Website Uploading - Error "NaN" uploaded - php

I've been trying to setup a file hosting script, I've tried multiple scripts (7), and no matter what script I've used, I seem to always get the same error, and I've tried it on multiple devices, and on different HTTP(s) protocols...
(I've searched for a few days for a way to resolve this, but without finding a working solution...)
Uploading File: (Computer upload)
"Speed: NaN Bps. Remaining: NaN seconds | Progress: NaN% (NaN B / 2.45 KB)"
However, if I use something such as "Remote Upload" everything seems to work completely fine, any advice?
I've changed the php.ini file to max upload file size to 2048MB's (Just to test it)
I uploaded a simple gif, and it didn't seem to want to upload...
(Also the upload script was working completely fine before, then one day it simply stopped working...)
Apache2 Website Conf: here
(Hiding domain using


Error when uploading files larger than 500MB on vps server

I have a vps server (on hostinger) running on openlitespeed (cyberpanel). The website that I built uses PHP.
I created a file upload service and set my php config's post max limit to 1024M and upload max filesize to 1024M as well since both those settings work on my local when testing for large file uploads under 1gb. (I've also restarted php, as well as my server to see if it solved the issue but it still persists. I've also created a phpinfo file to confirm if my post max limit and upload max filesize were changed to 1024M/1G and they were changed)
But on my webserver, uploading files larger than 500mb gives me a "POST net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR" on my console pointing to a line on one of my javascript code referring to my xhttp.send (specifically xhttp.send(formData) XML Http Request. This XML http request forwards the selected file to an upload.php script that processes the data. But it's not getting sent to that script due to the error.
When I get that error when uploading files larger than 500mb, I'd also get an error in my server's error log:
[NOTICE] [xxxx] [T0] [*] Request body size: <filesize> is too big!
The uploader works fine when uploading files under 500mb, it sends the formdata to the php upload script and stores it in the server as well as the database. But it gives an error when uploading more than that.
I've looked everywhere to solve this issue, I've also looked into openlitespeed's max request body size since it's seems like it's what the error on my error log shows, but most of the answers I've seen were from several years ago and no longer applies and didn't resolve the issue.
There doesn't seem to be any issue with my php script as well as my javascript from my tests since it works with no issues on my local server, and works fine with small file sizes on my web server.
Is there anyway to resolve this issue?

Cannot Upload .GLB to Wordpress Media Location

This is not a quick failure, I have spent a totally of 5 completely full days trying to figure this out. Initially I was limited by file size and then file type; in which I removed the Wordpress restrictions and am now "capable" of uploading my 177MB .glb file to Wordpress.
However when doing so, I receive the following error:
Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
I was on the phone with GoDaddy Specialists for 2.5 hours yesterday ensuring that this was not a Server issue or restriction on their side.. they confirmed that it was not. We pretty much ended the conversation that it is something I must figure out with me, myself, and I.
I went ahead and uploaded my .glb to the server through panel, everything worked fine. In fact I have a location for it here:
However, this does not make the file discoverable to the 3D viewer plugins I have installed on the site through the media location.
I truly don't know where to go from here
I changed the name of the file to .png and attempted an upload and received the following error:
Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.
I just tried to update a normal .mov file that is 150MB and received the following error; really making me think this is something to do with file size:
Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
Yes, normal images are uploading just fine (2MB-ish)
I just attempted to deactivate all plugins with consideration that maybe "Smush" or another was imposing issues: I then received the issue that the file type is not supported (even with the allow all file types code in my wp-config)
Is this just the case that glb is not allowed at all?
This must be a server thing. probably a run time error
Whoever supported you just doesn't know it. GoGoDaddy. ;)
Nevertheless... you can Use a plugin that's called
media sync. Check it out and best of luck

Laravel - Uploading multiple images for a single request doesn't work well on shared host

I am uploading more than 12 images files for a single requests but the online server refuses to upload those images. In my local machine it works fine, i can upload more than 20 images at once. I have configured the PHP settings for max_file_uploads = 60, upload_max_filesize=100M, post_max_size = 125M in php.ini, both on my local machine server and online server. While sending the page loads unfinishing, and at the end after a long time it responds with a Network Protocol Error, which says that:
"An error occurred during a connection to The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the network protocol was detected."
See the screen shots of other different error responses i've also got after many trials, and it still takes a long time of loading to get those responses after sending.
The images that i am uploading are being saved on server but not all. When i upload 20 images for a single request, it can get only 8 or 10 and sometimes the last image is cut short(interrupted) before it is fully uploaded, see its picture below.
I need to get all the images i am uploading like in my local machine, and with a quick response. What else i can do for configuration in PHP or elsewhere? What's wrong on shared hosting server? Please, if you have any answer to this, you can tell me what i can do, to get all uploaded images files with a quick response.
It's clearly because of a timeout error. It's not acceptable to send multiple files with one request. Even if you get it to work right now, it will fail from time to time depending on the user connection speed and file size. Also you mentioned a quick response. So you definitely need to use ajax upload to upload files simultaneously. There are multiple upload libraries such as dropzone.

File upload timeout Laravel 5.6

I am using the
to upload files into laravel. It works, i can successfully upload, store, delete, and edit files on the server. But the issue i am having is the weight of the file. Images upload easily, but if i try to upload a .zip with like 20MB it drops. I can see the numbers in the bottom of the browser going all the way to 23 then back to 0, up to like 10% then this pages comes up:
What is going on? I updated my PHP.INI to allow really large uploads... is Laravel got some restrictions? Does Nginx have its own set of permissions? What am i missing?

PHP Uploading Multiple files always gives me timeout error

Ok, I don't quite understand why, but no matter what I seem to set in PHP's ini_set function, I am unable to upload multiple files or the files that I'm uploading are too big... I don't understand it. Here's what I am setting so far within the script that handles the $_FILES[] array that is being uploaded when posting the form:
// Try and allow for 3 hours, just in case...
// Try and set some ini settings to buy us some time...
#ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
#ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '512M');
#ini_set('post_max_size', '550M');
#ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', '10800'); // Allows for up to 3 hours
#ini_set('max_input_time', '10800'); // Allows for up to 3 hours
#ini_set('max_execution_time', '10800'); // Allows for up to 3 hours
I am using move_uploaded_file to place it into the specified directory, not sure if that matters or not?
Honestly, how can I allow multiple files to be uploaded without a TIMED OUT ERROR?? If I upload 1 file, seems fine. Not sure if it's a quantity problem with multiple files or the combined files are just too big in filesize? Have tried with like 15MB total filesize, and this produces a TIMED OUT ERROR! arggggg!!!!
What must I do to make this work??
If you are using an apache server, the server itselfs has a timelimit too.
Look at the TimeOut directive at apache configuration (by default is 300 seconds)
You can look at the apache error log too
If you upload only 2 files ok 1Kb each, works fine?
For uploading large + multiple files reliably you should use file uploaders
I prefere for this
