How do I Set PHP Variables from URL Encoded Parameters? - php

Ok guys I got a situation here and I could use some help.
I get the parameters sent to me url encoded and they look like this
I am trying to set my variables like this but that is not working because I guess the $_REQUEST is skipping the encoded & sign
$to = $_REQUEST['receiver'];
$from = $_REQUEST['sender'];
$text = $_REQUEST['text'];
How do I properly grab the parameters from the URL and set the variables?
Thanks in advance for helping me out.

Try this.
parse_str( urldecode( '' ), $output );

Use this:
$url = '
$url = utf8_decode(urldecode($url));
$parts = parse_url($url);
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
echo $query['sender'];
echo $query["receiver"];
echo $query["text"];


PHP Parse URL From Current URL

I am trying to parse url and extract value from it .My url value is I want to get value admin from this url. For this, I have written following code. Its giving me value referredby=admin, but I want only admin as value. How Can I achieve this? Below is my code:
$url = $current_url="//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
setcookie('ref_by', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY));
echo $_COOKIE['ref_by'];
You can use parse_str() function.
$url = "";
$parts = parse_url($url);
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
echo $query['email'];
Try this code,
$url = "";
$parse = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($parse, $output);
echo $output['referredby'];
$referred = $_GET['referredby'];
$referred = "referredby=admin";
$pieces = explode("=", $referred);
echo $pieces[1]; // admin
I don't know if it's still relevant for you, but maybe it is for others: I've recently released a composer package for parsing urls ( Using that library you can do it like this:
$url = '';
$query = Crwlr\Url\Url::parse($url)->queryArray();
echo $query['referredby'];
The parse method parses the url and returns an object, the queryArray method returns the url query as array.
Is not a really clean solution, but you can try something like:
$url = "MYURL";
$parse = parse_url($url);
echo $referredby; // same name of the get param (see parse_str doc) Warning
Using this function without the result parameter is highly DISCOURAGED and DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.
Dynamically setting variables in function's scope suffers from exactly same problems as register_globals.
Read section on security of Using Register Globals explaining why it is dangerous.

Replace url paramer by using php

I have a url & its structure like
I want to replace the url parameter(location-name) dynamically by new parameter using PHP.
Modified url is looks like this
I had successfully done with query parameters by using http_build_query();
But in this case i had tried with preg_replace(), but its not working
If you would like to use regex.
$url = '';
$new_param = 'new-parameter';
print preg_replace('|/location-name/|','/'.$new_param.'/',$url);
I don't recommend search for only location-name (without slash) beacause it will match with for example location-names string.
Based on placement not string you can change that part that way:
$url = '';
$new_param = 'new-parameter';
$new_url = preg_replace('|/i/(.*?)/|','/i/'.$new_param.'/',$url);
print $new_url.'<br/>';
$new_param = 'another-parameter';
$new_url = preg_replace('|/i/(.*?)/|','/i/'.$new_param.'/',$url);
print $new_url.'<br/>';
You will get:
Alternative solution
If you would like to be sure about change, you can do it another way, something like this:
$url = '';
$new_param = 'new-param';
$parts = parse_url($url);
$path_parts = explode('/',$parts['path']);
$path_parts[2] = $new_param;
$new_path = implode('/',$path_parts);
$new_url = $parts['scheme'].'://'.$parts['host'].$new_path;
print( $new_url);
Try this one:
$new_url = str_replace('location-name', 'my-location', '')

Get some value from url?

I have this kind of url from youtube, with the value of video
What i need is just to get new string with value of V etc in this case
I dont know how long V could be, only i need to get that value of V, I have tried
$string = '';
$url = parse_url($string);
parse_str($url['query'], $query);
Tried with this, but in CodeIgniter post, I only get empty array?
You're almost there already.
$string = '';
$url = parse_url($string);
parse_str($url['query'], $query);
$newstring=$query["v"]; // just this line is missing
echo $newstring;
But you know something? If the url format is always going to be like that then no need for all those functions. It then can simply be
echo str_replace("","",$url);

Request url on a save way

I would like to read a url.
Now I want to use $ _SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] but this does not work with strip_tags and htmlspecialchars.
Also many I read that you should watch for XSS.
Does anyone know how to save a URL can be used by GET?
$url = strip_tags($url);//doesnt work
$url = htmlspecialchars($url);//doesnt work
Edit to (doesnt work):
$url = "http://".$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]."".$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI];
$url = strip_tags($url);
echo $url;
for example
output => index.php?cookie=se%3Cscript%3Et&re%3Cb%3Ed%3C/b%3Eirect=yes
This line
Needs to be either
$url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
$url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
The way you are currently doing it will not concatenate the data correctly.
Issues with the your line:
Your mixing quotes around the protocol " to open and ' to close
You are not quoting the $_SERVER params e.g $_SERVER['PARAM']
You are not joining the 2 $_SERVER vars with anything so you'll get a syntax error

preg_match - extracting string from url

I've got an URL's like this:
and I want to be able to extract the SECTION and TOOL parameters.
I've came up with this:
preg_match('/(.*)(section=)(.*)(&tool=)(.*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $matchesarray);
echo $section = $matchesarray[3].'<br />';
echo $tool = $matchesarray[5];
But this works only for the first URL, not the second, and than I have this:
preg_match('/(.*)(section=)(.*)(&tool=)(.*)(&)(.*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $matchesarray);
echo $section = $matchesarray[3].'<br />';
echo $tool = $matchesarray[5];
And this only works for the second url, not the first.
How can I make it work in both cases? Thanks.
$url = 'http://localhost/adminator/index.php?section=1portal&tool=2firmy&passedID=26';
$url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($url, $output);
echo $output['section']; // 1portal
echo $output['tool']; // 2firmy
Can't you just use $_GET['section'] and $_GET['tool']?
'section=(.+?).*?&tool=(.+?)' should work, then check group 1 and 2 for the value
