Laravel/Eloquent: Add missing () in sql statements generated by eloquent - php

I am doing the following request to extract some data from my database. The expected result is wrong because some parenthesis is not well placed in the SQL generated request:
$data = Ov::with([
'masters' => function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->whereIn('macAddress', $devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero)
->orWhere('lastKnownUpAt','<>', '0');
])->where('ovId', '=', $ovId)->get();
The dedicated sql generated by Laravel is: (see with Laravel debugbar):
select * from `masterequipments` where `masterequipments`.`id_ov_foreign_key` in ('38') and `macAddress` in ('e8:e7:32:c1:e6:48', 'e8:e7:32:bc:b0:94', 'e8:e7:32:e4:8e:68', 'e8:e7:32:bc:a7:70', '00:e0:b1:fe:ef:a5', 'e8:e7:32:bc:a7:a4', '2c:fa:a2:10:79:74', 'e8:e7:32:b9:6d:1d', '00:e0:b1:ee:58:2d', '00:e0:b1:9d:2c:44', '00:e0:b1:b5:e6:00', '00:e0:b1:72:34:86', '00:e0:b1:fe:ee:8d', '00:e0:b1:79:53:52', '00:e0:b1:fe:f0:bd', '00:e0:b1:75:fa:8a', 'e8:e7:32:98:80:22', '00:e0:b1:75:00:8a') or `lastKnownUpAt` <> '0'
This is wrong because 2 () are missed. I would like to have:
select * from `masterequipments` where `masterequipments`.`id_ov_foreign_key` in ('38') and (`macAddress` in ('e8:e7:32:c1:e6:48', 'e8:e7:32:bc:b0:94', 'e8:e7:32:e4:8e:68', 'e8:e7:32:bc:a7:70', '00:e0:b1:fe:ef:a5', 'e8:e7:32:bc:a7:a4', '2c:fa:a2:10:79:74', 'e8:e7:32:b9:6d:1d', '00:e0:b1:ee:58:2d', '00:e0:b1:9d:2c:44', '00:e0:b1:b5:e6:00', '00:e0:b1:72:34:86', '00:e0:b1:fe:ee:8d', '00:e0:b1:79:53:52', '00:e0:b1:fe:f0:bd', '00:e0:b1:75:fa:8a', 'e8:e7:32:98:80:22', '00:e0:b1:75:00:8a') or `lastKnownUpAt` <> '0')

Use advanced where clauses to accomplish it.
$data = Ov::with([
'masters' => function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->whereIn('macAddress', $devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero);
->orWhere(function($query) {
$query->where('lastKnownUpAt','<>', '0');
])->where('ovId', '=', $ovId)->get();
$data = Ov::with([
'masters' => function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->whereIn('macAddress', $devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero);
->orWhere('lastKnownUpAt','<>', '0');
])->where('ovId', '=', $ovId)->get();

Yo need to do something like this:
$data = Ov::with([
'masters' => function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->where(function ($query) use ($devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero) {
$query->whereIn('macAddress', $devicesArrayOnlyLKUAToZero);
->orWhere(function($query) {
$query->where('lastKnownUpAt','<>', '0');
])->where('ovId', '=', $ovId)->get();
This article explain it well


Laravel Eloquent, apply select on my queries in whereHas

Here my code :
$prestations = Prestation::with('service','facility','')
->whereHas('service', function ($query) use ($searchService) {
$query->addSelect('id','name')->where('name', 'regexp', "/$searchService/i");
->whereHas('facility', function ($query) use ($searchPartenaire) {
$query->addSelect('id','name')->where('name', 'regexp', "/$searchPartenaire/i");
->whereHas('', function ($query) use ($searchFiliale) {
$query->addSelect('id','name')->where('name', 'regexp', "/$searchFiliale/i");
->where('name', 'regexp', "/$search/i")
->orderBy($orderBy, $orderDirection)
I want get only names and ids of "service", "facility" and "".
I tried to use select('id','name'); and select(['id','name']); or addSelect('id','name'); and pluck('id', 'name'); but i get all datas.
Do you have alternatives solutions ?
Thank you !
Select needs to be added to with, not whereHas. Try this instead:
Prestation::with(['service' => function($query) { $query->select(['id','name']);},
'facility' => function($query) { $query->select(['id','name']);},
'' => function($query) { $query->select(['id','name']);}

check condition within query in laravel

$q = Order::select(
->join('items', 'items.item_id', '=', 'orders.item_id')
->leftJoin('orders_items', function ($join) use ($user_id)
$join->on('orders_items.order_id', '=', 'orders.order_id')
->on('orders_items.item_id', '=', 'orders.item_id')
->where('orders_items.user_id', '=', $user_id);
->where(function ($query) use ($select_balance) { // This is where event is in the future, or it has a balance and is not draft.
$query->where('items.date_end', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
i would like to set a condition if (date_start == date_end) then
$query->where('items.date_end', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
$query->where('items.date_end', '>', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
how to set a condition within query i try to end query after ->with(items) but that say $q-> has syntax error please guide and explain how to over come this issue
You can use conditional clauses:
Animals::when($condition, function($query) {
$query->where('size', 'big');
})->when(!$condition, function($query)) {
$query->where('size', 'small');
In the example, if $condition is true then we fetch big animals, otherwise we fetch small animals.

Laravel query not working properly

I do have simple query working properly but I want it working properly using ORM.
I have the following SQL query:
SELECT career_solutions.*,
FROM career_solutions
ON = career_solutions.user_id
INNER JOIN privacy_settings
ON privacy_settings.user_id =
WHERE career_solutions.topic_category_id = $categoryid
AND ( ( privacy_settings.career_solutions = 0
AND public = 1 )
OR (( IN (SELECT contacts.contact_id
FROM contacts
WHERE contacts.user_id = $id)
OR = $id )) )
LIMIT 5000
I'm passing the query directly to to the select method of the DB Facade like so:
DB::select($aboveQuery); and it's working fine.
I am trying to do same using Laravel Eloquent.
By using the following code I am not getting same result as above. Something is wrong with the below query.
$career_solution = CareerSolution::with('user.role', 'user.privancy_setting', 'category', 'sub_category', 'country');
$career_solution = $career_solution->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('expires_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d'))
->orWhere('expires_at', '=', '0000-00-00');
$career_solution = $career_solution->Where(function ($query1) use ($id) {
$query1->Where(function ($query2) use ($id) {
$query2->whereHas('user.privancy_setting', function ($query3) {
$query3->where('privacy_settings.career_solutions', '=', 0);
})->where('public', '=', 1);
})->orWhere(function ($query4) use ($id) {
$query4->whereHas('', function ($query5) use ($id) {
$query5->where('contacts.user_id', '=', $id);
})->orWhere('user_id', '=', $id);
It is not showing same result as above, let me know how I make it same as above.
The where condition are not used correctly, could you try this:
$career_solution = CareerSolution::with('user.role', 'user.privancy_setting', 'category', 'sub_category', 'country');
$career_solution = $career_solution->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('expires_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d'))
->orWhere('expires_at', '=', '0000-00-00');
$career_solution = $career_solution->where(function ($query1) use ($id) {
$query1->where(function ($query2) use ($id) {
// assuming that the relation name in User model is name public function privacy_setting ..
$query2->whereHas('user.privacy_setting', function ($query3) {
$query3->where('career_solutions', '=', 0); // You don't need to specify the table here only the table field you want
})->where('public', '=', 1);
})->orWhere(function ($query4) use ($id) {
// idem here the relation must be name contact
$query4->whereHas('', function ($query5) use ($id) {
$query5->where('user_id', '=', $id); // idem here
})->orWhere('user_id', '=', $id);

How to use multiple parameters in where clause?

I want to make a filter with different parameters. One of parameter is $article_title. But it can be empty . My problem is even if its not empty i get null in return $comments. That is because this part of code:
$q->where('language_id', $default_language_id)->where('title','like',$article_title);
This is my function
public function getResultCommentsWithArticle($comment,$user_firstname,$article_title,$orderBy){
$default_language = Languages::where('default',1)->first();
$default_language_id = $default_language->id;
$comments = ArticleComments::orderBy($orderBy,'desc')
->with(['user', 'article', 'article.translations' => function($q) use($default_language_id,$article_title) {
$q->where('language_id', $default_language_id)->where('title','like',$article_title);
return $comments;
I also tried like this:
$comments = ArticleComments::orderBy($orderBy,'desc')
->with(['user', 'article', 'article.translations' => function($q) use($default_language_id,$article_title) {
['language_id', '=', $default_language_id],
['title', 'like', '%'. $article_title .'%'],
But i get all comments and not comments with title="something"
$comments = ArticleComments::orderBy($orderBy,'desc')
->with(['user', 'article'])
->whereHas('article.translations', function($q)
use($default_language_id,$article_title) {
$q->where('language_id', $default_language_id)
Try this:
$comments = ArticleComments::orderBy($orderBy, 'desc')
->with(['user', 'article' => function ($q) use($default_language_id, $article_title) {
->whereHas('translations', function ($q) use($default_language_id, $article_title) {
$q->where('language_id', $default_language_id)->where('title','like',$article_title);
This will select all comments and it will attach to it articles that match the translation.title and default language id.
In case you want to filter the comments instead of articles you would do this:
$comments = ArticleComments::orderBy($orderBy, 'desc')
->with(['user', 'article.translation'])
->whereHas('article', function ($q) use($default_language_id, $article_title) {
$q->whereHas('translations', function ($q) use($default_language_id, $article_title) {
$q->where('language_id', $default_language_id)->where('title','like',$article_title);
return $comments;

Laravel Relationsship laod

$jobs = EventJob::with(['applications' => function ($query) {
$query->where('accepted', false);
}, 'job' => function($query) {
$query->where('division_id', 1);
}, 'event' => function($query) use ($date) {
$query->where('date', '>=', $date);
Complete overhaul of the question.
I wan't only the EventJob elements where the conditions in the $query are true but I get all the elements.
Seems like the function you're looking for is whereHas, it is documented here.
Your code would then be :
$jobs = EventJob::whereHas('applications', function ($query) {
$query->where('accepted', false);
})->whereHas('job', function($query) {
$query->where('division_id', 1);
})->wherehas('event', function($query) use ($date) {
$query->where('date', '>=', $date);
