I am developing a custom theme in WordPress, and am trying to put custom HTML and PHP in my home page template. Whenever I am posting code for divs or custom fields in my home page template, they are simply not rendering and displaying on the front end. In the example below, the <div class="col-full"> is not being shown on the front end.
Template Name: home
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div class="col-full">
<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Looking at your code, you've set it up as a template file. These need to be manually selected from the page as the template for it to work.
I'd recommend consulting the wordpress template hierarchy https://wphierarchy.com/. This shows you which files will try to be loaded based on what page you're visiting.
If you're still having trouble, i'd suggest installing the plugin https://en-au.wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/, which will tell you the template being loaded as well as other handy information.
So, i finally got my css and js scripts to load on WP
Now there is but one thing i need to get done.
i have my own theme, including header.php, footer.php, page.php
header.php and footer.php is working just fine, loading scripts and showing properly, but now i need to add all the other content.
my page.php is currently:
<?php /* Template Name: CustomPageT1 */ ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
I would need to somehow add html content to pages, i have about 20 ready made .php pages which needs to be transfered to WP.
Soooo how do i go about making new page (pages -> add new) and using page template while getting the html content to show up?
I've tried to just make new page and in text mode add up all the html into page, but it only shows empty page with header and footer, so the problem is most likely the page.php and i have no idea how to get it to work.
You can do look like this:
<?php /* Template Name: CustomPageT1 */ ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<?php get_footer(); ?>
You are on the good way. While developing a custom theme from scratch is a great challenge it's not too hard.
I could recommend to take it easy and follow this tutorial I found really helpful some time ago, I learned a lot there:
Developing a WordPress Theme from Scratch
You must have the official source documentation always in your mind:
Theme Development
Do some reading and you will see that making themes is really fun and gratifying :)
I would recommend picking a good starter theme or framework and work using child themes. You have plenty of them to pick.
To get started adding a new page to your WordPress site, find the Pages menu in the WordPress Dashboard Navigation menu. Click Add new.
The WordPress page editor looks nearly identical to the post editor, except for a few different boxes located on the right side of the screen.
Add the title of the page, like About. Note: If you have pretty permalinks set up, the title of your page will also be the URL slug.
Next, add some content.
The Publish section of the page editor is exactly the same as for writing posts. When you’re ready to publish, you can either publish immediately, save this or a draft, or schedule the page to be published later.
The Page Attributes section applies a parent page and template to your new page. For the Parent section, you can arrange your pages into hierarchies. For example, you could create this new page with additional pages under it. There are no limits to how many levels you can nest pages.
Some WordPress themes have custom page templates, so the next Template section allows you to apply a template to your new page.
The Order box allows you to order your page numerically. Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number in this field.
Preview the page one last time, then click Publish. You’ve added a new page to your WordPress site.
This is how your
your index.php should look like :
<div class="YourContainer">
<div class="Whatever">
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="ContentSectionDiv">
<?php the_content();?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer();?>
you can make also a custom loop
$arg = array("post_type" => "services",
"posts_per_page" => 9,
"order_by" => "date",
"order" => "ASC",
$services = new WP_Query($arg);
if ($services->have_posts()):;
while ($services->have_posts()):$services->the_post();
I have a weird problem. I'm trying to make custom template for WordPress.
index.php works perfectly fine - everything what should load, loads with no problems.
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if ( is_home() &&function_exists('get_template_part')) get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
But when I create a new page, like promotions.php and put custom code, It does not show up on the page. I can see only header & footer section. It looks like I didn't put any code at all.
You can make custom page templates like so
* Template name: custom-name
if (is_home()) {
get_template_part('content', get_post_format());
get_footer(); ?>
And then inside WordPress you can edit the page. On the right side below publish you can see default template. Choose your template and hit save.
See the image below for further instructions.
Use flush_rewrite_rules() function one time in functions.php.
All should works after that.
I m building a word press site with a unique theme that i created, now i got like 10 classes of different styles for the static pages in my site.
The question is, when i want to display the content of the page, with all the forms images and text, how should i do that? With the text editor where the user usually insert his content for the posts in regular wp website? Or should i insert the content images and forms hard coded in the php custom page template of those static pages?
In the text editor if i insert some html in edit as html it's becoming a mess it doesn't seems right to create sections and div where the user regularly just put his raw content, and anyway adding more content to a static page in the future will require my intervention to wrap it with css sections and div's definitions and classes...
By the other hand to write raw data with images and forms in the php custom page template doesn't seems to me the right choice... Is it normal to do so for static pages?
Thanks everyone!
Wordpress static pages, by default contains text and images that you can put into it using the Wordpress text editor. This content is known as "The Content" in WP context.
If you want to put into your static page some elements that cannot be setted by the text editor (like your own forms, per example) you'll need to create your own page template with hard-coded elements.
<?php /* Template Name: My custom page template */ ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div id="article">
<div class="date"></div>
<!-- Your own custom content here -->
<div class="clear">
<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?><div id="comments"><?php comments_template('', true); ?> </div>
</div><?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
I normally will put those styles into styles.css of your theme. Even if it's images that will be standard images for the theme or shortcodes available to the user you want it to load from within the styles.css page. You don't want to do anything static like that with WordPress. Updates can mess it up as well as having issues with inline css messing up your SEO for the site.
If the user needs to do something in the editor to have an image show or something like that you can do it as a shortcode. That's normally going to be your best approach. Have you used shortcodes and loaded the images that before?
I'm currently doing some refactoring on an existing wordpress website that uses 9 page templates and I have the following problem:
All these pages have the same code written to display the header, the sidebar etc.
I wonder if it's possible for me to have a "parent" page that would be in charge of displaying those recurring template parts?
The reason I can't manage to do it is that only the page template file is called and no parent file.
That's what I would like to achieve:
// page-master.php
get_page_content(); // includes the actual page template.
I hope you understand what I'm looking for :)
Thanks in advance!
Create template your-name.php
Put that code
Template Name: Your Name
get_template_part(template-hepler/your-name-content.php); // includes the actual page template.
Create your-name-content.php in template-helper folder
And write there your page content
Assing that template to nessasary pages
I wish to add a custom page to wordpress, not in the usual sort of way. This page has my own custom script and functions and to develop a plugin is beyond my means so I was wondering if this is possible:
Suppose I were to build it on the existing page.php script in my there folder, my script looks something like this:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="left-area" class="clearfix">
//My script would go here
<div class="comments">
<?php comments_template('',true); ?>
</div><!-- end of comments div -->
</div><!-- end of left-area -->
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Is this even possible? I tried and got a page not found error. And if so, how do I call this script assuming WP is installed in the root directory? Example: www.mysite.com/myscript
Absolutely. Duplicate page.php. Rename it to template_mine.php. Open to edit, and before the get_header tag, add:
// Template Name: My Custom template (choose something more descriptive, like contact page)
Go to Wordpress dashboard for pages, create a new page with your title, and in the Page attributes on the right hand side, under templates, select your template name, update, and you are all set.
Reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#Creating_Your_Own_Page_Templates