php ssl error when trying to connect to xmpp ejabberd server - php

i tried to connect to my xmpp server using php with this library: but get this following error:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /var/www/html/cobaxmpp/vendor/fabiang/xmpp/src/Stream/SocketClient.php on line 210
here is my code
$logger = new Logger('xmpp');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG));
$hostname = '';
$port = 5222;
$connectionType = 'tcp';
$address = "$connectionType://$hostname:$port";
$username = 'tom';
$password = 'password';
$options = new Options($address);
$client = new Client($options);
$client->send(new Roster);
$client->send(new Presence);
$client->send(new Message);
what am i missing?


I tried to connect MQTTS with my HTTPS server but it didn't work. It works fine on MQTTX but with PHP it doesn't connect

I tried to connect MQTTS with my HTTPS server but it didn't work. It works fine on MQTTX but with PHP it doesn't connect.
$server = 'myServer';
$port = '8883';
$clientId = 'testing';
$username = 'XXXX';
$password = 'XXXX';
$clean_session = false;
$connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings();
->setLastWillMessage('client disconnect')
$mqtt = new MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId);
$mqtt->connect($connectionSettings, $clean_session);
$mqtt->subscribe('mytopic/respond', function ($topic, $message) use ($mqtt) {
echo $message;
}, 2);
How to connect MQTTS with PHP.
Looking at the source code for the phpMQTT library you need to pass a cafile in the constructor to enable a SSL/TLS connection.
$mqtt = new MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId, $cafile);
Where the cafile is the path to a CA certificate to validate the broker.
OK, first answer was against the wrong phpMQTT library, trying again.
The correct library is here:
From the doc:
// This flag determines if TLS should be used for the connection. The port which is used to
// connect to the broker must support TLS connections.
->setLastWillMessage('client disconnect')
For connecting MQTTS we need to add three additional params into the connectionSettings
->setTlsSelfSignedAllowed(true) // Allow self-signed certificates. Discouraged for production use.
->setTlsVerifyPeer(false) // Do not require the self-signed certificate to match the host. Discouraged.
$server = 'myServer';
$port = '8883';
$clientId = 'testing';
$username = 'XXXX';
$password = 'XXXX';
$clean_session = false;
$connectionSettings = (new ConnectionSettings)
->setLastWillMessage('client disconnect')
->setTlsSelfSignedAllowed(true) // Allow self-signed certificates. Discouraged for production use.
->setTlsVerifyPeer(false) // Do not require the self-signed certificate to match the host. Discouraged.
$mqtt = new MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId);
$mqtt->connect($connectionSettings, $clean_session);
$mqtt->subscribe('mytopic/respond', function ($topic, $message) use ($mqtt) {
echo $message;
}, 2);

PHP connection string to remote database ORA-12154

I have 2 computers:
PC 1 - Here is where I installed the XAMPP.
PC 2 - Here is where my database which is Oracle 9i is installed.
I am using PHP 7 and already added PDO_OCI extension.
Here is my connection string:
define("DB_HOST", "");
define("DB_NAME", "BACKEND");
define("DB_USER", "sa");
define("DB_PASS", "sa_backend");
new PDO('oci:dbname='. DB_NAME . ';host='. DB_HOST .';', DB_USER, DB_PASS);
When I used this code I am getting this error:
Warning: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: pdo_oci_handle_factory: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (ext\pdo_oci\oci_driver.c:709)
$server = "";
$db_username = "sa";
$db_password = "sa_backend";
$service_name = "backend";
$sid = "backend";
$port = 1521;
$dbtns = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $server)(PORT = $port)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = $service_name) (SERVER = SHARED) (SID = $sid)))";
$this->dbh = new PDO("oci:dbname=" . $dbtns . ";charset=utf8", $db_username, $db_password, array(
I used this code I found on other stackoverflow link. Now I am getting this error
SQLSTATE[HY000]: pdo_oci_handle_factory: ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server (ext\pdo_oci\oci_driver.c:728)
I tried to updated the process to 200 even to 400 but the error is still the same.

docusign php api login example is not working

I am not succeeding to login into docusign with PHP API. I am getting error
with timeout. But most interestingly I am able to login via REST client
on address with header which is below
X-DocuSign-Authentication: <DocuSignCredentials><Username></Username><Password>somepasss</Password><IntegratorKey>TEST-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Does any one have any idea of this error cause? (php configuration, modules extensions? Firewall? geo location restrictions? )
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DocuSign\eSign\ApiException' with message 'API call to timed out: a:26:{s:3:"url";s:54:"";s:12:"content_type";N;s:9:"http_code";i:0;s:11:"header_size";i:0;s:12:"request_size";i:0;s:8:"filetime";i:-1;s:17:"ssl_verify_result";i:1;s:14:"redirect_count";i:0;s:10:"total_time";d:0.842999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875;s:15:"namelookup_time";d:0.51500000000000001332267629550187848508358001708984375;s:12:"connect_time";d:0.6870000000000000550670620214077644050121307373046875;s:16:"pretransfer_time";d:0;s:11:"size_upload";d:0;s:13:"size_download";d:0;s:14:"speed_download";d:0;s:12:"speed_upload";d:0;s:23:"download_content_length";d:-1;s:21:"upload_content_length";d:-1;s:18:"starttransfer_time";d:0;s:13:"redirect_time";d:0;s:12:"redirect_url";s:0:"";s:10:"primary_ip";s:14:"";s:8:"certinfo";a:0:{}s:12:"primary_port";i:443;s:8:"local_ip";s:13:"";s:10:"local in C:\xampp\htdocs\localbits\ds\docusign\src\ApiClient.php on line 233
( ! ) DocuSign\eSign\ApiException: API call to timed out: a:26:{s:3:"url";s:54:"";s:12:"content_type";N;s:9:"http_code";i:0;s:11:"header_size";i:0;s:12:"request_size";i:0;s:8:"filetime";i:-1;s:17:"ssl_verify_result";i:1;s:14:"redirect_count";i:0;s:10:"total_time";d:0.842999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875;s:15:"namelookup_time";d:0.51500000000000001332267629550187848508358001708984375;s:12:"connect_time";d:0.6870000000000000550670620214077644050121307373046875;s:16:"pretransfer_time";d:0;s:11:"size_upload";d:0;s:13:"size_download";d:0;s:14:"speed_download";d:0;s:12:"speed_upload";d:0;s:23:"download_content_length";d:-1;s:21:"upload_content_length";d:-1;s:18:"starttransfer_time";d:0;s:13:"redirect_time";d:0;s:12:"redirect_url";s:0:"";s:10:"primary_ip";s:14:"";s:8:"certinfo";a:0:{}s:12:"primary_port";i:443;s:8:"local_ip";s:13:"";s:10:"local_port";i:38524;} in C:\xampp\htdocs\localbits\ds\docusign\src\ApiClient.php on line 233
and the php code is below:
class DocuSignSample
public function login()
$username = "__some email__";
$password = "__some password___";
$integrator_key = "TEST-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$host = "";
$config = new DocuSign\eSign\Configuration();
$config->addDefaultHeader("X-DocuSign-Authentication", "{\"Username\":\"" . $username . "\",\"Password\":\"" . $password . "\",\"IntegratorKey\":\"" . $integrator_key . "\"}");
$apiClient = new DocuSign\eSign\ApiClient($config);
$authenticationApi = new DocuSign\eSign\Api\AuthenticationApi($apiClient);
$options = new \DocuSign\eSign\Api\AuthenticationApi\LoginOptions();
$loginInformation = $authenticationApi->login($options);
if (isset($loginInformation) && count($loginInformation) > 0) {
$loginAccount = $loginInformation->getLoginAccounts()[0];
if (isset($loginInformation)) {
$accountId = $loginAccount->getAccountId();
if (!empty($accountId)) {
echo $accountId;
$dss = new DocuSignSample();
Worked for me.
I was experiencing difficulties to use API up until I found that it is needed to have a signed ssl with http server and php or there is also insecure solution which is simply to disable ssl checking in curl (curl was cause of this inconvenience):
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

Create mysql database using cpanel api

I am trying to create mysql database using cpanel xmlapi.
After search on google i found the below code.
$auth_user = 'XXXXXX';
$auth_pass = 'XXXXX';
$server = '';
$json_client = new \xmlapi($server);
$json_client->password_auth($auth_user, $auth_pass);
# Create Database
$result = $json_client->api1_query($auth_user, 'Mysql', 'adddb',array($shop->alias));
After running this code I got this error:
string(202) "{"cpanelresult":{"apiversion":"2","error":"The “cpanel_jsonapi_module†parameter is required.","data":{"reason":"The “cpanel_jsonapi_module†parameter is required.","result":"0"},"type":"text"}}"

Unable to connect to SMTP with PHPMailer but am able to connect on Pingability

I'm getting SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111) 2015-09-01 13:30:34 SMTP connect() failed when attempting to connect to an Exchange server to send mail with PHPMailer. I don't think it's a problem with the credentials because I used the same credentials to test on and I'm able to connect and send without any issues. The openssl extension is enabled as well.
Code I'm using:
require_once 'vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
$emailer = new PHPMailer();
$emailer->SMTPDebug = 2;
$emailer->Host = "";
$emailer->Username = "xxxxx";
$emailer->Password = "xxxxx";
$emailer->Port = 25;
$emailer->From = "";
$emailer->FromName = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$emailer->Subject = "Reset Your Password";
$emailer->Body = "To reset your password, please visit this link:<br>" . $link;
$emailer->AddAddress( $email );
$emailer->AddAddress( "" );
