Adding an integer value into string in laravel - php

Hello Every one,
I have an issue that is, I want to add an integer into a string for example I have two text field one is called series start and the other one is called series end now if user enters
FAHD1000001 into series start field
FAHD1000100 into series end field
the algorithm should store 100 values into the database with increment into the each entry that is going to store into the database. i.e
FAHD1000001, FAHD1000002, FAHD1000003, ........., FAHD1000100
Is it possible to do so, if yes then how. Please help me

You have to do something like this but there is a loop hole if you have any numeric value in name like F1AHD00001 than it will not work
$str1 = $request['start'];
$str2 = $request['end'];
$endint=preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$str2 );
$words = preg_replace('/[[:digit:]]/', '', $str1);
//Save this new String


How to transform number values from array? Using php

I have a website (site-1) which import pages from other website (site-2).
These pages have an id number in site-2 and this number is copied to site-1 when the importing is done. So far so good.
Problem is that the id of site-2 are huge, e.g.: 32423201639, 3212450421639,... and the sistem in site-1 is no able to handle them. So I need to make these numbers smaller when the importing is done.
It is important:
to generate unique number values.
to be bigger than 3000 and smaller than 10000.
It can not use rand(). If we execute this several time the results must be the same
UPDATE: To keep in mind:
This importing is done every week, so I need to consider this: Let's say a first importing is done, and then in the second importing ONLY the first array value changes but the others remain then this one will be the only one to be changed and the other will keep the same value as in the first importing.
The first thing I thought was something like this (but the most important is missing):
$array_values_site1 = array("12345" , "123456", "1234567", "12345678", "123456789", "1234567890", "12345678901", "123456789012", "1234567890123", "12345678901234", "123456789012345", "1234567890123456");
$array_values_site2 = array();
foreach ($array_values_site1 as &$value) {
/* here I need to change the value of $value:
--- to be bigger than 3000 and smaller than 10000.
--- It can not use rand(). If we execute this several time the results must be the same
--- to be unique */
$new_value = "....";
$array_values_site2 [] = $new_value;
Looking at the comments, hashing the original ID appears best:
$hashids = new Hashids\Hashids('this is my salt');
$id = $hashids->encode(1);
$original = $hashids->decode($id);
To specify a minimum length (not a number, but a length) and characters to use in the result, include a second and third parameter:
$hashids = new Hashids\Hashids('this is my salt');
$id = $hashids->encode(1, 8, 'abcdefghij1234567890');
$original = $hashids->decode($id);
// $id = '514cdi42';
See and github for info.

PHP: check user input against text file?

I have the following street names and house numbers in a text file:
Albert Dr: 4116-4230, 4510, 4513-4516
Bergundy Pl: 1300, 1340-1450
David Ln: 3400, 4918, 4928, 4825
Garfield Av: 5000, 5002, 5004, 5006, 8619-8627, 9104-9113
This data represents the boundary data for a local neighborhood (i.e., what houses are inside the community).
I want to make a PHP script that will take a user's input (in the form of something like "4918 David Lane" or "3000 Bergundy") search this list, and return a yes/no response whether that house exists within the boundaries.
What would be an efficient way to parse the input (regex?) and compare it to the text list?
Thanks for the help!
It's better to store this info in a database so that you don't have to parse out the data from a text file. Regexes are also not generally applicable to find a number in a range so a general purpose language is advised as well.
But... if you want to do it with regexes (and see why it's not a good idea)
To lookup the numbers for a street use
David Ln:(.*)
To then get the numbers use
You could simply import the file into a string. After this is done, breack each line of the file in an array so Array(Line 1=> array(), Line 2=> array(), etc. After this is done, you can explode using :. After, you'll simply need to search in the array. Not the fastest way, but it may be faster then regex.
You should sincerely consider using a database or re-think how your file are.
Try something like this, put your street names inside test.txt.. Now that you are able to get the details inside the text file, just compare it with the values that you submit in your form.
$filename = 'test.txt';
if(file_exists($filename)) {
if($handle = fopen($filename, 'r')) {
$name = array();
while(($file = fgets($handle)) !==FALSE) {
preg_match('#(.*):(.*)#', $file, $match);
$array = explode(',', $match[2]);
foreach($array as $val) {
$name[$match[1]][] = $val;
As mentioned, using a database to store street numbers that are relational to your street names would be ideal. I think a way you could implement this with your text file though is to create a a 2D array; storing the street names in the first array and the valid street numbers in their respective arrays.
Parse the file line by line in a loop. Parse the street name and store in array, then use a nested loop to parse all of the numbers (for ones in a range like 1414-1420, you can use an additional loop to get each number in the range) and build the next array in the initial street name array element. When you have your 2D array, you can do a simple nested loop to check it for a match.
I will try to make a little pseudo-code for you..
$addresses = array();
$counter = 0;
$line = file->readline
$addresses[$counter] = parse_street_name($line);
$numbers_array = parse_street_numbers($line);
foreach($numbers_array as $num)
$addresses[$counter][] = $num;
$line = file->readline
It's better if you store your streets in a separate table with IDs, and store numbers in separate table one row for each range or number and street id.
For example:
ID, street
1, Albert Dr
2, Bergundy Pl
3, David Ln
4, Garfield Av
street_id, house_min, house_max
1, 4116, 4230
1, 4510, 4510
1, 4513, 4516
2, 1300, 1300
2, 1340, 1450
In the rows, where no range but one house number, you set both min and max to the same value.
You can write a script, that will parse your txt file and save all data to db. That should be as easy as several loops and explode() with different parameters and some insert queries too.
Then with first query you get street id
SELECT id FROM streets WHERE street LIKE '%[street name]%'
After that you run second query and get answer, is there such house number on that street
FROM houses
WHERE street_id = [street_id]
AND [house_num] BETWEEN house_min AND house_max
Inside [...] you put real values, dont forget to escape them to prevent sql injections...
Or you even can run just one query using JOIN.
Also you should make sure that your given house number is integer, not float.

PHP Regex pattern needed for MySQL database manupilation

I have some columns in my table, descriptions column contains some information like;
a1b01,Value 1,2,1,60|a1b01,Value2,1,1,50|b203c,Value 1,0,2,20
with a SQL command, i need to update it.
In there, I'll use a PHP function for updating, if first and second parameters exist in current records (in description column) together.
Eg: if user wants to change the value of description that includes a1b01,Value 1 I'll execute a SQL command like that;
function do_action ($code,$value,$new1,$new2,$newresult) {
UPDATE the_table SET descriptions = REPLACE(descriptions, $code.','.$value.'*', $code.','.$value.','.$new1.','.$new2.','.$newresult)";
(star) indicates that, these part is unknown (This is why i need a regex)
My question is : how can i get
a1b01,Value 1,2,1,60|
part from below string
a1b01,Value 1,2,1,60|a1b01,Value2,1,1,50|b203c,Value 1,0,2,20
via regex, but a1b01 and Value 1 should be get as parameter.
I just want that; when I call do_action like that;
do_action ("a1b01","Value 1",2,3,25);
record will be : a1b01,Value 1,2,3,25|a1b01,Value2,1,1,50|b203c,Value 1,0,2,20(first part is updated...)
You don't necessarily need to use a regular expression to do this, you could use the explode function since it is all delimited
So you could do as follows:
$descriptionArray = explode('|', $descriptions); //creates array of the a1b01,Value 1,2,1,60 block
//then for each description explode on ,
for($i = 0; i < count($descriptionArray); $i++){
$parameters = explode(',', $descriptionArray[$i]);
do_action ($parameters[0],$parameters[1],$parameters[2],$parameters[3],$parameters[4]);

Insert string between two markers

I have a requirement to insert a string between two markers.
Initially I get a sting (from a file stored on the server) between #DATA# and #END# using:
function getStringBetweenStrings($string,$start,$end){
$endsAt=strpos($string,$end, $startsAt);
return substr($string,$startsAt,$endsAt-$startsAt);
I do some processing and based on the details of the string, query for some records. If there are records I need to be able to append them at the end of the string and then re-insert the string between #DATA# and #END# within the file on the server.
How can I best achieve this?
Is it possible to insert a record at a time in the file before #END# or is it best to manipulate the string on the server and just re-insert over the existing string in the file on the server?
Example of Data:
//Property records would appear here and match the string above, each field separated with ^ and terminating with ~
//Once the end of data has been reached, it will be fully terminated with:
When I check for new properties, I do the following:
Get all existing properties between #DATA# and #END#
Get the IDs of the properties and query for new properties which don't match these IDs
I then need to re-insert the new properties before #END# but after the last property in the file.
The structure of the file is a Rightmove BLM file.
Just do an str_replace() of the old data with the new:
$str = str_replace('#DATA#'.$oldstr.'#END#', '#DATA#'.$newstr.'#END#', $str);
I would extract the data in 3 steps:
1) Extract the data from the file:
preg_match("/#DATA#(.+)#END#/s", $string, $data);
2) Extract each row of data:
preg_match_all("/((?:.+\^){2,})~/", $data[1], $rows, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
// The rows with data will be stored in $rows[1]
3) Manipulate the data in each row or add new rows:
// Add new row to the end of the array
$data[1][] = implode('^', $newRowArray);
// Creates an array with all the data from the row '0'
$rowData = preg_split("/\^/", $data[1][0], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
//Save the changes
//$newData should be all the rows together (with the '~' at the end of each row)
//$string is the original string with all the information
$file = preg_replace("/(#DATA#\r?\n).+(\r?\n#END#)/s", "\1".$newData."\2", $string);
I hope this can help you in your problem.

Create unique alpha numeric string for an input string/url?

I want to create a less than or equal to 10 character unique string for an input string which could be a url
OR an alpha numeric string
but the result should be unique for every input...Is their any function or class that you use for your projects in php... Thanks...
If you want a unique and random string, you can use the following function to create a random string:
function randString($length) {
$charset = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$str = '';
while ($length-- > 0) {
$str .= $charset[rand() % 62];
return $str;
After you have generated a new string, look up your database if that string already exists. If so, repeat that step until you’ve generated a unique string. Then store that new string in the database:
do {
$randString = randString(10);
// look up your database if $randString already exists and store the result in $exists
} while ($exists);
// store new random string in database
The simplest function available in php is uniqid. It is a little longer that you had mentioned, and wont work well with load balancing, but if you are doing something super simple, it should work alright.
