Optimise search in JSON with strings in ascending order - php

I have this JSON here
At the root, there is a command(property) as wp which has 39 sub-commands(sub-properties) as cache, cap, checksum...etc, where each has its own subcommands and this goes up to 4 levels
The better part is that all subcommands are arranged in ascending order, i.e.; strings are arranged in ascending order.
I want to traverse and search whether a command like wp site create or wp term delete exists in the JSON tree. I don't want to iterate using a for loop due to huge time complexity. It's been too long since I've completed my engineering and if my memory serves correctly, a tree structure would greatly improvise the search time.
Can anyone point me to the right direction on achieving this? I'm using PHP as my language.

here's a binary search solution, you'll need to put your json into a file...
NOTE: because wp isn't in a subcommands array you can't search for it
function binarySearch(&$myArray, $search, $start, $end)
$middle = ($start + $end) >> 1; // divide by 2
if ($middle >= $start) {
if ($search > $myArray[$middle]['name']) { // $search must be in top half of array
$result = binarySearch($myArray, $search, $middle + 1, $end);
} elseif ($search < $myArray[$middle]['name']) { // $search must be in bottom half of array
$result = binarySearch($myArray, $search, $start, $middle - 1);
} else { // $search is here
$result = $middle;
} else {
$result = false; // $search not found
return $result;
function findCommand($arrFound, $strFind)
$arrFind = explode(' ', $strFind);
while ($arrFound !== false and list($key, $strCommand) = each($arrFind)) {
$arrSearch = $arrFound['subcommands'];
if (($key = binarySearch($arrSearch, $strCommand, 0, count($arrSearch) - 1)) === false) {
$arrFound = false;
} else {
$arrFound = $arrSearch[$key];
return $arrFound;
// get json from file and convert it to an array
$arrJson = json_decode(file_get_contents('items.json'), true);
$arrCommand = findCommand($arrJson, 'site create');
$arrCommand = findCommand($arrJson, 'term delete');

though using native functions array_search() and array_column() will probably be quicker
function findCommand($arrFound, $strFind)
$arrFind = explode(' ', $strFind);
while ($arrFound !== false and list($key, $strCommand) = each($arrFind)) {
$arrSearch = $arrFound['subcommands'];
if (($key = array_search($strCommand, array_column($arrSearch, 'name'))) === false) {
$arrFound = false;
} else {
$arrFound = $arrSearch[$key];
return $arrFound;
// get json from file and convert it to an array
$arrJson = json_decode(file_get_contents('items.json'), true);
$arrCommand = findCommand($arrJson, 'site create');
$arrCommand = findCommand($arrJson, 'term delete');


Best way to search misspelled words in MYSQL [duplicate]

I was wondering if anyone knows of any library, script, or service that can spell check a string and return a suggestion of the properly spelled word or suggestions if more that one properly spelled word that it could be written in PHP.
I would prefer if there wasn't a limit on the amount of queries I could do, so not like Google's APIs.
It would be great if it could function like this:
// string to be spell checked stored in variable
$misspelledString = "The quick brown lama jumped over the lazy dog.";
//pass that variable to function
//function returns suggestion or suggestions as an array of string or strings
$suggestion = spellCheck($misspelledString);
echo "Did you mean ".$suggestion[0];
You can try the included Pspell functions:
Or an external plugin, like this one:
Check this SO question for an example.
Not quite as nice an API as in your example, but Pspell would be an option. It may already be included with your system copy of PHP. You'll need aspell libraries for each language you want to check.
On my debian based machine, it's included in the system repositories as a separate package, php5-pspell.
You need to have "pspell" PHP extension, you can install it on Linux using CLI:
sudo apt-get install php-pspell;
sudo service apache2 restart;
The code is very simple:
if ($word = $_GET['word']) {
$spellLink = pspell_new("en");
if (!pspell_check($spellLink, $word)) {
$suggestions = pspell_suggest($spellLink, $word);
echo '<p>Did you mean: <i>"'.$suggestions[0].'"</i>?</p>';
I attempted to create a class that takes a list of phrases and compares that to the user inputs. What I was trying to do is get things like Porshre Ceyman to correct to Porsche Cayman for example.
This class requires an array of correct terms $this->full_model_list , and an array of the user input $search_terms. I took out the contruct so you will need to pass in the full_model_list. Note, this didn't fully work so I decided to scrap it, it was adapted from someone looking to correct large sentences ...
You would call it like so:
$sth = new SearchTermHelper;
$resArr = $sth->spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
Code (VERY BETA) :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: Search Term Helper Class
// PURPOSE: Handles finding matches and such with search terms for keyword searching.
// DETAILS: Functions below build search combinations, find matches, look for spelling issues in words etc.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchTermHelper
public $full_model_list;
private $inv;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return an array of metaphones for each word in a string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private function getMetaPhone($phrase)
$metaphones = array();
$words = str_word_count($phrase, 1);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$metaphones[] = metaphone($word);
return $metaphones;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return the closest matching string found in $this->searchAgainst when compared to $this->input
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $input, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3, $lower_case = true, $search_in_phrases = true)
if (empty($searchAgainst) || empty($input)) return "";
//weed out strings we thing are too small for this
if (strlen($input) <= $min_str) return $input;
$foundbestmatch = -1;
if ($lower_case) $input = strtolower($input);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $s) {
$counts[] = strlen($s);
array_multisort($counts, $searchAgainst);
//get the metaphone equivalent for the input phrase
$tempInput = implode(" ", $this->getMetaPhone($input));
$list = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $phrase) {
if ($lower_case) $phrase = strtolower($phrase);
if ($search_in_phrases) $phraseArr = explode(" ",$phrase);
foreach ($phraseArr as $word) {
//get the metaphone equivalent for each phrase we're searching against
$tempSearchAgainst = implode(' ', $this->getMetaPhone($word));
$similarity = levenshtein($tempInput, $tempSearchAgainst);
if ($similarity == 0) // we found an exact match
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = 0;
echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
if ($similarity <= $foundbestmatch || $foundbestmatch < 0) {
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = $similarity;
//keep score
if (array_key_exists($closest, $list)) {
//echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
$list[$closest] += 1;
} else {
$list[$closest] = 1;
if ($similarity == 0 || $similarity <= $max_tolerance) break;
// if we find a bunch of a value, assume it to be what we wanted
if (!empty($list)) {
if ($most_occuring = array_keys($list, max($list)) && max($list) > 10) {
return $closest;
//echo "input:".$input."(".$foundbestmatch.") match: ".$closest."\n";
// disallow results to be all that much different in char length (if you want)
if (abs(strlen($closest) - strlen($input)) > $max_length_diff) return "";
// based on tolerance of difference, return if match meets this requirement (0 = exact only 1 = close, 20+ = far)
return ((int)$foundbestmatch <= (int)$max_tolerance) ? $closest : "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Handles passing arrays instead of a string above ( could have done this in the func above )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnArray($searchAgainst, $inputArray, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3)
$results = array();
$tempStr = '';
foreach ($inputArray as $item) {
if ($tmpStr = $this->findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $item, $max_tolerance, $max_length_diff, $min_str))
$results[] = $tmpStr;
return (!empty($results)) ? $results : $results = array();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Build combos of search terms -- So we can check Cayman S or S Cayman etc.
// careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function buildSearchCombinations(&$set, &$results)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($set); $i++) {
$results[] = $set[$i];
$tempset = $set;
array_splice($tempset, $i, 1);
$tempresults = array();
$this->buildSearchCombinations($tempset, $tempresults);
foreach ($tempresults as $res) {
$results[] = trim($set[$i]) . " " . trim($res);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Model match function -- Get best model match from user input.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestSearchMatches($model_type, $search_terms, $models_list)
$partial_search_phrases = array();
if (count($search_terms) > 1) {
$this->buildSearchCombinations($search_terms, $partial_search_phrases); // careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
$partial_search_phrases = array_diff($partial_search_phrases, $search_terms);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($search_terms); $i++) $partial_search_phrases[] = $search_terms[$i];
$partial_search_phrases = array_values($partial_search_phrases);
} else {
$partial_search_phrases = $search_terms;
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($models_list as $m) {
$counts[] = strlen($m);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $p) {
$counts[] = strlen($p);
$results = array("exact_match" => '', "partial_match" => '');
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $term) {
foreach ($models_list as $model) {
foreach ($model_type as $mt) {
if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($mt)) !== false) {
if ((strtolower($model) == strtolower($term) || strtolower($model) == strtolower($mt . " " . $term))
) {
// echo " " . $model . " === " . $term . " <br>";
if (strlen($model) > strlen($results['exact_match']) /*|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)*/
) {
$results['exact_match'] = strtolower($model);
return $results;
} else if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($term)) !== false) {
if (strlen($term) > strlen($results['partial_match'])
|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)
) {
$results['partial_match'] = $term;
//return $results;
return $results;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Get all models in DB for Make (e.g. porsche) (could include multiple makes)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function initializeFullModelList($make) {
$this->full_model_list = array();
$modelsDB = $this->inv->getAllModelsForMakeAndCounts($make);
foreach ($modelsDB as $m) {
$this->full_model_list[] = $m['model'];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- spell checker -- use algorithm to check model spelling (could expand to include english words)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
// INPUTS: findBestMatchReturnArray($searchList, $inputArray,$tolerance,$differenceLenTolerance,$ignoreStringsOfLengthX,$useLowerCase);
// $searchList, - The list of items you want to get a match from
// $inputArray, - The user input value or value array
// $tolerance, - How close do we want the match to be 0 = exact, 1 = close, 2 = less close, etc. 20 = find a match 100% of the time
// $lenTolerance, - the number of characters between input and match allowed, ie. 3 would mean match can be +- 3 in length diff
// $ignoreStrLessEq, - min number of chars that must be before checking (i.e. if 3 ignore anything 3 in length to check)
// $useLowerCase - puts the phrases in lower case for easier matching ( not needed per se )
// $searchInPhrases - compare against every word in searchList (which could be groups of words per array item (so search every word past to function
$tolerance = 0; // 1-2 recommended
$lenTolerance = 1; // 1-3 recommended
$ignoreStrLessEq = 3; // may not want to correct tiny words, 3-4 recommended
$useLowercase = true; // convert to lowercase matching = true
$searchInPhrases = true; //match words not phrases, true recommended
$spell_checked_search_terms = $this->findBestMatchReturnArray($this->full_model_list, $search_terms, $tolerance, $lenTolerance, $ignoreStrLessEq, $useLowercase,$searchInPhrases);
$spell_checked_search_terms = array_values($spell_checked_search_terms);
// return spell checked terms
if (!empty($spell_checked_search_terms)) {
if (strpos(strtolower(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)), strtolower(implode(" ", $search_terms))) === false //&&
// strlen(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)) > 4
) {
return $spell_checked_search_terms;
// or just return search terms as is
return $search_terms;

PHP get possible string combination of given array which match with given string

I have an array which contains bunch of strings, and I would like to find all of the possible combinations no matter how it's being sorted that match with given string/word.
$dictionary = ['flow', 'stack', 'stackover', 'over', 'code'];
input: stackoverflow
#1 -> ['stack', 'over', 'flow']
#2 -> ['stackover', 'flow']
What I've tried is, I need to exclude the array's element which doesn't contain in an input string, then tried to match every single merged element with it but I'm not sure and get stuck with this. Can anyone help me to figure the way out of this? thank you in advance, here are my code so far
$dict = ['flow', 'stack', 'stackover', 'over', 'code'];
$word = 'stackoverflow';
$dictHas = [];
foreach ($dict as $w) {
if (strpos($word, $w) !== false) {
$dictHas[] = $w;
$result = [];
foreach ($dictHas as $el) {
foreach ($dictHas as $wo) {
$merge = $el . $wo;
if ($merge == $word) {
} elseif ((strpos($word, $merge) !== false) {
For problems like this you want to use backtracking
function splitString($string, $dict)
$result = [];
//if the string is already empty return empty array
if (empty($string)) {
return $result;
foreach ($dict as $idx => $term) {
if (strpos($string, $term) === 0) {
//if the term is at the start of string
//get the rest of string
$substr = substr($string, strlen($term));
//if all of string has been processed return only current term
if (empty($substr)) {
return [[$term]];
//get the dictionary without used term
$subDict = $dict;
//get results of splitting the rest of string
$sub = splitString($substr, $subDict);
//merge them with current term
if (!empty($sub)) {
foreach ($sub as $subResult) {
$result[] = array_merge([$term], $subResult);
return $result;
$input = "stackoverflow";
$dict = ['flow', 'stack', 'stackover', 'over', 'code'];
$output = splitString($input, $dict);

Data Not Being Parsed Correctly

I have a simple data format that goes as follows:
An example would be:
In order to retrieve a certain piece of data, one would use my parser, which tries to do the following:
In data/test/hello/hello2
You want to retrieve the data under data/test (which is hello). My parser's code is below:
function getData($data, $pattern)
$info = false;
$dataLineArray = explode("\n", $data);
foreach($dataLineArray as &$line)
if (strpos($line,$pattern) !== false) {
$lineArray = explode("/", $line);
$patternArray = explode("/", $pattern);
$iteration = 0;
foreach($lineArray as &$lineData)
if($patternArray[$iteration] == $lineData)
$info = $lineData;
return $info;
However, it always seems to return the last item, which in this case is hello2:
echo getData("data/test/hello/hello2", "data/test");
Gives Me;
What am I doing wrong?
If you want the first element after the pattern, put break in the loop:
foreach($lineArray as $lineData)
if($patternArray[$iteration] == $lineData)
elseif ($iteration == count($patternArray))
$info = $lineData;
I also check $iteration == count($patternArray) so that it won't return intermediate elements, e.g.
will return hello rather than foo.
P.S. There doesn't seem to be any reason to use references instead of ordinary variables in your loops, since you never assign to the reference variables.

Spell check and suggest proper word in PHP

I was wondering if anyone knows of any library, script, or service that can spell check a string and return a suggestion of the properly spelled word or suggestions if more that one properly spelled word that it could be written in PHP.
I would prefer if there wasn't a limit on the amount of queries I could do, so not like Google's APIs.
It would be great if it could function like this:
// string to be spell checked stored in variable
$misspelledString = "The quick brown lama jumped over the lazy dog.";
//pass that variable to function
//function returns suggestion or suggestions as an array of string or strings
$suggestion = spellCheck($misspelledString);
echo "Did you mean ".$suggestion[0];
You can try the included Pspell functions:
Or an external plugin, like this one:
Check this SO question for an example.
Not quite as nice an API as in your example, but Pspell would be an option. It may already be included with your system copy of PHP. You'll need aspell libraries for each language you want to check.
On my debian based machine, it's included in the system repositories as a separate package, php5-pspell.
You need to have "pspell" PHP extension, you can install it on Linux using CLI:
sudo apt-get install php-pspell;
sudo service apache2 restart;
The code is very simple:
if ($word = $_GET['word']) {
$spellLink = pspell_new("en");
if (!pspell_check($spellLink, $word)) {
$suggestions = pspell_suggest($spellLink, $word);
echo '<p>Did you mean: <i>"'.$suggestions[0].'"</i>?</p>';
I attempted to create a class that takes a list of phrases and compares that to the user inputs. What I was trying to do is get things like Porshre Ceyman to correct to Porsche Cayman for example.
This class requires an array of correct terms $this->full_model_list , and an array of the user input $search_terms. I took out the contruct so you will need to pass in the full_model_list. Note, this didn't fully work so I decided to scrap it, it was adapted from someone looking to correct large sentences ...
You would call it like so:
$sth = new SearchTermHelper;
$resArr = $sth->spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
Code (VERY BETA) :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: Search Term Helper Class
// PURPOSE: Handles finding matches and such with search terms for keyword searching.
// DETAILS: Functions below build search combinations, find matches, look for spelling issues in words etc.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchTermHelper
public $full_model_list;
private $inv;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return an array of metaphones for each word in a string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private function getMetaPhone($phrase)
$metaphones = array();
$words = str_word_count($phrase, 1);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$metaphones[] = metaphone($word);
return $metaphones;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- return the closest matching string found in $this->searchAgainst when compared to $this->input
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $input, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3, $lower_case = true, $search_in_phrases = true)
if (empty($searchAgainst) || empty($input)) return "";
//weed out strings we thing are too small for this
if (strlen($input) <= $min_str) return $input;
$foundbestmatch = -1;
if ($lower_case) $input = strtolower($input);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $s) {
$counts[] = strlen($s);
array_multisort($counts, $searchAgainst);
//get the metaphone equivalent for the input phrase
$tempInput = implode(" ", $this->getMetaPhone($input));
$list = array();
foreach ($searchAgainst as $phrase) {
if ($lower_case) $phrase = strtolower($phrase);
if ($search_in_phrases) $phraseArr = explode(" ",$phrase);
foreach ($phraseArr as $word) {
//get the metaphone equivalent for each phrase we're searching against
$tempSearchAgainst = implode(' ', $this->getMetaPhone($word));
$similarity = levenshtein($tempInput, $tempSearchAgainst);
if ($similarity == 0) // we found an exact match
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = 0;
echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
if ($similarity <= $foundbestmatch || $foundbestmatch < 0) {
$closest = $word;
$foundbestmatch = $similarity;
//keep score
if (array_key_exists($closest, $list)) {
//echo "" . $closest . "(" . $foundbestmatch . ") <br>";
$list[$closest] += 1;
} else {
$list[$closest] = 1;
if ($similarity == 0 || $similarity <= $max_tolerance) break;
// if we find a bunch of a value, assume it to be what we wanted
if (!empty($list)) {
if ($most_occuring = array_keys($list, max($list)) && max($list) > 10) {
return $closest;
//echo "input:".$input."(".$foundbestmatch.") match: ".$closest."\n";
// disallow results to be all that much different in char length (if you want)
if (abs(strlen($closest) - strlen($input)) > $max_length_diff) return "";
// based on tolerance of difference, return if match meets this requirement (0 = exact only 1 = close, 20+ = far)
return ((int)$foundbestmatch <= (int)$max_tolerance) ? $closest : "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Handles passing arrays instead of a string above ( could have done this in the func above )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestMatchReturnArray($searchAgainst, $inputArray, $max_tolerance = 200, $max_length_diff = 200, $min_str = 3)
$results = array();
$tempStr = '';
foreach ($inputArray as $item) {
if ($tmpStr = $this->findBestMatchReturnString($searchAgainst, $item, $max_tolerance, $max_length_diff, $min_str))
$results[] = $tmpStr;
return (!empty($results)) ? $results : $results = array();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Build combos of search terms -- So we can check Cayman S or S Cayman etc.
// careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function buildSearchCombinations(&$set, &$results)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($set); $i++) {
$results[] = $set[$i];
$tempset = $set;
array_splice($tempset, $i, 1);
$tempresults = array();
$this->buildSearchCombinations($tempset, $tempresults);
foreach ($tempresults as $res) {
$results[] = trim($set[$i]) . " " . trim($res);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Model match function -- Get best model match from user input.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function findBestSearchMatches($model_type, $search_terms, $models_list)
$partial_search_phrases = array();
if (count($search_terms) > 1) {
$this->buildSearchCombinations($search_terms, $partial_search_phrases); // careful, this is very labor intensive ( O(n^k) )
$partial_search_phrases = array_diff($partial_search_phrases, $search_terms);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($search_terms); $i++) $partial_search_phrases[] = $search_terms[$i];
$partial_search_phrases = array_values($partial_search_phrases);
} else {
$partial_search_phrases = $search_terms;
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
$counts = array();
foreach ($models_list as $m) {
$counts[] = strlen($m);
//sort list or else not best matches may be found first
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $p) {
$counts[] = strlen($p);
$results = array("exact_match" => '', "partial_match" => '');
foreach ($partial_search_phrases as $term) {
foreach ($models_list as $model) {
foreach ($model_type as $mt) {
if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($mt)) !== false) {
if ((strtolower($model) == strtolower($term) || strtolower($model) == strtolower($mt . " " . $term))
) {
// echo " " . $model . " === " . $term . " <br>";
if (strlen($model) > strlen($results['exact_match']) /*|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)*/
) {
$results['exact_match'] = strtolower($model);
return $results;
} else if (strpos(strtolower($model), strtolower($term)) !== false) {
if (strlen($term) > strlen($results['partial_match'])
|| strtolower($term) != strtolower($mt)
) {
$results['partial_match'] = $term;
//return $results;
return $results;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Get all models in DB for Make (e.g. porsche) (could include multiple makes)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function initializeFullModelList($make) {
$this->full_model_list = array();
$modelsDB = $this->inv->getAllModelsForMakeAndCounts($make);
foreach ($modelsDB as $m) {
$this->full_model_list[] = $m['model'];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- spell checker -- use algorithm to check model spelling (could expand to include english words)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function spellCheckModelKeywords($search_terms)
// INPUTS: findBestMatchReturnArray($searchList, $inputArray,$tolerance,$differenceLenTolerance,$ignoreStringsOfLengthX,$useLowerCase);
// $searchList, - The list of items you want to get a match from
// $inputArray, - The user input value or value array
// $tolerance, - How close do we want the match to be 0 = exact, 1 = close, 2 = less close, etc. 20 = find a match 100% of the time
// $lenTolerance, - the number of characters between input and match allowed, ie. 3 would mean match can be +- 3 in length diff
// $ignoreStrLessEq, - min number of chars that must be before checking (i.e. if 3 ignore anything 3 in length to check)
// $useLowerCase - puts the phrases in lower case for easier matching ( not needed per se )
// $searchInPhrases - compare against every word in searchList (which could be groups of words per array item (so search every word past to function
$tolerance = 0; // 1-2 recommended
$lenTolerance = 1; // 1-3 recommended
$ignoreStrLessEq = 3; // may not want to correct tiny words, 3-4 recommended
$useLowercase = true; // convert to lowercase matching = true
$searchInPhrases = true; //match words not phrases, true recommended
$spell_checked_search_terms = $this->findBestMatchReturnArray($this->full_model_list, $search_terms, $tolerance, $lenTolerance, $ignoreStrLessEq, $useLowercase,$searchInPhrases);
$spell_checked_search_terms = array_values($spell_checked_search_terms);
// return spell checked terms
if (!empty($spell_checked_search_terms)) {
if (strpos(strtolower(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)), strtolower(implode(" ", $search_terms))) === false //&&
// strlen(implode(" ", $spell_checked_search_terms)) > 4
) {
return $spell_checked_search_terms;
// or just return search terms as is
return $search_terms;

URI segment to associative array in code igniter

I have following url:
and I want to convert it to associative array like
'Doctor'=> 'a',
'Gender'=> 'Male',
'Language'=> 'Urdu'
I have tried to do this using codeIgniter's URI class function
but as it accepts the data to be separated via '/' but I am having data with ':' as separator.
please help me.
I don't think there's an easier way to do this, rather than to do it manually.
First, retrieve the total segments, loop through, see if it contains ":", then add it into the array.
$segments = $this->uri->segment_array();
$search_array = array();
foreach($segments as $segment) {
if (strpos($segment, ":") !== FALSE) {
$e_array = explode(":", $segment);
$search_array[$e_array[0]] = $e_array[1];
Running that snippet somewhere will give you desirable results, $search_array will be an associative array with key => value.
You could hack the URI.php file. Change lines 431 - 439 to;
if (strpos($seg, ":") !== FALSE) {
list($parameter, $value) = explode(':', $seg);
if ($i % 2) {
$retval[$parameter] = $value;
} else {
$retval[$parameter] = $value;
$lastval = $seg;
} else {
if ($i % 2) {
$retval[$lastval] = $seg;
} else {
$retval[$seg] = FALSE;
$lastval = $seg;
