Twitter API friendships/create array - php

hi i use TwitterAPIExchange to follow users
i use this code to create friendships
$url_follow = '';
$requestMethodd = 'POST';
$fields = array('user_id'=> $response);
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settingss);
$responsee = $twitter->setPostfields($fields)->buildOauth($url_follow, $requestMethodd)->performRequest();
$response is array contain ids
{"errors":[{"code":108,"message":"Cannot find specified user."}]}
i need use array not id


How to get big record data from external API in laravel 5.7

I want to get 28,000 records data from external API.
For this, I use nusoap_client. However, when I test it I don't get any data and I don't get any error.
This is my function:
public function get_all(){
$url = "http://xxx.xx.x.xx:xxx/services/Pending?wsdl";
$client = new \nusoap_client($url, 'wsdl');
$pDate = isset($_GET["Date"]) ? $_GET["Date"] : '26/2/2017 01:01:01';
$operation = 'getPendingData';
$param1 = array(
'Date' => $Date,
$result = $client->call($operation, $param1);
In the API I must get data starting from 26/02/2017 01:01:01. When I test it I don't get any data. When I changed date to 27/02/2017 01:01:01 I got 759 records data.
How to fix this?

Get data from put request Yii2

I do rest API. To update data using a PUT request
Try get data:
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$request = $request->post();
$name = $request["name"];
As a result, I get null. How to fix it?
To get data sent in request body by PUT or PATCH request, you should use getBodyParam() or getBodyParams()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
// returns all parameters
$params = $request->getBodyParams();
// returns the parameter "id"
$param = $request->getBodyParam('id');
Data from PUT download like POST
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$id = $request->get('id');
$name = $request->get('name');
$days = $request->get('days');

Evernote php - get notes from linked notebook

I am using this SDK -
I can find notes in the my own notebooks, something like this:
$client = new \Evernote\Client($token, false);
$search = new \Evernote\Model\Search('*');
$notebook = $client->getNotebook('notebook_id');
$scope = \Evernote\Client::SEARCH_SCOPE_ALL;
$order = \Evernote\Client::SORT_ORDER_REVERSE | \Evernote\Client::SORT_ORDER_RECENTLY_CREATED;
$results = $client->findNotesWithSearch($search, $notebook, $scope, $order, 20);
It works, but if I try get notes from linked notebooks, it get empty result all time.
Tried implement this -
$adClient = new \Evernote\AdvancedClient($token ,false);
$store = $adClient->getSharedNoteStore('linked_notbook_id');
$client = new \Evernote\Client($store->getToken(), false);
$search = new \Evernote\Model\Search('*');
$notebook = $carrier->getLinkedNotebooks()[0];
$scope = \Evernote\Client::SEARCH_SCOPE_ALL;
$order = \Evernote\Client::SORT_ORDER_REVERSE | \Evernote\Client::SORT_ORDER_RECENTLY_CREATED;
$results = $client->findNotesWithSearch($search, $notebook, $scope, $order, 20);
The same, empty result.
Where did this $carrier come from?
$notebook = $carrier->getLinkedNotebooks()[0];
Assuming it's $client, LinkedNotebook from the SharedNoteStore is assigned to $notebook and it is passed to findNotesWithSearch, which doesn't seem right.
The LinkedNotebook object is for the user who is shared a notebook with. So calling that API with SharedNoteStore is probably not what you want. See
The type of second argument of findNotesWithSearch is Notebook. notebookGuid can be found in SharedNotebook.

PHP - How to get tweet count, following count, follower count and like count from Twitter REST api?

I have the following code to request follower count from twitter api.
* Requires the "Twitter API" wrapper by James Mallison
* to be found at
* The way how to get a follower count was posted by Amal Murali
* on
require_once('twitterapi/TwitterAPIExchange.php'); // adjust server path accordingly
$settings = array(
'oauth_access_token' => "SECRET", // enter your data here
'oauth_access_token_secret' => "SECRET", // enter your data here
'consumer_key' => "SECRET", // enter your data here
'consumer_secret' => "SECRET" // enter your data here
$ta_url = '';
$getfield = '?screen_name=SECRET'; // enter your twitter name without the "#" here
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
->buildOauth($ta_url, $requestMethod)
$data = json_decode($follow_count, true);
$followers_count = $data[0]['user']['followers_count'];
It is working perfectly, but it only gets the follower count. I would also like the tweet count, following count, and like count.
According to the twitter api documentation the ones I need are all available from They are called:
Tweets = "statuses_count", Following = "friends_count", Likes = "favourites_count"
Problem is I can't work out how to adapt the code to call for all 4 variables. I did try just repeating the GET request and changing the variable names but it didn't seem to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
A big thank you to OldPadawan, his code worked perfectly.
This is what the final code looks like:
* Requires the "Twitter API" wrapper by James Mallison
* to be found at
* The way how to get a follower count was posted by Amal Murali
* on
require_once('twitterapi/TwitterAPIExchange.php'); // adjust server path accordingly
$settings = array(
'oauth_access_token' => "xxxxx", // enter your data here
'oauth_access_token_secret' => "xxxxx", // enter your data here
'consumer_key' => "Xxxxx", // enter your data here
'consumer_secret' => "xxxxx" // enter your data here
$ta_url = '';
$getfield = '?screen_name=ConsoleRepairHQ'; // enter your twitter name without the "#" here
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
->buildOauth($ta_url, $requestMethod)
$data = json_decode($follow_count, true);
foreach($data as $tweets) { // we run through the array
$followers = $tweets['user']['followers_count'];
$friends = $tweets['user']['friends_count'];
$likes = $tweets['user']['favourites_count'];
$statuses = $tweets['user']['statuses_count'];
} // end of loop
Once you get the json response from Twitter, you treat it as an array and use foreach
see example of a response array from Twitter Dev Doc
see PHP Doc foreach
In your case, after :
$data = json_decode($follow_count, true);
You can print the array to see what it looks like (just for information, not needed later) but it makes it easier to understand the logic and where data is stored (can be different array structure)
What you need, is to add this :
$data = json_decode($follow_count, true);
print_r($data); // just checking, not needed later
foreach($data as $tweets) { // we run through the array
// here's an example of the structure and how you access it
// compare to the printed array if you need more information
$tweet = $tweets['text'];
$name = $tweets['user']['name'];
$turl = $tweets['user']['url'];
$followers = $tweets['user']['followers_count'];
$friends = $tweets['user']['friends_count'];
$likes = $tweets['user']['favourites_count'];
echo "Tweet: $tweet ($name / $turl) -> followed by : $followers -> friends: $friends -> likes: $likes<br />";
} // end of loop
And you're done. Hope this helps :)

Signing errors from Withings Rest API

I have an app that is successfully getting authorized using Withing's api and OAuth.
I get the auth page from whitings, and I get the resulting token and verifier, however I can not make requests with those - I keep getting a 342 error: The signature (using Oauth) is invalid.
$domain = "";
$base = "/account/";
$base_url = "https://$domain$base";
$hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
$consumer = new OAuthConsumer("my key goes here :-)", "my key goes here :-)", "");
$sig_method = $hmac_method;
$mySQL=" select * from `healthtokens` where service='WITHINGS' and userid='".$username."'";
$data=mysql_query($mySQL) or die("Died at 2<BR>".mysql_error());
$tokenrow = mysql_fetch_array( $data );
$acc_tok = new OAuthToken($otoken,$overifier);
$req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, $acc_tok, "GET", "".$serviceuserid);
$req->sign_request($sig_method, $consumer, $acc_tok);
$response = file_get_contents($req);
echo $response;
Withings API docs:
An example of my call:
I know it sounds silly and it gave me some headaches too, but the "funny" thing with oauth 1 (or at least withings) is, that the order of the parameters is important.
Try using the EXACT order as in the withings oauth sample (
