Inserting a curl response as a variable into HTML - php

I'm using Consuls KV store to store some data. You can retrieve these values through a simple HTTP API curl command such as:
To return the unencoded value
Is there anyway I can inject/insert the returned value as a variable into some HTML. I have no experience of front-end web development so unsure if this is applicable or feasible

You can implement curl values using PHP. Assuming you are new to web-development, I suggest you read about backend as well since it is critical for what you want to do.
Here is a rundown of what you need to do:
We want to insert an PHP tag into the document to get the curl value, so change the file extension to .php. Remember that you need to have php installed on you're server for this to work.
In the element where you want the curl value to be placed in, insert the following:
<?php echo curl_exec(curl_init("")); ?>


Execute php file from terminal with POST arguments

I'm trying to execute a piece of php code with the php command in the ubuntu terminal. I'm testing it with a sample code that you can find here.
I created a file with the code, calling it welcome.php, and tried executing it with:
php welcome.php
And obviously says there are undefined indexes, because it expects arguments via POST
Obviously I would like to do is to run it with the POST arguments as well. I tried the following:
declare -A _POST
_POST[name]="Sample name"
Before executing again, but the result still doesn't show. So is there any way I can declare the POST arguments manually in order to achieve loading the html file properly?
----------------- Context, in case it seems relevant -----------------
I'm programming a modest C server for my studies, and among the functionality required, there is executing php scripts. So my idea is to execute whatever command is required and generate the html output in a file that is later read and transmitted. Parsing the arguments as keys and values is not a problem (although yet to be done).
So far I know, you need to create a post request to a server to get the $_POST variable's values. In case you want to generate an HTML file, you can pass values through the argument, process it and return (print) an HTML document.

PHP runs a storing procedure on a database, how can I see concrete parameters passed into without altering source code?

Here is php code:
$query = Container::get('db_connection')
$query->bind('szSort', $searchcol, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
->bind('szKeyWord', $searchstr, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
->bind('partnerid', $partnerid, DatabaseTypes::INT)
->bind('hideDisabled', $hideDisabled, DatabaseTypes::INT)
->bind('hideDemo', $hideDemo, DatabaseTypes::INT)
$hideByLimitedAccountManagerUserID, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
I need to see exact values of the params passed into the storing procedure. There is no way I can debug or alter source code. Google Chrome (or any other browser) seems to be only one option. I also got access to the appropriate database. Can I capture those values somehow using built-in Chrome functionality or some advanced features of SQL Management Studio?
P.S. I am not php dev, not at all.
The simplest way to see variables in PHP is using the var_dump(); and exit;
Use it before your code.
For example:
var_dump($searchcol); exit;

Azure Functions with PHP

I'm trying out Azure Functions using PHP.
Getting the request information is not working for me.
I've not been able to find any documentation at all with the information of how to use Azure Functions with PHP code.
According to the only couple of examples, it seems that in order to retrieve the input information you need to first get the content of the req variable (or whatever name you assign in the function configuration).
That has the path of the file containing the request information (in theory).
$input_path = getenv('req');
So far, if I check the content of it, I get something like this:
If I check if the file exists it says true, but the file size is 0.
Do anyone knows what to do here? Anyone with an example? Does anyone know where the documentation is?
Ok, unfortunately there's pretty limited documentation out there for php as you have discovered.
At present, looking at the code might be the best doc. Here is the InitializeHttpRequestEnvironmentVariables function that adds request metadata to the environment for the script languages (node, powershell, php, python).
Important environment variables are:
I'm assuming you've made a GET request, in which case there is no content (req is an empty file), but you will see that these other environment variables contain request data. If you were to make a POST request with a body then req would have data.
here is a full example parsing a GET request in PHP with an Azure Function :)
snippet from source:
//retrieve original GET string
$getReqString = getenv('REQ_QUERY');
//remove the ? for the parse_str function
$getReqString = substr($getReqString,1,strlen($getReqString));
//convert the GET string to an array
$parsedRequest = array();
//show contents of the new array
//show the value of a GET variable
echo $parsedRequest["code"];

Python to PHP on server send image

I have a raspberry pi running a lamp stack, an arduino and a camera hooked up. The end goal is that when my arduino takes a photo, it then writes an image to a php address which is then emailed.
Right now, I'm trying to get the image to get placed in the right place.
Here's my php snippet:
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "/var/www/images/mypic.jpg");
My python code is doing:
import requests
r = requests.get('')
r2 ='', data = r.content)
I realize the image is going to get overwritten. That's not a problem. I can always add a timestamp later etc etc.
However, this gives me an error code. I'm a beginner at php and use python mainly for scientific computing so not sure if I'm passing the picture correctly. I know that the ip is correct as I can connect to it and it's all in network.
I have looked at this Python script send image to PHP but am still getting stuck.
Upon further debugging:
returns an empty array. Not sure why?
To have a file accessible to PHP in $_FILES, you must use HTML-form style encoding of files (multipart/form-data). This is different from a standard POST request including the content in the request body. This method is explained in - the key here is:
PHP is capable of receiving file uploads from any RFC-1867 compliant browser.
What's you're trying to do is not sending it the RFC-1867 way, but a plain-old POST request.
So you have two options:
Send the data from Python using multipart/form-data encoding. It shouldn't be too hard but requires some work on the Python side.
Just grab the data on the PHP side not from $_FILES but by directly reading it from the POST body, like so:
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
file_put_contents("/var/www/images/mypic.jpg", $data);
It's more of a memory hog on the PHP side, and means you need to do some validation that you actually got the data, but is quite simpler.
To clarify, in PHP $_POST is only populated when the Content-type request header is multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded (and of course the data is encoded in the proper way).
If you get a POST request with anything else in the body, you can read it directly by reading from the php://input stream, and you're responsible for handling / decoding / validating it.

I want to send requests from a UE4 c++ game to my php script, so that it interacts with a mysql database

i'm searching the inet for around 3 days now and i'm stuck at this.
I got a MySQL Database and a php Script, as well as a Game made in UE4.
UE4 uses c++.
So now i want to send requests from the c++ game to the php script and that shall interact with the database.
For example create an account or login. I also want to pass the mysql query result of the php script to my c++ class.
I tried using HttpRequest, but i can't get data from php to c++ with that.
Maybe you can, but i don't understand it at all.
What i accomplished by now is that you can send a POST request from the game to the php script and pass variables so that the script uses them to perform the mysql query.
But how can i pass data from the php file to c++ now? The response i get is always the whole site (head and body) and i don't know where i could save the query result to pass it to the c++ code.
I'm a full beginner here, so go easy on me. I read so many different posts and blogs that my brain hurts like hell ): I hope someone can tell me how to do this easily or at least give me a hint on what i have to google and what i could use. I don't need a full tutorial, just a name of a library better than the Http.h (if simple HttpRequest cant manage this) would be enough. ): I'm really frustrated...
The PHP script should retun a HTTP response reduced to a bare minimum. It doesn't even need to be a HTML document:
// file: api.php
$param = $_POST['myparam'];
$foo = bar($param); // $foo contains e.g. "1,ab,C"
echo $foo; // if you opened in a browser
// all you would see is "1,ab,C"
// (which is not a valid HTML document, but who cares)
Then parse this HTTP response (a plain string, that is) from your game. You can use your own data format, or use a well-known format of your choice (XML or JSON are good candidates).
The json object in unreal is pretty good, so I would recommend outputting json from your php script. Json in php is a pretty natural workflow.
$obj['userid'] = 5476;
$obj['foo'] = 'bar';
echo json_encode($obj);
That will echo out
If that's all you output in your script then it's pretty straightforward to treat that as a string and populate an unreal json object with it.
FString TheStuffIGotFromTheServer;
TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> ParsedJson;
TSharedRef<TJsonReader<TCHAR>> JsonReader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(TheStuffIGotFromTheServer);
if (FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(JsonReader, ParsedJson))
FString foo = ParsedJson.GetStringField("foo");
double UserId = ParsedJson.GetNumberField("userid");
Check out the unreal json docs to get a feel for what you can do with it.
