $setField;, whereas my code uses $u->Updates->SetItemField[] = $setField;.
I hope this helps.
Edit: You might have already seen this, but I based my code on the one from the php-ews wiki.
I tried everything including PathToExtendedFieldType and it doesn't work at the end code below worked for me
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices('red', 'red', 'red',ExchangeWebServices::VERSION_2007_SP1);
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->SendMeetingInvitationsOrCancellations = 'SendToNone';
$request->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
// Build out item change request.
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $contact_id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $contact_change_key;
#$change->Updates = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangeDescriptionsType();
#$change->Updates->SetItemField = array();
// Build the set item field object and set the item on it.
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = "message:IsRead";
$field->Message = new EWSType_MessageType();
$field->Message->IsRead = true;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $ews->UpdateItem($request);
Well, i dont know how it is in php, but in C# there is another field, that must be set: IsReadSpecified = true.
email.IsRead = true;
email.IsReadSpecified = true;
