Run a Project on browser from IntelliJ IDE - php

I have opened a project that I downloaded in IntelliJIDEA IDE. The project structure is as follows. I am trying to run the userAuthenticationController.php controller's index() method to view the login page.
According to this project's config.php File, the base_url is provided as follows.
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost:9080/Internship-Management/Sourcecode/Codeigniter/';
I tried running this address in Chrome but am getting the following error.
// Show login page
public function index() {
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This file lets you re-map URI requests to specific controller functions.
| Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string
| and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a
| URL normally follow this pattern:
| In some instances, however, you may want to remap this relationship
| so that a different class/function is called than the one
| corresponding to the URL.
| Please see the user guide for complete details:
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| There are three reserved routes:
| $route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
| This route indicates which controller class should be loaded if the
| URI contains no data. In the above example, the "welcome" class
| would be loaded.
| $route['404_override'] = 'errors/page_missing';
| This route will tell the Router which controller/method to use if those
| provided in the URL cannot be matched to a valid route.
| $route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
| This is not exactly a route, but allows you to automatically route
| controller and method names that contain dashes. '-' isn't a valid
| class or method name character, so it requires translation.
| When you set this option to TRUE, it will replace ALL dashes in the
| controller and method URI segments.
| Examples: my-controller/index -> my_controller/index
| my-controller/my-method -> my_controller/my_method
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
Do I need to change the path that I am using to load the controller in my browser?
Any suggestions in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Unfortunately, opening a project in IDEA/PhpStorm is not enough.
You still need to:
Install Apache (I think using XAMPP would be the best shot for you)
Configure it to run on port 9080 (according to the config file you posted)
Deploy the project to the Apache web root (manually, or by using a PhpStorm/IDEA deployment configuration)


laravel - how to add prefix in all url without affecting route existing

i have url like this, i want add prefix to url to become
I've tried to add a route group, but that requires me to update all existing routes.
can i add a prefix in all url without affecting the existing route ?
i used laravel 5.6
I have created a sandbox so that you can view and play around with the code used for this answer.
I know the sandbox uses a different Laravel version (version 7), but looking at the documentation for version 5.6 the routing does not seem to be that much different than that of version 7.
What you can do is wrap the already existing routes inside an anonymous function and assign it to a variable, you can then use this variable and pass it as a parameter to the group routing function along with a prefix, e.g.
$routes = function() {
Route::get('company', function () {
return 'companies';
Route::get('company/{company}', function ($company) {
return "company $company";
Route::delete('company/{company}', function ($company) {
return "deleting company $company...";
Route::get('company/{company}/staff', function ($company) {
return "staff list for company $company...";
When running php artisan route:list the following is returned:
| Domain | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware |
| | GET|HEAD | api/user | | Closure | api |
| | | | | | auth:api |
| | GET|HEAD | company | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | company/{company} | | Closure | web |
| | DELETE | company/{company} | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | company/{company}/staff | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | home/company | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | home/company/{company} | | Closure | web |
| | DELETE | home/company/{company} | | Closure | web |
| | GET|HEAD | home/company/{company}/staff | | Closure | web |
You can see above that the routes can now be accessed via both / and home/, e.g. and without the need for duplicating routes.
If you need to add any more prefixes in the future you just simply add a new Route::prefix("<prefix>")->group($routes); to the routes file.
The update below is in response to the comment provided by OP.
To get this correct you are looking for a way to automatically convert all instances of the url function from url('someurl') to url('home/someurl'), e.g.
url('company') will become url('home/company')
url('knowledgebase') will become url('home/knowledgebase')
If so then I have two solutions for you:
Can you not simply do a search and replace within the IDE you are using?
You can override Laravel's url helper function to prefix all path's with home/, to do so you can do the following:
I have created another sandbox so that you can view and play around with the code used for this answer.
First create a helpers.php file anywhere within your Laravel application, when testing this code I placed the file in the root directory of the application, e.g. /var/www/html/helpers.php.
Second you need to override the url helper function, to make sure you don't lose any functionality I grabbed the original source code of the function from Laravel's github repository. I then modified it to include the prefix, so place the following in the new helpers.php file:
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator;
if (! function_exists('url')) {
* Generate a url for the application.
* #param string|null $path
* #param mixed $parameters
* #param bool|null $secure
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator|string
function url($path = null, $parameters = [], $secure = null)
if (is_null($path)) {
return app(UrlGenerator::class);
$path = "home/$path";
return app(UrlGenerator::class)->to($path, $parameters, $secure);
Next, you need to load your helpers.php file before Laravel loads their helper functions, otherwise it wont load, to do so add require __DIR__.'/../helpers.php'; to public/index.php before require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';, e.g.
require __DIR__.'/../helpers.php';
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
Now you can use the new url function within your application, I have given some examples in the web.php routes file:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
Route::get('/', function () {
echo url("company");
echo "<br/>";
echo url("knowledgebase");
The above will output to the webpage:
Now if you need to change the url function slightly to more fit your requirements you can do so by modifying it within the helpers.php file.

000webhost failed no such website after login

I have uploaded website on 000webhost and dont understand where i am doing wrong. When i login in the empty web page appears saying
Nothing on yet
You can also test :
id: dell
I ve LoginN controller and observing that it is not entering in else for redirect or loading view. I dont know why.
My controller LoginN:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script allowed');
class LoginN extends CI_Controller
function __construct() {
public function index()
// $this->load->view('user/user');//not loading
redirect(base_url('IndexController'),'refresh');//not loading
// $this->load->view('user/user');
public function basisdata_cek()
$username= $this->input->post('username');
//echo $username.' '.$password;
//echo ('fsf'.$result);
$sess_array = array();
foreach ($result as $row)
$sess_array = $arrayName = array('id' => $row->id,'username'=> $row->username);
// $ci = & get_instance();
return true;
echo $username.' '.$password;
$this->form_validation->set_message('basisdata_cek','Invalid user or password');
return false;
public function register()
{ //$this->load->library('session');
// var_dump(register());
my config.php:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Base Site URL
| URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically this will be your base URL,
| WITH a trailing slash:
| WARNING: You MUST set this value!
| If it is not set, then CodeIgniter will try guess the protocol and path
| your installation, but due to security concerns the hostname will be set
| to $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] if available, or localhost otherwise.
| The auto-detection mechanism exists only for convenience during
| development and MUST NOT be used in production!
| If you need to allow multiple domains, remember that this file is still
| a PHP script and you can easily do that on your own.
$root = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$root = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),"",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$config['base_url'] = "";
| Index File
| Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you've renamed it to
| something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this
| variable so that it is blank.
$config['index_page'] = '';
| This item determines which server global should be used to retrieve the
| URI string. The default setting of 'REQUEST_URI' works for most servers.
| If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors:
| WARNING: If you set this to 'PATH_INFO', URIs will always be URL-decoded!
$config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI";
| URL suffix
| This option allows you to add a suffix to all URLs generated by CodeIgniter.
| For more information please see the user guide:
$config['url_suffix'] = '';
| Default Language
| This determines which set of language files should be used. Make sure
| there is an available translation if you intend to use something other
| than english.
$config['language'] = 'english';
| Default Character Set
| This determines which character set is used by default in various methods
| that require a character set to be provided.
| See for a list of supported charsets.
$config['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
| Enable/Disable System Hooks
| If you would like to use the 'hooks' feature you must enable it by
| setting this variable to TRUE (boolean). See the user guide for details.
$config['enable_hooks'] = FALSE;
| Class Extension Prefix
| This item allows you to set the filename/classname prefix when extending
| native libraries. For more information please see the user guide:
$config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_';
| Composer auto-loading
| Enabling this setting will tell CodeIgniter to look for a Composer
| package auto-loader script in application/vendor/autoload.php.
| $config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE;
| Or if you have your vendor/ directory located somewhere else, you
| can opt to set a specific path as well:
| $config['composer_autoload'] = '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
| For more information about Composer, please visit
| Note: This will NOT disable or override the CodeIgniter-specific
| autoloading (application/config/autoload.php)
$config['composer_autoload'] = FALSE;
| Allowed URL Characters
| This lets you specify which characters are permitted within your URLs.
| When someone tries to submit a URL with disallowed characters they will
| get a warning message.
| As a security measure you are STRONGLY encouraged to restrict URLs to
| as few characters as possible. By default only these are allowed: a-z 0-9~%.:_-
| Leave blank to allow all characters -- but only if you are insane.
| The configured value is actually a regular expression character group
| and it will be executed as: ! preg_match('/^[<permitted_uri_chars>]+$/i
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = '';
| Enable Query Strings
| By default CodeIgniter uses search-engine friendly segment based URLs:
| By default CodeIgniter enables access to the $_GET array. If for some
| reason you would like to disable it, set 'allow_get_array' to FALSE.
| You can optionally enable standard query string based URLs:
| Options are: TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
| The other items let you set the query string 'words' that will
| invoke your controllers and its functions:
| Please note that some of the helpers won't work as expected when
| this feature is enabled, since CodeIgniter is designed primarily to
| use segment based URLs.
$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
$config['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
$config['controller_trigger'] = 'c';
$config['function_trigger'] = 'm';
$config['directory_trigger'] = 'd';
| Error Logging Threshold
| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
| threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
| 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
| 2 = Debug Messages
| 3 = Informational Messages
| 4 = All Messages
| You can also pass an array with threshold levels to show individual error types
| array(2) = Debug Messages, without Error Messages
| For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise
| your log files will fill up very fast.
$config['log_threshold'] = 0;
| Error Logging Directory Path
| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
| application/logs/ directory. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
$config['log_path'] = '';
| Log File Extension
| The default filename extension for log files. The default 'php' allows for
| protecting the log files via basic scripting, when they are to be stored
| under a publicly accessible directory.
| Note: Leaving it blank will default to 'php'.
$config['log_file_extension'] = '';
| Log File Permissions
| The file system permissions to be applied on newly created log files.
| IMPORTANT: This MUST be an integer (no quotes) and you MUST use octal
| integer notation (i.e. 0700, 0644, etc.)
$config['log_file_permissions'] = 0644;
| Date Format for Logs
| Each item that is logged has an associated date. You can use PHP date
| codes to set your own date formatting
$config['log_date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
| Error Views Directory Path
| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
| application/views/errors/ directory. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
$config['error_views_path'] = '';
| Cache Directory Path
| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
| application/cache/ directory. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
$config['cache_path'] = '';
| Cache Include Query String
| Whether to take the URL query string into consideration when generating
| output cache files. Valid options are:
| FALSE = Disabled
| TRUE = Enabled, take all query parameters into account.
| Please be aware that this may result in numerous cache
| files generated for the same page over and over again.
| array('q') = Enabled, but only take into account the specified list
| of query parameters.
$config['cache_query_string'] = FALSE;
| Encryption Key
| If you use the Encryption class, you must set an encryption key.
| See the user guide for more info.
$config['encryption_key'] = '';
| Session Variables
| 'sess_driver'
| The storage driver to use: files, database, redis, memcached
| 'sess_cookie_name'
| The session cookie name, must contain only [0-9a-z_-] characters
| 'sess_expiration'
| The number of SECONDS you want the session to last.
| Setting to 0 (zero) means expire when the browser is closed.
| 'sess_save_path'
| The location to save sessions to, driver dependent.
| For the 'files' driver, it's a path to a writable directory.
| WARNING: Only absolute paths are supported!
| For the 'database' driver, it's a table name.
| Please read up the manual for the format with other session drivers.
| IMPORTANT: You are REQUIRED to set a valid save path!
| 'sess_match_ip'
| Whether to match the user's IP address when reading the session data.
| WARNING: If you're using the database driver, don't forget to update
| your session table's PRIMARY KEY when changing this setting.
| 'sess_time_to_update'
| How many seconds between CI regenerating the session ID.
| 'sess_regenerate_destroy'
| Whether to destroy session data associated with the old session ID
| when auto-regenerating the session ID. When set to FALSE, the data
| will be later deleted by the garbage collector.
| Other session cookie settings are shared with the rest of the application,
| except for 'cookie_prefix' and 'cookie_httponly', which are ignored here.
$config['sess_driver'] = 'files';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_save_path'] = NULL;
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = FALSE;
| Cookie Related Variables
| 'cookie_prefix' = Set a cookie name prefix if you need to avoid collisions
| 'cookie_domain' = Set to for site-wide cookies
| 'cookie_path' = Typically will be a forward slash
| 'cookie_secure' = Cookie will only be set if a secure HTTPS connection exists.
| 'cookie_httponly' = Cookie will only be accessible via HTTP(S) (no javascript)
| Note: These settings (with the exception of 'cookie_prefix' and
| 'cookie_httponly') will also affect sessions.
$config['cookie_prefix'] = '';
$config['cookie_domain'] = '';
$config['cookie_path'] = '/';
$config['cookie_secure'] = FALSE;
$config['cookie_httponly'] = FALSE;
| Standardize newlines
| Determines whether to standardize newline characters in input data,
| meaning to replace \r\n, \r, \n occurrences with the PHP_EOL value.
| This is particularly useful for portability between UNIX-based OSes,
| (usually \n) and Windows (\r\n).
$config['standardize_newlines'] = FALSE;
| Global XSS Filtering
| Determines whether the XSS filter is always active when GET, POST or
| COOKIE data is encountered
| WARNING: This feature is DEPRECATED and currently available only
| for backwards compatibility purposes!
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = FALSE;
| Cross Site Request Forgery
| Enables a CSRF cookie token to be set. When set to TRUE, token will be
| checked on a submitted form. If you are accepting user data, it is strongly
| recommended CSRF protection be enabled.
| 'csrf_token_name' = The token name
| 'csrf_cookie_name' = The cookie name
| 'csrf_expire' = The number in seconds the token should expire.
| 'csrf_regenerate' = Regenerate token on every submission
| 'csrf_exclude_uris' = Array of URIs which ignore CSRF checks
$config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;
$config['csrf_token_name'] = 'csrf_test_name';
$config['csrf_cookie_name'] = 'csrf_cookie_name';
$config['csrf_expire'] = 7200;
$config['csrf_regenerate'] = TRUE;
$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array();
| Output Compression
| Enables Gzip output compression for faster page loads. When enabled,
| the output class will test whether your server supports Gzip.
| Even if it does, however, not all browsers support compression
| so enable only if you are reasonably sure your visitors can handle it.
| Only used if zlib.output_compression is turned off in your php.ini.
| Please do not use it together with httpd-level output compression.
| VERY IMPORTANT: If you are getting a blank page when compression is enabled it
| means you are prematurely outputting something to your browser. It could
| even be a line of whitespace at the end of one of your scripts. For
| compression to work, nothing can be sent before the output buffer is called
| by the output class. Do not 'echo' any values with compression enabled.
$config['compress_output'] = FALSE;
| Master Time Reference
| Options are 'local' or any PHP supported timezone. This preference tells
| the system whether to use your server's local time as the master 'now'
| reference, or convert it to the configured one timezone. See the 'date
| helper' page of the user guide for information regarding date handling.
$config['time_reference'] = 'local';
| Rewrite PHP Short Tags
| If your PHP installation does not have short tag support enabled CI
| can rewrite the tags on-the-fly, enabling you to utilize that syntax
| in your view files. Options are TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
| Note: You need to have eval() enabled for this to work.
$config['rewrite_short_tags'] = FALSE;
| Reverse Proxy IPs
| If your server is behind a reverse proxy, you must whitelist the proxy
| IP addresses from which CodeIgniter should trust headers such as
| HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and HTTP_CLIENT_IP in order to properly identify
| the visitor's IP address.
| You can use both an array or a comma-separated list of proxy addresses,
| as well as specifying whole subnets. Here are a few examples:
| Comma-separated: ','
| Array: array('', '')
$config['proxy_ips'] = '';
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This file lets you re-map URI requests to specific controller functions.
| Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string
| and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a
| URL normally follow this pattern:
| In some instances, however, you may want to remap this relationship
| so that a different class/function is called than the one
| corresponding to the URL.
| Please see the user guide for complete details:
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| There are three reserved routes:
| $route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
| This route indicates which controller class should be loaded if the
| URI contains no data. In the above example, the "welcome" class
| would be loaded.
| $route['404_override'] = 'errors/page_missing';
| This route will tell the Router which controller/method to use if those
| provided in the URL cannot be matched to a valid route.
| $route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
| This is not exactly a route, but allows you to automatically route
| controller and method names that contain dashes. '-' isn't a valid
| class or method name character, so it requires translation.
| When you set this option to TRUE, it will replace ALL dashes in the
| controller and method URI segments.
| Examples: my-controller/index -> my_controller/index
| my-controller/my-method -> my_controller/my_method
$route['default_controller'] = 'LoginN';
//$route['default_controller'] = 'IndexController';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
kindly help....... As i ve to show to someone.
First off you have named your class wrong. Filenames and class names should have first letter ONLY Upper case then the rest lower case
Filename: Loginn.php
class Loginn extends CI_Controller {
Lower case on route like
$route['default_controller'] = 'loginn';
When redirect should be something like
// Refresh will clear flash data if any set.
redirect(base_url('indexcontroller'), 'refresh');
redirect(base_url('IndexController'), 'refresh');
Also might be good to read
Your Login code does not have a valid path and the error is generated by your host that rejects the url because is invalid change the code like this:
// var_dump(register());
redirect('somepage.php'); // Change your path to any page here

How can I generate a link to a nested resource?

The Laravel application I am working on has two resources.
The routes for the second resource are given below:
$ php artisan route:list | grep -i activity
POST | admin/procedure/{id}/activity | admin.procedure.{id} | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#store
GET|HEAD | admin/procedure/{id}/activity | admin.procedure.{id}.activity.index | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#index
GET|HEAD | admin/procedure/{id}/activity/create | admin.procedure.{id}.activity.create | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#create
GET|HEAD | admin/procedure/{id}/activity/{activity} | admin.procedure.{id} | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#show
PUT|PATCH | admin/procedure/{id}/activity/{activity} | admin.procedure.{id}.activity.update | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#update
DELETE | admin/procedure/{id}/activity/{activity} | admin.procedure.{id}.activity.destroy | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#destroy
GET|HEAD | admin/procedure/{id}/activity/{activity}/edit | admin.procedure.{id}.activity.edit | (...)\ProcedureActivityController#edit
I call this setup a nested resource because activities are defined under a procedure. The definition or the routes looks like this:
Route::resource('procedure', 'ProcedureController');
Route::resource('procedure/{id}/activity', 'Admin\ProcedureActivityController');
I would like to generate a link to the POST action for a new activity that belongs to procedure 3 as I would with the list-all-procedures route;
$ php artisan tinker
>>> route('admin.procedure.index')
=> "http://localhost/admin/procedure"
>>> route('admin.procedure.{id}.activity')
InvalidArgumentException with message
'Route [admin.procedure.{id}.activity] not defined.'
Is there a way to generate a link to a nested resource using the standard helpers and facades?
Your route definition for the nested resource is not quite right.
Route::resource('procedure/{id}/activity', 'Admin\ProcedureActivityController');
Should be:
Route::resource('procedure.activity', 'Admin\ProcedureActivityController');
Also I am not sure how you are getting {id} in the URI as the ResourceRegistrar will create parameters based on the resource name. Based on the definition that should be {procedure} for your first resource definition.
You should end up with a route name like admin.procedure.activity.index for the index route.
route('admin.procedure.activity.index', ['procedure' => $id]);
Laravel 5.1 - Controllers - Restful - Nested Resources
Route::resource('photos.comments', 'PhotoCommentController');
This route will register a "nested" resource that may be accessed with URLs like the following: photos/{photos}/comments/{comments}.
You should use route() with a parameter to make it work:
route('admin.procedure.{id}.activity.index', $id);

Laravel controller action returns error 404

I'm getting a 404 error when trying to access a route linked to a controller action.
I have the route defined like this in my routes.php file.
Route::controller('error', 'ErrorsController');
The ErrorsController class looks as follows.
class ErrorsController extends BaseController {
public function __construct()
// vacio
public function getIndex()
return View::make('error.accessdenied');
public function getAccessDenied()
return View::make('error.accessdenied');
I have a view with a link to chek if it is working properly. The link is created as follows
{{ HTML::linkAction('ErrorsController#getAccessDenied', 'Error') }}
When I click on the link the page moves to the URL '' returning an 404 error, but when I access the URL '' it works perfectly.
Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
Running the command php artisan routes these are the routes pointing to ErrorsController:
| Domain | URI | Name | Action | Before Filters | After Filters |
| | GET|HEAD error/index/{one?}/{two?}/{three?}/{four?}/{five?} | | ErrorsController#getIndex | | |
| | GET|HEAD error | | ErrorsController#getIndex | | |
| | GET|HEAD error/access-denied/{one?}/{two?}/{three?}/{four?}/{five?} | | ErrorsController#getAccessDenied | | |
| | GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE error/{_missing} | | ErrorsController#missingMethod | | |
Only the sencond and the fourth ones are working.
It looks as though specifying the route in the way you have won't work. This type of routing only works for RESTful requests. See >>.
You might have to explicitly specify the route using Route::get/post.
Somehow I found the problem.
For some reason, my apache server doesn't rewrite * route. Probably is something related with the word error and the apache module mod_rewrite.
Anyway, defining the route as follows solves the problem.
Route::controller('fail', 'ErrorsController');

CodeIgniter subfolders and URI routing

I’ve read the manual on URI routing and views and something is not clicking with me.
In my views folder, I have a subfolder called products. In there is a file called product_view. In my controller, I have:
function index() {
$data['title'] = 'Product Overview';
$data['main_content'] = 'products/product_view';
$this->load->view('templates/main.php', $data);
The template loads a header view, a footer view and a navigation view, plus the view as a main content variable.
In my URI routing, I have:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This file lets you re-map URI requests to specific controller functions.
| Typically there is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string
| and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a
| URL normally follow this pattern:
| In some instances, however, you may want to remap this relationship
| so that a different class/function is called than the one
| corresponding to the URL.
| Please see the user guide for complete details:
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| There are two reserved routes:
| $route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
| This route indicates which controller class should be loaded if the
| URI contains no data. In the above example, the "welcome" class
| would be loaded.
| $route['scaffolding_trigger'] = 'scaffolding';
| This route lets you set a "secret" word that will trigger the
| scaffolding feature for added security. Note: Scaffolding must be
| enabled in the controller in which you intend to use it. The reserved
| routes must come before any wildcard or regular expression routes.
$route['default_controller'] = "index_controller";
$route['laser-configurator'] = "configurator";
$route['news-and-events'] = "news";
$route['products/product-overview'] = "products/product_view";
$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";
/* End of file routes.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/config/routes.php */
This causes a 404 error when I try to go to Do I need to do something with my .htaccess? If so, what? Here is my .htaccess:
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options -Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|resources|images|css|js|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L,QSA]
I’d appreciate some specific help, as the documentation isn’t specific on how to address this. I’ve done a little searching in the forums, and didn’t see anything, but I’m posting this while I keep looking.
In CI URIs are routed by the name of your controller and the name of the method in the controller.
If the controller is named "products.php" the function for the corresponding view is called "index", the correct URI for that page is "/products".
So your code should be
$route['products/product-overview'] = 'products/index';
To use multi-level directory structure for your controllers use router extention talked about in this post, I have used it on occasion, and can vouch for it working.
